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GET REAL MATTHEW 7:1-12 Series: Thy Kingdom Come - Part Ten Pastor Stephen Muncherian March 17, 2013 |
Would you please turn with me to Matthew
7 - starting at verse 1.
Jesus’ teaching on what it means to get real. (cartoon:
Facebook in Real Life) You’ll recall from our study of Jesus’
Sermon on the Mount - that Jesus began His teaching -
back in Matthew 5 - Jesus began by telling His
audience that they’re blessed. They - we -
might not always think of ourselves that way. But the
amazing truth is that God has brought the reality of
Who He is - His kingdom - what it means to live in a
God forgiven - God restored - relationship with Him -
God has brought all that down to us. Jesus has been teaching about what that
relationship with God can look like for each one of
us. Jesus
helping us to think through what’s really going on
inside of us - at the core of our relationship with
God. Helping us to think through if what we do in our
relationship with God is about us or about God. Because - bottom line - living the life
that God has created us and called us to live - to
live that God blessed life - to do that means living
life totally surrendered to God - totally trusting God
with everything we are in the day to day drama of our
Coming to Matthew 7 - starting at verse
1. These
verses are probably pretty familiar. So, as we’ve
been doing, we’re going to read these out loud
together - to freshen our minds - and then we’ll go
back and unpack Jesus’ teaching. Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the
judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and the
measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you
see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do no
notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can
you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of
your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You
hypocrite, first take the log out of your own rye, and
then you will see clearly to take the speck out of
your brother’s eye. Do not give dogs what is holy, and
do not throw your pearls before pigs, lest they
trample them underfoot and turn to attack you. Ask, and it will be given to you;
seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be
opened to you. For
everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks
finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. Or which one
of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a
stone? Or
if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? If you then,
who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your
children, how much more will your Father who is in
heaven give good things to those who ask Him! So whatever you wish that others
would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law
and the Prophets. Let’s go back and unpack what Jesus is
teaching. Verse 1 is Jesus’ Get Real Principle. Where
Jesus is going in this section of His teaching. “Judge not, that you be not
judged.” Let’s be careful. Jesus’ isn’t
saying that we need to stop using our brains in our
relationships with other people - to pretend like we
don’t notice their faults - to refuse to process the
difference between truth and error - good and evil -
right and wrong. There are times when we need to exercise
discernment. There
is absolute truth.
There are times we need to speak that truth -
even judging - discerning - the actions of others - to
speak that truth in love. Courts of law must enact judgment. Judgment
based on moral absolutes. How long could a society survive if its
people were tolerant or permissive of standards of
behavior or attitudes that were based on arbitrary or
a sliding scale of whatever the cultural norm happened
to be at the time? The kind of judgment Jesus is teaching
about here is our tendency to impose our standards of
righteousness on others.
Our tendency to be fault-finders - to be
negative and destructive towards other people - to our
benefit and their detriment. Judging
people harshly. Being
judgmental. What ultimately amounts to a kind of
spiritual snobbery. Let’s be clear. Its hard to
imagine someone setting out to be a spiritual snob. To be
judgmental like Jesus is teaching about. The Pharisees - in Jesus’ day - were the
ultimate example of spiritual snobbery. But even
they didn’t wake up one morning and say, “Hey, let’s all become spiritual
snobs.” The Pharisees were intent on obeying God
- on spiritually doing the right thing before God. They
worshipped God. Studied
God’s law. Spoke
out in defense of God.
Desired others to join them in obeying God. We tend to
think of them as spiritual losers. But in a
significant number of ways they were right on. Problem was they began to think of
themselves as the spiritual elite. And others as being
somewhat less than that.
They even came down on Jesus - on God - because
He didn’t measure up to their standard of
Which isn’t just limited to who we let
into our little religious club. Jesus is
touching on our attitudes towards people we encounter
as we move around the greater Merced metroplex just
doing the stuff of life.
People who drive slower than us - who take
their time a the check out. Our
attitudes towards our spouses - our kids - the people
at work or school.
Not that any of us would struggle with any of
that. Let’s be honest. The
implications of what Jesus is teaching touch every
relationship we have. Bottom line - we need to remember that
there’s a significant difference between exercising
judgment - being discerning - and being judgmental -
of imposing our standard of self focused righteousness
on others. The basis of Jesus’ principle - The Why behind the principle comes in verse 2: For with the judgment you
pronounce you will be judged, and the measure you use
it will be measured to you. David sins with Bathsheba - committing
adultery with the wife of Uriah the Hittite. Nathan the
prophet comes and brings before David - for David’s
judgment as the king - Nathan brings a case of a rich
man with a lot of sheep who steals the only ewe lamb
of a poor man. David
explodes in anger - in judgment: “The rich man deserves to die.” Then Nathan utters the words: “You are the man.” (2 Samuel 11:1-12:23) How we judge others is an indictment on
What goes around... comes around. Our
self-focused attempts at spiritual snobbery - our
judgments - have an unnerving way of coming back at
us. Both
in how others see us.
And - way more importantly - how God sees us. Jesus
earlier - back in chapter 5 - Jesus said, “Blessed are the merciful, for
they shall receive mercy.” God is merciful to the merciful. (Matthew
5:7) Grab
the connection with God. Jesus taught us to pray - to ask God, “Forgive us our debts, as we also
have forgiven our debtors.” (Matthew 6:12) Grab the
relationship between our forgiveness and God’s
forgiveness. Jesus taught: “If you forgive others their
trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive
you. If
you don’t, God won’t.” (Matthew
6:14,15) Point being that judgment is inseparably
connected to God’s mercy and God’s forgiveness and our
understanding of God’s mercy towards us - how God
applies or could apply His judgment to us. Forgiveness
instead of eternal damnation. The ultimate judge of our lives is God. The ultimate
standard of righteousness that any of us is
accountable to is God’s.
Who’s is it?
Its God’s.
Not ours.
Its His word.
His truth.
His standard. Jesus’ point about measurement is that
the ultimate measurer outerer of justice is God. Who Himself
is merciful towards us.
God holds us to the same standard of measuring
in our relationships with others. The principle is “Judge not, that you be not judged.” The why - the reason Jesus says is because God -
who is merciful towards us - God holds us accountable for how we judge
others. Judge
others harshly. And
God will judge us harshly. Bottom line: When we
succumb to spiritual snobbery we place ourselves in a
position of significantly serious trouble in our
relationship with God and others. Coming to verses 3 to 5 - Jesus’
description of what some have called log in eye
disease - verses 3 to 5 are Jesus’ illustration of our
problem and what to do about it. The illustration is familiar. Yes? (cartoon)
“Hah Hah.
You just told him that he has a splinter in his
eye, and you have a beam in yours.” Little specks of sawdust in one eye
verses logs - or beams - literally joists - in the
other eye. Splinters
and planks and hypocrites... oh my. We can see clearly now - Jesus point. Yes? Our tendency
to exaggerate the faults of others while minimizing or
ignoring our own faults.
To meddle in the little faults of others and
not deal with our own major issues. There are significant implications in
that for us. The
first is how what Jesus is teaching exposes our tendency towards self-deception. Take our your mental pencils and take a
look at this list.
Thinking about each of these items - how would
you rate yourself?
Are you above or below average in each of the
these areas?
My honesty My work ethic My basic intelligence My morality How did rate yourself? Of course
now we’re all on the defensive - thinking we better
not score ourselves to high. Which also
proves the point of how we tend to cheat in our favor. Larry Osborne - in his book Accidental
Pharisees - shares this list with this observation: “Give the list to any gathering of
people. Ask
them to rate themselves in each area… Here’s what
you’ll find. One
hundred percent of people will rate themselves as
being above average in every category.” (1) Which is impossible. Isn’t it? Average
means that - by definition - at least 1/2 of us should
be below average. Some
people are way too hard on themselves. But - let’s
be honest - most of us - as we’re spiritually keeping
score - most of us tend to cheat. To let
ourselves off way too easy. To have an
incredibly high view of ourselves. Point being - in what Jesus is getting at
here - is that with our tendency towards
self-deception it is no wonder we think we’re in the
top percent of what’s important - that we are
spiritually in a place of judgment over others. Another significant implication in what
Jesus is teaching is our tendency towards comparison. Let’s be honest. We need to
make comparisons.
Ever have trouble deciding what to eat? Or where? Or what
movie to watch? If we didn’t make comparisons how would
we make choices?
How would we express preferences? Comparing is
a good thing. But - spiritually - and relationally -
the problem with comparisons is that we have no clue
what’s going on inside a person. Right? A woman was trying hard to get the
ketchup to come out of the bottle - doing that whack
in on the bottom thing.
During her struggle the phone rang so she asked
her 4-year-old daughter to answer the phone. “It’s the pastor, Mommy,” the
child said to her mother. Then she
added, “Mommy can’t come to the phone to talk to
you right now. She’s
hitting the bottle.” We look at the outside and make our
judgment call. Where
people are at spiritually - their commitment to God
and His church - His ministry. How much
time people spend reading their Bibles - or hanging
with their kids - or how they manage their money - the
kind of priorities they set for themselves. The Pharisees looked stunningly righteous
on the outside. Jesus
- God Who knows our hearts - Jesus called them
whitewashed tombs - diseased and decaying on the
inside. (Matthew
23:27) What Jesus is getting at here - the whole
log in eye disease thing - is that a ton of our
conclusions about people are just flat out wrong. Jesus’ cure comes in verse 5: You hypocrite, first take the log
out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to
take the speck out of your brother’s eye. A hypocrite - in the Greek use of the
word - is a what?
An actor.
A poser. Someone
who assumes the role of what he or she is not. Meaning
pretending that we’ve got it all together. Like we have
some kind of God given snobby right to judge others. Most of us probably don’t like being
called hypocrites - for all of the above reasons. But Jesus is
honest. Someone sent me this a while back: My son
Zachary, 4, came screaming out of the bathroom to tell
me he’d dropped his toothbrush in the toilet. So I fished
it out and threw it in the garbage. Zachary stood there thinking for a
moment, then ran to my bathroom and came out with my
toothbrush. He
held it up and said with a charming little smile, “We better throw this one out too
then, ’cause it fell in the toilet a few days ago.” Jesus is honest. To the
point. We
need that. The cure for the common hypocrite suffering from
log in eye disease is to get real - grab a dose of reality and deal with our
attitude. Get real about where our lives - where
our hearts - are really at. Verse 6 to 12 are Jesus’ application -
the how to get real part of dealing with our disease. If we're
going to talk the talk we better be walking the walk. How do we do
that? Jesus gives three remedies - applications
- that we can process for ourselves. First remedy - verse 6 - we need to Get Real About The Danger. Verse 6:
Do not give dogs what is holy, and do not
throw your pearls before pigs, lest they trample them
underfoot and turn to attack you. Logs, dogs, and hogs. Jesus is
talking about wild mongrel dogs that scavenged through
the city dump. Vicious. Savage. Dangerous. Pigs to the
Jews were unclean.
Touch one and we’re defiled. Dogs and
hogs. If
we don’t deal with the logs that are blinding us were
in for trouble with the dogs and hogs. We’re
heading for serious trouble. The
flip side of this is straw, sacred, and sand. Holy is sacred - what is God’s. What is set
apart for God and God alone. The
astounding reality of what it means for us to be God’s
holy people. Created
and called to live out His great purposes for our
lives. To
serve Him. To
honor Him. To
bring glory to Him.
To live in relationship with Him - now and
forever. Pearls are valuable. Remember
Jesus’ parable? Matthew
13:45,46: “Again, the kingdom of heaven is
like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on
finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all
that he had and bought it.” One of the compelling understandings of
that parable is to see Jesus as the merchant. Jesus - Who
gives everything - His life sacrificed for us on the
cross - Jesus Who gives everything to purchase the
pearl - which is what?
The Church.
Us. How does a pearl get formed? The pearl is
the only jewel that’s produced by living matter. A little
particle of sand or some other irritating thing gets
inside the shell of the oyster - like having a rock in
our shoe - constantly irritating. There’s pain here - agony for the living
oyster. And
there’s no way for the oyster to get this thing out. So it
transforms the thing that’s wounding it into a pearl -
an item of great beauty and value. Valueless sand - causing pain to the
oyster - that transforms the sand into a valuable
pearl. That’s
the Church. That’s
Jesus. Taking
each of us - who have wounded Him - and making us into
His Church. Let’s grab some reality. What God
accomplishes for us in Jesus on the cross. We are a
holy - set apart for God - people. Made right
with God - saved - forgiven - cleansed from sin - by
the blood of Jesus - living rightly with God because
He makes us to be right before Him the moment we
accept what Jesus did for us - in our place on the
cross. Blessed
invaluably with life in the Kingdom of God. When it comes to dogs and hogs - and
hypocrisy - focusing on straw and judging others by
our standards of righteousness - we take all that God
has so incredibly blessed us with - what is priceless
- and throw it under the marching feet of humanity to
be trampled in the mud and filth of the street. (cartoon)
“Touch my sign and I’ll kill you.”
who are living wounded and damaged lives and people
who are still on a trajectory to Hell. Jesus to His listeners - to us - Get
Real. Get
serious about the consequences - the danger - to you -
to others - to the kingdom and gospel - sobering -
huge - if we don’t deal with our snobbery. Jesus’ second remedy - application -
comes in verses 7 to 11.
We need to Get Real About The Source.
What Jesus says are actually commands. “Go ahead and ask. Go ahead and
seek. Go
ahead and knock.
Don’t hesitate.
Just do it.”
Notice the certainty. The one
asking receives.
The one seeking finds. The one
knocking has the way opened. Do it and
you’ll receive, find, and it’ll be opened to you. Reason being - the example of fathers -
verse 9: “Which one of you - human fathers
- with all our flaws and hang ups and
issues - which one of us if our son asks us for
bread, will give him a stone? Or if he
asks us for a fish, will give him a serpent?” Answer - no one. No father is
going to be that cruel. Let’s be honest. Admittedly -
some here have had fathers that would be that cruel. Who were or
are just messed up enough to be that maniacal. But that’s
not a choice we’re going to make. An human father might. God never
will. Grab Jesus point. God - our
Heavenly Father - is the go to God. A the end of
chapter 6 - what we looked at last Sunday - Jesus made
the point that we can trust God with everything - who
we are and all the drama of our lives. God will and does supply all that we
need. Good
things. God
can and will care for us - not only physically - but
God has already taken care of every need that we have
- especially our need for forgiveness and a restored
life with Him in Jesus. Ask - seek - knock. Prioritize
going to God - and God - way more than any earthly
father would or could - God our Heavenly Father has it
covered - will supply it - has supplied it. Are we together with Jesus? God is the
source of everything we need. Yes? Doesn’t that
level the playing field just a tad? Who are we to stand in self-righteous
judgment of others when everything we have - what we
eat and drink and wear - every breath we take - and
especially our relationship with God - everything good
thing that we have and are is an undeserved merciful
work of our gracious Heavenly Father? Jesus to His listeners - to us - Get Real
about Who the source of your life really is. Maybe take
yourself down a notch.
Life is about Who? God. Not us. Jesus’ third remedy - application - comes
in verse 12. We
need to Get Real About Our Obedience.
Verse 12:
So whatever you wish that others would do
to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the
Prophets. Which is the answer Jesus gave to the
theologian - the expert in God’s law. The
theologian’s question?
“Which is the great commandment in the
law?” Answer: “You shall love the Lord your God
with all your heart and with all your soul and with
all your mind. This
is the great and first commandment. And a second
is like it: You
shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two
commandments depend all the - what?
all the Law and the Prophets.” (Matthew 22:34-40) Do the Golden Rule and we’re obeying the
Law and the Prophets in our relationships with others. Are we together?
The things I want others to do for me I
need to do for them.
I give so I get.
I love so I’ll be loved. We know it
doesn’t say that.
And none of us would ever think that. But isn’t it
interesting that we sometimes make obeying God about
us. About
what we get out of it. Luke 17 records a parable that Jesus told
about an unworthy servant. Jesus put it
this way: “When
a servant comes in from plowing or taking care of
sheep, does his master say, ‘Come in and eat with me’? No, he says,
‘Prepare my meal, put on your apron, and serve me
while I eat. Then
you can eat later.’
And does the master thank the servant for doing
what he was told to do?
Of course not.
In the same way, when you obey Me you should
say, ‘We are unworthy servants who have simply done
our duty.’” (Luke 17:7-10 TNLT) Are we tracking with Jesus? When the
servant comes in from the field the master doesn’t
jump up and down with joy and throw a celebration -
some huge banquet.
He politely thanks him and sends him on to the
next task. Why?
Because obedience is expected. It’s the
norm. Jesus’ words: “In the same way, when you obey Me
you should say, ‘We are unworthy servants who have
simply done our duty.’”
Our society today is way too hung up on
rewards. One
example: Our
schools hand out awards for kids who just show up for
class. For
being on time. For
not cheating on tests.
For not getting into fights. For
studying. For
having a pencil.
Those should be assumed. It’s the
norm - or should be the normal expectation - of what
students do. Obeying God is the norm of what a
Christian does. Not
a source of pride - like somehow we’ve done something
amazingly spectacular.
Something way beyond - way superior to others. Something
that sets us above the herd. There’s high
fives in heaven because we obeyed God. Loving others - not judging others -
treating others as we would like them to treat us -
isn’t about us getting some kind of reward - a merit
badge or something.
The Golden Rule is what we do as followers of
Jesus. Not
a source of pride. Putting together Jesus’ how we get real
and take steps to get past ourselves and our tendency
to judge others - our snobbery - thinking about things
to think about as we head out of here: First:
We’ve got to understand that if we don’t deal
with this the consequences are horrendous. We can’t
give ourselves a bye on this. Second:
When it comes down to it we’ve got to get real
about who we are before God. Life is
about God not us. And third:
Whatever we do for God is God enabled - God
empowered - and expected by God as what those who live
in His kingdom do. Peter Kreeft is a Roman Catholic author -
apologist - philosopher.
Peter Kreeft suggests this: “Hypocrisy is not the failure to
practice what you preach but the failure to believe
it.” What Jesus is focusing us on is really
our heart level response to God. To get real
in our relationships with others means first getting
real in our relationship with God. To take a
realistic look at who we are before God - to
acknowledge our desperate need for what God offers to
us in Jesus and to abandon ourselves to God. To not only talk the talk. But - from
the heart level - walk the walk. Heading
out of here into the drama of the days of our lives
may we be real - real in our understanding of who we
are before God - and keep that reality foremost in our
minds and hearts in our relationships with others. _________________________ 1. Larry Obsorne in Accidental
Pharisees—Avoiding Pride, Exclusivity, and the Other
Dangers of Overzealous Faith, Zondervan, 2012 |