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SOLI DEO GLORIA PSALM 19:1 Series: Reformation - Part Five Pastor Stephen Muncherian October 29, 2017 |
month we’re celebrating the 500th anniversary of the
Reformation. October
31, 1517 - Martin Luther nailing his 95 Theses on the
door of the Castle church, Wittenberg, Germany - which
was kind of the social media posting of the time. 95 Theses that
were essentially 95 questions that encapsulated the
issues that were circulating in the church - questions
that Martin Luther wanted to the church to formally
discuss - to give answers to. What Martin
Luther did - 500 years ago - triggered the Reformation. At
its heart, the Reformation was a desire to “reform” the
church - to call the church back to the foundations of
our faith. That
foundation is what we’ve been looking this month. What has been
summarized by five... “solas” coming out of the
Reformation - bullet point summaries of what the
reformers were calling the church back to - of what we
believe. “Sola” meaning… “solo”
- only. Meaning
this alone is foundational to our faith. Let’s
see how we do with these. “Sola Scriptura”
means… “only
Scripture.” Which
was the reformers way of saying that “by Scripture
alone.” Only
the Bible - because it is God’s word - only the Bible
contains everything anyone needs to know for salvation
and the Bible alone is the highest authority over how we
do life with God. “Sola Fide” means… “only faith”
or “by faith alone.”
Which was the reformers way of saying that we’re
saved only by grace
through faith. Meaning
that faith is not a work.
Faith is not something we do that God recognizes
and then God gives us salvation. Faith is our
welcoming what God - by His grace - has already and
completely done for us by Christ’s work on the cross. Last Sunday Pastor
Andrew shared about “Solus Christus” which means… “only Christ”
or “by Christ alone.”
Which was the reformers way of saying that there
is only one redeemer and mediator between God and man
and that is Jesus Christ.
Only by Christ’s work on the cross are we saved
from God’s wrath. Only
through Christ can we enter into a relationship with
God, knowing Him as our Father now and forever. Not Christ
and… but
only through Christ Jesus. This morning we’ve
come to our last “sola” which is “Soli Deo Gloria” which
means… “only
God’s glory” or “to the glory of God alone.” “To God alone
be the glory.” Which
was the reformers way of saying that all of what exists
exists for the glory of God. We exist for
the glory of God. Salvation
and how we live life is all about God’s glory.
To help us unpack what that means for us we’re looking at Psalm 19:1. Would you read this with me: The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims His handiwork.
a pretty familiar verse.
Yes? But,
let’s make sure we’re tracking together with what we’re
being told here. “The
heavens” describes all of what’s up there - the cosmos. The place
where God has put the sun and moon and planets and
galaxies and whatever else is out there. “Sky” is a
different word in Hebrew that has to do with how all the
vastness of what’s out there is spread out - arranged -
ordered. All
of what’s out there “declares.” In Hebrew that
means it tells us - it speaks to us - it recounts to us
- the glory of God.
Meaning that all that is out there so that when
see all of that - what is the immeasurable and
unprocessable for our brains magnificence of all that is
out there - all of that tells us about Who God is. “Proclaim”
- in Hebrew - has the idea that what’s out there - in
the way all that is spread out and arranged - all that
“proclaims” - it informs us - reports to us - gives us
the evidence - confirms for us - that all of that is the
work of God. What
God has worked points to God. What God does. Meaning
that space is not just some disorganized random chance -
it exists because it spontaneously had to exist and so
it does - emptiness.
There’s radiance and regularity. Motion with
meaning. God
has - by His own hand - purposefully and thoughtfully
arranged and ordered all of that out there to declare
and proclaim to us that He is and Who He is and that He
is at work in His creation.
make sure we understand what’s meant by “the
glory of God.” Because “the glory of God” is the bottom line - the point and purpose
- of what God has created all that to go on declaring
and proclaiming. “Glory”
translates the Hebrew word “kabod” - which speaks of the
weightiness of a person.
The idea is that someone possessing glory is
weighed down with riches and power and position. What it is
about a person that is worthy of honor and respect. By definition God’s
glory is the revelation of His divine attributes and
perfections or a visible display that indicates the
possession and presence of God’s divine attributes and
perfections. Like
the burning bush and Moses. Or
pyrotechnics taking off the top of Mount Sinai. Or creation -
heavens and sky. Or
Jesus on the cross. We need to be
impressed with Who God Is. What God has
revealed to us about Who is - His nature and essence. What
theologians call The Attributes of God. There
is a URL on your Message Notes that’ll take you to a
study of these where you can go deeper than what we have
time for this morning. (1) But,
this morning - thinking about the attributes of God -
who God is - theologians divide God’s attributes into
two groups. Group
one is called The Communicable Attributes of God. Meaning
that there’s something about them that communicates with
us - connects with us - in our ability to process
things. There
are aspects of God’s nature and essence that we get - in
part - because God has given us the mental capacity and
experiences in life that when God does something we can
sort of understand a little bit about God. Here’s the list. Hold onto to
something. · Faithfulness meaning that God is
always true to His word.
God always keeps His promises - His covenant
agreements. · Grace meaning God’s goodness
toward those who deserve only punishment. The unprovoked
and undeserved acceptance of God. God’s
unmerited favor. · Goodness meaning God is the
final standard of what’s good. Everything God
is and does is good - worthy of approval. God graciously
and kindly provides for His creation. · Holiness meaning according to
His moral excellence God is separate from everything
else. There
is nothing immoral in God. · Justice meaning that God acts according to His holiness in relationship to Himself and creation.
· Love meaning God has
committed Himself to the ultimate good of His creation. Love is what
motivates God to reveal Himself to us. · Mercy meaning God’s goodness
towards those in misery, distress, and the pitiable
condition of sin. God’s
compassion towards us in our depravity. · Omnipotence meaning that God is
all powerful. · Omniscience meaning that God is
all knowing. God
knows everything… everything. Past - present
- future. · Patience meaning God - for a
period of time - withholds punishment towards those who
sin - us. More
than once… · Sovereignty meaning God upholds
all things by His power and determines their just end. · Spirituality meaning God isn’t
confined to a physical body. Still holding
on to something? Spirituality
means that God in substance is invisible and without
composition, extension, or spatial existence. · Truth meaning God is THE reliable source of all truth. · Wisdom meaning God is
complete in His knowledge and in the perfect application
of that knowledge to achieving His will Those
are the attributes that communicate or connect with what
we can wrap a part of our minds around.
Theologians call these
The Incommunicable Attributes of God because the go
beyond what is possible to communicate to us humans. Still
hanging on to something?
Turn to someone near you and say, “Hang
on.” · Infinity meaning that God is
free from all limitations.
Which in part qualifies all that God is. God is not
limited by any defect or imperfection. He is infinite
love - infinite grace - infinite holiness - infinite
whatever His attribute.
God is not limited by time or space. He transcends
all of that - always. · Eternity meaning that God is
free from the succession of time. God created
time. Uses
time. Exists
outside of time. Isn’t
limited by time. God
is timeless. God
never began to exist.
He didn’t have a beginning point - like we did. He just is. And God sees
everything that’s happening in time - and outside of
time - equally. Not
dimly but vividly.
To God who is, it is.
· Immutability meaning that God never
changes. Imagine
if God could change.
Is He changing for the better or the worse? How
trustworthy is God?
What if God changes His mind? That God is
immutable means that - from our perspective - God may
seem to change how He acts towards His creation. That God is
already everything that God is and means that God does
not change in His purposes and what He wills to do. He is
infinitely worthy of our trust. · Omnipresence meaning that God is
not limited with respect to space and occupies all space
with the entirety of His Being. Which doesn’t
mean that God is part of the chair you’re sitting on. That would
mean that God is somehow contained or limited by the
space of what that chair is. Everywhere
present means that God may act differently in different
places but wherever anywhere is God is - all of God. · Self-existence meaning God’s
existence does not depend on anything outside of
Himself. God
did not become a god or the God. God was not
created. He
did not need to exist and so became. God does not
need us or creation in order for God to exist. We depend on
things for our existence.
But God depends on nothing. He is. · Simplicity meaning God’s attributes are united without division or separation. When God acts in love He’s also acting with justice. In other words - in the Old Testament when God is acting in His entirety with justice and wrath He is also acting in His entirety with love and mercy and grace. Just as in the New Testament when God is acting in His entirety with love and mercy and grace God is acting in His entirety with justice and wrath - and all His other attributes - omniscience - omnipresence - whatever.
· Unity meaning God is
uniquely one as the only true God. There
is only one God not three separate gods that hang out
and do things together.
The Trinity is One God - three persons. All equally
God in nature and essence - always. That’s
a lot to take in. Isn’t
it? Pretty
weighty stuff. And
that’s the point. We
need to impressed - humbled - by the glory of God. What the
heavens declare. Who
God is. We
need to also be impressed with What God Does. The
purpose of creation.
What we’ve been studying since January. In Genesis -
God creates. Man
falls. Born
in Adam’s fallen image each of us is destined to
judgment and forever separation from God - conscious and
eternal punishment.
Which is what life is apart from God. Punishment. Horrendous
forever punishment. Look
around at where we live life. That’s what
life is apart from God.
All the fear and anger and hatred and depression
and suicide and war and violence and brokenness and
addictions and bondage and horror of what we’ve done and
keep on doing to ourselves. And these are
the good old days.
It only goes down hill from here. Which
is our total depravity.
Right? Which
doesn’t mean than any one of us is any more or less
sinful than anyone else.
Depravity isn’t about how much or how little
we’ve messed up in life and all the horrible things
we’ve done or not done.
Depravity isn’t about making us feel guilty or
giving us an excuse to give up on ourselves or think
less of other people. Total
depravity means each of us is totally corrupt in every
part of our nature.
There’s nothing within us that’s worthy of God’s
approval. And
in how we live life - every one of us displays our
depravity as thoroughly and completely as we can. That is who we
are individually and as a race since Adam fell. We’re
glory hogs. We
want the glory for ourselves. We want to
live independent of God.
We’re born with that desire which is our God
given free will bent and distorted by sin. Our sin -
which confirms Adam’s sin.
We even have this distorted idea that salvation
is about us and life with God is about us - and not for
God’s glory alone.
January we’ve been seeing God’s purpose behind His
creation. God
creates. Man
falls. God
saves. Which
is God at work in His creation - purposefully -
relentlessly - through
people like Abraham and Sarah and Isaac and Jacob and
Joseph and Moses and Joshua and Rahab and David and
Solomon and Ruth and Mary and Joseph - at work moving to
the great dividing line of history - the cross driven
into the dirt of Jerusalem and the crucifixion of Jesus
Christ and the resurrection which gives all of us hope
that there is more to life than this taste of death and
hell that we live in.
Scriptura - only in Scripture - not in the traditions of
a church. But
only in God’s word - the Bible - do we find breathed out
from God and written infallibly for us - the explanation
of what God is doing and how He wills for each of us to
be included in His great plans and purpose for His
creation. Only
by grace - God’s unprovoked and undeserved acceptance -
not because we’re worthy within ourselves or through
works of penitence and piety established by a church -
but solely through grace. Only
through faith - welcoming what God has done for us - what God - by His grace
- has already and completely done for us by Christ’s
work on the cross.
by Christ - the truth of God - the Word made flesh -
choosing to dwell here with us - taking on what it means
to be human - fully man - fully God - Christ Jesus
setting aside His prerogative to act with His divine
attributes - so that taking on the role of a slave
Christ - demonstrating God’s love - Christ might die in
our place - that as we welcome what God has done for us
God gives to us the righteousness - the right
relationship with Him - of Christ and places our
depravity on Christ - so that He is our way - not some
priest or some church - but Christ alone is the only way
to the Father and the life that we are so desperate for
now and forever. God’s
purpose for His creation - which is all to the glory of
God - who from the beginning of creation has arranged
His heavens to declare Who He is and to proclaim that He
is at work in His creation. To God alone
be the glory. Let’s
be clear. God’s
glory is the central motivation for salvation, not
improving the lives of people - which it does as a
by-product. But
Jesus didn’t die to start a self-help program or a
social warfare institution. Jesus didn’t
allow Himself to be crucified because we needed guidance
or insight on how to do life and deal with our issues
and failures. Jesus
substituting Himself for us - His all sufficient and
complete work of atonement on the cross - isn’t about
Jesus being a means to an end - giving us yet one more
option of what we can choose to believe about what comes
next and how to get there. Jesus
died on the cross because - Scripture tells us - we are
totally depraved - hopeless in sin and under judgement -
and only by God’s grace - through faith - in Christ the
only means of salvation - are we saved. The purpose of
which is to the glory of God alone. Amen. We
need to impressed - humbled - by what God does - to the
glory of God alone.
Processing all that… (Still
hanging on to something? Paul
in Romans - in the first major section of His letter to
the church in Rome - Paul is writing about our need for
God and about the Gospel which is God’s
answer to our deepest need. Paul is
writing about what it means to live by faith - to live
the reality of the Gospel in our lives - as we live in
the real world of where we live our lives. Paul writes in Romans
1:19,20: For
what can be known about God is plain to them, because
God has shown it to them.
For His invisible attributes, namely, His eternal
power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived,
ever since the creation of the world, in the things that
have been made. Are
we hearing Psalm 19:1? God
- in His creation since day 1 - God has been revealing
Himself to us - so that - bottom line - end of verse 20: So
they are without excuse. The
Greek word translated “excuse” is “anapologetos” which
comes from the verb “apologeomai” - sounds like...
“apology.” Meaning
“apologeomai” is where we get our English word “apology”
from. To
apologize is to make an excuse. To give an
explanation for some offense or fault or accident asking
for pardon. “Apologetics”
- heard that term?
“Apologetics” is a branch of theology that deals
with the defense of our faith using a logical reasoning. Not
apologizing in the sense of whimpering and groveling. But giving a
logical - well thought out - well presented - defense of
our faith that we hope - and pray - will bring about a
favorable response. Being
excuse” in the face of the
overwhelming evidence that God has placed out there in
the heavens and arranged in the sky - declaring and
proclaiming Who He is and what He is doing - being
without excuse means that - as we live our lives today
and when we stand before God as our judge - there is no
possible logical - well thought out - well presented -
defense we can give for rejecting Who God is and all
that God has graciously done for us through Christ’s
work on the cross. There
are limits to what we can process about Who God is. God is God and
we’re not. What
can be known about God’s invisible attributes God
clearly makes visible - plainly understood - “clearly
perceived.” God
the creator who by His eternal power calls all that is
into existence out of nothing - sets it out there to
help us grab onto that He’s there and Who He is. John Calvin -
Reformation theologian and pastor - John Calvin wrote: “By
saying that God has made it manifest [made it plain to them], he means, that man was created to be
a spectator of this formed world, and that eyes were
given to him, that he might, by looking on so beautiful
a picture, be led up to the Author himself.” (2) What
can be known means that there are things about God that
we just can’t process.
But God is knowable. He makes
Himself to be knowable. Meaning
there’s no excuse for us saying that there is no God. No excuse for
us to deny that He is our sovereign creator who is the
God of order and design and purpose who lovingly desires
for us to know Him. We
need to hear choice in that. We know God. We need to
choose how we will respond to all that He has revealed
about Himself and His working in and through His
creation. We’re
together? Take a look at this
list of names (below). Many
more names could be added to this list. The list is
representative of many many more people. Question: Other than the
obvious default cop-out answers like, “They’re
all human” - What do all these
people have in common? Answer: They’re all
martyrs of the Reformation. Martyred
because of their faith in Jesus Christ. James Abbeys, Thomas Cranmer, John Denley, Alice Driver, Alexander Gough, Joan Waste, Thomas Hauker, John Huss, Walter Milne, Rose Allen Munt, and Rowland Taylor - all burned at the
stake. Anne Askew was racked - her joints and bones were
pulled out of place.
She fainted from the pain. When she
regained consciousness, she preached for two hours to
her tormentors. On
the day of her execution she had to be carried to the
stake because her bones were dislocated so she couldn’t
walk. She
was offered a pardon if she recanted. Her response: “I
did not come here to deny my Lord and Master.” She died praying for
her murderers in the midst of the flames. John Bradford was repeatedly offered
the opportunity to recant and be pardoned. He didn’t and
they burned him at the stake. Before they
tied him to the stake he called the crowd to repentance
- bent down and kissed the firewood - forgave his
persecutors - begged the crowd to pray for him. Sir Patrick
Hamilton was born of royal
blood. Came
under the teachings of Martin Luther in Germany. Returned to
Scotland to preach the word of God there. Hamilton’s
teachings became a cornerstone of Protestant theology in
Scotland and England.
Great numbers of people came to faith through his
teaching. Hamilton
was arrested. Even
in prison his faith was so contagious that a priest who
visited his cell was converted. When they
tried to burn him at the stake they had trouble keeping
the fire lit. So
Hamilton used the opportunity to preach to the crowd. William Hunter at the age of 19 was
burned at the stake because they found him reading the
Bible in English. Heinrich Möller [Mōller] was a Dutch
member of the same Augustinian order that Martin Luther
belonged to. He
studied under Luther at Wittenberg. Preached in
Holland. Was
burned at the stake. William Tyndale translated the Bible
in to English. Was
strangled and then his body was burned. Ulrich Zwingli killed by the sword -
his body was quartered and then burnt. Apologetics is more
than what we say we believe. It’s also how
we live. To
God alone be the glory.
been said that there are those who believe and those who
believe they believe.
Meaning that there are a lot of people who
profess belief in Jesus Christ and they may be very
sincere in that profession of faith - verbal
apologetics. But
at the heart level they don’t believe. Not really. Not based on
how they’re living life.
A living life apologetic. It’s the bottom line
of what Jesus called His disciples to: “If
anyone would come after Me, let him deny himself and
take up his cross daily and follow Me. For whoever
would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his
life for My sake will save it. For what does
it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses or
forfeits himself.”
(Luke 9:23-25) The
cross is a cruel and horrendous instrument of torture
and death. Jesus
isn’t being philosophical or theoretical. He means what
He says in the most graphic and ultimate sense. He’s very
bottom line serious.
Die to self and follow Jesus the way to life or
seek after the world and its temporal profits and lose
what is eternal. Adam
chose self. Independence
from God. Chose
not to have faith in God.
Chose not to trust God - what God said about
right and wrong - sin and death verses obedience and
life. And
choosing himself, Adam chose death. Today
- that same choice is always in front of each of us. Independence
from God or utter dependence on God. Faith in
ourselves or faith in God.
Question: What do you
believe? Our
lives are always going to be lived based on what we
really believe. Always. If
we really get God - what He’s revealed to us - what He’s
done for us in Jesus - if we really are choosing to live
by faith - then death to self is a daily -
moment-by-moment reality.
Life is about God.
To God alone be the glory. How
we live is always the fruit - the outward demonstration
- the apologetic - of what we really believe. Our actions -
the choices we make - what we focus on and allow into
our lives - what we do with our time and talent and
treasure - how we respond to God - demonstrates what we
really believe about God - Who He is - What He’s done on
the cross through Jesus. Meaning
if we really get all that and really believe all that
what could possibly be more profitable - what could
possibly keep us from total commitment to Christ and His
Church. When
God creates us and calls us and enables us to gather
together - even here - what could possibly be more
profitable - more valuable - what could possibly keep us
from being here to worship Him? Early and
eager? What
could possibly keep us from the serious reading and
study of His word.
From prayer and going ever deeper in our
relationship with Him.
From intentionally sharing His Gospel and our
faith with others. What
is there that could possibly be more profitable - what
could possibly keep us from the total commitment of all
that we are and all that He’s blessed us with - what
could possibly keep us from the total faithful obedient
commitment of all of that to Him - trusting Him even
when what He asks of us goes beyond our capacity to
understand or ability to accomplish? So that God
alone gets the glory. There
is only one Creator God who’s created and set in motion
the universe. Who
gives order to His creation and is intimately working in
its unfolding history.
God who continually displays His eternal power
and divine nature and essence all around us in His
creation. God
who creates the atoms of our existence and holds them
together. God
who creates us for relationship with Him now and
forever. Which
is the bottom line of Sola Scriptura - Sola Gratia -
Sola Fide - Solus Christus. The bottom
line: Soli
Deo Gloria. To
God alone be the glory. If
the other four “solas” are the bricks of the Reformation
structure - “soli Deo Gloria” is the mortar that holds
it all together. God’s
glory is what gives purpose and meaning - cohesion - to
everything that we are - to everything that we believe -
to everything that God is doing in His creation. We
need to get this. There
are only two choices in life. Every moment
of our lives we’re either choosing self or God. Question: Who gets the
glory for your life?
May the answer always be: To God alone
be the glory.
_______________ 1. www.muncherian.com/GodsAttributes.pdf 2. John Calvin, Commentaries
on the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans, translated and edited
by John Owen (Whiteish, MT: Kessinger,
2006) - cited by Chuck Swindoll, Insights
on Romans - Zondervan, 2010 Unless
otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from The
Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by
Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News
Publishers. Used
by permission. All
rights reserved. |