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FAMILY TIES MARK 3:20-35 Series: The Good News of Jesus Christ - Part Eleven Pastor Stephen Muncherian April 15, 2018 |
are coming back to Mark’s account of the good news of
Jesus Christ. Jesus
Himself being the good news - the gospel. Mark’s
record of Jesus’ teaching, ministry, and work on the
cross. What
that means for us.
Which really is good news. Would you please
stand with me as we come before God’s word together
and follow along as I read for us the passage from
Mark that we are focusing on this morning. Mark
3:20-35. Then He went home, and the crowd gathered again, so that they could not
even eat. And
when His family heard it, they went out to seize Him,
for they were saying, “He is out of His mind.” And the scribes who
came down from Jerusalem were saying, “He is possessed
by Beelzebul,” and “by the prince of demons He casts
out the demons.” And
He called them to Him and said to them in parables,
“How can Satan cast out Satan? If a kingdom
is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a
house is divided against itself, that house will not
be able to stand.
And if Satan has risen up against himself and
is divided, he cannot stand, but is coming to an end. But no one can enter
a strongman’s house and plunder his goods, unless he
first binds the strong man. Then indeed
he may plunder his house. Truly, I say to you,
all sins will be forgiven the children of man, and
whatever blasphemies they utter, but whoever
blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has
forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin”—for they
were saying, “He has an unclean spirit.” And His mother and His brothers
came, and standing outside they sent to Him and called
Him. And
a crowd was sitting around Him, and they said to Him,
“Your mother and your brothers are outside, seeking
And He answered them, “Who are My mother
and My brothers?”
And looking about at those who sat around
Him, He said, “Here are My mother and My brothers! For whoever
does the will of God, he is my brother and sister and
Looking at how Mark
records what’s happening here - what we have is like a
sandwich made up of two events - one inside the other
- that Mark is putting together to help us understand
what Mark wants us to get about Jesus. The
top slice of bread is the first part of what’s
happening with Jesus and His family. What’s
between the slices is what’s happening with Jesus and
the Scribes. Then
the bottom slice is again what’s happening with Jesus
and His family - part two. That’s
the outline of what we’re looking at this morning -
along with what God would have us process and apply to
our lives. The top slice is Jesus and His Family - verses 20 and 21. Mark
records that Jesus goes home. And again
there’s a crowd.
has gone viral. Jesus
groupies from any place there’s any place to be from -
north, south, east, west - the paparazzi are following
Jesus - traveling great distances to hear Jesus - to
watch Jesus perform miracles - exorcisms - maybe to
get healed by Jesus.
we’ve been studying Mark’s gospel - Mark has been
helping us to understand that the crowd is there not
necessarily because of what Jesus offers - the good
news of God’s kingdom come and the need to follow
Jesus. But
they’re there because of the show and getting their
immediate needs met. Jesus
is calling people to follow Him and He’s not talking
about social media.
He’s talking about literally following Him and
the crowd isn’t getting it. Mark
records that Jesus goes home. Which wasn’t
where He grew up.
The Greek has the idea that He went into a
house. Which
was probably in Capernaum - the fishing town on the
Sea of Galilee - what was Jesus’ home base of
operation in the area.
Jesus goes into His home base of operations -
probably with His inner circle of disciples - and they
can’t even enjoy a meal together without interruption. Someone’s
laying on the doorbell.
term in Greek has the idea of what a family would do
for a someone in the family who no longer had the
ability - mentally or physically - someone who no
longer had the ability to take care of themselves. We step in
to help them. Maybe
legally. Maybe
by with health care decisions. Maybe with
assistance in living. Jesus’
family thought He’d lost it mentally. So they came
to take control of Him - to help Him because they
thought He’d gone nuts. Which
- thinking through their response to Jesus - that
response by Jesus’ family is pretty strange. Kind of not
what we’d expect. Luke
records that Mary was told flat out by the angel
Gabriel that the baby she was going to conceive, bear,
and give birth to was by an act of God. Jesus is the
Son of God - the long waited for Messiah. Matthew
records that Joseph had the same basic explanation
given to him. One
would assume that that information would have been
shared by Mary - by Joseph - they would have shared
that with Jesus’ siblings. Imagine
growing up and being reminded by your parents that
your brother is God - totally perfect. “Why can’t you be more like Jesus?” Or
growing up - the dangers of ticking Jesus off. “James, I wouldn’t mess with Jesus’
stuff.” Zizzzt. Poof. “Oh, that’s not good.” So
we’d assume that Jesus’ family would have had an idea
of Who or what Jesus is - His ministry and message. So what’s up
with the reaction?
It’s pretty obvious that even Jesus’ family
wasn’t processing Jesus. Ultimately
we don’t know why that was. In
fairness to Jesus’ family, where Jesus is at had all
the trappings of some kind of “He thinks He’s God” - Messiah personality
cult. Not
too much different than what we’d see today with some
religious leader going off the deep end. Jesus
gathering around Himself the outcasts and
disenfranchised of society. People who
are selling their possessions - leaving their
occupations and homes and families to follow Jesus at
His Capernaum Compound - this headquarters that Jesus
has set-up away from the scrutiny of Jerusalem. His
headquarters away from the center of all things
cultural and religious in Israel. Jesus Who’s
challenging the norms of religion and culture and
calling Himself the ultimate authority. Despite
what the family may have heard from Joseph Sr. - who’s
probably dead at this point - and Mary who’s come with
them - maybe the family had a different understanding
of what kind of Messiah they should be expecting. Lot’s of
people had that issue with Jesus. Maybe they
figured Jesus really was loosing it - somehow getting
away from His divine mission.
while we may not know for sure “why” the reaction from
Jesus’ family - we can for sure see that for reasons
that are - bottom line - all about them - they’re not
on the same page following Jesus - His message and
ministry. Verses 22 to 30 are
the filling between the slices of the sandwich -
chicken, lettuce, and tomato - not bacon. What’s
happening with Jesus and the Scribes. Filler
which is Mark using a real time event - Jesus
interacting with the Scribes - to help us understand
what’s going on at the heart level with those who are
misunderstanding Jesus - namely the Scribes - and
Jesus’ family - and a whole lot of the crowd that’s
gathered at the house - and maybe even us. The
Scribes were experts in Jewish religious law that had
come up from Jerusalem - the capital - the center of
everything Jewish - religion - politics - culture -
they’d come up to Capernaum to check out Jesus. Imagine
the weightiness of that.
Lawyers skilled in religious law - experts in
all matters of Jewish custom and religion - coming
from the socio/religious/political capital of the
nation to check out Jesus. Can we say
powerful and influential?
being: Jesus
- casting out demons - healing people - all that is by
the power of Beelzebul. Let’s
make sure we’re together on who Beelzebul is and what
exactly the Scribes are accusing Jesus of. Beelzebul
was a Philistine god.
The name is a combination of “Baal” - sound
familiar? Baal
gets mentioned all over Scripture and not in a good
way. “Baal”
meaning “lord” or “master” - and “zebul” meaning “of
the height” or “of the house.” House
specifically meaning the town of Ekron - which was
town west of Jerusalem - where Beelzebul was the main
god being worshipped.
In a sense, the lord of the house - god #1. Early
Jewish literature plays on that name so it comes out
as “Baalzebub” meaning “Lord of the flies” - which was
a put down - an insult.
Basically insinuating that Baalzebub is the
Lord of garbage. Related
to that and more the point - Baalzebub was seen as the
god of death and decay.
Meaning something dead and decaying that flies
would be flying around.
Which is probably why here the Scribes are
connecting Beelzebul and Jesus. Little
bit of helpful back fill. Why the
connection. The book of 2 Kings tells us that - back in the mid-800’s BC - when Ahaziah - who was one of Israel’s kings - when Ahaziah fell through the latticework of an upstairs room of his palace - as he’s laying there thinking he’s going to die - King Ahaziah sends messengers to Ekron - Philistine town where Beelzebul is the “lord of the house” #1 worshipped god - King Ahaziah sends messengers to Ekron to ask the god Baalzebub - Lord of decay and death - if he’s going to recover or die. Think becoming dead and decaying. But
before the messengers get to Ekron - the prophet
Elijah cuts the messengers off and sends them back to
King Ahaziah - with a rebuke from God for King Ahaziah
- who ultimately dies of his injuries because - we’re
told in 2 Kings - because King Ahaziah didn’t
acknowledge the God of Israel and by faith seek after
the God of Israel for his healing. (2 Kings
1:2ff) The
Scribes are drawing on all that back fill to make
their accusation.
Jesus - like Ahaziah - is calling on Beelzebul
- the god of death and decay - to do all these
healings and casting outs - Jesus working in that
realm of death and decay. And Jesus is
going to suffer the same fate as Ahaziah who’s faith
wasn’t in the God of Israel. Even
more bottom line blunt - with no room for
misinterpretation - they accuse Jesus of casting out
demons by the prince of demons - meaning Satan
himself. “Were saying” - verse 22 - in Greek
is in the imperfect tense - meaning it’s ongoing -
repeated over and over. The
Scribes arrive - decked out in all their religious
Scribal clothing - coming with all the authority of an
official delegation from Jerusalem - and while they
may not have seen Jesus’ ministry firsthand or said it
directly to Jesus - they’ve already been saying it
publicly. Tweeting
and posting moves public opinion. Who really
cares about the truth. They’ve
already made public their forgone condemning
accusation and verdict on Jesus: It’s not
just that Jesus is misguided in His faith. Jesus is in
operating under the authority and power of Satan
himself. In
response - knowing what’s being put out there about
Him - verse 23 - Jesus asks the question: “How can Satan cast out Satan?” Put another way: “What you all are accusing Me of is
totally illogical.” To
make His point - Jesus responds with three “if”
statements and three images to prove that there’s no
way He could cast out demons by the authority and
power of Satan. It’s
just messed up to think that. Image number one: A kingdom
divided against itself won’t last. Kingdom
meaning… kingdom.
No kingdom at war with itself is going to last. Think
about our Civil War.
Brothers and colleagues and friends and
families on both sides fighting to the death against
each other. Life
long friends trying to kill each other. Totally
messed up. Without
President Lincoln our nation would have ceased to
exist as the United States. Image number two: A house
divided against itself won’t stand. A house
refers to a people - or the property or reputation or
respect or position of a family in the community - the
legacy of a family. For
example - Scripture talks about the “household of
Jacob” which refers to all things Jacob. His
immediate family - his possessions - his family’s
reputation in the community - His descendants. If
the members of a family are against each other then
that family as a family and all that that represents
is going to go away pretty fast. Satan
is evil not stupid. Satan
sending his demons out into the world to reek havoc in
the hearts and lives of mankind - destroying them body
and soul - little by little. And then,
Satan supplying the power needed to shamefully defeat
and cast out his own obedient servants. That would
be the end of Satan’s kingdom of evil. If Satan
really is opposing himself then his end has come. But
what’s obvious from Jesus’ encounters with the demons
was that their end had not yet come. The demons
are obviously alive and kicking. Satan is
still working hard at pushing back at God. The
accusation is illogical - at the very least - based on
the reality of what’s visibly happening. Jesus - image number three - ties all that into
Satan himself - the “strong man” in verse 27. Satan’s
household of sin and evil - of demons and possession
and oppression - of bondage and slavery - of deception
and disease and decay and death. More to
Jesus’ point are those who are held captive by Satan
in all of that. Satan’s
goods. No
one can enter into Satan’s realm and plunder and
pillage his goods unless they’re able to bind - a word
in Greek that has the idea of binding them in chains -
no one can carry off what the strong man Satan
possesses unless he is more powerful - unless he’s
capable of binding the strong man - meaning Satan. Three
“ifs” and images - emphasis being that Jesus isn’t in
league with Satan - operating under Satan’s power and
authority - but the total complete opposite of that. That Jesus -
with divine power and authority - is incomparably and
infinitely more powerful and completely and forever
able to and will bind Satan and plunder Satan’s goods. Jesus’
statement in verses 28 to 30 is Jesus’ push back
warning for those who continue in their opposition to
God - to Jesus. “Truly” meaning this is an
absolutely essential bottom line - base your life on
this - unchangeable truth that counts for now and
eternity. “All” in Greek means…
“all.” There
is no part of all that isn’t included in all. Whatever
horrible sin that’s worse than any other sin that
anyone else has ever been able to come up with or
commit - that we alone are guilty of that makes
us worse than any other sinner and we may feel makes
us beyond God’s ability to forgive - there is no sin
that will not be forgiven. There is no
sin that is beyond forgiveness. All sins
will be forgiven. “But” - in contrast - and
this is the statement that has messed up a lot of
people - but - in contrast there is one sin that never
has forgiveness:
Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. That one sin
goes with the guilty person with them into the grave
and into eternity. Which
makes total sense and should be a huge relief for us
if we understand what blasphemy against the Holy
Spirit is. What
is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? Blasphemy
by definition is slander - contempt - arrogant
opposition. Blasphemy
against the Holy Spirit is when someone has that
attitude of arrogant defiance as they respond to the
work of the Holy Spirit. The
Bible tells us that Jesus in His ministry here on
earth is always doing the work of God the Father by
the power and guidance of the God the Holy Spirit. Meaning that
to oppose Jesus - God the Son - is to oppose God - God
the Father - and to oppose God the Holy Spirit. So
to say - verse 30 - that Jesus is operating by the
power and guidance of an unclean spirit - a demon -
even the prince of demons - Beelzebul - Satan himself
- is to claim that the works of Jesus are the works of
Satan. To
claim that the works of God are actually the works of
Satan. That
claim reveals a heart entrenched in arrogant - defiant
- opposition to God the Holy Spirit empowering and
guiding Jesus according to the will of God the Father. Willful
blindness to Jesus and what Jesus is all about. A stubborn
resistance to Jesus which eventually leads to treating
Him as the ultimate evil in our lives. Blasphemy
against the God Holy Spirit. God
will forgive blasphemy.
If He doesn’t we’re all in trouble. Right? “All” sins - all meaning
all - meaning all sins can be forgiven even blasphemy
- if we acknowledge it as sin and ask for forgiveness. “But” - sin becomes
unpardonable when the guilty one rejects the path that
leads to pardon - continues in arrogant defiance - and
refuses to bow in submission to God. If we
haven’t come to God for forgiveness there is no
measure of forgiveness - pardoning - that can be
applied to our lives. If
we go to our grave without repentance from our sin -
without turning from our sin to God in faith Who by
grace saves us through Christ’s work on the cross -
our guilt will follow us to our graves and into
judgment and eternal punishment. Jesus’
push back - verses 28 to 30 - Jesus’ warning is Jesus
calling out the Scribes because they’re acting against
God. Their
accusations against Jesus reveal their blasphemy -
their entrenched arrogant defiance against God and
what God the Holy Spirit is doing through Jesus. The
tragic irony is that they’re guilty of what they’re
accusing Jesus of.
Their blasphemy reveals that they themselves
are operating under the authority and power of
Beelzebul - Satan himself. Verses
31 to 35 bring us back to the bottom slice of Mark’s
sandwich which is Jesus and His family - part two. Having
that ominous warning ringing in our minds Mark shifts
back to Jesus’ family who’ve traveled to Capernaum to
“take control” of Jesus who - for their own
self-focused reasons - they’re accusing Jesus of
having lost it mentally and spiritually. Jesus not
being on the same page with God. Which
is sobering. What
Mark is getting at is that blasphemy - arrogant
defiance of God is a heart level attitude that’s not
only something that’s coming from the Scribes - but
the point of the filling - verses 22-30 - the Jesus
and the Scribes event - is to help us to understand
that that attitude of arrogant defiance is something
being shown to us by Jesus’ family. People we
would least expect to see it coming from. They
may not have gone to the point of blasphemy like the
Scribes. But
they’re coming dangerously close to it. As they’re
focusing on themselves and their understanding of God
and making their accusations against Jesus they’re
heading down that path. When
Jesus’ family arrives they encounter a scene that’s
something that we’ve seen before. Pun
intended. The
crowd is so large that they can’t get to Jesus. So they pass
a message forward through the crowd. “Tell Jesus His family is here and they
want Him to go home with them NOW.” Imagine
the scene as that message gets passed forward. Heads
turning. Anticipation
of what Jesus will do. Middle
Eastern culture being what it is family relationships
are of overarching significant importance. Natural and
lasting bonds that are forged through generations by
blood, by upbringing, by shared experiences of joy and
sorrow. That
are foundational to everything else. Shame and
honor and respect and reputation in the community. Jesus’
Who’s never anti-family.
Who’s spoken and lived respectfully of family. Who’s living
in a culture that is hugely respectful of family
relationships - Jesus should go with them. But
Jesus does the unexpected. He gets His
family’s message.
Then He turns to the crowd and asks a
rhetorical question intended to make a point. “Who are My mother and My brothers?” Answer: “Here - you all - those who do the will
of God are My mother and My brothers!” Point being: His
disciples - those who live in obedience to God - those
are Jesus’ family.
be clear. Jesus
isn’t slamming His family. But He’s
making a point. Family
is huge. Obeying
God is huger - hugest. There are at least
three important realities in Jesus’ answer that are
important for us to hang on to for ourselves. First
- in Jesus’ answer there’s a Challenge. Jesus
is challenging His natural family to think real
carefully about their relationship with Him and what
that’s going to look like going forward. Blood lines
are huge. But
no ties of natural affection should take precedence
over our commitment to God and what He desires to do
in our lives. Then
Jesus is challenging His disciples. Jesus is
saying to them, “Is your relationship with Me natural or
spiritual?” Is your
relationship with Me based on some connection by birth
and upbringing or some kind of community connection or
is it based on your personal knowledge of Who I am and
your personal commitment to Me? That
is challenging for us.
Why are we here?
Why have we come to Jesus? Is it
because of Jesus - Who He is - His message and
ministry - what He desires for you? Or is it
something else? Then
- second, in Jesus’ answer there’s an Invitation. An
invitation - insight - into the costliness of
obedience. Jesus
calling His disciples to put the Kingdom of God first
in their lives - even ahead of their families - their
culture - their nation.
Above and beyond their self-focused
understanding of God and how God does things. It’s
an invitation to follow Jesus down a path of obedience
that Jesus was already walking. Jesus Who’d
left home and His family for the sake of the gospel. Precious and
valuable things to Him that He choose that those
things would not come between Him and obeying the will
of God for His life.
A path of obedience that led Jesus through
controversy and conflict. That
eventually would lead Jesus to the cross. Jesus
is inviting His disciples to follow Him. As He
invites us. Are
we willing to follow Jesus - being obedient to God -
wherever and whenever and whatever God may have for
us? The third reality in
Jesus’ answer is Encouragement. Jesus
looking at the people surrounding Him - those who do
the will of the Father are His family - His brothers
and sisters. Those
whom Jesus regarded as His family. Which
is an astounding reality for us to hold on to. Being in
Christ - the astounding privilege of being identified
with Jesus and His family as we choose to follow Him
in obeying God. Because
of who we are in Christ we have a relationship with
those who were with Jesus on that day - a family
relationship with our in Christ siblings around the
world today - a unique and intimate fellowship with
each other even here - and we have an intimate
fellowship with our Father now as we follow Jesus
through life. And
when we follow Jesus through life doing the will of
God - in whatever God has for us in that life - even
suffering - what’s ahead is being with Jesus in all of
His glory. Fellow
inheritors of the unimaginable riches of heaven. Processing all that… What
Mark is giving us here in this account is a reality
check for how we’re really doing life with God. Maybe
we’re like the crowd - coming for the spectacle -
getting caught up in the activity and pretense of a
religious experience - but not really coming for what
God really wants to do in our lives. A worship
gathering becomes something we attend not something we
participate in. Could
be true of our own times of prayer and Bible reading. We’re there
physically - mentally - but we’re not engaged with God
at the heart level. Or
maybe we’re like the Scribes accusing Jesus - accusing
others of the sins and issues of our own lives -
rather than letting God deal with those issues. We know
this. It’s
way too easy for us to point out where other people
fall short rather than to deal with our own issues. Just saying. Or
maybe we’re like Jesus’ family - coming to Jesus with
the expectation of Jesus following us - wanting Jesus
to fit our agenda - to lead us through life our way -
not His. To
join us and bless us as we work our way through life. Maybe
at some point we’re all of those. Because it’s
too easy to move sideways through life - not really
maturing spiritually - not really experiencing all of
what God wills for us in life - because we’ve come to
Jesus without the expectation of actually following
Him. Of
letting Him really do business with what needs to be
dealt with in our lives. Mark’s
reality check is sobering. If we’re
coming to Jesus with any other motivation than seeking
to totally obey God - being totally submission to God
for what He wills for our lives - then we’re playing
into Satan’s plan for our life rather than God’s. Two
takeaways. Putting
all that into our day-to-day life. First: We need to
Get Real. Who’s
kidding who? We’re
all flawed and messed up by sin people. We all
struggle with hang-ups and issues and weaknesses and
failures and addictions and on and on - what all is
fueled by our depravity and sin. If
the deep heart level issues in our lives aren’t being
dealt with by God - freely by God as God chooses to
deal with those issues - then those issues are going
to keep coming back to bite us - to reek havoc in our
lives - and to bite others - to reek havoc in their
lives - in our marriages and families and the church
and the places we do life - because that’s Satan’s
game plan for our lives. Deep
down we know that because we experience the weakness
and failure of all that.
Maybe even guilt and depression and anger. Just saying. So
we need to get real and be honest with ourselves and
with God. At
some point we need to stop making excuses for all that
- to come clean about what we struggle with - and
choose to let God deal with it without putting
limitations on God for however He wants to deal with
us. Second - we need to
Live Real. Which
can be really scary.
Especially if we’ve been messed up by people
we’ve trusted or should have been able to trust. People who
said they loved us, didn’t - or at least they only
loved us for their own selfish reasons. Living
Real can be scary if our trust or love meter is
broken. Repentance
is rejecting and turning from what is not of God in
our lives and turning to God - surrendering all of
that and all of who we are to God - by faith
trusting God to do with us whatever God chooses to do
with us. Which
is scary. Because
- for us - there is a huge unknown in that.
of God - joint heirs of God’s eternal - we even get a
foretaste of that now - God’s eternal riches and
blessings. All
of which God offers to us because even while we’re
totally messed up - God demonstrates His undeserved
and beyond understanding love towards us - through the
sacrificial work of His Son Jesus - bearing all our
sins and dying in our place - on the cross. God
demonstrating that He is “all in” with us committed to
loving us to be the amazing people He has created us
to be and that He is totally “all in” worthy of our
trust. To
live real is to choose - moment by moment - as we go
through the reality of our lives - to let God deal
with our stuff however God desires to lovingly deal
with our stuff. _______________ Series
references: Sinclair
B. Ferguson, Let’s Study Mark (Edinburgh, The
Banner of Truth Trust, 2016). Charles
R. Swindoll, Swindoll’s Living Insights New Testament
Commentary, Volume 2:
Insights on Mark (Carol Stream, IL,
Tyndale House Publishers, 2016). Unless
otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from The
Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001
by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News
Publishers. Used
by permission. All
rights reserved. |