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GOD IS MARK 11:1-11 Series: The Good News of Jesus Christ - Part Thirty Four Pastor Stephen Muncherian January 6, 2019 |
Please stand with me
as we come before God’s word. And as we
read together Mark 11:1-11 which is our passage for
this morning. Now
when they drew near to Jerusalem, to Bethphage and
Bethany, at the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two of His
disciples and said to them, “Go into the village in
front of you, and immediately as you enter it you will
find a colt tied, on which no one has ever sat. Untie it and
bring it. If
anyone says to you, ‘Why are you doing this?’ say,
‘The Lord has need of it and will send it back here
immediately.’” And
they went away and found a colt tied at a door outside
in the street, and they untied it. And some of
those standing there said to them, “What are you
doing, untying the colt?” And they told them what Jesus had said, and
they let them go. And they brought the colt to Jesus and
threw their cloaks on it, and He sat on it. And many
spread their cloaks on the road, and others spread
leafy branches that they had cut from the fields. And those
who went before and those who followed were shouting,
“Hosanna! Blessed
is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is
the coming kingdom of our father David! Hosanna in
the highest!” And He entered Jerusalem and went into
the Temple. And
when He had looked around at everything, as it was
already late, He went out to Bethany with the twelve.
2018 for many of us
was not an easy year.
As if there are any easy years. But some
years - some seasons of life - seem harder than
others. We
had stuff going on that was not easy to move through. And we’re
still moving through it.
Many of you - probably anyone who’s breathing -
can easily relate to that. Expanding outward -
looking at the community and the country and the world
we live in - we know that things have never been 100%
wonderful. But
we live in a world broken by sin and sometimes it just
seems easier to see that brokenness. Sometimes - even as
Christians - sometimes we look at all of what we’re
going through and what’s around us - and we have
trouble seeing where God is in any of that. Do ever
wonder - Where is God in this? We know the answer. He is. But -
honestly - there are times when we’d like a little
more visibility in that answer. Are we
tracking? That’s the
introduction to where we’re going this morning. The big
picture to hang on to - for the passage we just read. Question: Where is God
in all this? Answer: He is. Between now and
Resurrection Sunday - coming up in April - we’re going
to be looking at Mark’s record of Jesus’ last week of
ministry heading to the cross and the resurrection. All of Jesus’
ministry needs to be viewed from the perspective of
this one week of ministry. From this
one week everything else Jesus did and said gets put
into perspective.
This one week of ministry is core - essential - to
understanding what it means that God is – all in with
what we’re into and going through. Mark’s account of
Jesus entering Jerusalem - Day One of the week - what
we call Palm Sunday - Mark’s account has three
significant parts that we want to explore as we’re
looking to what God may desire to reveal to us this
morning. The first significant
part of Mark’s account focuses on The Colt. Mark begins in verse
1 - Mark begins by telling us that Jesus and the
disciples drew near to Jerusalem, to Bethphage and
Bethany. When we last looked
at Mark - Jesus and the disciples were where? Just outside
Jericho. Jesus purposefully
moving from Galilee to Jerusalem and to the cross. Jericho was
a stopping point on the journey to Jerusalem that
Jesus and His disciples have been on. And also at Jericho
there were hundreds - if not thousands - of others who
are also traveling to Jerusalem because it is almost
the high holy feasts of Passover, Unleavened Bread,
First Fruits - and 50 days after Passover the end of
harvest festival Shavuot - or what we know as...
Pentecost. Jericho was the last
stop on that Pilgrimage.
The place where people stopped and prepared for
the final 20 mile ascent up to Jerusalem. What would
normally take someone 1 day to walk - walking up hill. Here in chapter 11
Mark picks up that journey and tells us that Jesus and
the disciples have now ascended those 20 miles to the
outskirts of Jerusalem.
Probably on Friday or Saturday they’ve arrived
at the town of Bethany.
And now on Sunday morning they’re moving
through Bethphage
to Jerusalem. Looking at our next
map. Bethany
is about 2 miles east of Jerusalem. Between
Bethany and Jerusalem - on the eastern slope of the
Mount of Olives is the little village of Bethphage. Into which
Jesus sends the disciples - with some very specific
instructions - to get the colt that Jesus is going to
ride on into Jerusalem. Which they do. And - just
as Jesus suggested would happen - as they’re untying
the colt they get asked “What are you doing?” Which seems like a
logical question.
“What are you doing with our colt?” Most of us would ask. The disciples
respond with Jesus’ explanation. Which -
reading what Mark records here - Jesus’ explanation
seems pretty thin.
But, surprisingly the people standing there buy
the explanation and let the disciples take the colt. All of which prompts
the question - hopefully - What’s up with the colt? What is so
significant about this colt? That Jesus
most probably had arranged for in advance. Maybe when
He first got to Bethany.
That Jesus sends the disciples into Bethphage
to get along with these cryptic instructions. What’s up with this
colt? Good
question. Glad
you asked. To answer that
question we need to zoom out and get a larger
perspective of what’s happening here and where God is
in all this. Which means we need
look at the prophecy that God gave through Zechariah -
which links to the big picture of what God is doing
here. Zechariah chapter 9. Would you
read with me verse 9:
Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout aloud,
O daughter of Jerusalem!
Behold, your King is coming to you; righteous
and having salvation is He, humble and mounted on a
donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey. Some backfill. Where this
verse fits into Zechariah, Mark and Jesus and
Jerusalem. In the beginning of
the 6th century BC - Nebuchadnezzar - remember him? Book of
Daniel. Same
king. Nebuchadnezzar had
sacked the smaller towns of Judah. Finally
Nebuchadnezzar laid siege to Jerusalem - destroyed the
city - burned the temple that Solomon had built - left
it a burned out shell of its former glory - hauled
God’s people off into exile - mostly to Babylon.
Fast forward 50 years
to 536 BC - and Cyrus who’d conquered Babylon - Cyrus
issued a decree that allowed the Jews to go back to
Jerusalem and rebuild the temple. Which
happened exactly when and how God had used the prophet
Jeremiah to tell God’s people that God would send them
back to Jerusalem to restore the Temple and to go back
to worshipping Him.
Point being that in
the midst of really bad stuff happening God proves
once again to His people that in midst of our stuff
God is. Under the leadership
of Zerubbabel and Joshua - different Joshua than THE
conquered the Promised Land Joshua - Zerubbabel and
different Joshua - a small group of die hard Jews goes
back to Jerusalem and starts working on rebuilding the
Temple. As they’re building
the cost in materials keeps going higher - the
resources dwindled - the opposition from the people
around them grew stronger - the reality of the task
began to weigh them down. Meaning that
economically - politically - spiritually - as things
started to get more difficult - their initial
enthusiasm begins do die off. They’re
getting discouraged and thinking where is God in all
this? And as time goes by
God’s people shift their focus from building the
Temple to upgrading their homes - filling their lives
with stuff and doing what floats their boat. So now
they’re in stall mode - discouraged and distracted and
thinking where is God in all this? Coming to Zechariah. God’s
message through Zechariah is to these discouraged
people. God’s
message through Zechariah is to get back to work. Why? Because God
has a glorious future ahead for His people. Don’t be
discouraged. Keep
trusting God. Keep
focused on God and what God is about to do. Where is God
in all this? He
is. Which brings us back
to the big picture of what the colt symbolizes and
what God’s people on that Palm Sunday - what that huge
and growing crowd of pilgrims moving with Jesus into
Jerusalem - what they all would have understood about
the colt. Zechariah 9:9: Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout aloud,
O daughter of Jerusalem! “Shout aloud” translates a Hebrew
word that means “sound an alarm.” “Make some
noise.” “Shout
for joy!” “Shout
in triumph.” Not
discouragement. Why? “Behold” - the word in Hebrew
that has the idea of “Wake up and smell the coffee! Don’t be
distracted. Pay
attention! Something
really really significant is happening here.” Behold, your King is coming to you;
righteous and having salvation is He, humble and
mounted on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey. Jesus makes the
choice to ride a colt into Jerusalem. He isn’t
walking into Jerusalem.
That’s what a pilgrim does. Jesus isn’t
a pilgrim. He’s
the potentate - the King. From the
moment of His arrival in Jerusalem Jesus is declaring
His majesty and authority. The Old Testament -
in various ways and through various prophets - the Old
Testament talks about the coming Kingdom of God -
Jesus’ Kingdom. In
the New Testament there are parts of Jesus’ Kingdom
that the New Testament speaks of that we haven’t seen
yet. But here in First
Century Palestine what we’re seeing here is the
incarnate Lord of creation using this colt to
symbolize that He is the fulfillment of Zechariah’s
prophecy. Jesus
using the colt to assert His messianic claims - to
take His rightful place on the throne of Israel. To take
control of the Temple as high priest. Jesus is
there to reestablish Israel as a theocracy under God’s
rule. Maybe the masses
didn’t understand all of that. But to
some degree they got enough of it. The big
picture of what was going on. God is in
this. Prophecy
is being fulfilled.
Do not be discouraged or distracted. God is all
in and God is doing what God said He would do. Verses 7 to 10 focus
us on The Crowd. As Jesus is riding
into Jerusalem the crowd is spreading their cloaks and
leafy branches on the road. It was
common practice back then to welcome home a king or
war hero by laying out a path of branches for him to
walk or ride on.
Like giving him the red carpet treatment. John’s Gospel tells
us that they were waving palm branches. Palm
branches were a sign of prosperity and victory. The Romans
honored their victorious commanders with lavish
parades which included waving palm branches. For their entire
history God’s people have been on this little teeny
tiny piece of land that everybody else wants to
control. It’s
like Palestine has this sign on the gate that says,
“Conquer here.” After God spoke
through Zechariah the Greeks marched through
conquering - with their years of subjugation - hard
years of oppression. Then the Romans came
through - more subjugation - more oppression. God’s people
being beaten down and beaten up. Where is God
in this? To God’s people under the yoke of Rome - this is more than
just a religious celebration. This is a celebration
of nationalism - stirring up the people’s passions - their desires for national -
political - and social deliverance. On Palm Sunday - with
the people’s passion revved to the max - as Jesus
enters Jerusalem riding on a colt it just revs the
crowd up to a fever pitch. God’s bringing
prosperity to the righteous - God’s people - not the
despised - dreaded - we don’t touch those Gentile -
Romans. And
victory - the victory of God’s people - over their
oppressors - the dreaded - we don’t touch those
Gentile - Romans.
The people are
shouting: “Hosanna!
Blessed is He who comes in the name of the
Lord! Blessed
is the coming kingdom of our father David! Hosanna in
the highest!” Hosanna means… “save”
- as in “Save us from the Romans!” “Blessed is He who comes in the name of
the Lord!” is a quote from Psalm
118:26. Psalm 118 was used
during the Passover.
It was sung during times of great national
celebration. Psalm
118 is full of thanksgiving to God Who comes to the
aid of His people.
Who provides for them in difficulty and brings
relief in their distress and comforts them in
suffering. “Blessed is He who comes bringing God’s
relief - God’s help - into these wearying
circumstances of our lives.” The crowd adds to
Psalm 118: Blessed is the coming kingdom of our
father David! The other Gospel
writers record other exclamations added to Psalm 118: Matthew: “Hosanna to the Son of David!” (Matthew 19:9) Luke: “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the
Lord.” (Luke 19:38) John: “Even the King of Israel.” (John 12:13)
And we know - because
this is a really really familiar account - and because
we’ve read Mark and the other Gospel accounts - we
know that this crowd - which may have been getting
that God is in this and Jesus is bringing it - the
Messiah bringing God’s deliverance - while they may
have been getting all that - somehow they weren’t
getting the “how” of what it was that God is doing
about their circumstances. Somehow, as they were shouting the words
of Psalm 118:26 they’d missed
the earlier verse of Psalm 118 - verse 22: “The stone which the
builders rejected has become the chief corner stone.” “The stone” -
Jesus - is rejected - crucified in our place -
offering us salvation from our sins. Jesus
becomes “the chief corner
stone” - the beginning of the church - the
beginning of what God desires to do in our lives. As Jesus
enters Jerusalem God is moving in history - but His
movement is not focused just on the declaration of who
Jesus is. Jesus is riding a
colt not a white charger - some kind of war horse and
entering as a conquering hero. He’s riding
a colt - fulfilling prophecy - and symbolizing
humility. Which
is a very different perspective of how God is all in
in this. We need to be very clear about this because it is so
familiar. Often
we hear this Palm Sunday message - the Jews welcomed
Jesus on Palm Sunday and they crucified Him on Good
Friday. So
don’t reject Him like they did. Have you
heard that before? That’s true. But, we need
to go farther - to get beyond Palm Sunday into the
life that Jesus offers us. The crowd
completely missed the point of what was being offered
to them - the personal implications for their own
Question: Where is God
in all this? Answer: He is. But God is,
in His way, not ours. Which brings us to
the third significant part of what Mark records for us
- verse 11: The Temple. And He entered Jerusalem and went into
the Temple. And
when He had looked around at everything, as it was
already late, He went out to Bethany with the twelve.
Breaking down verse
11. After the victory
parade - with all the crowds and the shouting and
celebration - what
is a de facto coronation - after all the hoopla Jesus
went into the Temple. Mark tells us that it
was late. Meaning
it was in the evening - after hours. Not that the
Temple was closed.
But something like that. Mark is drawing us
into the absence of activity and the emptiness of the
vast Temple complex.
Within those grand and spacious courts - except
perhaps for the sound of distant shuffling feet and
some distant conversations - Jesus and the disciples
are alone. There is no
conversation recorded.
No questions.
No teaching.
No debriefing on the parade. Even Peter -
who’s usually not at loss for words - even Peter is
silent. And in the stillness
of that late hour - Mark tells us that Jesus looked
around at everything… everything. The Greek verb “to look around” means more than just glancing around at
things. Kind
of a cursory seeing of what’s around. “To look around” has the idea of
observation and contemplation. What Jesus was
observing and contemplating we don’t know. We can only
speculate. What
was the “everything” that Jesus is looking at. What’s going
through His mind as He was taking all that in. Maybe He was
remembering the first time - as a child - that He’d
seen that Temple.
Maybe He was remember the numerous visits since
then. Maybe
He was thinking about Joseph - or others that He’d
shared time with in those courts. Perhaps Jesus is
thinking about the people that had passed through
those courts for all of the different reasons they had
passed through there.
The Psalms that had been sung. The prayers
that had been offered.
The sacrifices and the offerings. So much of
the history of God’s people that had been lived out in
that place - that was tied to that Temple. Perhaps Jesus was
thinking about how God had made Himself known there. How
different it could have been for God’s people if
they’d remained faithful. The Temple
which could have had such a testimony of their
relationship with God.
Which would have testified so wondrously of
God’s glory. It could have been
that Jesus was thinking forward to Titus the Roman
commander and future emperor. Titus who in
70 AD - conquered Jerusalem - desecrating and
destroying that Temple.
Titus who left not one stone standing on
another stone. The Temple had been
destroyed before.
But in a few days Jesus would tell His
disciples that it would be destroyed again. Or maybe Jesus was
thinking about what lies ahead for Him. His passion
- the ministry of the coming week. The will and
plan of the Father.
God Who - in the midst of all of that - is, and
is working His will in His way and timing. We don’t know what
was going through Jesus’ mind as He was contemplating
everything. Maybe
some of that. Maybe
none of that. Maybe
a whole lot more than we could ever speculate about. But in the
stillness of that late hour Jesus looked around - took
in and contemplated - everything. Mark alone - of all
the Gospel writers - Mark alone records the dramatic
contrast between the triumphant entry and Jesus’
contemplation in the Temple. The
emptiness of the location. The silence. The lateness
of the hour with its growing darkness. Mark is intentional. Drawing us
into the suspense.
The sense of foreboding. The hour is
late for God’s people.
The darkness is growing. It’s the
calm before the storm.
Whatever is coming is probably not good. Ever felt that way? I don’t know
what’s coming but it ain’t gonna be good. Jesus alone
contemplates all that.
Jesus alone sees what’s really going on with
God’s people. Behind
parade and politics - He sees the heart of the people
- the emptiness and longing. Jesus alone
is aware of what God is doing - what God will do - and
why. Where
God is in the midst of all that. And the
tremendous cost of all that. And then Jesus
chooses - rather remaining in Jerusalem - Jesus leaves
the Temple - leaves Jerusalem - and with His disciples
returns the 2 miles back to Bethany. Probably to
stay at the home of Mary, Martha, and their recently
returned from the dead brother, Lazarus. Jesus removes Himself
to what was His base of operations outside the chaos
and conflict of the capitol to prepare Himself and His
followers for the ordeal to come. Processing all that… Take away number one: Jesus is
riding on a colt not a charger. Before the horse was
used, kings rode on donkeys. Saul rode on
a donkey because they didn’t have any horses in
Israel. Absalom
- David’s son - Absalom rode on a donkey because even
in David’s day they didn’t have horses. But Solomon imported
horses from Egypt.
So Solomon rode on a horse - an upgrade - a
mode of transportation more befitting a king. Grab that: Real kings -
important kings - ride on horses. Not donkeys. Especially
little donkeys - colts.
Which is what the word here in Greek means: A young
donkey. A
colt. Can you imagine Jesus
- the King of kings and Lord of lords - riding into
Jerusalem on a donkey - with His feet dragging on the
ground - riding this somber faced little colt - with
its big floppy ears. How does Jesus come
to us? He is righteous and having salvation is
He, humble and mounted on a donkey, on a colt, the
foal of a donkey.” This is Dr. Samuel
Weinstein (photo) - who is the chief of pediatric
cardiothoracic surgery for Montefiore Medical Center
in the Bronx, New York.
A number of years ago Dr. Weinstein traveled to
El Salvador with Heart Care International in order to
provide life-saving operations for needy children. One surgery stands
out among many. Dr.
Weinstein and his team began operating on eight year
old Francisco Calderon Anthony Fernandez's heart
shortly before noon.
Twelve hours later the procedure took a deadly
turn. Dr. Weinstein said
this: “The surgery had been going well,
everything was working great, but he was bleeding a
lot and they didn’t have a lot of the medicines we
would use to stop the bleeding. After a
while, they said they couldn’t give him blood because
they were running out and he had a rare type.” In fact, Francisco’s
blood type was B-negative, which I understand only
about 2% of people have. As it was, the only
other person in the room with B-negative blood was Dr.
Weinstein. Knowing
what he had to do, he stepped down from the operating
table. As
his colleagues continue their precision work, Dr.
Weinstein set aside his scalpel, took off his gloves,
and began washing his hands and forearm. Then, in the
corner of the unfamiliar operating room, this
prestigious doctor from one of the most advanced
hospitals in the world sat down to give away his own
blood. When he had given a
pint, Dr. Weinstein drank some bottled water - ate a
Pop-Tart - then - 20 minutes after stepping away from
the table - he rejoined his colleagues. After
watching his own blood begin circulating into the
boy’s small veins, Dr. Weinstein completed the
operation that saved Francisco’s heart - and his life.
(1) Back in ancient times
- when a king wanted to approach a city in peace he’d
ride up to the gates in humility - riding on a donkey
instead of a war horse.
The donkey is symbolic of Davidic royalty. Symbolic of
humility. Symbolic
of the peace Jesus brings. That’s the reality of
the incarnation that we just celebrated. Jesus taking
on the flesh and blood of our humanity. Jesus coming
not as a king or ruler or some rich guy - someone
insulated from the worst parts of our human condition. The ongoing
hard stuff of our lives.
Jesus became the son
of a common family - in a Rome conquered nation. In
humility He came and
embraced us as brothers and sisters - without any
advantage over us - facing life as we
face life. If all that is a
little hard for us to get our minds around we’re in
good company. How
does the eternal Creator God take on His creation’s
humanity? Only
God knows. But
grab the bottom line:
He did. Praise
God. Your
King has come to you. Where is God in the
midst of the stuff or our lives? He is. He’s all in. Even if we
don’t understand how or why. He is. Our second take away is that Silence is
Golden. Jesus in the Temple -
ground zero for God and His relationship with His
people. Jesus
in the foreboding silence of that place contemplating
God and God’s people.
What God has done. What God is
doing. What
God will do. We need to do that. To
intentionally choose to walk away from what can easily
distract us and get us wrapped up in our own issues
and perspectives and to get silent and focus on God. To
contemplate God.
How He’s worked in our lives. To ponder
where He is working in our lives. To praise
Him for how He will work in our lives. Because He has and He
is and He will. _______________ 1.
LiveScience.com (5.26.06) Series references: Sinclair B. Ferguson,
Let’s Study Mark (Edinburgh, The
Banner of Truth Trust, 2016). Charles R. Swindoll,
Swindoll’s Living Insights New Testament
Commentary, Volume 2:
Insights on Mark (Carol Stream, IL,
Tyndale House Publishers, 2016). Unless otherwise
indicated, Scripture quotations are from The Holy
Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001
by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News
Publishers. Used
by permission. All
rights reserved. |