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Pastor Stephen Muncherian
January 3, 1999

It has been said that there are three ages of man.  First - when we believe in Santa Claus.  Second - when we play Santa Claus.  Third - when we look like Santa Claus.

This morning I’d like to share - for a few minutes about Santa Claus - and then we’ll come together to Philippians 2:9-11 and communion.Santa Cause

One of the Christmas decorations we have at home - is this little figurine of Santa Claus - or Saint Nicholas kneeling at the manger of Jesus.

For me - this is one of the most meaningful symbols of Christmas.  Its an honest picture of who Santa Claus really was - and an example for our lives.

Too often today - Santa Claus comes across as being almost a replacement for Jesus - he’s like a god.

He seemingly knows everything.  He knows who’s been naughty or nice.  He sees us when we’re sleeping and when we’re awake.

He has standard of morality and
“goodness” that he expects.  He keeps a list on everybody.  He encourages us to be good.

And he has the ability to be seemingly everywhere at the same time.  Imagine - in one night he visits everybody and gives them presents.

The real Santa Claus was actually a man named Nicholas who was born around 255 A.D. and grew up to become the Bishop of Myra - which is a town on the southwest coast of Turkey.

There are a number of legends associated with Nicholas.  One is about how he helped three sisters survive being sold into prostitution by tossing bags of gold into their window at night.  As the legend goes - Nicholas climbed up on the roof one night and dropped a bag of gold down the chimney - where it landed in a stocking hung up to dry.  And so we hang stockings for Santa Claus.

One night, Nicholas - in a vision - saw Jesus - who gave him the Gospels and commanded Nicholas to serve him.  Nicholas became a man devoted to charity - using his wealth to help others.  During the time of persecution ordered by the Emperor Diocletian of Rome - he witnessed boldly to his faith in Jesus.  He shared the Gospel with everyone he could and spend time instructing children in our faith.

During the first ecumenical council of Nicaea in 325 one of the hot topics was Arianism.  The Arians denied the deity of Jesus.  Nicholas spoke on behalf of orthodox doctrine and at one point actually slapped the heretic Arius in the face for speaking against Jesus Christ.

Every account about Nicholas describes him as likable and benevolent man who found life’s riches in Jesus our Savior.  The cause of Santa - or the purpose of Nicholas’ life was serve his Savior, Jesus.

This little figurine is a tremendous reminder of our lives before Jesus - not just at Christmas - but every day of the year.

In Philippians 2:9-11, The Apostle Paul writes of Jesus  (9)
Therefore - because of His coming - Jesus’ life and death and resurrection - because of His saving work on our behalf - therefore also God highly exalted Him - Jesus - and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name,  (10) that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those who are in heaven, and on earth, and under the earth,  (11) and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

No one is greater than Jesus.  No one deserves greater respect - honor - worship - He has first place in everything.

The dominion of Jesus is greater - He is Lord over all of creation.

And He is the Head of the Church.

At the name of Jesus - one day - all creation will bow.  His enemies will be forced to bow in submission.  His Church bows in servitude - our lives given in service and obedience.

Christmas and Communion.  Communion symbolizes our relationship with Jesus - born in a manger - who gave His body and blood for us on the cross.  When we take this bread and drink the grape juice - we are making a declaration that our lives are given to Jesus - as sure as if we could have knelt before Him lying in the manger.

As we come to communion we’re going to sing the chorus
“Emmanuel” - “God is with us” - use this time to open your heart - and life - to Jesus.  For some that may mean the first time you are kneeling before Him - to say to Him - “Jesus, I give my life to you.”  For some, this will be a time of reaffirming your relationship before Him - that He is the priority of our lives.