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CONNECTING THE DOTS MARK 6:45-56 Series: The Good News of Jesus Christ - Part Twenty Pastor Stephen Muncherian July 15, 2018 |
As we come together before God’s word, if
you are able, please stand and read with me our
passage for this morning. Immediately
He [Jesus] made
His disciples get into the boat and go before Him to
the other side, to Bethsaida, while He dismissed the
crowd. And
after He had taken leave of them, He went up on the
mountain to pray.
And when evening came, the boat was out on the
sea, and He was alone on the land. And
He saw that they were making headway painfully, for
the wind was against them. And about
the fourth watch of the night He came to them, walking
on the sea. He
meant to pass by them, but when they saw Him walking
on the sea they thought it was a ghost, and cried out,
for they all saw him and were terrified. But
immediately He spoke to them an said, “Take heart; it
is I. Do
not be afraid.” And
He got into the boat with them, and the wind ceased. And they
were utterly astounded, for they did not understand
about the loaves, but their hearts were hardened. When
they had crossed over, they came to land at Gennesaret
and moored to the shore.
And when they got out of the boat, the people
immediately recognized Him and ran about the whole
region and began to bring the sick people on their
beds to wherever they heard He was. And
wherever He came, in villages, cities, or countryside,
they laid the sick in the marketplaces and implored
Him that they might touch even the fringe of His
garment. And
as many as touched it were made well. How
many of you have done one of these? The purpose
of which is what? Connect
the dots and see what the picture looks like. As we walk through what Mark records here
we need to be looking for the dots. Dots that
we’ll point out as we go through this together. Dots that
when we start to connect the dots - all those
connections will help us to see Jesus better and what
it means for us to see more clearly Who He is. At the risk of seemingly wandering off on
a rabbit trail - we need to make sure we’re tracking
on just how significant dots in Scripture really are. Years ago I read about a pastor who had a
kitten that had
climbed up a tree in his backyard and then this kitten
was afraid to come down.
The pastor tried everything to get the kitten
to come down. But,
nothing worked. The
tree was not sturdy enough to climb. So
the pastor decided that if he tied a rope to the tree
and tied the other end to his car and slowly drove
away he could pull the tree over just far enough so he
could reach up and get the kitten. Which he did. Constantly
checking his progress in the car. Until
he got to the point where he figured if he went just a
little bit further, the tree would be bent just enough
for him to reach the kitten. But as he
moved the car forward just a little bit more
the rope broke. The
tree went “booing!” and the kitten instantly sailed
through the air out of sight. The
pastor felt terrible.
He walked all over the neighborhood asking
people if they’d seen a little kitten. No one had. So this poor
pastor finally gave up and went home. A
few days later he was at the grocery store where he
met a lady from the church. He happened
to look into her shopping cart and was amazed to see
cat food. Amazed because this
woman hated cats.
She had a reputation for hating cats. So the
pastor asked her, “Why
are you buying cat food when you hate cats so much?” Well,
this lady told the pastor how her little girl had been
begging her for a cat.
But, of course this mother kept saying no. Then a few
days before, the child had begged again, so the mother
- exasperated - finally told her little girl, “Well,
if God gives you a cat, I’ll let you keep it.” She
told the pastor, “I
watched my child go out in the yard, get down on her
knees, and ask God for a cat. And really,
Pastor, you won’t believe this. But, I saw
it with my own eyes.
A kitten suddenly came flying out of the blue
sky, with its paws outspread, and landed right in
front of her.” You can decide if that’s a true story or
not. But,
all that to say that God does things in ways we don’t
understand. One
huge reason for that is because don’t get God.
So getting God and getting the how and
why God does things is beyond us. And yet -
God desires for us to get Him and to live in
relationship with Him - trusting Him with all we are. Which is why the dots are so important. Because
every dot is an illustration - a description - an
insight - God revealing to us something about Himself
in the real time of where we do life - which we do
get. When we understand about the dots we will
never read Scripture the same way again. Even
Leviticus. Because
- Genesis to Revelation - the Bible is full of dots
just waiting to be connected. The more you
read the more you see the dots and the more excited
you will get about God and your relationship with Him. I am the God of your forefathers Abraham,
Isaac, and Jacob Who choose you and redeemed you out
of bondage in Egypt.
How many times have we read that? Those are
dots that tell us about the God who is love Who
chooses to lavish His love on a people and to covenant
in relationship with them and to rescue and redeem
Plagues and floods and famines and
earthquakes and locusts on a rampage are illustrations
of God’s character - like His justness and
Fire and smoke and thunder taking off the top
of a mountain and God providing quail and manna and
water and God’s people passing through a sea or a
river and God taking out armies and are all
illustrations - dots -
of Who God is.
The commandments written by God and
placed in the Ark of the Covenant - the Tabernacle and
the Temple and all of those instructions on how to
build all that - so many cubits by so many cubits. And on and
on and on. All
those are dots. Connect
them up and we start to see a clearer picture in real
time of the beyond our understanding God Who loves us. When you read Scripture go on a scavenger
hunt for dots and ask God to help you process more of
Who He is and how greatly He desire for you to know
Him. It’s
life changing to see and connect the dots. Which is what Jesus has been trying to do
for His disciples.
Connect the dots to understand more of Who He
is. It’s
what Mark is doing here for His readers. Helping us
to see more clearly who Jesus is and what it means for
us to see that for ourselves. The more
dots that get connected and we will never see Jesus
the same way again. We’re picking up where we left on last
Sunday. Which
was the feeding of the…
5,000 plus.
Maybe 10,000 if we include women and children
along with the men. Jesus taking 5 really small loaves of
really cheap bread and 2 probably way over salted
small fish and feeding 10,000 people to the point
where they all are stuffed full and Jesus providing
doggy baskets of left-over bread for the disciples. A total God
thing. John - in his gospel account - John tells
us that the crowd - after the feeding - they were so
fired up about Jesus that they were ready to seize
Jesus and force Him to be their king. Ironic in
that He was. But
they wanted Him to be king in the way they wanted Him
to be king and not for the King of kings and Lord of
lords that He really is. So “immediately” - verse 45 - as
that’s happening - before the crowd can get ahold of
Jesus - Jesus tells His disciples to get back into
their boat and go to the other side - start rowing
towards Bethsaida - and Jesus dismisses the crowd. Sends them
away before they can get themselves into trouble. Where that takes place is important for
us to understand. Down
in verse 53 we find that where they’re actually rowing
towards - their final destination - what Mark tells us
is “the other side” -is actually the town of
Gennesaret. Which
is on the northwest shore of the Sea of Galilee. Located here
and it looks like this. Bethsaida to Gennesaret is about 9 miles. A bit of a
hike but doable.
Jesus walking - the disciples rowing - they
probably expected to connect up with Jesus in
Gennesaret the next day. That’s the background. Mark tells
us that when the evening came - meaning it was about
6:00 and getting darker - the disciples are in the
boat out on the sea and Jesus is alone on the land. Verses 48 to 52 are What
Happens Next. Kind
of like Facebook.
“And you won’t believe what happens
next…” Mark tells us that Jesus - seeing the
disciples - saw that the disciples were making headway
painfully. A
Greek word that means it was pure torture. The surface of the
Sea of Galilee is almost 700 feet below sea level in a
deep rift between the Arabian Desert and the
Mediterranean Sea.
The wind whips down through the valleys onto
the sea and churns up the water into a nightmare for
small boats. Even
today boaters are warned to remained docked because of
the potential winds. Matthew records that they were a long
ways from the shore.
Meaning that they were getting blown off
course. John
tells us that they had only rowed about
3 to 4 miles. Meaning
they weren’t making much progress. Mark tells us that it was about the
fourth watch. The
Romans divided the night into 4 watches which were the
times a Roman guard would stand watch. First watch. Second
watch. Third
watch. The
fourth watch was from 3:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. Really
early. Not
quite daylight yet. Potentially for maybe 9 plus hours the
disciples have been rowing against this wind -
possibly moving more sideways than forward - and
they’ve made only about 3 or 4 miles of progress. That’s
painful - torturous.
If not down right discouraging. Mark
records that as they’re rowing against the wind - in
the darkness they see Jesus - who’s calmly walking by
on the water intending to pass by them. Seemingly
indifferent to what they’re going through. The disciples are totally freaked out by
this. Terrified
is a word that means gut level physically and
psychologically - totally out of our minds -
terrified. Who
wouldn’t be? If
this account wasn’t so familiar to us - if we’d of
been there - we’d be freaked out too. Yes? The disciples are seeing Jesus. But because
they hadn’t read Mark’s gospel yet - and since nobody
walks on water - and it is pretty dark out there - in
their thinking they’re seeing a ghost. To which Jesus - immediately - reassures
them “Take heart; it is I. Do not be
afraid.” “Take heart” translates a Greek
word that a military commander might use in battle to
encourage the troops to keep going. Don’t
retreat. Don’t
give up. Don’t
surrender. Why?
Because “It is I.” Then
Jesus climbs over the gunwales and gets into the boat
with the disciples.
And immediately the wind ceases. Which means it just ceases. Instant
calm. Placid
- smooth - able to steer a straight course to
Gennesaret - not painful rowing - ceased. Let’s pause and make sure we’re seeing
the dots. Dot
number one is Sight. Jesus - up on the mountain - which is
maybe two miles inland - and Jesus sees the disciples
3 to 4 miles out to see.
Meaning Jesus is seeing 7 miles in the dark. Dark enough
that when Jesus walks out right next to them it’s so
dark that they don’t recognize Him. Even with tri-focals I’m seeing maybe a
mile - in daylight?
Jesus sees what’s going on in our lives -
what we struggle with - what we’re rowing against -
what terrifies us.
Jesus is omniscient. God. Who is
compassionate towards us. Dot number two is Time. The Hebrews divided the night into three
watches. But
Mark is writing to Romans. Mark uses a
breakdown of time
that the Hebrews would have understood - but
that’s focused on the Romans understanding what’s
going on. God
speaking through Mark - all Scripture is inspired by
God - God speaking through Mark to the world. The Bible has dots that are for different
cultures. Jesus is God Who loves the whole world. Who desires
for all men to be saved.
Who sends His apostles to all peoples beginning
in Jerusalem and to the most remote parts of the world
- even Merced. Dot
number three is Jesus Walking On Water. In the Old Testament nobody walks on
water except God.
Jesus is doing something only God does. God Who is
the Creator and sustainer of it all. Who has
authority over His creation and uses it for His
purposes. (Job
9:8; 38:16; Psalm 77:19; Isaiah 43:16) Dot number four is Jesus Passing By. Passing by doesn’t mean that Jesus was
indifferent to what the disciples were going through. “Hey guys. See you in
Gennesaret. Have
fun rowing.” Mark is describing the impression given
to those in the boat. To “pass by” is something that God does
repeatedly in the Old Testament. God shields
Moses and passes by but allows Moses to see His glory
- to reassure Moses that He really is there. God passes
by and allows His people to glimpse His glory in order
to reassure them of His presence. (Exodus
33:12-23). Jesus is passing by is Jesus doing the
God thing. God
testifying to His disciples that He is there with
them. Dot
number five is The Phantom. The
disciples thought Jesus was a ghost. Let’s be careful. These guys
were seasoned fisherman who made their living on the
Sea of Galilee. They’d
probably seen a lot of strange things and probably
didn’t fear much.
But what they saw they saw as a supernatural
unknown presence passing by them - that drove them to
terror. The Jews were not generally given to
superstition But
they did have a healthy appreciation for the spiritual
realm. The Greek word translated here as “ghost”
is “phantasma” - think fantasia or phantom. What is a
physical vision that reveals what is spiritual. What goes
beyond human understanding. It’s a word
that rarely gets used but it describes the visual
manifestation of God’s supernatural presence. Think fire and smoke and thunder on Mount
Sinai or the cloud entering the Tabernacle. Visual
demonstrations of the presence of God. So the disciples aren’t terrified because
they think they’re seeing a disembodied spirit of some
dead person. They’re
terrified because they think they’re seeing a divine
manifestation - a foreshadowing of their doom. Meaning with
all that wind all those waves they’re going to be fish
food. But the phantom is Jesus - who is God in
the visual flesh blood of our humanity who is passing
by His disciples.
Who has totally different reason for being out
there walking on the water. Dot
number six is What Jesus Said. Jesus calling His disciples to courage -
“take heart” is based on His telling them “It is I.” In Greek that’s two words. “Ego Emi.” Literally “I
Am.” Which
the disciples would have been clearly understood as
Jesus referring to Himself as the “I Am” - the One
true God Himself.
(Exodus 3:14). Taking that one step further. The
transliteration of “I Am” from Hebrew to English - as
best as we can tell - is Yahweh. Yahweh is
the name that God uses to speak specifically of His
covenant relationship and promises to His people. It is an
intensely personal name.
Yahweh Who redeems His people. Yahweh Who
delivers them from bondage in Egypt. The name Jesus
comes from the Greek form of the Hebrew “yeshua” -
which combines the name of God “Yahweh” with the word
“yasa” - to help - to deliver - to save. Meaning it all points to Jesus - to the
cross - to God’s work of redemption. God
delivering His people even today. Same God. Same
promise. Same
plan. Same
presence. Now
and forever. “I am and forever shall be with
you.” “Take heart. Do not be
afraid. It
is I.” Dot
number seven is The Wind Ceases. Not because Jesus rebukes the wind or
commands it to cease.
Which we’ve seen Him do as a “Here’s a dot”
demonstration of His authority. Back when
they all were on a field trip. Here - as Jesus gets in the boat - it
just ceases. Which is no less a visible demonstration
of the divine authority of Jesus. God Who is
in the boat. Verses
the total inadequacy of humans struggling against the
wind - for hours - going sideways at best. Jesus - God - Who turns an impossible
situation into an amazing teachable moment. Mark tells us that the disciples - as
they’re experiencing all this - the disciples were
“astounded.” Meaning
they were trying to process all of what they were
experiencing and seeing and their minds were just
spinning without the gears engaging. Nothing’s
connecting. They’re
clueless. Totally
blown away. Pun
intended. In
verse 52 Mark tells us the reason they were astounded
was because - two reasons - first: They didn’t
understand about the loaves - the feeding of the 5,000
plus. And
second: Their
hearts were hardened. The word for “understand” - as in they
didn’t - the word for understand literally means “to
bring together.” - to connect things together. Meaning they
were astounded because they weren’t connecting the
dots. Just the seven dots that are here are
huge. But
Jesus has been dropping dots all over the place that
Mark has been recording since we started looking at
Mark back in chapter 1. Jesus turning water into wine
demonstrating His divine compassion for people. Jesus teaching and demonstrating His
divine authority over the Scriptures. Jesus forgiving sins and miraculously
proving His divine authority to do so. Jesus healing people demonstrating His
divine authority over disease. Jesus raising the dead demonstrating His
divine authority over death. Jesus casting out demons demonstrating
His divine authority over Satan and the realm of evil. Jesus calming the storm demonstrating His
divine authority over creation. Jesus sending His disciples out under His
authority and demonstrating what He can divinely do
through His apostles. Jesus feeding thousands - doing the
impossible in order to demonstrate that He is the
divine Good Shepherd of His people. And Jesus
involving His disciples in the distribution of those
loaves and fishes in order to help them to connect the
dots. The disciples should have been
understanding - connecting the dots of all of that -
and understanding more clearly Who Jesus is. The God in
our humanity. The
Shepherd of His people.
Able to do what is humanly impossible because
He is the one true God.
The with divine authority Messiah - our Savior. That is
totally trustworthy.
That we need to trust with our lives. They were astounded because they missed
the connection. Second - they were astounded because
they’re hearts were hardened. “Hardened” translates a word that means
rock hard impervious and impenetrable. At the heart
level they were stoned. Let’s be careful that we’re not throwing
the disciples under the bus. The disciples hadn’t read Mark’s account. They’re
living it. The disciples didn’t completely
understand the incarnation - Jesus being fully God and
fully man. Like we totally get that ourselves. The Jews didn’t expect God to enter into
humanity and humble Himself - even die in our place -
sacrificing Himself for us. They never thought that their Messiah
would be God in human flesh. That just
wasn’t part of their theology. Which was
behind a lot of the conflict between the Pharisees and
Jesus. The
Pharisees - hearts hardened - Jesus didn’t fit their
version of Who the Messiah would be. And we have 2,000 plus years of
theological minds and teachers and commentators who
have explained in complete clarity - or at least
they’ve tried - we have all of that knowledge just a
click away. And we’re not the ones who are dripping
wet at 6 a.m. on a dark sea having rowed sideways
against the wind for 9 hours. So, we need to cut the disciples some
slack here. But the meaning of their hearts being
hardened is that they were struggling to get past all
that. What
they’d been raised with.
What they’d been taught. What they’d
experienced with God up to the point that they’d met
Jesus. The
opinions of their family and friends. Whatever
cultural expectations they had going on - peer
pressure. Seeing is… believing. But
sometimes we struggle in how we respond to what our
eyes are showing us because there are other things
going on in our minds and hearts. They were astounded because they didn’t
understand about the loaves and their hearts were
hardened. Meaning
that - even with everything that Jesus had been
demonstrating for them - all the dots - they weren’t
going there with God because God didn’t fit their
limited human understanding of Who God is and how God
does what God does. Verses
53 to 55 are The
Post-Credit Scene. Like
after the credits at Marvel movie. What’s here
is a clue as to how all this fits together and what’s
coming next. When Jesus and the disciples finally
arrive at Gennesaret - as they’re getting out of the
boat - immediately Jesus is recognized and people
start running all over the place bringing people to
where Jesus is in order to get healed. Mark records - in verse 56 - that they
laid the sick in the marketplaces and begged Jesus to
let them touch even the fringe of His garment in order
to be healed. The marketplace is a dot. The
marketplace was the “agora” which was the center of
town. Where
goods were traded and sold and politics discussed and
disputes settled or not - and speeches given. The center
of the community.
Jesus being in the center of the community -
His people - responding with compassion and divine
authority over disease. “Fringe” is another dot that we don’t
want to miss. Fringe
translates a Greek word that can also be translated
“tassels.” Tassels
are like fringes on the edges of clothing. Little
hanging stringy things. After God delivered His people out of
bondage in Egypt and after God gives to His people the
Ten Commandments.
Which is God freeing His people and
establishing a loving covenant relationship with them. God
committing Himself to compassionately care for His
people. In order to help His people remember Who
it was Who delivered them and Who loves them - God Who
has committed Himself to compassionately care for them
- in order to help His people remember that, God
instructs His people to wear tassels or fringes on
their clothing. Clothing being a pretty much we wear
clothing every day thing. When God’s
people saw the tassels on their clothing - every day
they would - connect the dots - understand and
remember the God of the covenant and seek to live
obedience to Him. Jesus in the midst of His people who are
seeking to touch even the fringes of His garment is a
beautiful illustration of God and His people. God’s people
reaching out to God and God - the God of the Covenant
- Yahweh - Yeshua - compassionately caring for His
people. The people in Gennesaret should have
picked up on that.
The disciples should have picked up on that. It is how
all this fits together in showing us Who God is where
God is going. That’s huge. Isn’t it? Just
connecting a few of the dots. God gets it
- the needs of His people. God’s got a
plan that included Moses and the people back then and
even us to day. God is holy. God is
faithful. God
is compassionate.
God is sovereign.
He’s working His redemption plan in history. Just like in
Egypt - God is going to deliver His people. God has a plan for history. God through
Jesus. God
enters into our suffering - our bondage - our
desolation - the filth of this world - giving to us a
life with Him now and forever. A place with
Him that goes beyond whatever we can possibly imagine. And we can look back on that. But the dots
are here. It’s
coming. A
reality for us to marvel at. Processing
all that… Chuck Swindoll in his commentary on this
passage - Swindoll shares this insight: “Throughout the Lord’s ministry, He
proved Himself trustworthy to the disciples. Time and
again, they saw their Master turn impossible
situations into divine victories. And they
also learned that they were powerless apart from His
delegated authority or power. He used
these experiences to help them cultivate an abiding
trust in Him. And
He gave them multiple opportunities to put their faith
into action. Unfortunately,
they frequently failed.” (1)
Question: These days,
what does it look like for you to connect the dots? One crucial part of that is seeing the
dots that need to be connected. Those of you that have been reading
through the Bible since last September - who should be
at Luke 10-12 - that’s the way to see the dots. You can’t
see the dot in Scripture if you’re not reading in
God’s word. As we’re reading we need to be looking
for clues that God drops into His word to help us grab
onto the dots or how they connect. Because God
wants us to get this. Statements like: “So you will remember” or “because of this...” or “so that you will...” or “know that...” or “This was because of…” or “This was so that…” There’s lots of summary statements and
punch lines. Those
are there to help us see and connect the dots. We need to
be reading and looking for them and praying and asking
God to point them out to us and to help us connect all
that up. Something else that’s crucial is seeing
how the dots connect to us. It was in July 1965 that I made my
decision to trust Jesus as my Savior. I don’t know
the exact day so a few years back as I was writing out
the ways I’d seen God working in my life and I chose
July 15th - middle of the month - as my spiritual
birthday. I’ve tried to write down the ways - over
the years - that I’ve seen God at work in my life. And looking
at Scripture and seeing the dots and how they connect
I see that same God at work in me today. And that’s
huge. To
realize that the living God of Scripture works in the
same ways in my life. So when I’m up against whatever I’m up
against - rowing against the wind - or trying to
understand what to do - which happens to all of us -
right? Putting
all that together - God’s word revealing Who He is and
real time seeing Him at work - all that is a taking
heart courage - mind settling - connecting the dots
seeing Jesus - I can trust Jesus with this faith
inspiring reality. So, these days, what does that look like
for you? How
are the dots connecting and what steps are you taking
to see the dots and seek God’s help in connecting
them? Second question: Where is
your heart hardened towards God? Heart level
stoned. Sometimes we see the connections. We’re just
afraid of what that picture shows us. The
implications. What
needs to change.
The commitment required. Which happens to all of us. Maybe because of stuff we’ve been through
- background or wrong stuff we’ve been taught or peer
pressure or family connections or people or stuff
going on at church or whatever might be keeping us
focused elsewhere besides God - what’s keeping us back
from being all in trusting Him with our life. Where do you need to go heart level soft
towards God? Where
Who He is and how He desires to work in and through
you is pressing in to your heart and you’re responding
with faith and obedience towards Him? _______________ 1. Charles R. Swindoll,
Swindoll’s Living Insights New Testament
Commentary, Volume 2:
Insights on Mark (Carol Stream, IL,
Tyndale House Publishers, 2016), page 178. Series references: Sinclair B. Ferguson,
Let’s Study Mark (Edinburgh, The
Banner of Truth Trust, 2016). Charles R. Swindoll,
Swindoll’s Living Insights New Testament
Commentary, Volume 2:
Insights on Mark (Carol Stream, IL,
Tyndale House Publishers, 2016). Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture
quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard
Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a
publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by
permission. All
rights reserved. |