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OUR TWO CENTS WORTH MARK 12:41-44 Series: The Good News of Jesus Christ - Part Forty Pastor Stephen Muncherian February 17, 2019 |
Please stand - if you are able - as we
come together before God’s word. Would you
read with me our passage for this morning - Mark 12 -
starting at verse 41: And He sat down opposite the treasury and
watched the people putting money into the offering
box. Many
rich people put in large sums. And a poor
widow came and put in two small coins, which make a
penny. And He called his disciples to Him and
said to them, “Truly, I say to you, this poor widow
has put in more than all those who are contributing to
the offering box.
For they all contributed out of their
abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in
everything she had, all she had to live on.” Let’s
make sure were together on when and where are. During the week leading up to Jesus’
crucifixion Jesus enters Jerusalem - on what we
call... Palm Sunday - riding on a donkey - people
waving palm branches.
Familiar scene.
Right? On Monday Jesus heads to the Temple. Which the
religious leaders had turned into something resembling
Walmart run by the Mafia. And Jesus…
cleanses it. Jesus
turning over tables - driving out the merchants. And then
Jesus goes on to teach and heal people. On Tuesday - when Jesus returns to the
Temple - He’s met by a delegation that’s come together
in response to Jesus’ actions. It’s an impressive group. The Chief
Priests. The
Scribes. The
Elders. Those
who served in the Sanhedrin - the ruling body of the
nation. These
are the heavy weights - the top of the pile of Jewish
religious and political leadership. This delegation comes to Jesus and asks
the question: “By what authority are You doing
these things, or who gave You this authority to do
these things?” (Mark
11:28) Which leads to a series of groups that
come to ask Jesus questions about Jesus’ authority and
education and allegiances and doctrine. Groups that
are polarized politically and religiously but they all
see Jesus as a threat.
So their questions are all designed to take
Jesus… down and out. In responding to all that Jesus - in a “God loves you sort
of way” - Jesus schools the religious leadership to
the point where no one has the guts to ask Him any
more questions. Sounds familiar. Yes? Point being - what
we need to hold onto in all that is that Jesus is
always “on task.”
Jesus is always re-framing their questions and
turning the discussion back to His ministry and His
message. God’s
kingdom is at... hand.
Have faith in... God. (Mark 1:15) The truth of Who
Jesus is and what it means to have a relationship with
God by repenting and trusting in Jesus - what God has
done for us in Christ. All of which came down to what we saw
last Sunday - Jesus quoting David - using Psalm 110:1
- to drive home the reality that Jesus is the son of
David. Jesus
is the Messiah. Meaning
that Jesus is THE God in the flesh and blood of our
humanity - Who has come to save His people. And - Jesus making painfully clear - that
the spiritual leaders are seriously out of step with
God and God’s plan for His people. They’re in
it for themselves.
They only care about God and God’s people when
it benefits them.
And God is going to judge them severely for
their sin. Coming
to verse 41 is what comes next. What Jesus Observed. This is a photo of Herod’s Temple in
Jerusalem. Well,
a scale model in the Israel Museum. The Court of
Women was located here. To give you an idea of size. The Court of
Women could hold up to 6,000 worshippers. Women were
restricted from going any closer to the actual temple
but men could go into the court of women. The Treasury was located here - just to
the north side of the Court of Women - in an area
where both men and women could go. In the
treasury there were 13 trumpet shaped boxes that were
used to collect contributions. After His “discussions” with the groups
of spiritual leaders - Jesus ends His public ministry
and probably went into this court area and sat down. Probably on
a bench. Someplace
across from the Treasury where the people’s offerings
are being collected.
Just close enough to be able to observe what
was going on. Crowds of people are coming by and
dropping money into the offering boxes - including a
number of rich people. Josephus - the Jewish historian of the
time - Josephus records that when the Pharisees came
to make their donation they had a guy with a trumpet
who would go before them and blow this trumpet to get
people’s attention.
Then the Pharisees would ceremoniously come and
proudly deposit a bag of gold in the treasury box. The Pharisee wanted everyone to see his
generosity. Because
it was crucial for the people - for the Pharisee’s
spiritual authority - his place in society - crucial
for the Pharisees’ own ego - it was crucial for the
people to see how large this offering was - how
generous was the giver - how worthy of respect and
honor. While Jesus is sitting and observing
these crowds of people giving and performing - a widow
comes - alone - without fanfare - quietly - probably
unnoticed by the crowd - and she places her offering -
all that she has - these two coins - in the collection
box. Those
coins - in Greek are called lepton - plural - lepta. Which is
what these are. They
were the smallest Jewish coins in circulation in
Palestine - about 1/2 inch - at the most - in
Point being - what’s she’s put in here -
even to the average person - is almost worthless. Maybe you do this when you walk around. I’m always
looking for change.
Even if it’s a penny I’ll pick it up. Change adds
up. People today drop change and they don’t
even bother to pick it up - pennies - dimes -
sometimes larger coins.
Sometimes even paper money. What this
widow put in - this is the kind of change that the
average person wouldn’t even bother to bend over and
pick up. Jesus sitting there. Watching
people putting money in the offering box. Jesus
calls His disciples over. Then Jesus begins to teach. [What Jesus Taught - verses 43,44] Let’s be careful. In the big
picture of where and when - Jesus is teaching about
the kingdom of God being at hand - the truth of Who Jesus
is and what it means to have a relationship with God
by repenting and trusting in Jesus. So no matter how tempted we might be to
think that what Jesus is teaching here is about money,
Jesus is not teaching about money but about what it
means to have a relationship with God by repenting and
trusting in Jesus - what God has done for us in
Christ. So Jesus - in His teaching - Jesus is
going to compare two completely different - opposing -
value systems. Two
completely different understandings of what’s really
valuable in life and how that valuing effects our
relationship with God.
Our trust in God.
One set of values is what we see in the
convenient faith of the religious leadership and the
rich that values their position and power and the
esteem of others more than God what God thinks of
them. A
valuing that’s demonstrated in the manner and amount
of their offerings. The other set of values is what we see in
the widow - her heart level devotion to God - a
valuing of God that’s demonstrated in the manner and
amount of her offering.
A set of heart level values that God values. That Jesus
notices and uses and example for the rest of us. The disciples - and us - we need to
understand the heart of this woman who’s given
everything. Not
for show. Not
for recognition.
She gives everything because of her devotion to
God. She’s
totally sold out to God.
Dependent on God.
Her life is God’s. Nothing is
held back. She’s
living by faith in God. Let’s make sure we’re together with Jesus
on the widow. The widow had how many coins? Two. Which means
she had choices to make. Choice number one would have been whether
to give at all. But
since she decided to give to God she has an additional
choice. Choice
number two is… how much? She could have kept one coin for her
needs and given the other to God. Nobody would
have known. And
even if they had known they’d probably wonder why she
was giving anything at all. A person could say, “Well, the coins were worthless
anyway. So,
she probably just tossed them both in and it really
didn’t matter.” Except that Jesus tells us that those two
coins represented all she had to live on. In other
words - while most people wouldn’t have bent over to
pick them up - those coins had immense personal value
- heart level - core of who she is - value to the
widow. So she’s making choices here - between
her and God - a willful decision that’s coming from
what at the heart level is most valuable to her. Remember Ananias and Sapphira? The poster
couple of epic giving failure. Sold a piece of property. They had a
choice. Give
part or all of what they had. Two coins or
one or none. They wanted recognition - to be esteemed
- by the church.
So they lied about how much they’d sold the
property for. Gave
the impression that they were bringing the whole
amount as a donation but actually were only giving
part of the amount.
Reading the account of Ananias and
Sapphira in Acts it’s clear that they were trying to
impress the crowd while lying to God. And they
ended up getting dead.
(Acts 5:1-11) Do you hear two masters in that? The heart
level weighing of what’s really heart level valuable? The value of
public esteem verses the value of what God esteems. The Pharisees - supposed spiritual
leaders of God’s people - playing to the crowds -
blowing trumpets - rich people at the offering boxes
giving - their self worth and position in the
community tied to the esteem they receive as they
give. Remember Jesus teaching this… “No servant can serve… two masters,
for either he will hate the one and love the other, or
he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot
serve God and money.
(Luke 16:13) There’s no way to serve both. One or the
other will get the honor and devotion - be valued as a
master. The
other one gets despised. Two masters. Each lays a
claim to our lives.
Each can be served. Each has
worth - value. But
no one individual can serve both. Our problem is that we try. We try to
serve both masters.
To think that we can give value to each. Let’s be honest. We all want
to be the widow.
Giving our all to God. But way too
often we’re the rich dudes. The
Pharisees with guys blowing the trumpets. We can fall into the trap of playing to
the crowd - looking for approval in the esteem of
others. Maybe
from our kids or people at work or school or even here
in the church. What
do other people think about what we do? How we live? What our
families are like?
We can get hung up on what we’re doing
for God - being
in a Bible study - in a Life Group - Love God - Love
Others - Serve the Church - Serve the World. And how much time and money and effort
we’re putting in to all that and how what we’re doing
compares to what others are putting in and whether or
not anybody else notices the massive sacrificial
effort we’re humbly putting in. Or we can see value as something tied to
our jobs or our financial bottom line - our
investments and retirements. Maybe the
quality of our lives - or lack of it. Our health
or non-health. Not that any of that isn’t important at
some point. But
we can be like those rich folks putting money into
offering boxes and giving value to all that without
first giving ourselves to what God says is valuable. Ultimately we’re living in slavery to the
world system - valuing what the world says is of value
- and doing and never being able to do enough - never
having enough - never being really secure - never
really being at peace - content - free. Even free to
serve God freely - from the heart - devoted to God. Jesus - watching the giving and then
teaching about the widow - is contrasting these two
masters - two sets of values - and focusing on what we
- heart level - really value. Thinking about our own lives - responding
to what Jesus is teaching. At the heart
level - at the core of who we are - what drives us to
do what we do? To
live the way we live in the day-to-day of our lives? What really
is of value to us?
Who or what are we really trusting with our
lives? To
Whom or to what are looking to that really worth
basing our lives on - having faith in? Those are really hard questions for us to
ask ourselves. But,
thinking through why we do what we do in the
day-to-day of where and when we do life - it is
crucial that we ask those questions. To make sure
that we’re not only in sync with what Jesus is
teaching. But
that our hearts and lives are in sync with God. Processing all that… What
we can take away from what Jesus is teaching for our
doing life out there. Question:
Weighing the two value systems. The two
masters. The
two examples. Thinking
through how we do life - at the heart level. In all
honesty - how greatly do we value God and what God has
done for us in Christ? Hang on to something. The prophets tried to
describe God to us.
When they were given glimpses of what He’s
like. Being
given visions of His throne room or glimpses of His
person. Visions
and glimpses of God.
From Genesis to Revelation we have descriptions
of all of that. All
of which falls short of describing the actual reality
of Who God is. God exists. He exists
for Himself without dependence or need for anything. And God not
only exists at the beginning of time but He exists at
the beginning and the end simultaneously and beyond. God is
eternal. God
has no origin but is the origin of everything. Which is mind popping
to think about. Right? We know certain
things about God because God reveals them to us. God is love
and gracious and merciful and holy and just and so on. But even
then we don’t really know all of what that means when
it comes to actually knowing Who God is. And beyond what God has revealed
about Himself there are other aspects of God’s being
that are known only to God. Hidden parts
of God that have no immediate meaning for us. In our study of Who
God is - His attributes - His nature and essence - as
soon as we think that we comprehend something about
God - we’ve placed limits on God by bringing Him down
to some manageable - on human terms - kind of
understanding of God. But - ultimately to
us - God is incomprehensible. And yet the message
and ministry of Jesus is that - in the person of Jesus
Christ - God Himself has come to us. The kingdom
of God is at hand.
Repent and believe. Have faith
in God. Trust
God for what He has done for us in Jesus Christ. It is important for
us to see the value in that - in the day-to-day of our
lives as we seek to live by faith - trusting God. To helps us process what that means -
look with me at Isaiah 53 - starting at verse 4: (Isaiah
53:4-6) Surely He has borne our griefs
and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed Him stricken,
smitten by God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our
He was crushed for our iniquities; upon Him was the chastisement that
brought us peace,
and with His stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray;
we have turned—every one—to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the
iniquity of us all.
Sorrow is mental - deep down a the core
of how we think - anguish as a result of our sin. A brutal
empty hopelessness. Every day we experience physical grief
and mental anguish because of our sin. Because of
the sin of those around us. Sin weighs
on us. Verse 4 says that Jesus has borne our
griefs. He
has carried our sorrows.
Literally, He’s taken them off of us and put
them on Himself.
Picked up what weighs us down and carries them
with Himself. In a sense its a picture of Jesus
carrying the cross to Calvary. The cross
made heavy by our griefs and sorrows. Jesus
carrying what burdens us with Him to the place of His
death. In the midst of that - verse 4 goes on -
we esteemed Him stricken - smitten by God - and
afflicted. Those who crucified Jesus saw the cross -
the suffering - the blood and beatings. They saw
that as punishment that God had laid on Jesus. God’s
judgment - God’s condemnation. Jesus
getting what He justly deserves - from God through the
hands of the Romans. Jesus smitten of God - stricken -
afflicted. Because
Jesus was not the Messiah. He’s the
trouble maker - a rebel - who dared to call Himself
God. Jesus
the sinner.
Transgressions are when we entertain
thoughts and attitudes that are against God’s will. The little
lusts and angers and dialogues we replay in our minds
- our doubts and fears and self-focused fantasies. Focusing on what we think of ourselves -
or what we think others think of us. Giving all
that greater value in our mind than what God declares
about us as His children - forgiven - set free. Iniquities are when we act out in sin. Willful acts
of disobedience.
What we say and do that’s against God’s will. The
perverted behavior of mankind - our own perverted
behavior - on display. Jesus was wounded for our transgressions. The Hebrew
is more graphic.
Literally He was run through. Think the
soldier shoving a spear into Jesus’ body to determine
if He really was dead. Jesus was crushed for our iniquities. “Crushed”
has the idea of being crushed to death. My own sin
is heavy enough.
What would it be like to carry the weight of
the world’s sin?
Or maybe just the sins of others in this room? “Upon Him was the chastisement” - upon Jesus was the punishment - which
is what the wounding and crushing is all about -
punishment that God places on Jesus. God’s
purpose of which is to bring us peace. The Hebrew word for peace is… “Shalom.” “Shalom” is a wholeness that we can’t
find in the world - a nearness to God. Peace with
God is an objective reality. Peace with
God describes our no longer being subject to God’s
wrath because of our sin. Peace means
that our relationship with God is right - righteous -
restored. We’re
no longer separated from God because of our sin. If you’ve placed your trust in Jesus as
your Savior slow down and put your own name there in
verse 5 instead of the “us.” Because of
Jesus’ wounding and crushing - bearing your punishment
- you have peace with God. Hold onto
what that means for you.
Then God speaks on through Isaiah: “and with His stripes we are
healed.” Some versions translate “stripes” as
“wounds” or “bruised.”
Which is accurate. But not
graphic enough to capture the meaning in Hebrew. We need to see the beatings - the
scourging with flesh being dug into - torn - blood
flowing - the sounds of physical torture - a man in
agony. The
perverse brutality that leaves the bruising - the
wounds - the stripes. “Healed” - means that we’re
broken. The
word has the idea of mending - stitching together -
repairing. We’re
worn and torn by sin.
And yet God heals us - mends us - restores us
to usefulness. How?
“...with His stripes we are
healed.” How valuable to us are the stripes laid
on Jesus? Stripes
laid on God to bring healing to us. “For God so loved the world - us - that He gave - willed for His only
Son to be crushed - put to grief - brutalized beyond
recognition - striped - so that whoever - no matter how messed up by our sin -
how depraved - we are - whoever believes in Him should not
perish but have eternal life.” - so that we are healed in our relationship
with God. (John
3:16) We sing the words: “I’ll never know how much it cost
to see my sin upon that cross.” There’s
significant truth in that. We have no
clue as to the depth of our depravity and the
unfathomable reality of God’s work on our behalf in
Jesus. We would have no clue that God exists if
He did not reveal Himself to us. He chooses
to know us. Chooses
that we should know Him.
Chooses that we should have a relationship with
Him. Chooses
to save us and adopt us and to indwell us and walk
with us through life providing for our needs and
giving us opportunity to serve and glorify Him. Chooses to
make us to be inheritors of His kingdom and to lavish
on us every heavenly blessing now and forever. In the day-to-day of our lives we need to
hang on to - cling tenaciously to - marinate in and
meditate on - and value as priceless the reality of
that. Serving the value system of the world
reduces us to valuing and serving what is so worthless
to what God has given us in Christ. Valuing the
world’s esteem cheapens the great value God has placed
on our lives. Marinating on Jesus - Who He is and what
He’s done for us - brings us back to God who brings
His kingdom to us and calls us to repent and trust
Him. To
what is really valuable in life. To live like the widow who in her poverty
gives everything to God.
Because being known by and knowing God is more
valuable than anything - two little coins - all that
she has - even her own life. So, processing all that. Bottom line
- heading out there - we’ve got to make a heart level
choice. The message and
ministry of Jesus is that in the person of Jesus
Christ - God
Himself - God’s kingdom has come to us. In the day-to-day of our lives what value
do we give to that truth? Is it enough
to repent and believe - to trust God with our lives? _______________ Series references: Sinclair B. Ferguson,
Let’s Study Mark (Edinburgh, The
Banner of Truth Trust, 2016). Charles R. Swindoll,
Swindoll’s Living Insights New Testament
Commentary, Volume 2:
Insights on Mark (Carol Stream, IL,
Tyndale House Publishers, 2016). Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture
quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard
Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a
publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by
permission. All
rights reserved. |