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PASSING THE BUCK MARK 12:13-17 Series: The Good News of Jesus Christ - Part Thirty Seven Pastor Stephen Muncherian January 27, 2019 |
Would you please
stand and read with me our text for this morning -
Mark 12:13-17. And
they sent to Him some of the Pharisees and some of the
Herodians, to trap Him in His talk. And
they came and said to Him, “Teacher, we know that You
are true and do not care about anyone’s opinion. For You are
not swayed by appearances, but truly teach the way of
God. Is
it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not? Should we
pay them, or should we not?” But,
knowing their hypocrisy, He said to them, “Why put Me
to the test? Bring
Me a denarius and let me look at it.” And
they brought one. And
He said to them, “Whose likeness and inscription is
this?” They
said to Him, “Caesar’s.” Jesus
said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are
Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” And
they marveled at Him. We’ve been looking
Jesus’ final week of ministry leading up to the cross
and His crucifixion and resurrection. So to make
sure we’re together on when and where are we have
short quiz. Question #1: Mark
12:13-17 takes place on what day of the week? A: Sunday - Palm
Sunday B: Monday - Clearing
the Temple C: Tuesday - passing
the withered fig tree and what we looked at last
Sunday which was Jesus’ authority being questioned by
Sanhedrin and the Parable of the Tenants - and what
we’re coming to here at verse 13. D: Wednesday - is
tomorrow - which will come to in a March Question #2: Jesus and
the disciples are: A: In Bethany B: On the Mount of
Olives C: In the Temple
Courts D: In Dos Palos Verse 13 tells us
that “they” sent to Jesus some of the Pharisees and
some of the Herodians. Hopefully you’re
“C’ing” a trend here…
[pun intended] Question #3: Who are
“they”? A: Tax Collectors B: The Temple Guards C: The Sanhedrin D: Part of the Rebel
Alliance (Zealots) “They” are the
Sanhedrin - whom we saw last Sunday try to take Jesus
down and out. Unsuccessfully. So verse 13
tells us that they’re trying a new tactic. “They” sent
some Pharisees and some of the Herodians to Jesus to
try and trap Jesus into saying something
incriminating. Before we get into The Trap we need to be clear
on who the Pharisees and the Herodians are. The Pharisees we’re
probably more familiar with. Yes? These were
the gate keepers of the law. Religiously
conservative. Who
believed in strict - detailed - OCD obedience to the
oral and written Law of Moses. They
believed that the study and keeping of the Law was the
highest form of worship and obedience to God. And - what is
especially important of us to know here - is that the
Pharisees were extremely pro-Jewish. The
Pharisees tolerated the Romans as a necessary evil so
that they could go on with their rituals of being
obedient to the Law.
But ultimately they saw the Romans as pagan
ungodly Gentiles who were occupying the Promised Land
and messing with the spiritual life of God’s people. The Herodians might
be less familiar.
The Herodians were descended from or related to
or somehow connected with Herod the Great. Hence the
name... Herodians. And, the Herodians
were in some way connected with the Roman royal court. Herod
Agrippa I - played with the Roman Emperor Claudias -
while he was going to school in Rome. So - what’s important
for us to understand here is that the Herodians got
their power from Rome.
Politically they were aligned with Rome. They
compromised with Rome.
They often allowed their allegiance with Rome
to overrule their religious convictions. Point being that the
Pharisees and the Herodians were are on total opposite
sides of the religious and political spectrum. So it wasn’t
that they just didn’t get along. They hated
each other. They
actively worked against each other. But - as antagonistic
as all that was - they hated and feared Jesus more. So the Sanhedrin -
which was kind of like the US Supreme Court and the US
Congress and the Vatican all rolled into one - with
it’s own drama - the Sanhedrin sends this delegation
of Pharisees and Herodians to Jesus - in order to trap
Jesus into saying something that will allow them to
take Jesus down and to take Jesus out. To catch at
saying something that will discredit and defame Him
before the crowd. Verse 14 - “And they” - they is whom? This
delegation sent by the Sanhedrin - And
they came and said to Him, “Teacher, we know that You
are true and do not care about anyone’s opinion. For You are
not swayed by appearances, but truly teach the way of
God. Which is true. Jesus is
authentic - the real deal. And Jesus is
impartial. He
speaks God’s truth without playing to the crowd -
without pandering to what’s trending. Jesus
faithfully and impartially has been teaching the word
of God with great power and authority. But, coming from this
delegation - the acknowledgements are shovel deep in
pure insincere flattery.
The purpose of which is to position themselves
before the crowd as having a sincere question. And raising
the expectations of the crowd that Jesus needs to
answer the question. So, question: Is
it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not? Should we
pay them, or should we not?” Let’s be careful. As we move
through this - as much as this may seem to be about
paying taxes this isn’t about… paying taxes. This is
about power and position and authority and who
controls what. At
least as far as the delegation is concerned. And - bottom
line - about taking Jesus down and out. Is the border wall
about the border wall or is it about something else? Just saying. The tax they’re
asking about was a poll tax. It was based
on population. Some back-fill. One of the sons of
Herod the Great was Herod Archelaus. Herod
Archelaus came to power after the death of his father
Herod the Great because Caesar Augustus had raised him
into that position of power. Herod
Archelaus was a cruel ungodly mass murder that ruled
because Rome allowed Him to rule. Herod Archelaus ruled
until 6 AD when he was removed from power by Caesar
Augustus - as Caesar Augustus was consolidating Rome’s
control of Judea and Judea was made a province of
Rome. So in 6 AD - the
Romans instituted this poll tax which was based on
population. Meaning
that every adult male in Judea had to pay this tax
directly into the imperial treasury. So that this
tax was a tribute tax paid to Rome. The tax is a brutal
ongoing reminder that these Jews are living as a
conquered and subjugated and enslaved people in their
own land. And
that they are being coerced into paying for the
privilege of being occupied by the Roman military. Is it lawful -
spiritually - morally - legally - right or wrong - in
Israel to pay the tax.
There is no simple “yes” or “no” - “either-or”
- answer to the question. If Jesus says, “Yes.
Pay the tax.” - He’s siding with
the Herodians. Which
means He’ll alienate the vast majority of spiritually
devout, patriotic Jews and He’ll give the Pharisees
evidence for their charge of blasphemy. An instant
death sentence. If Jesus says, “No.
Don’t pay the tax.” - He’s siding with
the Pharisees and opening Himself up to a charge of
rebellion against the Roman government. And for sure
- given the twisted allegiance of the Herodians - for
sure they’ll let the Romans know. An instant
death sentence. Are we together that
the question this delegation is asking Jesus is a
hugely significant politically charged question that
is not about the tax but about taking Jesus down and
out. Verse 15 brings us
to The Teaching. How Jesus
answers the question. Verse15: But,
knowing their hypocrisy, He said to them, “Why put Me
to the test? Bring
Me a denarius and let me look at it.” Jesus - knowing that
this delegation really doesn’t respect Him as an
impartial teacher of God’s word and that the question
isn’t about taxes - Jesus asks them, “Why do you put Me to the test?” “Test” translates the same
Greek word that’s used for Satan testing Jesus in the
wilderness. “Test”
meaning it’s the same source. Testing that
comes straight out of the pit of Hell not a sincere
desire for understanding. Jesus asks the
delegation to bring Him a denarius. Which
doesn’t mean that He and the disciples didn’t have a
denarius. But
was Jesus’ way of getting His opponents to come up
with a coin from their own togas. Which they
did. It’s their denarius. They’re
using the coin themselves. They’re
benefitting from its use. They’ve
accepted its role in the finances of Israel - in their
own personal finances.
They’ve already bought into the system that
they’re trying to trap Jesus with. Hypocrisy
from Hell. You guys have already
failed at what you’re trying to trap Me with. Jesus asks them, “Whose likeness and inscription is
this?” They
said to Him, “Caesar’s.” Jesus
said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are
Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” “Render” - meaning
“to give back.” “To
pay back to” Caesar what belongs to Caesar. It’s
Caesar’s image on the coin. It belongs
to him - to the kingdom of Rome. Give it back
to Caesar. And “give back to
God” what belongs to God. What belongs
to Him. To
the kingdom of God. It is important that
we slow down and understand what it is that Jesus is
saying here. A denarius was a
Roman coin. Made
out of silver. That
was worth about what a skilled worker could earn in
one day’s work. The denarius of that
time - which is what this is a picture of - on one
side was the likeness - a picture of the head of the
ruling Caesar Tiberias and the inscription: “Tiberias
Caesar Augustus, Son of the Divine Augustus.” And on the
other side is an image of Caesar Tiberias seated on a
throne - wearing a crown and wearing the clothing of a
high priest - with the inscription: “Highest
Priest.” Meaning what’s
stamped on the coin is a graven image of a guy who
thought he was god - expected to be worshipped as a
god - and was worshipped as a god. Which was like
stamping “In God We Trust” on the coin. Only in this
case the god was Caesar Tiberius son of the Divine
Augustus. “Likeness” translates the Greek
word “ikon” “Ikon”
was the word the Greeks used to translate the Hebrew
word “tselem” - meaning “image.” “Tselem” -
“image” - “icon” being the word used in Genesis 1
where God says, “Let us make man in our... image.” Same word. “So God created man in His own... image,
in the image of God He created him; male and female He
created them.” (Genesis
1:26,27) Who’s created in the
image of God? We
are. Who’s
image is stamped all over us? God’s. “Inscription” translates the Greek
verb “epigraphe” - which means to write on something. The root
verb is grapho which translates the Hebrew verb
“kathab.” “Kathab”
- “inscription” -
is used by God in Exodus when God tells Moses
that God is going to inscribe the words of His
covenant law on tablets of stone. God takes His people
out of Egypt. Brings
them to Mount Sinai.
Then God brings Moses up on the mountain and
God inscribes on tablets of stone the 10 Commandments. What is the
core of the Covenant of what it means to live in
relationship with the living God. The Covenant
which God’s people broke on day 1 of the covenant
before Moses even came down off the mountain. (Exodus
31:18) Then in Jeremiah 31
God speaks through the prophet Jeremiah of the coming
day when God is going to write - same word “kathab” -
when God is going to inscribe His covenant law on the
hearts His people.
Even us. (Jeremiah
31:31-34) “Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a
new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of
Judah, not like the covenant that I made with their
fathers on the day when I took them by the hand out of
the land of Egypt, My covenant that they broke... But this is
the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel
after those days, declares the Lord, I will put my law within them, and I will
write it on their hearts. And I will
be their God, and they shall be My people... For I
will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their
sin no more.” (Jeremiah 31:31-34) God writes His
covenant law - what it means to have a relationship
with Him - on the hearts of people who’s sin God no
longer remembers.
The relationship we can have with God because
our sin’s been nailed to the cross with Jesus. Who’s law is
inscribed on the hearts of God’s people? God’s. Who’s image is
stamped all over us?
God’s Listen to Jesus’
answer again: Jesus
said to them, “Render to Caesar the
things that are Caesar’s - the denarius is all about Caesar - and
God the things that are God’s.” God - Who’s image is stamped all over us
and Who’s law is inscribed in our hearts. Within the sovereign
will and plan of the sovereign God is the existence of
human governments.
That coin represents a legitimate government
with authority that functioned and fulfilled the roles
of a God ordained state despite being ruled by a
pretend god and taking on roles that conflicted with
God’s authority. There were problems. Maybe lots
of problems. As
there have always been problems. This may be
a shocker but we even have problems with our own
government today.
But Pax Romana was
the historic peace that the Roman Empire brought to
much of the known world.
“All roads lead to Rome” in part means that
there were roads.
Trade. A
stable economic system.
With a legal and political system that kept all
that happening. Rendered
taxes supported all that. The kingdom of God is
not like the kingdoms of this world. It’s not
about some geographic area over which some Caesar or
president or monarch reigns. It’s not
about the economics and politics and philosophies of
man. The Kingdom of God is
the realm over which the sovereign, almighty, all
knowing, self-existent, eternal, holy God our creator
reigns - His dominion.
God being everywhere eminent and sovereign over
all of His creation. God’s kingdom
describes God’s reign over the people of this world. His
sovereign rule over the affairs of history - over
human life - over our lives. And God’s kingdom
also requires the rendering of God’s people. Jesus’ answer
acknowledges that we live in the difficult tension
between the realities of living in a fallen world with
human governments - the kingdoms and empires of this
world. And
yet we live as followers of Jesus Christ who are
citizens of God’s heavenly kingdom. And that
tension does not always come down to easy “yes” or
“no” - “either” “or” - answers. But Jesus’ answer
also acknowledges - teaches us to understand - that
while the two kingdoms coexist and they may cooperate
- they are not coequal.
It is God Who rules over Caesar. The ultimate question
- regarding authority - that Jesus is getting at is
far more personal than images and inscriptions on a
coin. The
ultimate question is:
Who will we render our hearts to? Let’s explore that. Hold on to this: Jesus is not teaching us to choose
between one or the other but to consider which kingdom
has the greater authority over our lives and to live
accordingly. A long time ago in a
church far far away - someone noticed that up on the
platform in the sanctuary - just as there is here -
there was a United States flag and a Christian flag. The United
States flag was on one side the platform - the
Christian flag was on the other. Someone asked, “Why do we have only those flags? Why don’t we
have an Armenian flag too?” Which created a
surprisingly “spirited” discussion of the purpose of
having a United States flag - a Christian flag - an
Armenian flag - a California flag - or any flag for
that matter. What
the purpose was and what that said about our
allegiances as a congregation. To whom or to what
are we giving authority over our lives? Who are we
rendering ourselves to? The United States
flag we know about.
When that flag is displayed it represents the
United States of America. How many of you have
recited the Pledge of Allegiance? When we
recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the
United States of America - we pledge our allegiance to
the republic for which it stands. Allegiance -
fidelity - loyalty.
Acknowledged authority.
Over here is the
Christian flag. It’s
a white flag with a blue box in the upper left corner
- with a red Latin cross in the box. The Christian flag
was conceived of by Charles Overton in 1897 in - of
all places - Coney Island, New York. The idea was
to design a flag that would represent Christianity. There’s even a pledge
of allegiance: “I pledge allegiance to the Christian
flag, and to the Savior, for whose kingdom it stands.
One Savior, crucified, risen and coming again, with
life and liberty for all who believe.” Allegiance - fidelity
- loyalty. Acknowledged
- rendered - authority.
There’s a danger that
we face in this country - as Christian Americans - of
equating being Christian with being American -
mistaking American culture for a Christian lifestyle. Thinking
that an American Christian lifestyle is really true
devotion to God.
Sometimes the differences between those flags -
the kingdoms they represent - tends to get blurred. What allegiance -
what authority over our lives do we give to a
government that endorses what we know to be contrary
to what the Bible teaches? Do we obey
the State or our conscience? Which has
higher authority - government or church? In the day-to-day of
our lives those aren’t always easy questions to
answer. And
how would that question get answered in Canada? Or Japan? Or North
Korea? Ray Stedman -
preaching on this passage - said this. “Human government, Jesus says, has only
limited control over men. It has
certain powers over the bodies and minds of men. It can
regulate our conduct to some degree, and has the right
to influence and regulate our attitudes and actions
and what we say, and how we say it. But there is
one area in human life over which secular power has no
control, and that is the human spirit. Secular
power cannot legislate as to whom we worship, who
governs our conscience, and who constitutes the
ultimate authority in life…Certain things do properly
belong to Caesar; give them to him. But other
things about you belong only to God, so give those to
God.” (1) Jesus is not teaching
us to choose between one or the other but to consider
which kingdom has the greater authority over our lives
and to live accordingly. The ultimate question
- regarding authority - is getting at is far more
personal than images on a coin. Far more
basic than allegiances to a flag or a nation. The ultimate
question is: Who
will I render my heart to? Try that with me, “Who will I render my heart to?”
The last part of
verse 17 records the response of the crowd to Jesus: “And they marveled at Him.” “To marvel” has the
idea of being amazed - jaw dropping staggered. Sometimes we need to
be jaw dropping staggered by Jesus. To keep
coming back to Him - to keep refocusing on Him - Who
He is - what He’s done for us - the basis and basics
of what it means that we are citizens of God’s
Kingdom. In 1989 when I first
went to Yerevan - the capital of Armenia - there in
Lenin Square was this huge imposing solid steel
statute of Lenin mounted on a multilevel reinforced
concrete base. Not
even nuclear holocaust could have brought down that
statue. In 2016 - when Fred
and I were in Yerevan - in what is now called Republic
Square - where that statue was - there’s a park with a
lawn and flowers.
In Armenia -
during the days when the Soviet
Union was coming apart - hundreds
of thousands of people gathering in the main square of
Yerevan - day after day in front of the government
buildings - under the statue of Lenin - and while they
gathered for political rallies and calling for
independence - in the midst of that there were brothers in
Christ preaching the Gospel to those thousands who
were gathered there.
People who were
spiritually hungry.
Men and
women - empty and disillusioned with the failed
promises and the corruption of communism - searching
for the dignity and value placed on their lives by God
- desperate to be filled with with the only hope for
mankind - salvation offered in Jesus Christ. As people are today -
even in America - even in Merced. Yes? Maybe even
here this morning. Back in 1967, Pastor Richard Wurmbrand - in his book Tortured For Christ - writes, “There
is no political power that can overthrow communism… The
Underground Church....will win the hearts of the
communists and change the face of the world…
can become Christians… We
shall win the communists. First,
because God is on our side. Secondly,
because our message corresponds
to the deepest needs of the heart.” (2) We won’t find this in any
secular newspaper or on CNN - but the reality is there
if we look for it.
The collapse of the Soviet Union was fueled by
the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As Mark begins his
Gospel account - Mark 1:14 - Mark records that Jesus
came into Galilee, proclaiming the gospel of God, and
saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God
is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.” The time being
fulfilled is more than just what time of day is
showing on the sundial.
[It’s about 11:05?] It’s a
different word in Greek than the word for
chronological time.
The word here has the idea of the decisive time
of God’s acting. With the coming of
Jesus - Who is the good news - Jesus Who is the Gospel
of God in the flesh and blood of our humanity - with
the coming of Jesus, God is doing something special -
unique at this time like no other time. The kingdom of God
being at hand means that all of God’s transcendent
sovereignty is as close as our hand. Which is
pretty close. Jesus is referring to
Himself. God’s
kingdom has come near in the reality that He - Jesus
the King - is standing right there in front of the
people. The Gospel demands a
response. If
the time is now.
If the Kingdom has come. If the King
Himself is standing right here - right now. Then life
must change. In
God’s kingdom there is only one King. Either God
is sovereign over our lives or we are. Repent and believe -
to turn and have faith - means to turn away - to
abandon - our old self-centered sinful way of living
life in order to turn to God and trust in the Messiah. Jesus, Who’s
come to save us from our sin - to live in the new
redeemed life as His royal subject. We either reject or
receive the good news of the King - His message of
forgiveness and redeemed God given life - lived not by
our efforts but by His royal power. There’s no
in between riding the fence.
_______________ 1. Ray Stedman, form his
sermon By What Authority? Mark 11:27-12:27 2. Richard Wurmbrand, “Tortured For Christ”, The
Voice of The Martyrs, Bartlesville, OK, pages 68, 99,
125, 103 Series references: Sinclair B. Ferguson,
Let’s Study Mark (Edinburgh, The
Banner of Truth Trust, 2016). Charles R. Swindoll,
Swindoll’s Living Insights New Testament
Commentary, Volume 2:
Insights on Mark (Carol Stream, IL,
Tyndale House Publishers, 2016). Unless otherwise
indicated, Scripture quotations are from The Holy
Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001
by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News
Publishers. Used
by permission. All
rights reserved. |