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THOSE WHO DWELL IN TOMBS MARK 5:1-20 Series: The Good News of Jesus Christ - Part Fifteen Pastor Stephen Muncherian May 20, 2018 |
Last Sunday we began
looking at Jesus leading His disciples on a field trip
across the Sea of Galilee. This morning
we’re looking at part two of that field trip. Mark 5 -
starting at verse 1. Verse 1 is The
Setting - where the field
trip part two takes place: They
[Jesus and His disciples] came
to the other side of the sea, to the country of the
Gerasenes. Let’s make sure we’re
all up to speed on when and where we are. First - the when. Jesus has been
teaching about the kingdom of God - the everywhere and
everywhen of God’s creation that the sovereign God has
total dominion and authority over all of that -
including us. Which
is beyond our ability to fully understand. But Jesus
has been using parables - taking what’s familiar to
our lives to explain what is not familiar to us - the
kingdom of God in all its Godly kingdomness. The point of that
teaching - what Jesus has been trying to get His
disciples to take deep to heart and to grab the
reality of for themselves - is that the kingdom of God
is at hand - right here - right now - in Jesus. Which
demands a response.
Meaning a total life transforming change
towards God and how they do life. How we do
life with God as citizens of God’s kingdom. Teachers take their
students on field trips for more than the
entertainment value.
Right? So
- like any good teacher - Jesus takes His disciples on
a field trip. Part One of the field
trip - what we looked at last Sunday - field trip part
one was the storm on the Sea of Galilee. The boat
getting blown around by the wind and tossed by waves
and taking on water and the disciples panicking in
fear. And
Jesus rebuking the wind and telling the sea to be
still. And
the wind and the sea obeying Jesus because Jesus is
all of the power and authority of God’s kingdom is
right there in Jesus born into the flesh and blood of
our humanity. Which is the point of
field trip part one:
Jesus - God - is in the boat. You don’t
need to fear the storm or whatever else comes up
against us in life.
To by faith follow Jesus is to live in the
power of God’s kingdom in this world. After the when of
after field trip part one - Mark gives us the where of field trip part
two. Jesus
and the disciples reach the other side of the Sea of
Galilee - the eastern shore - which is the country of
the Gerasenes. Which
most maps label as the “Decapolis.” Which is Greek. “Deca” -
Greek number ten.
“Polis” meaning “city.” “Deca polis” because
there were essentially 10 cities in the region that
were Greek. Which
you can see there on the map. After Alexander the
Great conquered Palestine - back in the 330’s BC -
these ten cities were set up by the Greeks to be
everything Greek.
Greek government - Greek courts - Greek temples
- Greek theaters - Greek schools - Greek sports -
Greek money - Greek armies. Everything
Greek. Even
Greek people. Meaning
the area was mostly inhabited by people the Jews
considered to be unclean and ungodly pagan and
perverse Gentiles. Which is where Jesus
takes His disciples for field trip part two. Going on at verse 2. Would you
read with me? And
when Jesus had stepped out of the boat, immediately
there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean
spirit. He
lived among the tombs.
And no one could bind him anymore, not even
with a chain, for he had often been bound with
shackles and chains, but he wrenched the chains apart,
and he broke the shackles in pieces. No one had
the strength to subdue him. Night and
day among the tombs and on the mountains he was always
crying out and cutting himself with stones. What Mark is showing
us in these verses is The Bondage
of this demon possessed man. Jesus probably landed
near what today is the resort town of Ein Gev. Which looks
like this today.
Which fits the geography of what’s recorded
here. Just
east of Ein Gev there’s a steep rise going up to over
1,500 feet to what at that time was the Decapolis town
of Hippo. There
were caves in the area that were used as tombs. As Jesus steps out of
the boat this demon possessed man comes up to Jesus. If the
disciples thought the storm was something to be afraid
of this man is way more terrifying. This man is living
among the tombs.
In what were caves in the hillside used to bury
dead people. Like
crypts in a cemetery.
About a week ago
somebody posted on Facebook “Would you spend a night in a
cemetery?” The question
gets asked because even today a lot of people think
the same things as they thought back then. The Jews
considered a cemetery unclean - moral filth - unholy. The Gentiles
considered it haunted - a place of darkness and evil -
dangerous. This guy is living in
zombie land. He
lives among the dead. And he has
supernatural - demon empowered - strength. No one can
overpower him. No
chains can bind him.
No shackles can restrain him. People tried
to restrain him.
Maybe they were trying to help him. But no one
had the power to subdue him. Mark adds that night
and day - out in the tombs and the mountains - he’s
screaming and howling - mutilating his own body. Luke adds
that he was naked.
He’s living like a savage beast. Living apart
from humanity and what it means to be human. There’s a
horrendousness in that that goes beyond understanding. Sometimes we try to
make sense out of evil - the work of Satan and his
minions. People
make jokes about the Devil - some guy in red suit with
a pitch fork and pointy tail. Sometimes we think of
Satan as being like some bad guy in a movie or a book
or TV. Kind
of like Darth Vader or Kylo Ren. There’s some
limit to his wickedness - some explanation for why he
acts like that. There’s
still some good in him.
Some possibility of redemption. But Satan and his
minions are more like the Joker in Christopher Nolan’s
Batman sequel. Remember
The Dark Knight?
There’s a quote from the Joker that touches on
the kind of senseless depravity that’s Satan inspired
evil: “Some men aren’t looking for anything
logical… They can’t be bought, bullied, reasoned, or
negotiated with.
Some men just like to watch the world burn.” Pure - Satan inspired
- total wickedness is irrational. Evil on a
level that we - by
God’s grace - that what we don’t fully understand. This man is a pawn of
evil powers. He
cannot control himself.
He cannot be controlled by others. But he’s
bound - powerless against the evil forces that have
taken control of him. His condition seems
hopeless. He
is destined to be bound to a world of hopelessness and
anguish and despair.
There’s no way out. He is totally alone -
isolated from humanity - from his family - from his
true self.
Howling and mutilating himself. In some pretty
unnerving ways this man is a vivid - in our face -
example of what we see going on around us. Maybe not to
the same degree.
But what’s behind the curtain of what we do
see. The
same irrational wickedness - Satan and his minions -
that - apart from Christ - that holds humanity in
bondage. That
we open ourselves up to as we allow ourselves to
dabble in sin. By - what can only be
understood as an act of God’s grace - as Jesus steps
off the boat, this man approaches Jesus. Verses 7-13 record The Deliverance of the demon possessed man. Would you
read with me starting at verse 7: And
when he saw Jesus from afar, he ran and fell down
before Him. And
crying out with a loud voice, he said, “What have you
to do with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I adjure you
by God, do not torment me.” For
He was saying to him, “Come out of the man, you
unclean spirit!” And
Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” He
replied, “My name is Legion, for we are many.” And he
begged Him earnestly not to send them out of the
country. Now
a great herd of pigs was feeding there on the
hillside, and they begged Him, saying, “Send us to the
pigs; let us enter them.” So
He gave them permission.
And the unclean spirits came out, and entered
the pigs, and the herd, numbering about two thousand,
rushed down the steep bank into the sea and were
drowned in the sea. “What have you to do with me” is a Hebrew idiom
that has the idea of “Why have you come? What
business do we have to conduct together?” There are two
“business agendas” in conflict here. Jesus Who’s bringing
God’s kingdom of deliverance - God’s salvation and
release from bondage - life eternal with God. And the other
“business agenda” is Satan and his kingdom of evil and
bondage and eternal death. Which is the
business these demons have been conducting and abusing
people with - including this possessed man. “Business is good. Jesus. What are you
doing here?” “Son of the Most High God” is a powerful title
describing Who Jesus is and why Jesus has come. “Son” meaning - God the Son
- the second person of the Triune God. Jesus is the
eternal God in the flesh and blood of our humanity. The one and
only begotten Son of the Father - Jesus - the one
anointed - consecrated and set apart - the only one
able to fulfill and accomplish the will and plan of
the Father. His
agenda. His
work of redeeming mankind. “The Most High God” was used in the Old
Testament by Gentiles to acknowledge the superiority
of Israel’s God.
While the crowd on
the west bank and the disciples on the field trip -
while they all struggled to understand Who Jesus is -
the demons recognize Him immediately. The man -
possessed - falls before Jesus as one would before a
king - a sovereign - because there’s no denying Who
Jesus is and the kingdom work of the Son. Business is
about to take a turn for the worse. “I adjure you by God, do not torment me”
is literally “Swear by God that you won’t
torture me.” There is fear in
that. Jude helps us to
understand that fear.
Jude writes:
“And I remind you of the angels who did
not stay within the limits of authority God gave them
but left the place where they belonged.” The demons are fallen
into sin angels - angels in rebellion against God. Satan being
the greatest of these.
Angels who had a God given role within God’s
kingdom - who turned from that and followed Satan. “...God has kept them securely chained in
prisons of darkness, waiting for the day of judgment.” (Jude 1:6 NLT).
They know - with the
coming of Jesus - the kingdom of God at hand - that
the power and the potential of the kingdom is being
unleashed in the lives of mankind - and their days are
numbered. With
judgment their days of roaming the earth and binding
and destroying - that all’s coming to an end. The fear is that
Jesus is about to unleash that now. A foretaste
of the judgment that’s coming. Notice that Jesus
doesn’t answer the plea for mercy. Jesus is on
a field trip - teaching - conducting kingdom business. Jesus asks
the question: “What
is your name?” Answer: “My
name is Legion, for we are many.” A Legion was a Roman
military unit that in the first century could include
upwards of 6,000 soldiers. Does that
mean there were 6,000 demons possessing this man? There were
2,000 pigs. Does
that mean there were 2,000 demons? The exact number
possessing this man isn’t really what’s important. We get that
there were a lot of them. Legion is descriptive
of an occupying military force. What’s here
is Satan’s army of terror and death. Satan’s
demonic army of cruelty - and destruction that’s
occupied this man.
The point is that
there’s virtually nothing left of this man who’s
living in horrendous circumstances and bondage. A living
death that even Hollywood can’t picture. Evil on an
irrational rampage. “Out of the country” - verse 10 - going on
with the discussion - “out of the country” is more than just
moving to the next county. According to Luke’s
account they wanted to avoid the “abyss.” “Abyss” is a
word that literally means “bottomless.” Which - in
the New Testament - the “abyss” is the place where the
unrighteous await final judgment. Mark’s emphasis on
“country” helps us to understand their desire to avoid
judgment and to keep on conducting business where
business has been good.
Here in the Decapolis. The demons offer a
compromise. The
great herd of pigs innocently grazing on the hillside. Irony of
unclean demons entering unclean pigs may be
intentional. The
irrationality and strangeness of what takes place is
intentional. Jesus knew what would
happen. It’s
all part of the field trip. Jesus - with
divine authority - gives the demons permission to
occupy the herd. This must have been
amazing and terrifying at the same time.
If you’ve ever heard
a pig squeal - imagine 2,000 of them squealing and
rushing in mass terror into the sea. Then
thrashing around in the water in a single mass
drowning - driven by demons into suicidal madness. And then
silence - that lingers as the last pig slips beneath
the waves. Jesus knew what would
happen. He’s
leading the field trip.
Maybe we miss some of the impact of the carnage
and destruction because we’re sitting on cushy chairs
reading through something most of us have read through
before. But the disciples who
witnessed that carnage are seeing it for the first
time - seeing first hand the irrational evil that has
confronted Jesus in the wilderness - in the synagogue
- at His home - in His travels. They’re
seeing Satan at work - first hand. Satan who is
the source of disease and disaster and discord and
death and decay.
Satan who hates the work of God and desires
that all of what God has created - all of what God
desires in and for His kingdom - for us - Satan
desires all to be consumed in his irrational evil and
destruction. The image - the
silence - is profound.
That impact - the lesson - should not be lost
on us. The
horror of what it means to be bound by Satan. The
authority of Jesus to deliver us - to save us and free
us from all of that. Verses 14 to 17 are
The Response
- what comes as a result of what we’ve just witnessed. Would you read with
me the next part of Mark’s account. The
herdsmen fled and told it in the city and in the
country. And
people came to see what it was that had happened. And they
came to Jesus and saw the demon-possessed man, the one
who had had the legion, sitting there, clothed and in
his right mind, and they were afraid. And those
who had seen it described to them what had happened to
the demon-possessed man and the pigs. And they
began to beg Jesus to depart from their region. The herdsman who
we’re watching over the pigs - who we’re watching the
stampede and carnage - fled - literally ran in terror. And in what
probably took place over a number of days they went
all over the place reporting what they’d seen. Which results in a
large crowd of people coming from all over the
Decapolis to see for themselves what had happened. The word in verse 15
“saw” is the Greek word “theoreo” which is where we
get our word “theorize.”
Meaning they gathered the facts and tried to
understand what they’re seeing. What does
all that mean? How
are we suppose to respond to all that? There’s this large
mass of rotting pig carcasses that’s washed up on the
shore. Then
there’s this man that was probably well known - and
avoided. That
they’d heard screaming and howling in the hills and
tombs during the night and day. Terrifying
as that must have sounded. Now this man who is
clothed - sitting - rational in his thoughts and
speech - a wreck of a human being completely restored
who’s sitting at the feet of this Jewish rabbi from
the other side of the Sea of Galilee. Those who had seen
what had happened - who’d been there - tried to
explain to the newcomers what it was that they’d seen. What had
happened to the demon possessed man and the pigs. Which -
looking at the results - it was hard to avoid the
obvious reality of what had happened. At the cost of a few
thousand pigs Jesus has redeemed this man from his
horrific and hopeless circumstances. Restored him
from being an outcast and despised. Restored his
dignity and humanity.
Restored him to a new life. The people of the
Decapolis are seeing all that and they’re trying to
theorize what all that means. What that
might mean for them.
How to respond to all that. As they’re
processing all that their response tells us something
about them. Rather than
responding by faith they respond in fear. At one point
they feared the demon possessed man. Now they
fear Jesus. Not
a fear of respect and worship - reverential awe. But heart
level terror. Rather
than embracing the possibilities of what God might be
offering to them - rather than by faith surrendering
to their creator there’s rejection motivated by fear. Their response is to
beg Jesus to leave the Decapolis. Beg - here
in Greek - means to implore - to urge strongly. Driven by
fear, there’s passion and urgency to their begging. These are Greeks -
Gentiles - living in a culture that is far from God. In their own
way they’re bound by Satan and his minions. Their
response is to retreat from God - to hang onto what’s
familiar. Which is how many
people respond to what God offers us in Jesus. Sometimes we
respond like that.
With fear rather than faith. Wanting to
go on with our lives as they are - trying to somehow
manage our issues - all of that being painful and
sometimes really messed up. But at least
all that is known to us. We see what God may
be opening up to us but rather than stepping forward
by faith - trusting God that what He desires to do in
our lives - that that may actually be even better for
us - we hold back.
We turn from God rather than to God. There’s a sobering
reality check in that that we need to make sure we
don’t pass by. To
hang on to what binds us - whatever those issues might
be - to not move forward in faith trusting God for
what He has for us - is to remain bound by our fears. Which in
reality means choosing to allow ourselves to remain
bound up and under the influence and power of Satan. Verses 18 to 20 bring
us to The Purpose
of Jesus’ field trip part two. Would you read verses
18 to 20 with me. As
He was getting into the boat, the man who had been
possessed with demons begged Him that he might be with
Him. And
He did not permit him but said to him, “Go home to
your friends and tell them how much the Lord has done
for you, and how He has had mercy on you.” And he went
away and began to proclaim in the Decapolis how much
Jesus had done for him, and everyone marveled. Jesus didn’t have to
leave. He
could have stayed despite the begging of the people. Jesus wasn’t
one to run away from confrontation if that
confrontation suited His purposes. Jesus left
because it was time to go. It suited
Jesus’ purposes to leave. Before Jesus leaves -
as Jesus is getting back in the boat - the set free
redeemed man begs Jesus to go with Him. Same word
for “begged” - urgently - passionately - you changed
my life - begged Jesus to follow Jesus wherever Jesus
was going. Jesus - in response -
commissions this man.
Along with a redeemed and restored life - Jesus
gives this man a new purpose in life. “Go home to your friends and tell them
how much the Lord has done for you, and how He’s had
mercy on you.” Jesus leaves this
Gentile - Greek - believing - God transformed - man in
the Decapolis to evangelize his unbelieving and
fearful countrymen and family. “I was bound - hopelessly enslaved by
evil. Jesus
released me from my bondage. Jesus set me
free. Jesus
restored my humanity.
He gave me my dignity back. He gave me
my mind back. He
gave me life. He’s
given me purpose - to tell you what He’s done so that
you will follow Him too.” How powerful would
that be to hear from the man who actually had all that
happen to Him? Mark records that
this man did what Jesus told him to do and that everyone
marveled. They
were amazed - impressed.
There was a very favorable response to this
man’s testimony.
This man’s testimony would be the means of
leading others to salvation in Jesus - leading others
to become followers of Jesus. Field trip part two
is about the potential of the kingdom. The parable
Jesus told about the mustard seed being really really
small. Seemingly
without a whole lot of visible potential. And yet - as
Jesus tells the parable - that seed grows into a large
plant that provides shade and branches for nests. We looked at that
parable two Sundays ago. The point of the
parable is that the kingdom of God is like what
happens to the mustard seed. It has
seemingly insignificant and weak beginnings. But gradual
unrelenting growth will happen. And one day
it will be seen as great and powerful. Which may be
surprising to some.
But that’s the potential of the kingdom. The kingdom
of God at hand which is about the working of God in
and through the lives of those who will respond by
faith and trust Him with their lives. Jesus started as one
- the seed of the kingdom sown into the field of this
world. Jesus
began by calling a few disciples who would follow Him. After Jesus’
death, resurrection, and ascension a group of about
100 became Spirit-filled witnesses. Within 40
years the gospel of the kingdom had reached all the
great cultural centers of the Roman world and a whole
lot of out-of-the-way places besides. The gospel of the
kingdom that has spread - gaining followers in every
race on every continent and influencing every sphere
of life. The
good news of Jesus that’s why we are here today. Speaking as a Greek. What Jesus
did for that Gentile Greek man is powerful. Processing all that… Take away number one: We’re all
born hopelessly enslaved to sin. The Bible
tells us that we emerge from our mother’s wombs as
slaves to the evil that rules this world. We confirm
that by our own acts of sin. Paul writes to the
Ephesians: “And you were dead in the trespasses and
sins in which you once walked, following the course of
this world, following the prince of the power of the
air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of
disobedience—among whom we all once lived in the
passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the
body and the mind, and were by nature children of
wrath, like the rest of mankind.” (Ephesians
2:1-3) We may not see
ourselves with the same desperation as a demon
possessed man - bound - alienated - savage - devoid of
humanity - hopeless - living among the tombs. But evil is
evil. Satan
is Satan. Same
irrational wicked business agenda. And apart
from Christ, that’s who we are. What binds
us isn’t a question of degrees but the reality of
bondage and separation from God. Paul goes on: “But God, being rich in mercy, because of
the great love with which He loved us, even when we
were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together
with Christ—by grace you have been saved.” (Ephesians 2:4,5) Take away number two: God can
redeem any person in any situation at any time. What could be worst
than the horrendous circumstances of this possessed
man - living death.
Whatever you’re going through can’t be worse -
even if it seems like it. If God can
restore that man’s life he can restore ours. Whatever you’ve done
to yourself or however far you’ve walked away from God
- even as a believer.
Or the marriage you’ve ruined. Or the lives
you’ve reduced to chaos.
The people you’ve harmed. The
relationships you’ve totally messed up. God can redeem any
person in any situation at any time. In Christ He
offers to do that.
We can’t do that.
Others can’t do that. God alone
can do that. And
God - in Christ - offers to break the power of sin
over our lives and set us free. Redemption - what God
offers us through Jesus’ work on the cross - God’s redemption urges us - begs us - to
respond with faith. When God
sets us free from what binds us - which He has through
Jesus’ work on the cross - we need to respond with
faith - not fear.
To respond by obediently following God into
what He has set us free for. Any wrecked life can
be restored. But
we need to respond by faith and trust God with our
lives - wherever and whenever and whatever He might
lead us into. Take away number three: When God
redeems us He gives us new life with purpose. God can use
any redeemed person to make an amazing difference in
the lives of others.
That’s God using us in the potential of the
kingdom. Whether you’ve got a
redeemed from horrendous circumstances kind of
testimony or you’ve got a “I was saved from a horrendous life of
sin at the age of one” kind of testimony -
salvation is an undeserved act of God’s grace. Redemption
is about what God does for people hopelessly bound by
sin like you and me. God desires to use
you and me to reach out to people living in bondage
and fear who need to know the hope that we have
because of what God has done for us. That’s why
we’re here. Whatever the
experiences of our lives - wherever we are in the
process of following Jesus - God wants to use us to
bring glory to Him and to influence others to find the
healing and eternal life that we have in Him.
_______________ Series references: Sinclair B. Ferguson,
Let’s Study Mark (Edinburgh, The
Banner of Truth Trust, 2016). Charles R. Swindoll,
Swindoll’s Living Insights New Testament
Commentary, Volume 2:
Insights on Mark (Carol Stream, IL,
Tyndale House Publishers, 2016). Unless otherwise
indicated, Scripture quotations are from The Holy
Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV
copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing
ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by
permission. All
rights reserved. Mass |