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LORD OF THE SABBATH MARK 2:23-3:6 Series: The Good News of Jesus Christ - Part Nine Pastor Stephen Muncherian March 11, 2018 |
This morning we are at
Mark 2 - starting at verse 23. We are moving
through a section of Mark’s good news account of Jesus
where Jesus is encountering conflict - push back on Who
He is and what He’s teaching. Jesus Who is on a
totally different page than the religious leadership. There’s a
growing conflict that’s there - conflict that eventually
leads to the cross.
A growing conflict that - for the most part -
that’s there because Jesus is challenging their
understanding of God.
Their understanding of God and how God does
things - verses Who Jesus is - God operating in ways
they couldn’t process and maybe didn’t want to process. Jesus is
rocking their carefully constructed little religious
world. As
He sometimes does to ours.
And probably should. This morning we’ve come
to conflicts number 4 and 5. Which are
related. Because
they both deal with the Sabbath. If you’re able - please
stand with me - and read with me - as we come together
before God’s word.
Sabbath He was going through the grainfields, and as
they made their way, His disciples began to pluck heads
of grain. And
the Pharisees were saying to Him, “Look, why are they
doing what is not lawful on the Sabbath?”
He said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man
for the Sabbath. So
the Son of Man is lord even of the Sabbath.” Again
He entered the synagogue, and a man was there with a
withered hand. And
they watched Jesus, to see whether He would heal him on
the Sabbath, so that they might accuse Him. And
He said to the man with the withered hand, “Come here.” And He said to
them, “Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do
harm, to save life or to kill?” But they were
silent. And
He looked around at them with anger, grieved at their
hardness of heart, and said to the man, “Stretch out
your hand.” He
stretched it out, and his hand was restored. The
Pharisees went out and immediately held counsel with the
Herodians against Him, how to destroy Him. Verse 23 introduces us
to The First Sabbath Conflict - which comes in the form of a question: “To
pluck or not to pluck.” To understand the
conflict and the question we need to be clear on what
exactly is the Sabbath and what the Pharisees had done
with it. The word “sabbath” is
based on the Hebrew verb “shabbat” which means “to
cease.” Which
is what God did. Genesis
- God creating creation - day seven God ceases to
create. Not
because God needed to rest. But God ceased
creating because creation was complete. (Genesis
2:1-3) What God did in Genesis
God ties to the Ten Commandments. Commandment
Number 4 being about the Sabbath: “Observe
the Sabbath day, to keep it holy, as the Lord your God
commanded you. Six
days you shall labor and do all your work, but the
seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you
shall not do any work, you or your son or your daughter
or your male servant or your female servant, or your ox
or your donkey or any of your livestock, or the
sojourner who is within your gates, that your male
servant and your female servant may rest as well as you. You shall
remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and
the Lord your God brought you out from there with a
mighty hand and an outstretched arm. Therefore the
Lord your God commanded you to keep the Sabbath.” (Deuteronomy 5:12-15) God - as He is
covenanting and commanding His people - right after He
saves them from slavery in Egypt - Mount Sinai and the
pyrotechnics and Moses and the stone tablets - God
covenanting and commanding right after He saves them
from Egypt. And
God covenanting and commanding His people through Moses
just before God leads them through Joshua into the land
that He’s promised and is about to give them - God sets
aside the seventh day as a weekly day off to cease and
commemorate His creation of the world and to celebrate
His provision.
So for Gods’ people -
in the wilderness and in the Promised Land - Friday at
sundown became a time for feasting and singing - a time
when families delighted in the God of their provision
and protection and they set aside work to focus on God
and to bond with each other. Praise God and
party on. Then in 586 BC - when
the armies of Babylon marched in and began hauling God’s
people into exile.
Some of what we looked at last year when we
looked at Ezra and Malachi. During the
exile - in Babylon - the Sabbath became something
different in the eyes of God’s people. On one hand they clung
to the Law of Moses.
But during the exile the Pharisees became more
prominent along with their religious system that was
more legalism than Law.
Meaning that God’s grace and God’s reasons for
giving His Law began to fade from the national
consciousness and the Sabbath - by the time of Jesus -
the Sabbath had been transformed by the Pharisees into
something different that what God had originally
intended. Which - as we’ve been
moving through this section of growing conflict in Mark
- the Pharisees version of God verses Jesus and what
Jesus is revealing about God. We’ve seen
that the Pharisees
held to the belief that keeping the law was a primary
religious duty. Basing
their relationship with God on keeping the Law and
missing the purpose of the Law which was to bring them
to faith in God who is gracious towards breakers of the
Law. God
who is our creator and savior. So
in their legalistic - we need to do this in order to be
right with God understanding of things - they’d
determined that the law of Moses - originally 10
Commandments and instructions on how to keep them -
they’d expanded that to 613 commandments - 248 “Thou shalts” and
365 “Thou shalt nots.” Then
they’d build a protective fence around those 613
A fence carefully constructed out of a system of
additional rules and regulations and interpretations
that was set up to keep them and others as far away from
the possibility of breaking one of the 613 commandments
and the 10 inside the fence. A fence
intended to keep them living rightly with God by their
own efforts at keeping the law. Meaning that, by the
time of Jesus, the fourth commandment about the Sabbath
had been transformed into something way different than
what God had originally intended when He was covenanting
and commanding. The
Pharisees had transformed the simple command “cease”
into a long list of specific prohibitions that
ironically were more work to keep than just “ceasing”
from work. 39
Categories of Work Carrying Extinguishing Finishing Writing Erasing Cooking Washing Sewing Tearing Knotting Untying Shaping Plowing So, on this particular
Sabbath as Jesus and His disciples are going through the
grainfields and hungry they began to pluck heads of
grain. Which
if you’ve ever done this is actually kind of tasty. And which was
permitted in God’s instructions to His people - God
providing for His people - permitted as long as they
didn’t use a sickle and start taking out large swaths of
grain. But the Pharisees with
their fence saw that as work. Plucking wheat
from its stem is reaping.
Rubbing the wheat heads between one’s palms is
threshing. Blowing
away the chaff is winnowing. So the Pharisees - who
were always scrutinizing Jesus and His disciples and
looking for ways to score against Jesus - protecting
their own religious Pharisee world by taking Jesus down
- the Pharisees ask the question: “Why
are they doing what is not lawful on the Sabbath?” To which we need to
ask: “Lawful
according to whom?”
Not God. Doesn’t even
come close to God’s purpose for the Sabbath. Verses 25 to 28 are Jesus’ Answer
to the question. Which
begins with Jesus giving an illustration from the life
of King David. “Have
you not read?” is Jesus putting the
Pharisees on notice:
pride yourselves in being the very people who uphold the
law, and your scribes teach others how to uphold the
law, and yet you yourselves seem ignorant that this very
law allowed its ceremonial restrictions to be ignored in
the case of David’s need.
How is it you guys aren’t getting this?” Let’s unpack Jesus’
illustration. The time of Abiather
refers to a period of time that David was on the run
from Saul. A
time that almost seems like a “novella” or a “soap
opera.” Saul
chasing David around trying to kill him. David hiding
out with his men having every opportunity to kill Saul
but not killing him. On one of those
occasions when David and his men were on the run, they
were hungry. As
Jesus puts it, “He
was in need.” They showed up at the
house of God - which at the time was in Shiloh - which
was a little ways north of Jerusalem. And David ate
the bread of the Presence and David gave some of the
bread to the others who were with him. The bread of the
Presence was 12 loaves of bread representing the 12
tribes - that was placed in two rows on a table that
looked like this one.
Which wasn’t very big. The table was
about 3 feet long and about 2 feet high. It had rings
for poles for carrying and was covered in lots and lots
and lots of gold. The table was set up
in the room just outside of the Holy of Holies which is
where God’s presence dwelt. The location
symbolizing God’s constant presence with His people. Every Sabbath
the old loaves were exchanged for fresh ones. Symbolizing
the offering of the people - consecrating themselves and
acknowledging their indebtedness to God - their creator
and savior who provides even for their daily needs. According to God’s law
the week old loaves were eaten by the priests - Aaron
and his sons. Meaning
that these loaves were not for everyone. It is
consecrated - special for God’s purposes. So David - running from
Saul - in need - goes to Shiloh and the “house of God”
and is given the consecrated bread of the Presence which
is to be eaten only by the priests - and yet David eats
it and even shares it with the others. Meaning if David had a
right to set aside a divinely ordained ceremonial
provision when necessity demanded it then wouldn't
similar conditions of need allow for setting aside
totally unwarranted man-made Sabbath regulations? The fence of
the Pharisees. God created the Sabbath
for man - to enjoy - to draw man closer to God. The Sabbath
was given to man to meet his needs - to be a blessing
not a burden. Not
to restrict his life and make him into lifeless rule
keeping robot. The Sabbath is about
commemorating and celebrating God - God who created you
and cares for you - Who provides for you and Who saved
you. Second - Jesus applies
that truth to Himself - which is the bottom line truth
of all of what we’re looking at this morning. Jesus speaking
of Himself: So
the Son of Man is lord even of the Sabbath.” “Son
of Man” is
a title that Jesus intentionally uses to identify
Himself. It’s
important for us to understand what Jesus means by that
title. What
Jesus intends for those there - and us - to understand
about Him - about His authority as “lord
even of the Sabbath.” Doing
a quick - Genesis to Revelation - study of what that
title means -the title encompasses the divinity and
humanity of Jesus. Emphasis Divinity. Paul - writing
in Colossians - Paul writes of Jesus: “For
by Him [Jesus]
things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and
invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers of
authorities—all were created through Him and for Him. And He is
before all things, and in Him all things hold together.” (Colossians
1:16,17) Jesus
is God. God
Who created all of whatever has been created - including
us. The God
Who gave us the 4th Commandment about the Sabbath which
He created. “Son
of Man” - emphasis Jesus in His humanity. Jesus
- using that title - is claiming to be the long waited
for Messiah. God
Who has entered into our humanity to set right what is
wrong in our relationship with God forever. Jesus
- the Son of Man - God entering into our humanity is the
fulfillment of what the Holy God - our creator - is
doing to redeem us in our depravity and sin. Jesus fully
God and fully man - on the cross - Jesus taking our
place - taking upon Himself all of the wrath and
judgement of God that should have been ours - to fully
and completely deal with what separates us from God -
Himself. God’s
means of “by grace” redeeming us from our sin. So
that when we welcome by faith what God has done - God
takes our unrighteousness and puts it on Jesus and takes
Jesus’ righteousness and puts it on us - and we are made
righteous by God - redeemed and forgiven and made right
with God now and forever. Son
of Man meaning that Jesus is the One and only One Who is
God and Man and able to voluntarily and vicariously and
victoriously accomplish all of that. Jesus Who -
anointed by God - with the authority of God - Who is God
- Jesus Who is our High Priest - Who will sit on the
throne of David forever. Admittedly
if that seems like a lot to take in. It is. But having
that big picture Jesus using title “Son of Man” in mind
- let’s see how Jesus applies that to Himself. At the time of Abiathar
- at the time David was running from Saul and eating the
bread - at the time of Abiathar David had been anointed
by Samuel as God’s choice for king. The Holy
Spirit had departed from Saul - who was king - and had come
upon David. And
while God had anointed David to be the king there was
still debate and division and conflict over the identity
of the true king. Saul
had refused to relinquish his crown - and so the cat and
mouse chasing around the countryside drama - conflict. So here - standing
before the religious leadership of Israel - is Jesus -
the King of kings and Lord of lords - in the line of
David - anointed by God - in the midst of growing
national debate, controversy, and conflict - His
disciples having need - Jesus who has infinitely greater
authority than the man-made laws of the Pharisees.
The law that can never
be greater than the God who gave it. The
Pharisees can try to hang on to their place in the
nation and give push back and try to stir up national
debate about Who Jesus is.
But, it is unchangeable timeless forever and ever
reality. “the
Son of Man is lord even of the Sabbath.” And one day even the
Pharisees will need to bow in submission to the Lord
Jesus the lord even of the Sabbath. Chapter 3 - verses 1
and 2 - introduces us to The Second
Sabbath Conflict.
meaning “immediately” or “later that day” - but “again”
meaning the next conflict - number 5 - which “again”
with the Sabbath. On
the Sabbath Jesus enters a synagogue and a man is there
who has a “withered” hand.
Some translations say, “shriveled.” We don’t know
why. Could
have been a disease.
Could have been an injury. Point being
that the man’s hand was useless to him. Along
with Jesus and the man are the Pharisees who are
watching Jesus. “Watching”
has the idea of close intense observation. Like we might
watch a dishonest store cashier count out our change. The
verb is in the imperfect tense which means there’s a bit
of suspense - tension - drama. They’re
watching Jesus out of the corner of their eyes - spying
on Him. In
silence their eyes darting back between Jesus and the
man. The
man and Jesus. WWJD
- “What
will Jesus do?” To
heal or not to heal.
That’s the question. In
their watching - unlike other encounters between the
Pharisees and Jesus - in their watching there is no
pretense of good or desire for mercy or well-being on
behalf of the man or anyone else. Only the
opportunity to accuse Jesus - to publicly criticize Him
- to tear Him down. The
irony is that the Pharisees thinking they’re doing
what’s right in seeking to condemn Jesus for doing
what’s good are doing wrong to someone Who’s doing
what’s right. Which
how messed up we can get when we get caught up in
ourselves and our own little self-focused what we are
doing for God world. In verses 3 to 5 Jesus Answers
their question. First
- Jesus proactively calls the man over to Himself. A position of
prominence standing next to Jesus - facing the
Pharisees. Most
probably front and center in the synagogue. Spotlight on. Jesus making a
point. “Don’t
miss this.” Jesus
being proactive meaning that Jesus could have delayed
the whole thing. There’s
no record of the man ever asking to be healed. Jesus could
have waited until sundown - after the Sabbath. The man
probably had had the withered hand for some time. What
difference would a few more hours make. Which is a
tempting solution.
Make nice. Catch
up with the man later.
Don’t offend people. Or,
Jesus could have whispered to the man, “Psst... Meet me in the
alley after the service and when we’re alone I’ll heal
you.” He
could have compromised.
Broken the Pharisee’s rule in private. What’s done
outside of church stays outside of church. It’s a private
matter. Less
conspicuous. Less
confrontation. Maybe
they’ll let it slide. But
Jesus chooses option 3 - which is to take His stand
against His critics.
He steps right into the conflict. Because this
is a teaching opportunity that involves way more than a
withered hand - however significant that withered hand
and healing was to this man. Jesus
has an opportunity to confront and correct the faulty
theology of the Pharisees.
To reveal to them and everyone watching - God’s love -
God’s grace - God’s mercy - God Who gave us His law as
an expression of His love and grace and mercy - not a
burden. To
restore God’s law to its rightful place. As
a teacher - Jesus re-frames the question going straight
for the bottom line of the issue - leaving no middle
ground. It’s
pretty black and white:
Failing to do good is nothing short of helping
and encouraging harm - literally evil. Doing good
isn’t just permissible.
It’s an obligation.
- proactive - asks the question. What’s lawful? Before God,
what is the right thing to do? Answer: Silence. Meaning
silent. Totally
unable to say anything.
Deafening silence.
The man with the withered hand standing there
next to Jesus. The
rest of the people are watching - wondering what will
happen next. Chilling
awkward uneasy silence.
We can hear the air move. In
that silence Jesus looks at them with anger and grief. Anger. Passionate -
intense - emotion - outwardly displayed wrath. The anger of
God against sin. Imagine
that coming through the eyes and expression of Jesus
towards you. The
verb tenses in Greek reveal that the outward anger was
momentary - a flash or righteous anger. The grief was
deep seated and continuous. Deep seated
sorrow. Jesus
grieved by the hardness of the hearts of the Pharisees. It’s
not that they’re cruel or heartless. But their
reasoning and emotions have become resistant to growth -
to change - to the work of God in their hearts. They’re
spiritually blind.
Jesus - more than anger - is grieved knowing
their suffering - their bondage - their eternal future. In
that moment - in that silence - Jesus must act - now. To not act
would be interpreted as an admission on His part that
the Pharisees are correct.
Social media being what it is - in the eyes of
the Facebook crowd - whatever they might accuse Jesus of
must be true. Jesus
has been put down - shamed. The
opportunity for the lesson would be lost. The error
compounded. Jesus
acts by commanding what was unexpected. Jesus commands
the man to do what up to now he has been unable to do. “Stretch
out your hand.” Which
he does. His
hand is “restored” to what it was before it was
withered. It
is as well and as whole as the other hand. The cure is
instantaneous - complete.
Obvious to everyone - an act of God. Which
is what a miracle of God is. Genuine
- God did it - miracles are instantaneous. There may be a
process - spitting and here’s mud in your eye. But they
happen in the now not the maybe in a while. God
did it miracles are complete. He stretches
out his hand and it’s restored. There’s no
need for a trip to the doctor to check and see how
things are going. No
need for additional physical therapy - prosthetics. Healing
complete. God
did it miracles are instantaneous - complete - and
undeniable. There
is no room for a natural explanation. They’re unmistakably an
act of God operating in a reality that only God operates
in. An
over-the-top display of God’s power that is intended to
establish God given credibility - authentication -
“authority” - to God’s representative - the message and
the person speaking it. If Jesus does the
miracle then what Jesus claims about Himself has God
given authority. He
really is the Lord of the Sabbath. Jesus doing
the miracle means that what Jesus declares to be true
about the Sabbath and what it means to keep the Sabbath
is true. Plucking
and healing. To defy Jesus is to
defy God. Let’s be careful. What Jesus is
doing here is not a power play - one upping the
Pharisees - but a teaching opportunity. Right? Demonstrating His
lordship over the Sabbath - Jesus is making a point
about the Sabbath - which is intended by the holy
sovereign God of creation as a time of blessing as we
remember Him and our salvation. Jesus is
making the point that He alone is able to provide that
blessing. The Pharisees - with
all of their rules and regulations and their well
constructed fence - provide only burdens and reminders
of our failure. Jesus
alone is able to provide the grace we need to enter into
the joys of living in obedience to the commandments of
God because He alone is able to provide what we need to
live rightly before Him. Joy as we realize the
ongoing blessings of God’s love and grace and mercy and
forgiveness and redemption and renewal and provision and
presence. Which
is why we celebrate.
The realization of God’s blessing - the good news
of Jesus - that produces obedience - not legalism. The Pharisees' Response - verse 6 - in all of their hard
heartedness - unable to see past their hatred for Jesus
- unable to celebrate the miracle - to congratulate the
man - to thank Jesus - the Pharisees response is to
immediately align themselves with the Herodians and
conspire to kill Jesus. We don’t exactly know
who the Herodians - mentioned here - who the Herodians
are. They
aren’t a political party like the Sadducees or the
Zealots. Probably
they were in some ways connected with the dynasty of
Herod the Great. Which is really
strange. Since
Herod and family weren’t really Jewish - behaved like
Gentiles - aligned themselves with Roman Emperor - and
considered themselves Roman. That the Pharisees
would align themselves with these people reveals the
depth of their hatred for Jesus and ultimately the sad
reality of their true relationship with God.
Two takeaways. First:
Rest is a blessing not a burden. We live our lives on
overdrive. Constant
demands from work and family and school and church and
community. Our
lives are lived someplace between full and overflowing. We multitask
so much so that we don’t even notice that we’re doing 20
or 30 things simultaneously. We’re over-scheduled,
tense, addicted to rushing around - to pressure. We’re frantic,
preoccupied, fatigued, starved for quality time -
whatever that is. Free
time is only more time to get more things done. We’re exhausted at the
end of the day and tired when we wake up in the morning
- providing we’ve slept at all. If you’re breathing
independently you’re probably tracking with that. Why - in all of that -
why would we turn down an opportunity - given to us by
God our creator - why would we turn down an opportunity
to get quality rest?
To just stop.
And focus on God.
And yet - have you ever
heard someone say - or maybe you’ve thought this
yourself: “Sunday
is my only time to rest.
I just can’t make it to church.” Or, “I
have trouble finding time for prayer or reading my
Bible.” Sometimes we get so
busy doing things - trying to stuff more stuff into our
lives - maybe even things we’re doing for God or think
we should be doing for God - that just thinking about
taking time off to rest - or to allow ourselves to be
gathered together here to worship God - or to spend
regular time alone with God - just thinking about taking
that kind of time off just stresses us out. But what’s recorded for
us here should remind us that the Sabbath wasn’t meant
by God to be a spiritual straitjacket - an obligation
that we have to get through and endure while we’re
waiting to get on with the real things of our lives. Sabbath isn’t
something that gets added on to an already overwhelming
- oppressive - growing list of stuff that burdens us. God - the lord of the
Sabbath - created Sabbath for us. The Sabbath is
made for man. Which is about living
in relationship with the God our Creator Who has saved
us and desires to pour out His love on us - to take the
burdens off our shoulders by reminding us of Who He is -
to refresh us and renew us and bring His true rest to
our minds and His peace to our hearts. Isn’t that what we
really long for? Not
an action packed Survivor week in Cancun - or with the
professor and MaryAnn - but time well spent with God? What brings us
real rest at the core of who we are? Question: What keeps you
from that? Is
it really worth it? Jesus probably more
than anyone else - Jesus probably had His theology more
accurate than anyone ever has. Even us. Just saying. He’s correcting and
teaching the best theological minds of the day. Bringing them
to silence. Even
as they hated Him for it.
And yet we need to be
impressed with the compassion that Jesus - over and over
and over again - the compassion that Jesus demonstrates
for the outcasts - the wounded - the oppressed - the
withered of body and mind and spirit. Even those who
oppose Him - such as the Pharisees. Because we want to
imitate Jesus. To
be like Him. To
follow Him into the world.
Not just because we may agree with that
theologically. But
because we have been loved and desire to respond to His
love. Question: Who do you
know who has need and is hungry for God? Who do you
know who’s got a withered hand? Or a withered
mind? Or a
withered spirit? This
week, how will you demonstrate the love Jesus to them?
_______________ Series references: Sinclair B. Ferguson, Let’s
Study Mark (Edinburgh, The Banner
of Truth Trust, 2016). Charles R. Swindoll, Swindoll’s
Living Insights New Testament Commentary, Volume 2: Insights on
Mark (Carol Stream, IL,
Tyndale House Publishers, 2016). Unless otherwise
indicated, Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible,
English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by
Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News
Publishers. Used
by permission. All
rights reserved. |