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FUNERAL MESSAGE PHILIPPIANS 1:21 Pastor Stephen Muncherian September 7, 1997 |
In Philippians chapter one, verse 21, the Apostle Paul says, "For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain." The more I have been thinking about _____, the more I have been thinking about this verse. Her life is an example to us of what Paul is talking about. Paul says, for him - life is Christ. And this is true of _____. She knows Jesus Christ as her Savior and Lord. And in her life there is no greater priority. Many of you know _____ from her work. And I think it is safe to say that _____ held a position of great responsibility - she was qualified for that position - she earned that position - and in that position she worked with integrity and the respect of her fellow workers. She was successful in the way that our society measures success. But, when _____ was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor - when she had to leave that position of prominence and success - she wasn't bitter - she didn't try to cling to the past - her focus was on the possibilities that God was opening up to her - living for Jesus. Some things that seem terribly important and serious to us at the time to often prove to be worthless. Paul, later in the same letter to the Philippians - in chapter 3 - says this, (verse 8) "I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish in order that I may gain Christ." Paul is a man who traveled life's road with many challenging and changing experiences. And today - he is one of the most known and respected men who ever lived. Paul says, that there is no greater priority in life than knowing Jesus Christ. The pursuit of anything else - any other priority is worthless. Paul's desire (3:9) is to be found in Jesus - His righteousness - to know God's love and salvation - to know the tremendous value - significance - and purpose which God gives to our lives. To know Jesus is to realize that God Himself has reached to us, to save us from our sin and separation from Him. Billions of people on this world are looking for significance and purpose to their lives. God has given to us significance simply by offering us salvation in Jesus Christ. _____ knows that significance - and when all of the other temporal things that we can cling to in life - were no longer there. It was that significance - knowing Jesus as her Savior - that was the power that sustained her. Paul says, "For to me - to live is Christ." Then he says, "To die is gain." The pursuit of God - living in Jesus - is for many people a last resort when all else fails. Living faithfully in devoted obedience to God is something that many treat very lightly - or even jokingly. It's reserved for "pergavadz" people who get too carried away with their religion. In today's really hectic paced society - who has time? Sunday is our only day to be together as a family. We only have one day to rest. Church is too far. I never experienced these excuses with _____. She and _____ were here sitting over there each Sunday - even when she was sick - she came. And I think that we should consider more than the last 7 months - we should think about all of the years of _____'s life - and realize that if we do not lay good foundations - when it comes time for the strength of the building to be tested - it will fail. Living for Jesus - for _____ - was her life - and her strength - and her gain - even in death. Paul says - in chapter Philippians 3:10,11 - that his desire - in knowing Jesus - is to know the power of Jesus' resurrection - to suffer as Jesus did - to die in obedience and trust of God - in order that he might attain to the resurrection from the dead. Billions of people on this world are asking the same question, "What is my eternal destiny?" "Is this all there is?" They live empty and hopeless lives. In Jesus Christ - in the reality of life lived in Him and the reality of His resurrection - there is a future hope which is incomparable to any other. No other philosophy - no other religion - no person - no IRA - no Keogh - or other retirement plan can offer the security of our eternal destiny that is ours in Jesus Christ. Jesus said, (John 11:25,26) "I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me, shall live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?" _____ did. Living with Jesus - in death she gained eternal life with God. One last thought. For me. It is always an honor to be part of the funeral of a brother or sister in Jesus. It is a privilege - and even a joy - to share God's words of hope - and know that one day there will be a tremendous reunion in God's presence - for those who have trusted Jesus. But, I have experienced something also - which many of you have also experienced. And that is to have seen - in these last few months a tremendous outpouring of God's grace - and a response of love and trust from _____ towards her God. I would like to encourage each of us to continue to follow her example. I don't know where all of you have come from - your backgrounds - what you may be feeling today. But, please consider the priorities of your life. Please consider God's grace and love that He wants to pour out on you. And respond to Him in love. Seek Him - trust Him - give your life to Him - know His significance - salvation - and hope as _____ does. |