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THE RETURN OF JESUS CHRIST MATTHEW 24:32-39; 25 Pastor Stephen Muncherian December 12, 1999 |
morning brings us to our
third message in our series of “Three
Great Themes in Prophecy.” Two weeks ago we looked at
“The Sovereignty
of God” - last week we looked at “The Salvation of God’s
people” - and
this week we want to focus on “The Return of Jesus
In all of history - only the Jews - can accurately trace their history for over 4,000 years. In spite of being scattered in a diaspora for over 2,000 years - they’ve preserved their distinct and separate national identity. God - in the Bible - said He would do this - and He has. Speaking prophetically - God - in the Bible has also told us that Israel would one day be restored as a nation - returned to their promised land. On May 14, 1948, David Ben Gurion read the Declaration of Independence of the newly formed State of Israel. In 1949, Prime Minister Ben Gurion said that Israel’s policy, “consists of bringing all Jews to Israel.” The restoration of Israel is one of the key signs that the clock of prophecy has begun to tick again - that we have entered into the last days before the return of Jesus Christ. Are these really the last days? If they are - How are we to live knowing that Jesus is coming soon? I invite you to turn to Matthew 24 - starting at verse 32 - and we’ll come there in a minute. As you’re turning let me give you the setting of these verses. In Matthew 24 - starting in verse 1 - Jesus has just left the Temple - and the disciples have come to Him privately. They’re concerned with the question of Jesus' coming. “Tell us... when” they ask. “What will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age.” (24:3) Same question we’re asking today - “When? How can we tell if this is it?” In chapter 24 - Jesus’ answer is a long one and we don’t need to go into all the details. But it is important to see the main point in what Jesus says. Jesus gives His disciples four signs - four things to look for - that will tell them that they’re in the last days. First, Jesus says that there will be a Great Apostasy (24:4-27) - a great turning away from God and a rise in religion focused on man. In her book, Out on a Limb, Actress Shirley Maclaine, attempting to make herself equal with God writes: I know that I exist, therefore I AMThe central belief of humanist ideology - widely held today - is that “Man is the measure of all things.” Man desires to be his own God - our own authority for how we live life. Even within the Church of Jesus Christ - increasingly - many place a greater weight on our own teaching and history and doctrine rather than the Bible and God’s truth. Along with this great apostasy - Jesus says that there will be a great persecution against the true church. Sadly - this great age of tolerance and enlightenment that we live in - has also been the bloodiest century of persecution against the church. Second, Jesus says that there will be War (24:6,7) - unprecedented violence - destruction - and death. General Douglas MacArthur once said, “Men since the beginning of time have sought peace....military alliances, balances of power, leagues of nations, all in turn failed, leaving the only path to be by way of the crucible of war.” We want peace - but all we’ve accomplished is the means to kill more people with less effort. Some say we’ve entered a “New World Order” - a global village - that we’re all neighbors and the Cold War is over. But, we need to be honest - the New World Order looks very much like the Old World Order - bloody and destructive. Third, Jesus says that we’ll see The Breakdown of Society (24:7,10-12, 15-22) - the turning of society against itself and the inability of society to cope with the problems of this world. Children killing children - the breakdown of the family - violence - hatred - rage - fear - distrust - lawlessness. The great reality of our society is that man - by himself - has been totally ineffectual in bringing the lasting transformation of our society. Fourth, Jesus says that there will be great Natural Disaster. (24:7) The Bible tells us that natural disaster will be characteristic - a routine part of the last days. Nature will become increasingly destructive as we move towards the end of times. The Bible tells us - as a result of coming natural disaster - at least 1½ billion people will die very suddenly in a very short period of time. These four signs are the background leading up to Matthew 24:32-39. In verse 32, Jesus says to His disciples: “Now learn the lesson from the fig tree: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near. Even so you too, when you see all these things - all these signs I’ve been telling you about - recognize that He is near, right at the door.” Disciples - learn to read the signs - know their meaning - they point to the soon return of Jesus Christ. Notice this - the disciples ask Jesus “when” He will return. But, Jesus never answers their question. His emphasis is not on the signs but what they point to. Like the disciples - its so tempting for us to be focused on the signs - to try to understand what God is doing and when. But that’s not the point. The bottom line of the prophecies of Jesus’ return is not “when” He will return - but that He “will” return. What is important is how we live - knowing that He is coming back. Verse 36: “But of that day and hour - the time when Jesus will return - of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only.” If it was important for us to know the day and hour when Jesus is coming back God would have told us. But its not - so He didn’t. Prophecy is intended by God to draw us closer to Him - to give us a glimpse behind the scenes of history showing where and how and why God is working in His relationship with mankind. When we look at the prophecies of Jesus’ return we need to focus - as Jesus focused - on what all this means in our relationship with God. How are we suppose to live - knowing that Jesus is coming back? Verse 37: “As were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of man. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and they did not know until the flood came and swept them all away, so will be the coming of the Son of man.” Its easy to be believe in the birth of Jesus. At Christmas the world celebrates Jesus’ birth - a baby of hope and love born in Bethlehem. Time Magazine - that bastion of Christian theology - annually speaks of the birth of Jesus Christ as a historical fact. The other major religions of the world will agree that someone was born in that manger. The birth and life of Jesus accurately fulfilled hundreds of prophecies. As Christians, we believe that the child born it the manger was Jesus - the Savior of mankind. Believing in the resurrection of Jesus is harder. Generally, men don’t rise from the dead. But, there were hundreds of witnesses to the resurrection. All the apostles - with the exception of John - were martyred maintaining their testimony in the resurrection of Jesus. And, John died in exile for His faith. Millions - perhaps billions - of lives have been changed through a personal relationship with the resurrected Jesus Christ. We believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Its hardest to believe in the literal bodily return of Jesus Christ. As people care less and less about the true God of the Bible they caring less and less about the return of Jesus Christ. Many - even in the church - do not believe that He is coming back. They philosophize about His return - and say that in “the spirit of Christ” - if we follow His teachings - that the age of peace will come - the Kingdom of God will be ushered in through the work of the Church in the world. The Apostle Peter writes, “Know this - that in the last days mockers will come with their mockings, saying, ‘Where is the promise of His coming? All continues as it was from the beginning of creation.” (2 Peter 3:3,4) Jesus - born in Bethlehem - resurrected from death - believed in His return. The Apostles were martyred believing He would come back. John concludes the book of Revelation with these words, “Amen, Come, Lord Jesus.” We believe that He is returning. Jesus said, just like in the days of Noah - with the coming disaster of the flood - no one understood what was coming. Many will see the signs and will not respond. But, the disciples - the people of God - us - these signs are for us to understand and respond to. Imagine you’re at home - and you realize that your front door has been left open. Your toddler - yours or a grandchild - has gone out the front door. As you run to the door you see your child walking into the street and a large moving van is coming full speed towards your child. The driver can’t see the child because of the parked cars - the truck cannot be stopped - the only way to avert disaster is for your child to turn back - you run screaming toward the child - but, the child does not turn. The signs accompanying the return of Jesus Christ are God screaming to get our attention - there’s disaster coming - the time is short - turn back to me - obey me. Wake up! How do we live today knowing that Jesus is coming? In Matthew 24 and 25 Jesus gives us three ways. First, we must BE READY. (Matthew 24:40-44; 25:1-13, 31-33) The way to be ready for His return is to trust Him as your Savior. Each of us must come to a moment of decision - to confess our sins - and give our life to Him. If you’re uncertain - if you do not know Him as your personal Savior - you’re not ready. The truck is coming down the street - disaster is imminent - and you will meet it head on. Second, Jesus says, that we must BE WORKING - we must be living out our relationship with Him - faithfully serving - being obedient - doing what He calls us to do. (Matthew 24:45-51; 25:14-30) Knowing that company is coming gives us the chance to vacuum - to dust - to clean up the house - to prepare. How do we feel when company drops in unexpectedly - and the house is a mess? Jesus said, that His coming would be like lighting - quick - unexpected - sudden. And, when He comes, He expects to find us faithfully serving Him. In these days - God has not called us to sell everything - go climb a mountain - and wait for Jesus to come back - which some people today are doing. Working - being ready means constant attention to the cleanliness of our hearts - spiritual purity and servanthood to God - the character of who we are. It means that we faithfully live in obedience to Him - not neglecting the things He has called us to do. Third, Jesus says that we must BE COMPASSIONATE. (Matthew 25:31-46) What most greatly impresses me and challenges me about this whole teaching of Jesus is how He ends by focusing on the needs of those around us. Do you remember these words, “as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.” (Matthew 25:40) - That’s the point Jesus ends this whole teaching with - taking care of those in need. Consider what’s happening in the world around us. And, consider those who do not understand what the signs mean. Those who are eating, drinking, and marrying, and trying - like the rest of us - to go about their daily lives the best that they’re able. They’re like us - except they’re without Jesus - consider the tremendous fear, emptiness, pain, and hurting of the people amidst whom we live. We know that God loves them - we know salvation in Jesus Christ - we know the certainty of eternity with God. And we are the one’s that God has appointed in these “last days” to demonstrate His love through and to speak His Gospel to a desperate world bound for destruction. Being ready and working is useless without compassion. Jesus says, when you see the buds of spring, know that summer is coming. Whatever we see happening around us should move us to respond with compassion towards others. |