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THE SON & LORD OF DAVID MARK 12:35-40 Series: The Good News of Jesus Christ - Part Thirty Nine Pastor Stephen Muncherian February 10, 2019 |
you are able - please stand with me as we come
together before God’s word - and would you read with
me our text for today:
Mark 12:35-40. And
as Jesus taught in the temple, He said, “How can the
scribes say that the Christ is the son of David? David
himself, in the Holy Spirit declared, ‘The Lord said
to my Lord, Sit at my right hand, until I put your
enemies under your feet.’ David
himself calls him Lord. So how is
he his son?” And
the great throng heard Him gladly. And
in His teaching He said, “Beware of the scribes, who
like to walk around in long robes and like greetings
in the marketplaces and have the best seats in the
synagogues and the places of honor at feasts, who
devour widows’ houses and for a pretense make long
prayers. They
will receive the greater condemnation.” [The Question] We are looking at Jesus’ final week of
ministry leading up to the cross and His
crucifixion, death, and resurrection. Today
is... Tuesday - of that final week. Which is helpful for us to keep in mind
as we’re coming to verse 35 - that verse 35 comes
after verse 34 and is part of an ongoing sequence of
events happening on Tuesday - final week. Sometimes we can loose sight of the
forest because we’re focusing on individual trees. Focusing
on shorter sections of Scripture and not the big
picture flow of what’s going on. How verse
35 fits into the big picture. Tuesday began with
Jesus and the disciples - in the morning - on their
way from Bethany to Jerusalem - passing the withered
fig tree - and Jesus teaching about having faith in
God. Then
they arrive at the temple in Jerusalem. Jesus was teaching
about what? Having
faith in God. Trusting
God with our lives.
What it means to live in the Kingdom of God. Which has been
Jesus’ on task message and ministry since Day 1. Mark 1:15
- Jesus saying “the Kingdom of God at hand.” I’m right
here in the flesh and blood of humanity. God is
offering you relationship with Him through Me. You need
to repent of your sin and believe in the Gospel - Me
- have faith - trust God with your life - for all
that God offers you through Me. Through whatever
else is going on - Monday - Tuesday - whenever and
whatever - all the little trees - in order for us to
get what Jesus is doing and what Jesus is teaching -
we need to keep in mind that Jesus is always on
task. So Tuesday morning
Jesus arrives at the Temple and begins to teach. And as
Jesus is teaching in the Temple a series of groups
come to ask Jesus questions. Groups
that are so polarized politically and religiously
that they make what’s happening in Washington look
functional. But the one thing
they all agree on is that they all see Jesus as a
threat to their carefully constructed political
religious world.
They fear Jesus. They hate
Jesus. So
these questions are designed to take Jesus… down and
out. These groups come
to where Jesus is teaching in the Temple and they
tag team - taking turns - one group after the other
- each group comes with questions about Jesus’
authority and education and allegiances and
doctrine. Which Jesus
responds to - always “on task” - re-framing the
questions and turning the discussion back to the
truth of Who God is - Who He, Jesus, is - and what
is means to have a relationship with God - repenting
and trusting Him.
God’s kingdom is at hand. Have faith
in God. Last Sunday we ended with a Scribe who
had come to Jesus with a question. The Scribes were who? The Scribes were
the religious scholars and theologians of the day. They were
the “go to” guys when someone - like the Pharisees -
had questions about the law or interpreting the law. After all those
groups and their attacks - thinly disguised as
questions - and Jesus’ “on task” responses - this
scribe comes with a seemingly sincere question about
the law and Jesus knocks the answer out of the park. It’s a mic
drop - walk off - end of discussion answer. Which is was. Mark - in
verse 34 - Mark tells us - “after all that no one dared to ask Him
[Jesus] any more questions.” Literally - they
just didn’t have the guts to do it. In Mark’s record of
Jesus final week - until Jesus’ arrest - there are
no further questions coming from the opposition. That’s the back
fill for verse 35.
The Tuesday crowd - watching the inquisition
and response - the crowd has been watching Jesus
silence the political and religious leaders. They just
saw the mic drop.
All eyes are on
Jesus. Jesus
has the crowd.
They’re listening big time. Grab the intensity
and opportunity of the moment. Jesus has come into
the flesh and blood of our humanity to defeat evil
and to save those who will repent and believe in
Him. So
now Jesus seizes the moment - the “discussion” - to
“on task” teach - so now Jesus is asking questions Jesus asks the
question: “How
can the scribes say that the Christ [the Messiah]
is the son of David? Comparing a whole
lot of Scripture - the religious leadership of that
day - and every day - even today - agrees that the
Messiah - the Christ - is the descendant of David. The
Messiah will sit on the throne of David because the
Messiah - the Christ - is a descendant of David. We’re together? Then Jesus quotes
David - Psalm 110:1 - a Psalm that everyone agreed
was referring to the Messiah - the Christ: ‘The
Lord said to my Lord, Sit at my right hand, until I
put your enemies under your feet.’ Briefly unpacking
that. Jesus
states that David - under inspiration of the Holy
Spirit - the author of Scripture - David writes of a
conversation between “the Lord” - which in Hebrew is
the name Yahweh - God.
Yahweh saying to “my Lord” - which in Hebrew
is the title “adonai” - meaning “lord” or “master.” Which here is the
title given to the One that Yahweh designates as
ruling over God’s people on the thrown of David -
the coming Messiah -
because everyone agreed that Psalm 110:1 is
talking about the coming Messiah. “My God said to my Lord...” God had promised to
put the Messiah’s enemies “under your feet” - under
the feet of the Messiah. Which - in Old
Testament battle imagery - meant forcing a defeated
enemy - a commander or king - to lie down in the
dust in front of whoever had defeated them - so that
the conqueror could put his foot on the neck of the
defeated enemy - a position of total humiliation and
subjection - usually before decapitation. Reading on through
Psalm 110 - the descendant of David - the Messiah -
is described not only as all conquering - but in
apocalyptic terms as crushing the kings and rulers
of the whole earth on the day of God’s wrath. And in
spiritual terms as being a priest forever - an
eternal priesthood not tied to the Levitical
priesthood. And
as someone who will judge all the nations. So in Psalm 110 -
which everyone agreed was about the Messiah - what
God is promising the Messiah is the complete defeat
of his enemies - absolute pre-eminence, power,
authority, majesty - emphasis lordship - mastery
that can only be appropriately descriptive of God. So how - Jesus asks
- how can David - who wrote Psalm 110 - how can
David call his descendant - the Messiah - His Lord -
His Master? How
is that possible? How many of you
like math? How
many of you hate math? If A = C, and B =
C, then A = B. There are ways that
property doesn’t work.
Is this true? If A > C, and B
> C, then A > B. Meaning: Back in
September the 49ers beat Detroit 30 to 27. And also
in September, Detroit beat New England 26 to 10. So the
49ers are a greater team than New England. Which is
why - in reality - the 49ers actually won the Super
Bowl. If David’s
descendant is his Lord
A = C And if David’s God
is his Lord. B
= C Then the Lord - the
Messiah David’s descendant - is God. A = B Jesus’ “on task”
question - in that strategic moment - Jesus’
question is forcing the Scribes and the religious
leadership and the crowd to think about their
understand of just Who the Messiah really is. We know this. The
prevailing understanding was that the Messiah would
restore David’s kingdom and restore Israel to her
greatness - the envy of the nations as it once was. Palm Sunday - two
days earlier - the crowd was all in: “Blessed is He who comes in the name of
the Lord! Blessed
is the coming kingdom of our father David! Hosanna in
the highest!” (Mark
11:9,10) And we know that
Jesus’ opponents and the crowd - they all were
looking for a Messiah that would sit on the Davidic
throne and kick the Romans back to Rome - trampling
Israel’s enemies under His feet. To them,
that’s what the Kingdom of God was all about. Power and politics
and position and religion and their understanding of
how God did things.
So that their reasoning had led them to
believe that the Kingdom of God is political not
spiritual - religion being just an extension of
power and politics - that the kingdom of God is all
about Israel and Israel’s greatness - and not the
nations coming to God. Not Who Jesus - the
Messiah - not Who Jesus really is and what God
offers to all of us through the coming of His
Kingdom - to anyone one of us who will repent and
believe. Who
will come to Him by faith. Jesus’ question is
forcing them to think about their understanding of
just Who the Messiah really is. If David himself
calls Him Lord, how then can He be his Son? Meaning He
can’t be David’s son merely in the sense of
biological descent.
He must be far more than that. The conclusion that
Jesus is forcing His listeners to come to is that
the Messiah - the Christ - in the flesh and blood of
His humanity is merely the Son of David. But in
realty the Messiah - the Christ - is greater than
David. And,
in fact - the Messiah is God. And if Jesus really
is the Messiah.
Then Jesus is…
God. Which
was the conclusion - the answer - the religious
leadership choked on.
Understandably. How do we process
that? It
is impossible for us to fully understand the deity
and greatness of Jesus. Just touching on a
few Scriptures.
The references are overhead. By Christ Jesus “all things were created, in heaven and
on earth, visible and invisible..” (Colossian 2:16) Jesus “upholds the universe by the word
of His power.”
(Hebrews 1:3b) Through Jesus all
things “whether on earth or in heaven” are being
reconciled to God.
(Colossians 1:20) Jesus is
subjugating tribulation, distress, persecution,
famine, nakedness, danger, and the sword - meaning
He is turning all that is evil to what will promote
and accomplish what is good. Evil
becomes the servant of Christ. Because of
Christ, creation actually benefits from what might
have destroyed it.
(Romans 8:31-39) Jesus is the God -
who has created all things - sustains all things -
and is involved in restoring all things. Apart from
Jesus nothing exists - including us. Apart from
Jesus it all comes apart. Apart from
Jesus - Satan, sin, and death… they win. But Christ Jesus is
the King of kings and the Lord of lords. On that day every
knee will bow - in heaven and on earth and under the
earth - and every tongue will confess that Jesus
Christ - Messiah - is Lord, to the glory of God the
Father. (Philippians
2:9-11) Enemies put under
His feet. Mic
drop. We’re
done. Period. Someone has said
that trying to describe the greatness of Christ
Jesus is like trying to play Mozart on a kazoo. Words can
only go so far.
The only way to
come close to processing Who Messiah Jesus is - is
through the incarnation - Immanuel - God with us -
the Kingdom of God being “at hand” in the flesh and
blood of our humanity. Christ can only be
both the son of David and the Lord of David through
the incarnation.
Fully human and fully divine. There is
no other way to resolve the apparent contradiction. Which is the answer
that the religious leaders choked on. Son of
David was a biological reality. Messiah
went beyond where they were willing to go. The
implications of what that answer required, they
rejected outright. Mark records that
the crowd - at least for the moment - “the great throng heard Him gladly.” Maybe they we’re
enjoying seeing the temple leaders silenced -
humbled - by Jesus’ logic and teaching. Maybe they
were learning from Jesus and taking in what He was
teaching. We
don’t know. But it is sobering
to consider that this crowd that welcomed Him in
triumph on Sunday - who gladly listened to Him on
Tuesday - called for His crucifixion on Friday. In some
sense they got the coming of the kingdom but choked
on the requirement of heart level repentance and
belief. Jesus’ identity is
the central issue of life. The whole
issue of how to enter God’s kingdom and how to live
in God’s kingdom is wrapped up in the issue of Who
Jesus is. Who Jesus is - is a
question every one of us must answer one way or the
other. Is
Jesus the Son of David? Yes. Is Jesus
the Christ? Yes. The
Kingdom of God is at hand. Is Jesus the Lord
of my life? Or
not? That’s
the repent and believe part. In the day to day
of life - in the places and relationships where we
do life - is that how you - and I - is that how
we’re actually living?
Or not?
Does Jesus govern all we say and do? Are we by
faith trusting Him fully? Verse 38 brings us
to Jesus warning.
[The Warning]
of the scribes, who like to walk around in long
robes and like greetings in the marketplaces and
have the best seats in the synagogues and the places
of honor at feasts, who devour widows’ houses and
for a pretense make long prayers. Long
ago in a church far far away. Robes and
collars were an expectation. A
religious - political - cultural necessity in order
to do ministry.
US Capitol - Armenian clergy and others
leading the rally which was both political and
spiritual - and yours truly in a robe. Paul
wrote, “I have become all things to all
people, that by all means I might save some. I do it
all for the sake of the gospel, that I may share
with them in its blessings.” (1 Corinthians 9:22,23) Point being that - as we are
prayerfully obeying God - there are things we do
that we would not normally do, the purpose of which
is to connect with and reach people with the Gospel. But it’s easy to go beyond where Paul
is at. As
an pastor in the Armenian church - we are often
seated at the head table at banquets - we’re often
given the best seats at community events and in
church services.
We have standing - recognition - in the
community because of our ecclesiastical position. I’m called a “verabadveli” - in
Armenian that means “very reverend.” Which is
how a person with a certain degree and ordination
should be publicly recognized and greeted. The weirdest thing has been when people
have tried to kiss my hand. That separation from the common people
and that standing in the community and that honor
can go to your head.
For any of us that gets even a little
recognition or is tempted to seek after it. It’s way
too easy to loose touch with our own depravity and
the necessity of God’s grace and Christ’s work on
the cross on our behalf. The
message of the Kingdom and the ministry of the
Gospel. Jesus says “beware the scribes.” Look carefully at them and consider
them. Notice how they like to walk around in
long robes. What were long white robes with tassels
on the fringe.
Robes of their position that they would put
on and then head out to where they knew people would
be - the marketplaces. So that people would greet them with
respect and deference and honor. Greetings
in the marketplaces that they liked. That
stroked their egos and their sense of self-worth. Consider the Scribes who have the best
seats in the synagogues and places of honor at
feasts. In Jesus’ day - like today - a
synagogue was a place of worship and study and a
community center.
In the villages and around Jerusalem a
synagogue was a gathering place of God’s people. In center of the building was the Bema. Which was
a slightly raised platform. During the service - the Hazzan - who
was the synagogue leader and custodian - would bring
out the scroll - from the Torah closet where it was
kept. He
would bring it out and unroll it at the Bema to the
Scripture portion for the day. Then the person who had been selected
in advance to read the Scripture would read. Think
Jesus reading from Isaiah. Then that
person would share how that portion of Scripture was
related to daily life.
Jesus saying, “Today this Scripture has been
fulfilled in your hearing.” (Luke 4:16-21) Around the Bema - ground level - were
seated the common people. Like us. Which is an amazing picture of how
God’s word comes into the midst of God’s people who
gather around it.
That imagery is intentional. A weekly
reminder of the central significance God’s word
should have in our lives every day. Kingdom of
God at hand. Trust
God. Seated on three sides around the main
floor - on raised seats - like stone bleachers. What were
called the chief seats. What were
the best seats in the house. This is
where the pillars of the community sat. People
who had recognized - honored - respected positions
in the community.
These were the people that when you
passed them on the street - in the marketplaces -
you pointed them out to your children. “You need to grow up to be like
him.” Same thing was true at feasts. The best
seats went to those who ranked highest socially. Who were
recognized by the community and given those places
of honor. Jesus says to watch them because they
like sitting there.
Why? Because
they like the recognition. Sitting
there is about them.
It’s about power and politics and position
and religion as a way to gain influence over others. Sitting
there isn’t about God and humbly serving God - the
kingdom of God and having faith in Him. Those same honored scribes devour
widow’s houses. “Pretense” translates the Greek word
“prophasis” - which has the idea of doing something
that hides our real motivation. The
pretense of long lofty prayers spoken publicly in
the temple to convince the widow of the scribes
piety and devotion to God. One of the functions of Scribes was to
be a consultant in estate planning for widows. But
instead of helping those who came to them in need of
assistance they used their position to further their
own self-centered ambitions - reputation - and
greed. Their role gave them the opportunity to
convince a susceptible widow that her money - or
property - should be given to the scribe to further
his sacred ministry.
Or, at least, it could be given to the temple
- where the scribe would still benefit from it. At the
very least because the scribe still took out his
“consultation fee.” Observe the long prayers of the Scribes
who are using their position and pretense of piety
to rob the helpless and needy. Everyone one of us will always act
consistent with what really believe. Not what
we say we believe.
But consistent with what at our heart level -
at the core of who we are - what we actually
believe. Jesus’ warning - “beware” - is calling
on the crowds to observe and study the religious
leaders. To
consider if those in leadership are actually living
consistent with what they profess to believe in or
do they believe something else. Despite all the robes and greetings and
seating arrangements and long pious prayers if the
religious leaders believe that God’s kingdom was
about politics and power and prestige and position
and a Messiah who would restore a political kingdom
then they’re only acting consistent with what they
believe. Why shouldn’t they hang on to and
expand their positions of power and prestige? Why
shouldn’t they take Jesus down and out? Jesus who
threatens their carefully constructed little world. Then Jesus - in that powerful ministry
moment - Jesus concludes His public ministry with
this warning: They
will receive the greater condemnation.” They are in a position to know better. These are
the leaders of God’s people who should serving in
humility - in sincerity - in love and compassion and
grace and mercy - who should be leading the nation
towards God. They will receive a greater judgment
from God - greater condemnation. Which is a warning to the crowd. Examine
your own hearts and your own response to Jesus. We can all
play the hypocrite.
The great throng that on Tuesday hears Jesus
gladly and on Friday calls for His crucifixion. What’s really going on in their hearts? What do
they really believe? Processing all that... If you’ll bear with me an oldie but
goodie illustration. There was a man who was suffering from
a tickling in his throat - a buzzing in his ears -
and occasional dizzy spells. So he went
to see his doctor.
Who examined him and discovered that his
tonsils were highly infected and that was effecting
his whole body.
So the man had his tonsils
out. Which wasn’t too big a deal. The man
enjoyed the ice cream.
It didn’t take too long until he had
recovered from the surgery. But he still had a tickling in his
throat - a buzzing in his ears - and occasional
dizzy spells.
So they called in a second opinion - a
specialist - who traced it down to his
appendix. So the man had his appendix out.
Which wasn’t too big a deal with the way they
do surgeries these days. After a
couple of days in the hospital he was back home
again. He
had to be careful about lifting heavy weights. But it
wasn’t too long and he was feeling pretty good. Except that he did have a tickling in
his throat - a buzzing in his ears - and those
occasional dizzy spells. Well, after further consultation they decided
it was his teeth.
So he had all his teeth out. That was a
little more intense. But he
didn’t take too long to get over that and he was
amazed how well he could get on with implants.
So he was doing pretty good. But, he had to admit in spite of all that, he
still had a tickling in his throat - a buzzing in his ears - and
those occasional dizzy spells. Well, the doctors didn’t know
what to do. They
thought, well, maybe its stress related. So they
suggested a long vacation. The man
liked the idea.
So he headed off to Jamaica. Spent
about a month on the beach resting and working on
his tan. While
he was there he went into one of those touristy
shops that sells really nice clothes and told the
man that he’d like to buy a shirt. So the salesman asked, “What
size neck?” And he
said, “14½.” The man was very indignant. He said, “I’ve
been buying my shirts all my life. And I
think I have a pretty good idea of what size shirt I
wear. The salesman said, “Pardon me sir. I didn’t
want to offend you.
I mean - I’m prepared to sell you any size
shirt. That’s
my business - sell shirts - whatever the size. But, I
would suggest that if you wear a 14½ when you should
be wearing a 16.
It’s just possible that you might have a
tickling in your throat - a buzzing in your ears -
and just occasional fits of dizziness.” (1) We have this tendency towards
Towards thinking that we’ve got it all
together. That
we get Scripture and what it means to follow God. We’ve
heard this before.
I always wear a 14½ collar. Sometimes we need a reality check. To hear
Jesus’ “beware” warning for our own lives. Calling us
back to Him.
Jesus - the Christ. Preeminent
in creation - in redemption. God in the
flesh and blood of our humanity. The
kingdom of God at hand. Who
invites us to trust Him. In the day-to-day of where we live our
lives - what do our responses to all that - what do
our actions - our priorities - what do our actions
tell us about what we really believe about Who Jesus
is and what it means to live trusting God in His
kingdom? _______________ 1. I believe this was originally shared by
Major Ian Thomas - “Trying to Live a Life
You Don’t Have” - Hume Lake, 08.23.92) Series references: Sinclair B.
Ferguson, Let’s Study Mark (Edinburgh, The
Banner of Truth Trust, 2016). Charles R.
Swindoll, Swindoll’s Living Insights New
Testament Commentary, Volume 2: Insights
on Mark (Carol Stream, IL,
Tyndale House Publishers, 2016). Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture
quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard
Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles,
a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by
permission. All
rights reserved. |