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WHY LISTEN TO HIM? MATTHEW 12:29 Pastor Stephen Muncherian March 30, 1997 |
For the past month there has been a banner hanging just at the entrance to 280 - maybe you’ve seen it - just as you enter Junipero Serra from Brotherhood Way. It says, “Jesus to Speak in San Francisco.” Aside from some obvious questions - like who put that banner there and why? That banner has gotten me thinking - What if Jesus really physically came to San Francisco - and started speaking?!!? I imagine Jesus walking in to San Francisco. That seems to be His style - no limo or private jet. He and twelve others - dressed in average everyday clothes - hanging around with the homeless people in front of City Hall - sharing about the Kingdom of God - maybe doing a few miracles. Would anyone care? Maybe His miracles would be written off as clever tricks - He might be thought of as some social activist gone off the deep-end. Another colorful character amid a city of “very interesting” people. When they filmed the science fiction movie Star Trek IV - here in San Francisco - the cast members were dressed up in their “Star Fleet Uniforms” - Mr. Spock was made up in his alien Vulcan pointed ears - no matter how strangely they were dressed - as they walked around San Francisco - no one noticed - they blended right in. Who would notice Jesus Christ? Who is Jesus that we should listen to Him? Maybe He was just like the other crazies of His day. Jesus said, concerning why we should listen to Him, (Matthew 12:29) “How can one enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man? Then indeed he may plunder his house.” Tie up the owner of the house and a person can steal anything they want. But, how can a thief tie up someone that is stronger than they are? Jesus was speaking of His ministry - at the time He had just cast out a demon - and His point was that unless He was stronger than Satan - had greater authority and power - He could never have done this miracle. Satan would not have allowed it. The same is true of Jesus’ resurrection. If Jesus does not rise from the dead - then we know that He was just a crazy person - just like all the others who claim to be God. Resurrection from death - from the domain and power of Satan - is the greatest and final test that Jesus is who He claims to be. If Jesus has risen from the dead then we must listen to Him. His resurrection must make a significant change in our lives. There are three proofs of Jesus' resurrection - of many we could talk about - three facts that prove that Jesus is who He says He is. First: 1. The Incontrovertible Facts Of The Resurrection Itself The Romans and Jews took tremendous security precautions to make sure that Jesus stayed dead and in the tomb - to protect against potential fraud and lies by the disciples of Jesus. These included: A tomb shut with a stone which would have taken several men considerable effort to move; An Imperial Seal on the grave - any tampering with this would have been easily noticed; And a Roman guard - impartial to Hebrew religious politics - highly disciplined and skilled. When Mary, John, Peter and others arrived on Sunday morning - the stone was rolled to the side - and the tomb was empty. The burial clothes lay undisturbed - the body had was not in them. A thief would have stolen the body - linen wrappings and all. If the wrappings had been removed they wouldn’t have been undisturbed. Jesus left the tomb supernaturally. Later - the women and the disciples saw - heard - ate with - and even touched the Lord. 500 brethren saw Him at one time. 50 days later Peter preached the doctrine of Jesus’ resurrection and thousands gathered to hear Him - three thousand people who were in a position to know the facts about the resurrection. No one offered him a rebuttal - The Jews were silent. That silence is powerful. The silence of Jesus’s enemies and the lack of historical evidence against the resurrection is almost as powerful as the evidence for the resurrection. From the beginning there have been those who have rejected the resurrection as a hoax - a tale - a lie. A number of theories have been advanced to disprove the resurrection. But, all of these have been solidly discredited by one historical scholar after another. Not one shred of evidence has ever been given to support these claims - including the body of Jesus Christ. The Second fact of Jesus' resurrection: 2. The Changed Lives Of The Apostles The disciples had seen their Master die. Because of this - they had lost all hope. Jesus had told them He would die and be raised. In fact, it was an integral part of His claims. Yet, they were down-trodden, utterly disheartened, and meeting in obscure places. But something happened. Easter for them became a cleansing - life-changing - transforming experience. After the resurrection - the disciples were joyous - fearless - speaking out publicly - willing to endure torture and even death. Its not likely they would be willing to die for something they themselves knew to be a lie. But, 11 of them died as martyrs - and John died in exile - a prisoner of the Roman government. None of them recanted. The Third fact of Jesus' resurrection: 3. The Personal Experiences of Christians Everywhere the disciples preached there were converts and Churches were established. By 311 A.D. the Roman Empire had become Christian. Since the resurrection of Jesus the lives of men and women have been transformed forever. Was this because a joke - a hoax - got out of hand? Or, because of the reality of Jesus’ resurrection? The Apostles were not the only martyrs for their faith. It is estimated that since A.D. 33 - over 40 million Christians have died as martyrs (B Graham - Storm Warning pg. 154). Among them many of our family members. They lived lives of faith and died as a powerful testimony to the certainty of Jesus’ resurrection. I can tell you - without reservation - that I believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ - not only because of the historical record - but, because He has changed my life as well. I know Jesus personally - and He is alive. Because Jesus has risen from the dead - conquered over Satan - his power and death - we know - with certainty - that Jesus is who He says that He is. Jesus is God - He is the Savior - and the only means of our Salvation. Now up to this point there is probably little that I have said that is new to you - hopefully this is true. So, let me ask you a question - What becomes of Jesus’ resurrection for us today? Is there a significance? Each Easter we come here and celebrate His resurrection - we sing Easter hymns - the choir sings a resurrection song. Because of His resurrection - What has changed in your life since last Easter? What will change in the next 365 days? There are three significant differences Jesus’ resurrection should make in our lives. Jesus’ resurrection should make a difference in: 1. Our Personal Relationship With God The resurrection of Jesus Christ: The resurrection of Jesus is not just a matter of fact, which can be taken lightly - it is literally a matter of eternal life or death. The resurrection is not simply a fact to be believed or rejected, it is a fact to which our response will determine our eternal destiny. Because of what Jesus Christ has accomplished for us on the cross, the Bible states that, “He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him” (John 3:36). We can receive the Son, Jesus Christ, as our Savior - we can have the assurance of eternal life rather than the wrath of God - by trusting in the person of Christ and His death for our sins. This means we must each come to God the same way - as a sinner who recognizes his sinfulness and relies totally on Jesus alone - by faith alone - for our salvation. The resurrection of Jesus Christ should make a significant difference in: 2. Our Attitude For Life There really is no explanation for the life change of any Christian other than the resurrected Jesus Christ. The Easter message is not merely that we should recall some historical fact - great as that is - wonderful as that is. But the Easter message also reminds us that in whatever our need - or situation - Jesus Christ is risen from the dead - available - anytime - anywhere. In whatever situation - remember Jesus Christ risen from the dead. If your days are full of difficulty and darkness —> Remember Jesus Christ - risen from the dead. If you are faltering - weak and lacking courage to face tomorrow —> Remember Jesus Christ - risen from the dead. Problems you don’t know how to solve? marriage is more of a struggle than a honeymoon? raising kids an exercise in endurance? schedule overbooked? finances non-existent? more questions than answers? —> Remember Jesus Christ - risen from the dead. He has endured hardship - agony - the worst of mankind - and He is victorious - and if we will trust Him - with the situations of our lives - He will lead us in His victory. Remember that God has provided a divine - all powerful Savior who can take you through the trials and testing and work it out to your ultimate benefit and good. The resurrection of Jesus Christ should make a significant difference in: 3. Our Hope For The Future By age group - the largest percentage of suicides is among teenagers. The most optimistic - most hopeful - of all ages is increasingly living in greater despair. A few years back a local paper carried a poem by a young girl. She wrote: In emptiness.If Jesus didn’t rise from the dead then the Bible is not worth the paper its printed on. “Blessed are the poor in Spirit” becomes Blessed are the pushy - the aggressive people - the one’s who can run over everyone else - “Now abide faith, hope, and love, these three; but the greatest of these is love” is really sentimental nonsense - love isn’t strong at all. Might makes right. Get all you can because this is all there is. If Jesus did not rise from the dead - then there is no release from guilt and fear. Forgiveness of sin is a meaningless expression. And all those predictions about Jesus coming back. You might as well believe in UFOs - they’re archaic stories which really have no meaning - beautiful words - but without real hope. Life is empty and there isn’t anything more. The grave is the end. But Jesus did rise from the dead - there is one who has come back and told us what lies beyond. The grave is not the end of the road - death does not have the last word. His words have meaning and validity for our lives, “Because I live, you shall live also” (John 14:19). Christians have something to hope for - to hold onto - to be confident of - as we face the future - and the ultimate last issue of life. PRAYER: Since Jesus rose from the dead - the value of your life and mine has changed. Life is different - and death does not have the last word. The important question is, do you know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior? Would you trust in Jesus today as your personal Savior? Just tell God that you know you need the Savior, Jesus Christ, and that you want to receive His Son by faith. |