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FASTING & FREEDOM MARK 2:18-22 Series: The Good News of Jesus Christ - Part Eight Pastor Stephen Muncherian March 4, 2018 |
This morning we are at
Mark 2 - starting at verse 18. Over the past
few Sundays we’ve been moving through a section of
Mark’s good news account of Jesus’ life and ministry in
which Jesus is stepping into controversy and conflict. Jesus is getting push
back on Who He is and what He’s teaching. More conflict
than resolution. We’ve seen Jesus grant
forgiveness of sin.
Something that only God has the authority to do. We’ve seen
Jesus eat with tax collectors and sinners - people that
the religious leaders thought He should have no contact
with. All
of which didn’t sit well with the religious leaders. There’s growing
controversy and conflict.
The religious leadership verses Jesus. Their
understanding of God verses Who Jesus is. Conflict that
eventually leads Jesus to the cross. If you’re able -
please stand with me - and read with me - as we come
together before God’s word. Now
John’s disciples and the Pharisees were fasting. And people
came and said to Him, “Why do John’s disciples and the
disciples of the Pharisees fast, but your disciples do
not fast?” And
Jesus said to them, “Can the wedding guests fast while
the bridegroom is with them? As long as
they have the bridegroom with them, they cannot fast. The days will
come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and
then they will fast in that day. “No
one sews a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old garment. If he does,
the patch tears away from it, the new from the old, and
a worse tear is made.
no one puts new wine into old wineskins. If he does,
the wine will burst the skins—and the wine is destroyed,
and so are the skins.
But new wine is for fresh wineskins.” People back then fasted
for basically the same reasons people fast today. Fasting is a
good spiritual discipline. Fasting is a good way
to remind our bodies that our bodies are not in charge. That God
should be in control of our appetites - physical and
otherwise. Fasting is a good way
of staying spiritually in tune with God - helping us to
focus in prayer and marinating in God’s word and
worship. One of the suggestions
we make annually is that part of our Renewal Weekend
might include a period of fasting. And we have
guidelines and suggestions for that online. Why exactly John the
Baptist’s disciples were fasting we don’t know. John was a kind of “out
there” kind of guy.
He led a harsh simple God focused life - wearing
camel’s hair clothing with the whole eating locust
thing. It’s
not too much of a stretch that fasting was a regular
part of what John did to stay focused on God and to
serve Him. Some have suggested
that John’s disciples - following the example of their
discipler - were fasting.
Most probably they were fasting as a spiritual
discipline of turning away from sin - of staying focused
on God. We know that the
Pharisees fasted twice a week - on Mondays and
Thursdays. Which
was fasting beyond what God required. The Old Testament gives
us a number of different examples of fasting but only
one command. Old
Testament law required one day of fasting which was on
Yom Kippur - the Day of Atonement. What is - even
today - the holiest day of the year in Judaism - with
its focus on repentance and atonement. Which will be
celebrated this September 18 and 19. But the Pharisees
fasted twice a week and they took great pride in making
a show of their piety - looking all miserable and
sprinkling ashes on themselves and not washing their
faces - so that others would know that they were
fasting. Then they’d made their
tradition of fasting to be a spiritual truth - a
spiritual litmus test requirement for being right with
God. And
then they’d expected that everyone else needed to
conform to their standard of righteousness. Which is what the
disciples of the Pharisees - mentioned here in verse 18
- what the disciples of the Pharisees - following the
example of their disciplers - what they would have been
doing. Which in a kind of
really strange kind of way means that the disciples of
John and the disciples of the Pharisees could have been
fasting for the same basic reasons - avoiding sin and
turning towards God. But let’s be careful. We know - and
John’s disciples would have known - because God tells us
- that God is not impressed by our outward acts of piety
- like going without food. The purpose of fasting
isn’t about earning God’s approval or proving to God
that we’re really serious about our relationship with
Him. Because
God knows what’s going on in our hearts despite the
growling in our stomachs. Fasting is a means of
getting our hearts and minds in sync with God’s heart
and mind - leading us into submission to God’s will for
our lives. (Zechariah
7:1-10) Fasting for John’s
disciples was a means of going deeper in their relationship
with God not a basis for their relationship
with God. Which is where the
Pharisees were coming from. Basing their
relationship with God on what they were doing for God -
using their traditions and righteous acts - like fasting
- as what it meant to be right with God and expecting
others to do the same. Mark records that there
were people who came to Jesus - with all of that in mind
- they came and asked Jesus this question about who’s
fasting - or not -
and why. In
the way that Mark records this the “and people came”
some of those people were Pharisees. Matthew’s
account of this scene clues us in that some of those
people who came were disciples of John. (Matthew 9:14) Exploring that. For John’s disciples
probably there is a sincere desire to understand - to be
taught and to learn.
we’re fasting. They’re
fasting. Why
are Your disciples not fasting?” For the Pharisees the
question is potentially loaded with controversy and
conflict. The Pharisees may have
been trying to give the impression that they were
sincerely concerned for Jesus and His disciples. But - given
their understanding of fasting and in the way they’re
asking the question - they are really pushing back at
Jesus with their question.
Pitting the followers of John against the
followers of Jesus.
Creating a wedge between them. Criticizing
Jesus. “How
can Jesus be a legit godly leader of this group of
disciples when they’re clearly second rate spiritually
compared John’s disciples - who, of course, are not
anywhere as pious as we are.” Growing controversy and
conflict. Verses 19 to 22 are Jesus’ Answer to the question. Jesus’ answer
comes in three parts.
Jesus gives us three illustrations. Part One is an
illustration about The Bridegroom, Which is an
illustration about Jesus Himself. Jesus
comparing Himself to a bridegroom. Yesterday we had a
wedding here. Most
weddings these days include an insane amount of
preparation before the wedding. So that the
actual ceremony and reception is kind of like crossing
the finish line at a marathon. Those of you
that have been closely involved in prepping for a
wedding will probably understand that all too well. After the reception
it’s clean up and head out and head home. We’re
basically done. What Jesus is
describing - what His listeners would have connected
with - was way different culturally than what we might
be thinking of. To get Jesus we can be
thinking about the wedding at Cana where Jesus turned
the water into really good wine. Familiar. Yes? The guy who was in
charge of the wedding reception was impressed that the
bridegroom had saved the really good wine till the end
of the feast - the wedding reception. Remember why? Because the after the
wedding ceremony - the celebration - the reception - could go on as
a community event for maybe even a week. They served
the good wine first until after a few days went by of
people drinking the really good stuff. So when the
guests had become slightly less discerning - then they
started to serve the not so good cheap Gallo in a box
wine. Point being that a
wedding was a community event that after the ceremony
and all the blessings and prayers the groom would take
his bride home to the “bridal chamber” and then the
community would party on… and on. “Wedding
guests” - here in verse 19 - is
more accurately translated from the Greek as “the
sons of the bridal chamber.” These were the
groomsmen. Who
were really close friends of the groom. Which they had
to be. In the way things were
done back then these groomsmen were responsible to make
sure that every thing that needed to be taken care of to
prepare the bridal chamber - where the groom and bride
went after the ceremony
for the wedding night - that all those details
were taken care of - without all the possible pranks and
stunts and potential embarrassments that could just
happen to happen might happen. And these
groomsmen also took care of whatever needed to be taken
care of for the week long celebration. So these are more than
just “wedding guests.”
These “sons of the bridal chamber” are guys
needed to be really tight long time trusted responsible
friends of the groom.
And - following the
example of what happened at the wedding in Cana - the
way weddings and celebrations were done back then -
after the wedding night the groom would join the
celebration and these groomsmen - really close friends -
would celebrate with the groom during this wedding feast
that would go on for days. So why would they fast? Why would the
wedding guests - why would the wedding party - the
groomsmen - why would they fast while the bridegroom is
with them? Why
would they go around putting ashes on themselves being
all gloomy like this is a funeral. It just
doesn’t add up. And… Jesus goes on in
verse 20 - there will come a day when the bridegroom is
taken away and then they’ll fast. Being taken away - in the Greek
has the idea of being taken… away. The word actually comes
with a pretty powerful image. It has the
idea of being taken away by death. Even taken up. What happens
to us who are in Christ.
We’re taken up into heaven. Which is a time for
fasting. For
sorrow. For
mourning. Because
- at death - we experiences separation from someone who
is a really close life-long friend. Like a groom. A funeral
being a significant contrast to a wedding celebration
feast. Jesus is applying the
illustration to Himself and giving a hint of where
what’s behind the Pharisee’s question is leading - the
conflict leading to the cross. Jesus is the groom. The groomsmen
are His disciples.
When Jesus is with them party on. But Jesus is
going to die - crucifixion. And after His
resurrection He’ll be taken into heaven - separation. Then there’ll
be a time for fasting.
But not now. Part Two of Jesus’
answer comes in verse 21 where Jesus uses the
illustration of Unshrunk Cloth. For Jesus’
disciples to fast would be like someone sewing unshrunk
cloth on an old garment. We get this. Right? New material
used to patch a hole in an old garment. When the
patched garment is later cleaned - the new unshrunk
patch will shrink - and pull away from the old part of
the garment - which is going to tear the old garment and
ruin a perfectly good piece of new material. Nobody in their right
mind would do that.
Trying to attach something new to something old.
We get this. Right? In Jesus’ day
winemakers kept old wineskins for old wine - wine that
had finished fermenting.
As new wine continues to ferment it emits carbon
dioxide. A
brittle - old wineskin - usually goat skin - the old
skin just wouldn’t be flexible enough to handle the
expansion and it’ll burst.
Which isn’t a good thing. So no one in their
right mind would do something like that. Trying to put
something new into something old. Jesus’ illustrations
are a comparison of new and old. The newness of
what Jesus brings to us cannot be adapted to what was. The old garment and the
old wineskin - those are like the religion of the
Pharisees and the Law and what they’d summed up in all
their legalist do’s and don’ts of what it meant to have
a right relationship with God. Rules and
regulations that missed the point of what God had asked
for and why. The new patch and the
new wine are like the good news of Jesus and what He
brings to us. What
God offers us in His Son the Messiah Who has come. There is a new joy - a
new relationship - a new freedom that God offers to each
of us in Christ. What
cannot be adapted to what once was. They must be
enjoyed as they are.
Any attempt to sew
together the newness of what Jesus offers with the old
religion and legalism of the Pharisees is futile. Any attempt to
pour what Jesus offers into the old religion and
legalism of the Pharisees just won’t work. Point being that what
Jesus offers to us is new - a new relationship - a new
covenant - a fresh new beginning with God. What is a time
for celebration not fasting. Isaiah anticipated the
coming of Jesus. Isaiah’s
word resonate with us today: “I greatly rejoice in the Lord,
I exult in my God; for He has clothed me with the
garments of salvation and wrapped me in a robe of
righteousness, as a groom wears a turban and as a bride
adorns herself with her jewels.” (Isaiah
61:10 HSCB) Paul writes to the
Galatians: “For
all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed
yourselves with Christ.” The bridegroom -
Jesus - is here and He gives us new clothes to wear for
the wedding. (Galatians
3:27 NIV) John records Jesus
telling His disciples:
things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you,
and that your joy may be full.” (John 15:11) Jesus
isn’t against fasting.
It’s just that fasting fails to recognize the
reality of Who He is and the time for celebration. Processing
all that… Jesus is comparing His
time on earth to the time of a wedding celebration - His
presence even with us today - God stepping into our
lives and giving to us a new relationship with Him. This is a time
of celebration. Party
on. But
we know - because we all experience this - we know that
there are days - maybe even seasons of life - when
celebration and joy do not come easy. There are
times when it is easy to be bound by our circumstances
or by the past rather than experiencing the freedom and
joy of the new - of new life in Christ. We
know - with the coming of Jesus that we can live in the
newness of life in Him.
But we still live in the shadow of the old life
and what is passing away.
We all struggle with this. Two
takeaways for us this morning. Number One: Remember
the Reality When
we’re tempted to think otherwise it is important that
each of us remembers the reality of what it means to be
given life in Christ.
Pharisees held to the belief that keeping the law was a
primary religious duty.
They’d determined that the law of Moses -
originally 10 Commandments and instructions on how to
keep them - they’d expanded that to 613 commandments -
248 “Thou shalts” and
365 “Thou shalt nots.” Then
they’d build a protective fence around those 613
A fence carefully constructed out of a system of
additional rules and regulations and interpretations
that was set up to keep them and others as far away from
the possibility of breaking one of the 613 commandments
and the 10 inside the fence. A fence
intended to keep them living rightly with God by their
own efforts at keeping the law. To
live as a Pharisee meant living a life of radical
separation and unending commitment to live in accordance
with this burdensome list of do’s and don’ts. And even doing
that they still didn’t know if enough was enough. With
all of their efforts there was still no cause for
celebration. No
basis for joy. No
freedom from their failure and sin. Because - even
if they said or thought otherwise - in reality they were
still living life by their own rules and regulations -
not by faith in God and His grace and the good news of
Jesus. Which
is like the world today.
With all of man’s intellect and philosophy and
knowledge and growing understanding of things we still
keep coming up empty.
Because by ourselves we have no answer to the
questions of why we exist and if there is an answer to
the uncertainty of death.
What is truth?
Is there any certainty in life? Any hope? Any purpose? All
of our efforts still leave us with only speculations
about what is real?
And even if we had those answers we - by our own
efforts - we still couldn’t change the reality and the
outcome of all that anyway. There
is no joy in that.
Only emptiness.
can come to the Bible like it’s some kind of instruction
manual. Which
it is. But
we can miss the point of it being a love letter from God
that comes with instructions. We
can come to the Bible like God gives us this manual so
if we just follow the instructions to the best of our
ability then God will work out everything that’s messed
up in our lives. But
that’s still about us and our efforts at living the
Christian life. Or
we can attend worship on Sundays. Attendance
meaning that we’ve come reasonably on time and we’re
occupying a green teal colored chair and we’ve gone
through the motions of what’s expected of us in our
service for God. Meaning
that it’s possible to worship God and in reality we’re
actually worshipping ourselves and our own efforts at
being religious. Or
we can go on with this.
Thinking through prayer and giving and serving
and all the different circumstances of our lives and how
we approach those circumstances. And the
question of whether or not we’re moving through all that
by working hard at figuring all that out and working at
getting through all that - maybe even trying to do
things God’s way - living the Christian life - doing all
that by relying on ourselves and not on God. If
we’re doing life where - even the tiniest bit of that -
is about us and not complete surrender and faith in God
then - like the Pharisees - we’re going to miss out on
joy. We’re
going to rob ourselves of the opportunity to celebrate
even in the midst of what to many is a time of mourning. So
we need to be careful.
Because it is way too easy to slip into that. Way to easy to
miss out on what God desires for us. What
God offers to us in Christ is so way different than
that. If
we’re coming up short on joy we need to grab some
reality - to remember who we are Christ. The newness of
life that’s ours in Christ. To remember
and marinate in the reality of that. Paul writes in Romans: “For the law of the Spirit of life has set
you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death.” (Romans
8:2) God
- Who created the atoms that He holds together and
breathes life into and that we experience as who we
because He’s given us the ability to do that. That
God reaches out to us in the midst of our depravity and
sin and unworthiness and inability to know that He even
exists and that we need Him. That
God - because He loves us and is merciful to us - God by
His grace calls us into a relationship with Him through
the full and complete work of Christ on the cross on our
behalf. Because
of Christ’s work on the cross we’re forgiven. Because of
Christ’s work on the cross we are redeemed and restored
- rescued and renewed.
Because of Christ’s full and complete work on the
cross alone we are set free by God. There is joy
in that freedom. God
gives to us His word - the Bible - not as some dry and
dusty manual for doing life - but as a love letter to
help us understand how greatly we have been loved and
how we can experience that loving relationship with Him
today and forever.
When we get that we experience an insatiable joy
in reading and studying His word. God
gathers us to worship Him - not as some burdensome
religious duty that we need to perform on days when we
have nothing conflicting going on or we don’t need extra
sleep - but because as those that He has lavished His
love upon by creating us for relationship with Him and
each other and given us that relationship with the
ability and need to worship Him - the highest and
greatest and most meaningful expression of our life is
found in coming together to worship Him. When we get
that we experience an insatiable joy in gathering to
worship Him. Pray
- give - serve - whatever.
It’s all because of God. It’s all about
God. It’s
all because of what He has made us to be in Christ. Joy
is the realized presence of God in our lives -
regardless of our circumstances. We always have
reason to celebrate because the celebration isn’t
dependent on us but what God has prepared for us to
enjoy with Him. First: Remember the
writes to the Philippians:
“Rejoice in the Lord always; [and
in case you missed it the first time] again I will say, Rejoice.” (Philippians
4:4) Rejoice
in who? The
Lord. Bottom
line: The
reason to rejoice is the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the good
news. The
New Testament encourages us to focus on Him and assumes
that joy will result. At the Passover meal -
as Jesus celebrated with His disciples - Jesus chose
wine as a symbol of the New Covenant - God’s new
arrangement for living in relationship with Him -
through the blood of Jesus Christ. Wine which symbolizes
blood - life. The
life that He offers.
Life lived by the power of Holy Spirit. Life that is
powerful and dynamic and exhilarating. Life that is like new
wine which is still in the process of fermentation. Life that is
way too volatile and active and strong to be contained
in stiff - rigid - brittle - old forms of religion and
the insanity of our trying to live life rightly with God
by our own efforts. Wine which over and
over again the Old Testament associates with joy. Wine which the
New Testament over and over again associates with Jesus. That
connection is not some random accidental coincidence. One
of the most memorable moments in a wedding is the when
the bride enters. Can
you picture this? The
bride at the head of the aisle waiting to be escorted
down. I
often tell grooms to remember that moment. To keep that
image in mind. Of
your bride - in all of her splendor and beauty -
standing - waiting - and then coming. Focus on her. Don’t take
your eyes off of her.
The rest of the ceremony will take care of
itself. There
is huge joy in that.
not a stretch - the application of that to us. Jesus the
groom. We -
the Church - His bride.
Those are all images that God uses to describe
the reality of the relationship He’s given us with His
Son. Imagine
how Jesus views you.
Jesus at the front seeing you. Jesus beaming
with joy. Imagine
walking that aisle your focus fixed on Him. Moving through
life - if we fix our eyes on Jesus joy will overtake our
lives. Which
is a choice we need to make. Which is a
pretty simple choice.
But our circumstances way too often tempt us way
from. We can stand on the
outside of that celebration like the Pharisees - looking
in and being all grumpy and critical and gloomy - rigid
and resistant to the Holy Spirit - without joy. Or we can choose Jesus
with His life of increasing freedom and joy. When we choose
to lock eyes with Jesus sooner or later we’ll be caught
up in His joy.
_______________ Series references: Sinclair B. Ferguson, Let’s
Study Mark (Edinburgh, The Banner
of Truth Trust, 2016). Charles R. Swindoll, Swindoll’s
Living Insights New Testament Commentary, Volume 2: Insights on
Mark (Carol Stream, IL,
Tyndale House Publishers, 2016). Unless otherwise
indicated, Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible,
English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by
Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News
Publishers. Used
by permission. All
rights reserved. |