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THE CRUCIFIXION OF THE CHRIST MARK 15:16-47 Series: The Good News of Jesus Christ - Part Forty Seven Pastor Stephen Muncherian April 14, 2019 |
Would you please
follow along as I read for us our passage for this
morning - which is Mark 15:16-47. And
the soldiers led Him away inside the palace (that is,
the governor’s headquarters), and they called together
the whole battalion.
And they clothed Him in a purple cloak, and
twisted together a crown of thorns, they put it on
Him. And
they began to salute Him, “Hail, King of the Jews!” And
they were striking His head with a reed and spitting
on Him and kneeling down in homage to Him. And when
they had mocked Him, they stripped Him of the purple
cloak and put His own clothes on Him. And they led
Him out to crucify Him. And
they compelled a passerby, Simon of Cyrene, who was
coming in from the country, the father of Alexander
and Rufus, to carry His cross. And they
brought Him to the place called Golgotha (which means
Place of a Skull).
And they offered Him wine mixed with myrrh, but
He did not take it. And
they crucified Him and divided His garments among
them, casting lots for them, to decide what each
should take. And
it was the third hour when they crucified Him. And
the inscription of the charge against Him read, “The
King of the Jews.”
those who passed by derided Him, wagging their heads
and saying, “Aha!
You who would destroy the temple and rebuild it
in three days, save Yourself, and come down from the
cross!” So
also the chief priests with the scribes mocked Him to
one another, saying, “He saved others, He cannot save
Himself. Let
the Christ, the King of Israel, come down now from the
cross that we may see and believe.” Those
who were crucified with Him also reviled Him. And
when the sixth hour had come, there was darkness over
the whole land until the ninth hour. And at the
ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi,
lema sabachthani?” which means, “My God, my God, why
have You forsaken Me?” And
some of the bystanders hearing it said, “Behold, He is
calling Elijah.” And
someone ran and filled a sponge with sour wine, put it
on a reed and gave it to Him to drink, saying, “Wait,
let us see whether Elijah will come to take Him down.” And
Jesus uttered a loud cry and breathed His last. And
the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to
were also women looking on from a distance, among whom
were Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James the
younger and Joses, and Salome. When He was
in Galilee, they followed Him and ministered to Him,
and there were also many other women who came up with
Him to Jerusalem. And
when evening had come, since it was the day of
Preparation, that is, the day before the Sabbath,
Joseph of Arimathea, a respected member of the
Council, who was also himself looking for the kingdom
of God, took courage and went to Pilate and asked for
the body of Jesus. Pilate
was surprised to hear that He should have already
died. And
summoning the centurion, he asked him whether He was
already dead. And
when he learned from the centurion that He was dead,
he granted the corpse to Joseph. And
Joseph bought a linen shroud, and taking Him down,
wrapped Him in the linen shroud and laid Him in a tomb
that had been cut out of the rock. And he
rolled a stone against the entrance of the tomb. Mary
Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joses saw where he
was laid. Jesus is Mocked We are picking up
where we left off last Sunday. It is Friday
morning. Jesus
has been through 6 trials which are all focused on
taking Jesus down and… out. Jesus has
been delivered by the Roman Procurator Pilate to Roman
soldiers to be scourged and crucified. Which takes place -
most probably in the Fortress of Antonia. Which was
the Roman military barracks which overlooking the
Temple Courts - so the Romans could keep track of what
was going on in the Temple Courts. The Fortress of
Antonia housed the cohort of the 10th Legion - which
was 600 fighting men plus support personnel. And it was
the Jerusalem military headquarters of Pilate. Pilate - who
is in Jerusalem during the Passover to maintain order
and make sure that taxes are collected and the tribute
is sent to Rome. So, as we noted last
Sunday, Pilate - being in a precarious position
because of the politics in Rome and his previous
failures in Judea - Pilate fearing the crowd and
fearing for his life - delivers Jesus to be scourged
and crucified. Which was brutal. A scourge had a
short wooden handle to which several thongs were
attached. The
ends of the thongs were equipped with pieces of lead
or brass and with sharply pointed pieces of bone. Generally two men
were employed to administer the punishment. One lashing
the victim from one side, the other lashing the victim
from the other side.
The result was that the flesh was lacerated to
such and extent that deep seated veins and arteries
and sometimes entrails and organs were exposed. There were two
purpose to scourge someone. One was to
create fear - as in “I don’t want that to happen to me.” And second -
scourging was a precursor to crucifixion because it
shortened the time a victim spent on the cross. An expert
scourger could scourge someone within an inch of their
life. Mark records - coming
to verse 16 - that as Jesus is scourged the other
soldiers in the fortress were called to watch and as
they watched they began to mock Jesus. To further
humiliate Jesus based on His claim to be the King of
the Jews. They dressed Jesus in
a purple cloak - purple being a royal color. They twisted
together a crown of thorns which they shoved down on
His head. Thorns
which were probably more like spikes 2 to 3 inches
long. And
they mockingly saluted Him: “Hail, King of the Jews!” Then - instead of
handing Jesus a reed - like a royal scepter - which
would have been humiliating enough - they beat Him on
the head with the reed and began to spit on Him and to
kneel before Him in fake submission and respect -
“homage”. The
word in Greek has the idea of worship. Ironically, their
words and actions reveal the truth. Before them
really is THE King of kings and THE Lord of lords -
the potentate of His creation. And that one
day all of creation will kneel before Jesus including
these soldiers now mocking Him. But now - blinded and
deluded by their own politics and egos and religion
and perspective of the world they have no clue Who
Jesus is and so they mock and torture Him. To the point
where Jesus is barely recognizable as a man. The prophet Isaiah
writes: “But many were amazed when they saw Him. His face was
so disfigured He seemed hardly human, and from His
appearance, one would scarcely know He was a man.” (Isaiah 52:14 NLT) Then they removed the
purple cloak - which may have - by this time - become
matted with Jesus’ blood and adhering to Jesus’ skin. So removing
it would mean tearing away at Jesus’ already shredded
skin. They
put Jesus’ own clothes back on Him - and led Him out
to be crucified. Isaiah again: “He was oppressed, and He was afflicted,
yet He opened not His mouth; like a lamb that is led
to the slaughter, and like a sheep that before its
shearers is silent, so He opened not His mouth.” (Isaiah 53:7) Verse 21: Jesus is Crucified. At this point Jesus
would have been turned over to an Exactor Mortis. The title
means something like “exactor of death.” The Exactor Mortis
was usually a centurion who commanded a squad of 4
soldiers called a “quaternion.” These were
professionals trained in the skill and the art of
crucifixion. It
is their job to make sure Jesus gets crucified and
dead. On the way out of the
fortress they “compel” - meaning they “volunteered”
Simon who was from Cyrene - which is a town on the
north coast of Africa - think Libya. Simon who’s
in town probably for the Passover and who is himself
passing by. Which
means he was… passing by. Meaning
that, as a pilgrim from Cyrene, he could have just
happened to have been there. But Simon is
mentioned by name by the Gospel writers which means he
is someone who’s probably known to the first-century
Christians. Mark
alone mentions his sons Alexander and Rufus. Mark who’s
primarily writing to Roman Christians. Which may
connect them with Paul.
Paul in his letter to the Roman church sends
greetings to Rufus and his mother who ministered to
Paul. Rufus
who may have been the son of Simon. (Romans
16:13) All that is not
random. Simon
is someone who may have had no clue what was going on. He’s just
passing by. But
his life - and the life trajectory of his family - may
have been dramatically changed by this experience. It’s hard to
imagine how Simon wouldn’t be changed. Imagine if
you are I were in his place. So Simon is
“compelled” to carry Jesus’ cross to a place known as
“The Place of the Skull” - which in Aramaic is called
Golgotha. Calvary
comes from the... Latin.
(Calva = bald head or skull). Which is according to
both Roman and Jewish custom. Crucifixion
had to take place outside the city walls. Which
traditionally - Golgotha - is located just west of the
fortress. Which
ultimately is not a long walk. At the most
a quarter of a mile. Today, you can walk
the Via Dolorosa - literally the “path of pain” -
which today is full of pilgrims and tourists and
shops. At
the end of which is the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Which is
also full of pilgrims and tourists. No shops. But very
crowded. And
very removed from the events of 2,000 years ago. Arriving at Golgotha
the Romans prepared to crucify Jesus. We know that the
Romans were very economical in how they crucified
someone. They
wasted nothing. They
recycled everything. Simon would have
carried - what was known as a “patibulum” - or
crossbeam. When
they got out to Golgotha - the patibulum would have
been fitted on the “stipes” - which was the vertical
part of the cross - using a mortise and tenon joint. No nails. Which allowed them to
easily take the cross apart and reuse it for the next
victim. Then they would have
stripped him of his clothing. Meaning
total nudity. Not
the modest PG-13 pictures we have today. The soldiers
didn’t care about modesty. The more
shame - the more humiliation - the better. Then they would have
then stretched Jesus out on the cross. Two soldiers
would have stretched Jesus’ arms across the patibulum. His feet
would have been placed flat against the stipes. Probably one
soldier would lay across Jesus’ chest while another
would have pinned his feet. Then they would have
driven 5 inch long and 3/8’s inch wide nails into
Jesus’ palms - maybe wrists. Then they
would have bent His knees and driven nails through
each foot or perhaps 1 nail through both feet
overlapping each other.
Nails that they would later recycle and use on
the next victim. Nailing - as gruesome
and as painful as it sounds - nailing was actually
more merciful than just tying someone to a cross. Tying
someone meant using a sedile - which was a platform
under the feet which enabled the victim to push up and
go on breathing. Not using sedile was
actually more merciful.
Why? Because
it meant that a victim would wear out faster - get
exhausted and be unable to breath - and would die in
agonizing hours not linger for agonizing days. Which is probably
what Pilate ordered.
Since it’s the Passover and Pilate’s position
is precarious and he needs a win not more complaints
going back to Rome.
So Pilate is doing what he can to make this
happen - to happen quickly - and keep the Jews happy. The wine mixed with
myrrh was probably intended to numb Jesus to some of
the pain. Which
He refused. Why? We don’t
know. Probably, reasonable
speculation is because He is intent on taking on
Himself all of what this crucifixion is about. And it’s
important for us to know that He did. He is all in
for all of us. Finally - they would
tip the cross up and guide the base of the stipes into
a hole. The
cross - suddenly vertical would drop into that hole
with a jarring thud.
Then the soldiers would drive wedges between
the stipes and the hole to make sure the cross
remained vertical. By the third hour -
which is our 9:00 a.m. - they were done. Then according to
custom - after they’d finished - they “cast lots.” Meaning they
gambled - probably with dice - for Jesus’s clothes. Which
fulfilled yet another prophecy - Psalm 22:18: “They divide My garments among them, and
for My clothing they cast lots.” Which is another
reminder - all the prophecies that are coming together
and being fulfilled - all that reminds us that all
this is taking place according to God’s will and plan. So the soldiers -
seasoned veterans - soldiers should have been paying
attention to Jesus - to His words - His attitude. But they’re
indifferent. They’ve
done this maybe hundreds of times before. They are
clueless - throwing dice - while the Lamb of God is
dying to take away the sins of the world. Their sins. Our sins. Chuck Swindoll - in
his commentary on Mark - quotes Jim Bishop - the
journalist. Jim
Bishop combined science and historical information and
some imagination to describe - pretty accurately what
Jesus was going through at this point. His arms were now in a V position, and
Jesus became conscious to two unendurable
circumstances: the
first was that the pain in His wrists was beyond
bearing, and that muscle cramps knotted His forearms
and upper arms and the pads of His shoulders; the
second was that His pectoral muscles at the sides of
His chest were momentarily paralyzed. This induced
in Him an involuntary panic; for He found that while
He could draw air into His lungs, He was powerless to
exhale. At once, Jesus raised Himself on His
bleeding feet. As
the weight of His body came down on the insteps, the
single nail pressed hard against the top of the wound. Slowly,
steadily, Jesus was forced to raise Himself higher and
higher until, for the moment, His head hid the sign
which told of His crime.
When His shoulders were on a level with His
hands, breathing was rapid and easier. Like the
other two, He fought the pain in His feet in order to
breathe rapidly for a few moments. Then, unable
to bear the pain below, which cramped legs and thighs
and wrung moans from the strongest, He let His torso
sag lower and lower, and His knees projected a little
at a time until, with a deep sigh, He felt Himself to
be hanging by His wrists. And this
process must have been repeated again and again. (1) Verse 26 records
that Pilate had ordered a sign placed over Jesus’ head
“The King of the Jews.”
Which may have been Pilate’s way of justifying
his actions. Jesus
is crucified as a political rebel. It may have
been some passive aggressiveness - Pilate getting back
at the religious leaders. Verse 27 records that
Jesus is crucified between two thieves. More
prophecy is fulfilled.
God’s will and purpose. (Isaiah
53:12) Matthew records that
the thieves began to revile Jesus. To taught
Him with sarcastic comments. Verse 29 brings us to
those how passed by.
The abuse - the slander and taunting - coming
from the crowd. People who may have
either in person or by word of mouth they’d heard of
Jesus’ claims of Messiahship - maybe His teaching or
they’d heard about or seen His miracles. For sure
they’d heard the Sanhedrin’s twisted version of what
Jesus had said about Himself and the temple. To the crowd Jesus is
just another rabbi - another prophet maybe - someone
who said some things worth thinking about - but
definitely over the top with all this Son of God
stuff. If
He really was all those things He wouldn’t be hanging
on that cross. Mark 15:29: “And
those who passed by derided Him, wagging their heads
and saying, “Aha!
You who would destroy the temple and rebuild it
in three days, save Yourself, and come down from the
cross!” That’s a harsh thing
to say to anyone getting crucified. “You got what’s been coming to You. What a jerk. If you think
You’re so great, save Yourself.” Verse 31: “So also” - the chief priests -
the scribes - the elders - the religious hierarchy and
the political heads of the Jewish nation - the
Sanhedrin - those who should have believed Jesus -
should have recognized Him for who He is - should have
gotten on board with Him - should have pointed others
towards Him. So also - they mocked
Jesus. “He
saved others, He cannot save Himself. Let the
Christ, the King of Israel, come down now from the
cross that we may see and believe.” We’re probably only
getting the sanitize G version of what was said. But, notice
the common theme of “Save Yourself.” Which He could have
done. One
word from Jesus and the armies of heaven would have
come. One
word and those mocking Jesus would have been charcoal. One word and
the cross and creation no longer exist. But nails aren’t
what’s keeping Jesus on the cross. Ironically, their
mocking reveals the truth of what they do not
comprehend. What
they are spiritually numb to. The choice Jesus is
making to not save Himself in order for Him to save
them. It
is because Jesus chooses to remain on the cross that
He is able to save those mocking Him - to save us. Which is the
will and plan of God.
Darkness - in the Old
Testament - the prophets spoke of darkness as a sign
of God’s judgment.
In Egypt - before the Exodus - the last plague
before the Passover and the death of the first born -
the last plague was darkness. Only those
covered by the shed blood of the Passover lamb would
be delivered from God’s wrath. What was foreshadowed
in Exodus is now finding it’s ultimate fulfillment on
the cross. Paul writes to the
Corinthians: “For Christ, our Passover Lamb, has been
sacrificed.” (1
Corinthian 5:7b) Again the plague of
darkness proceeds the sacrifice. But this
time it is God’s own firstborn Son Who is to die. Verse 34 - at the
ninth hour - meaning 3:00 in the afternoon - Jesus
cries out with at loud voice - He screams: “Eloi,
Eloi, lema sabachthani?” which means, “My God, my God,
why have You forsaken Me?” No where else in
Scripture is there such a statement. It is beyond
our understanding.
Staggering to consider. Jesus
experiencing what you and I deserve. What every
human being in history deserves. What Jesus
alone does not deserve.
Our Savior - Who for
all of His existence - in that perfect divine unity of
the Trinity - Jesus has never been alone. Now - in His
incarnate humanity - Jesus experiences separation from
His Father. The
Father - God - Who is holy must forsake the Son who
bears our sin. As He cries out Jesus
bears the full weight of God’s vehemence and wrath
upon our sin. Jesus
does not just feel forsaken. He is
forsaken. Forsaken so that we
might be forgiven.
Cut off so that we may never be separated from
God’s love. Some there said, “Behold, He is calling Elijah.” In those days there
was a popular religious belief that Elijah acted as
kind of a patron saint of those who suffered. So someone
offered Him a drink.
Sour wine was used to reduce fever - to provide
refreshment. Maybe the idea was to
keep Jesus going long enough for Elijah to show up. Maybe they’d
all get to see Elijah. What is the most
momentous event in their lives and again there is
They are again spiritually clueless - their
minds darkened by superstition. Verse 37: And
Jesus uttered a loud cry and breathed His last. Mark doesn’t tell us
what Jesus cried out.
John does.
John records Jesus’ last words as “It is finished.” (John 19:30). “It is finished” in Greek is actually
only one word: “tetelestai”
- which comes from the verb “teleo” - which has the
idea of arriving at a goal - reaching the end - the
purpose - for why something exists. Jesus understood that
the goal of His life - in humanity - was the doing the
work that God had given Him to do. Everything
God had used His prophets to point towards. His ministry
and message comes down to this moment. His whole
life has been leading up to this moment. With this
cry Jesus is declaring that He’s done it. He’s
accomplished everything the Father sent Him to
accomplish. It’s
done. The completely
sufficient sacrifice of Christ on the cross for us. Mark records - as
Jesus breathes His last - the
curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to
bottom. The curtain in
Temple. Thick. Formidable. It was what
had kept people from approaching the Ark of the
Covenant - over which God’s shekinah glory resided -
the revealed presence of the holy God. Even for the priest
uniquely selected - to go beyond the curtain
inappropriately was death. To enter
uncleansed of sin was death. The curtain which
separated humanity - us - from the holy presence of
God is torn dramatically top to bottom -
supernaturally by God.
Because of the work of the atoning Lamb -
sacrificed on the cross for us - the long standing
separation between ourselves and God has been
shredded. Then - as Jesus
breathes His last - the
centurion, who stood facing Him - looking at Jesus and perhaps each
watching the other as Jesus died -
when the centurion saw that in this way He breathed
His last, he said, “Truly this man was the Son of
God!” The centurion - the
head of the quaterina - the Exactor Mortis - the man
who has supervised perhaps hundreds of crucifixions -
the Roman - Gentile - pagan - centurion when he saw “that in this way” Jesus breathed His
last - purposefully - intentionally - crying on in
victory - the centurion recognizes the truth of Who
Jesus is. Words that echo
Peter’s declaration.
Jesus’ question:
“But Who do you say that I am?” Peter’s
answer: “You are the Christ, the Son of the
living God.” (Matthew
16:13-17; Mark 8:27-30) Mark records that
there were a women watching from a distance. Probably
from a perimeter established by the soldiers. Mark gives us some of
their names. The
other Gospel writers add others to the list. Mark
describes their connection to Jesus. We know that
there were also men there - including John the
Apostle. How many women? How many
men? We
don’t know. It’s
not the point. Mark records that
they were “looking on.”
The verb in Greek is “theoreo” which means
to observe with sustained interest for the purpose of
gaining understanding.
Like a spectator
watching a baseball game and analyzing every sign. Every shift
of position. Analyzing
all of that to understand the strategy - the skill -
the meaning. These women had seen
first hand what we can only read about. They’d heard
the response of the Centurion. And they’re
looking on. What
does it all mean? Then finally - in
verse 42 - Jesus is buried. The word “sabbath”
transliterates the Hebrew word “shabbat” which means
“to cease and desist” - “stop”. On the
Sabbath a Jewish family would cease and desist
together - sharing a meal - celebrating God’s
provision and protection - and rest
from work. The Day of
Preparation was when they… prepared - prepared all
that needed to be prepared in order for them to be
able to cease and desist together. That it was becoming
evening - around 6:00 p.m. Friday - when the Sabbath’s
ceasing and desisting is about to begin - that adds
urgency. That Old Testament
said that someone executed by hanging couldn’t be left
hanging over night - that law adds necessity. (Deuteronomy
21:22,23) Joseph of Arimathea -
we know from what Mark and the other Gospel writers
record - Joseph of Arimathea was a respected -
prominent - member of the Sanhedrin who also was a
righteous man who was a secret follower of Jesus -
understandable given his position. Who had not
consented to Jesus’ crucifixion. Who -
perhaps because of the crucifixion - Joseph steps
forward - at great risk to himself - and asks Pilate
for Jesus’ body. Pilate - who is in
Jerusalem for the Passover to maintain order and keep
tribute flowing to Rome.
Who’s position is precarious and who needs a
win. Pilate
does not want to violate Jewish religious customs and
who’s life may depend on Jesus being dead. Pilate
summons the Centurion Exactor Mortis - to make sure
that Jesus is, in fact, dead. Which the Exactor
Mortis does. Because
his life depends on Jesus being dead and his being
able to give Pilate and accurate report that Jesus is,
in fact, dead. Meaning that there is
no possibility that they crucified the wrong guy -
maybe some volunteer - or that Jesus fainted after
being beaten to a pulp and then woke up and rolled the
bolder away and escaped - meaning that He really
didn’t die and then later ran off with Mary Magdalene
to the south of France to father a line of future
Frankish kings while the disciples perpetuated some
hoax about His resurrection that they all - except for
John - got martyred horribly saying really happened. Jesus is dead. And His body
is turned over to Joseph - who with some oil and
spices provided by Nicodemus - wraps Jesus’ body in
linen that was used for burials - and they lay Jesus’
body in an unused tomb that Joseph had acquired for
his family. And
then they roll the stone against the entrance to the
tomb. Verse 47 - Mary Magdalene
and Mary the mother of Joses saw where he was laid. The word saw is that
Greek verb “theoreo” - looking intently with a desire
to understand. After that long -
exhausting - traumatic day - the women sat before the
tomb - staring - trying to make sense of it all. What does it
all mean. Processing all that for ourselves... All of Jesus’
ministry needs to be viewed from the perspective of
this final week of ministry. All of this
final week of ministry comes down to this moment and
what we know is coming on Sunday. But if we were
sitting there - on that night - in front of that tomb
- which of us would get it? Wouldn’t we
be at a loss for meaning? Empty and
wondering? How
are we suppose to process and respond to that? Two takeaways that
are worth our thinking about - meditating on - in the
time between now and the celebration of Jesus’
resurrection. First: He died for you and for me. In our
place. By
God’s will according to God’s plan. Peter describes Jesus
what Jesus did - 1 Peter 2:22: “He committed no sin, neither was deceit
found in His mouth.
When He was reviled, He did not revile in
return; when He suffered, He did not threaten, but
continued entrusting Himself to Him Who judges justly. He Himself
bore our sin in His body on the tree, that we might
die to sin and live to righteousness. By His
wounds you have been healed.” (1 Peter
2:22-24) The Son of God - God
- takes on the flesh and blood of our humanity - dies
in our place on that cross for each of us who has
mocked Him and ridiculed Him and rejected Him - acted
indifferently towards Him - carried on in our own
selfishness and pride for our own purposes - that each
of us might be made right in our relationship with
God. Second: He died for you and for me because He
loves us. Jesus said: “Greater love has no one than this, that
someone lay down his life for his friends. You are My
friends…” (John 15:13,14a) That’s what kept
Jesus on the cross.
Not nails.
But His perfect complete love for you and for
me. _______________ 1. Jim Bishop, The Day Christ Was Born and The Day Christ Died (New York: Galahad,
1993, pages 491-492) - quoted by Charles Swindoll,
page 388 Series references: Sinclair B. Ferguson,
Let’s Study Mark (Edinburgh, The
Banner of Truth Trust, 2016). Charles R. Swindoll,
Swindoll’s Living Insights New Testament
Commentary, Volume 2:
Insights on Mark (Carol Stream, IL,
Tyndale House Publishers, 2016). Unless otherwise
indicated, Scripture quotations are from The Holy
Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001
by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News
Publishers. Used
by permission. All
rights reserved. |