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PROLOGUE Revelation 1:1-8 Series: The Revelation of Jesus Christ - Part One Pastor Stephen Muncherian September 8, 2019 |
can see by what’s on the screen we’re beginning a new
series from the Revelation of Jesus Christ - which was
given to the Apostle John. What is a
prophetic revelation that describes how this age of
human history is brought to an end and about what
comes next and why. And
is full of symbols and cities and animals and
creatures and colors and numbers and names and
churches and angels and peoples and thrones and who
gets to rule and judgements and bowls and instruments
and cataclysmic catastrophes and devastation and
heaven and hell and death and life and gardens and
trees and meals and future history and even someplace
in all that… us.
- not to understate the obvious - all that can be a
tad confusing - if not extremely difficult to unpack -
and one reason why some of us hesitate to preach from
this letter. But,
it is the next and last book that we need to look at
as we’ve been adventuring through the Bible for the
last 3 years - since Genesis. So, make
sure your safety bar is in its down and locked
position and stay seated until the sermon comes to a
complete stop. Hang
on and hang in. This
morning we’re looking at just the first 8 verses of
the revelation. What
is often called “The Prologue.” What is
John’s greetings and introduction - John identifying
himself and who he’s writing to and about what and
why. If you are able -
would you please stand with me as we come before God’s
word together. And
would you read John’s prologue with me. The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God
gave Him to show to His servants the things that must
soon take place.
He made it known by sending His angel to His
servant John, who bore witness to the word of God and
to the testimony of Jesus Christ, even to all that he
saw. Blessed
is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy,
and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what is
written in it, for the time is near. John to the seven churches that are in
Asia: Grace
to you and peace from Him Who is and Who was and Who
is to come, and from the seven spirits who are before
His throne, and from Jesus Christ the faithful
witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of
kings on earth. To Him Who loves us and has freed us from
our sins by His blood and made us a kingdom, priests
to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion
forever and ever.
Amen. Behold, He is coming with the clouds and
every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him,
and all tribes of the earth will wail on account of
Him. Even
so. Amen. “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the
Lord God, “Who is and Who was and Who is to come, the
Almighty.” “Revelation”
translates the Greek word “apokalupsis” - which is why
sometimes this is called the... “apocalypse”. An
“apocalypse” is God revealing truth - about Himself
and what He’s doing and why. And here,
that revelation is prophetic - what God will do and
why. There are some really
solid Bible teachers that have taught on this
revelation - that have fallen into the trap of stating
with great certainty what will happen and how and
when. Speaking
- with great certainty - on and on they go -
prediction after prediction - all wrong. All
cheapening the purpose of God’s prophetic revelation. Let’s
be clear. Prophecy
is not about knowing events. Prophecy is
about knowing God. God
doesn’t give us a list of signs to look for and debate
about so we can impress each other with what we think
we know. God
reveals Himself in prophecy so that we can know God. Not know
about God. But
know God. Deeply. Intimately. God’s
prophetic revelation is intended by the Sovereign God
to draw us closer to Him. To give us a
glimpse behind the scenes of history showing where and
how and why God is working in His relationship with
mankind. To
grab His sovereignty in all that in order to increase
our knowing Him - how He works and what He’s
passionate about. In
order to go deeper in our relationship with Him - to
press into God. To
deepen our trust in God.
To increase our faith in God. To help us
strive towards greater obedience and following after
God. Verse
1 tells us that this revelation is about… Jesus
Christ. “The revelation of Jesus Christ.” Before
we go any farther into the revelation we need to make
sure that we’re solid on that bottom line truth: It’s about
Jesus. Say
that with me, “It’s about Jesus.” As
much as we might be tempted to think that this
revelation is about symbols and creatures and angels
and thrones and cities and judgements and cataclysmic
catastrophes and devastation and on and on and even
someplace in all that… about us. This
revelation is about… Jesus Christ. We
will get totally messed up and we will totally miss
the point and we will totally miss the blessing of
what’s here if we forget that one bottom line truth. Many have. All
of what’s here - all of the symbols and all of the
numbers and all of whatever - it’s all there to focus
us on the centrality of Jesus so that we are drawn
closer to God. The
revelation of Jesus Christ is what God gave to Jesus
Christ. “Gave”
has the idea of delegation. God gives
the revelation to Jesus with purpose. Jesus
is to show - to make known - to His servants -
literally the word in Greek is “slaves” - those who
live in faithful obedience to Jesus. God gives
the revelation of Jesus to Jesus to make known to His
servants what must soon take place.
point is that all this “must” soon take place. Because this
is about what God is doing and will do that Jesus is
the central focus of.
And God wants us to know that. Why? To draw us
closer to Him. Let’s
slow down and make sure we’re together on what that
means. In
January of 2017 - we began studying through the Bible
- beginning at Genesis and Creation. With Adam -
who representing all of us - Adam disobeying God -
sins - so that each of us is born into sin and we just
go on confirming Adam’s choice by our own sin. Moving
through the Old Testament - we saw God at work -
relentlessly - purposefully - intentionally - working
through history.
Working through promises and covenants and law
and sacrifices and kingdoms and nations. Working
through real people in real situations in real time -
prophets and kings and queens and shepherds and
ordinary people like us. God
revealing through all of that the big picture of what
God is doing about our brokenness and sin and
separation from God.
God - Who loves us - how God is dealing with
what separates us from Him. Redeeming
and restoring us.
Inviting us back into relationship with Him. All
of which points forward to... Jesus Christ. When
we arrived at the New Testament we focused on Mark’s
gospel record. Which
Mark begins with the words: “The beginning of the gospel of... Jesus
Christ, the Son of God.”
(Mark 1:1) The
gospel is about Jesus.
The gospel is Jesus. Jesus is the
big picture - Who and what God is doing to redeem and
restore us to relationship with Him. Jesus is the
central focus and central reality of the Gospel. The
gospel is that by grace alone through faith alone - by Jesus Christ alone - we are saved. Those who
believe the gospel, who by faith receive Jesus Christ as their Savior,
become children of God.
(John 1:12) Then
we studied Acts.
How we fit into the big picture of what God did
next and what God is doing here and now. The outward
expansion of the gospel of Jesus Christ into the Roman
Empire and beyond - even to Merced. God calling
all peoples to salvation in… Jesus Christ. Which
brings us to this revelation of Jesus Christ that God
gave to Jesus Christ - to make known to the church -
even us - what must soon take place - what is all
about Jesus. So,
if we want to go deeper with God and to know more of
what God is doing in the world, and what God calls us
to in all that, we need to be looking to Jesus. Who Jesus
is. What
Jesus does. What
Jesus teaches. What
it means to live faithfully obeying Jesus as His
servants. And
what that will look like in the days ahead that God is
cluing us into through this revelation. Because
it’s about... Jesus. Paul writes to the
church in Colossae.
Paul gives us an glimpse of Who Jesus: He [Jesus] is the image of the invisible God,
the firstborn of all creation. For by Him
all things were created, in heaven and on earth,
visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions of
rulers or authorities—all things were created through
Him and for Him.
And He is before all things, and in Him all
things hold together.
And He is the Head of the body, the church. He is the
beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in
everything He might be preeminent. For in Him
all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and
through Him to reconcile to Himself all things,
whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the
blood of his cross.
(Colossians 1:15-20) We
need to be continually humbled and blown away by Who
Jesus is. The
revelation belongs to Jesus and the revelation is
about Jesus. Jesus
is the revealer and the revelation. Jesus is the
glue that holds all this together. Jesus is the
big picture of the assembled pieces of the prophetic
puzzle. The
revelation of Jesus Christ is what God gave to Jesus
Christ to show His servants the things that must -
will - soon take place because God wills them to take
place. Jesus
sends His angel to the Apostle John - who - bears
witness - that what John personally saw - this
revelation - is the word of God that testifies of
Jesus. Verse 3: Blessed is the one who reads aloud the
words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who
hear, and who keep what is written in it, for the time
is near. This
is the first of seven blessings in the revelation. We often
associate The Book of Revelation with a lot of
horrible things going on. But in the
midst of that are God’s promises future blessing. “Blessed”
is the Greek word “markarios.” It means a
whole lot more than some passing surface emotion - or
having things seemingly go right for us. “Blessed”
has the idea of a profound sense of essential well
being - of being rightly aligned at the core of who we
are. Being
centered on what’s important in life and experiencing
a peace - a settledness in our hearts - as a result. In
the midst of our dog eat dog - survival of the most
Politically Correct - fear inducing - spinning out of
control world - God offers to us something
tremendously different. In
the face of the even more horrendous stuff that God
tells us is coming - God offers us His approval - His
provision for our lives - His healing - His purpose
for us - life in His kingdom - His very presence with
us - knowing God and being known by Him - now and
forever. Blessed is the one who reads aloud the
words of this prophecy, True
confessions. There
are times when I’m having my alone time with God - and
I’m reading the Bible - and I get far enough along and
I realize I have no memory of reading what I’ve just
read. My mind has drifted someplace else or sometimes
I’m just sleep reading.
Anyone with me on that?
aloud is the instruction to slow down and pay careful
attention to what’s being read. Try reading
aloud sometime in your alone time with God and see if
helps you focus. “to hear” has the meaning of
intentionally working at understanding the meaning of
what it is that we’re hearing. Perception. Comprehension. Active
listening. “keeping”
is more than just “doing.” The Greek
word has the meaning of guarding - preserving -
protecting - what we’ve heard. It
means taking possession of it for ourselves. So valuing
what we’ve heard that it becomes central to how we do
life. So
integral - so valuable - that we will not allow
anything or anyone to rob us - to keep us back - from
doing what is that we’re hearing. Notice: All of three
- read aloud - hear - keep - are
necessary in order to be blessed. Reason
being: Because
prophetic revelation is about more deeply knowing God. Which is
about how we’re responding to God because of what He
reveals to us. It’s
like God saying, “If you think things are bad now. Just wait. But Jesus is
central to all that.
He’s what I’ve been doing in the past and in
the now and I will do in future history. I’m letting
you know that, so that - hear Me on this - so that as
things get worse you will press into Me more. Because I
will bless you as you do. Trust Me. I’ve got
you.” Bottom
line: John’s
prologue introduces us to what we’re going to see over
and over again as we go through this revelation. It’s about
Jesus. The
centrality of Jesus to everything to everything that
God is doing. And
that as we intentionally process and faithfully and
obediently respond to that truth God will bless us. Coming to verse 4 -
verses 4 to 8 are John’s greetings to those he’s
sharing this revelation with. John
begins: Dear
seven churches that are in Asia. Seven
churches that were located in the Roman province of
Asia - in what is now western Turkey. How
many? Seven. Seven being
a number that in Scripture represents fullness -
perfection - completeness. Meaning
that John is not only writing just to these seven
specific churches but that these 7 churches are
representative of the complete list of all churches -
even Creekside. We’re
going to learn more about these seven churches next
Sunday and then when we get to chapters 2 and 3 -
after Camp Creekside.
what we need to hang onto is that John is writing to
real people in real places in real congregations about
what God reveals will really happen. People like
us who need to be pressing into God more. John’s desire is for
grace and peace to be with the churches - the servants
of Jesus - that he’s sharing God’s revelation with. Grace
is God’s undeserved, we can’t earn it by our own
efforts or ever be worthy of it - favor. Salvation
and life with God is God’s - by grace given - gift to
undeserving sinners like all of us. Peace
is what it means to experience that relationship with
God in the day-to-day drama of our lives. Peace isn’t
the absence of drama.
Peace is the deep inside heart level
settledness we know because - in spite of the drama
around us - we know that we’re right with God and that
God has us. Grace
and peace are huge - significant - blessings of God -
especially in the midst of where we do life. Notice
that John powerfully emphasizes that the source of
grace and peace is... God. Grace
and peace come from Him Who is and Who was and Who is to
come, John using language
that points backwards to the Old Testament. Words that
call to mind how God has describes Himself to His
people. Then
John moves to the Holy Spirit. “The seven spirits who are before His
throne.” Seven is a
number that Zechariah prophetically connects with the
Holy Spirit. Seven
- not meaning seven Holy Spirits - but seven
symbolically meaning… fullness, perfection,
completeness. Seven
describing the perfection and fullness and
completeness of the Holy Spirit. (Zechariah
4:2-7) Then
John moves to Jesus - the faithful witness who is the
firstborn from the dead - resurrected - what is all
about Jesus’ saving work. And Jesus is
the ruler of the kings on earth - the King of kings
and Lord of lords.
who has loved us and freed us from our sins by His
blood. Jesus
who has made us to be a kingdom - through His work on
the cross has brought us into citizenship in God’s
kingdom. Priests
- who serve and bring worship to God the Father. Jesus
- who’s glory shines brighter. Who’s
dominion is greater.
Jesus, who’s glory and dominion extends from
now and to forever. John’s
response? “Amen.”
- “So be it.” Behold, He is coming with the clouds and every
eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him, and all
tribes of the earth will wail on account of Him. Even so. Amen.. Jesus
is coming - just as Daniel predicted. Not as a
baby born in humility in an obscure village. Jesus is
coming with the clouds - from Heaven at the head of
Heavens armies to dispatch the armies of mankind - to
crush the arrogant defiance of mankind. Jesus
will come with all His divine authority and power and
glory on full display.
And everyone on earth will see Him when He
comes. Those
who rejected Him.
Even those who did not believe in Him. When He
comes there will be mourning because He comes as the
Judge. The
coming of Jesus is the coming of the kingdom - the
removal of what defiles us - what is evil - the
inauguration of the renewed creation with all it’s
perfection and beauty and purity. It is what
we pray for. It
is what we long for.
What we are desperate for. John’s
response? A
more emphatic: “Even so.
Amen!” Yes to all of it. So be it. How
else could we respond?
His servants.
But in humble affirmation - to God alone be the
glory. The
source of grace and peace is... God. The
triune God who purposes to save us through the work of
Christ on the cross and makes us to be spiritually
alive through the work of the Holy Spirit - who calls
us to relationship with Him - that we might serve Him
and that He might bless us by His grace with His peace
even in the midst of the drama, disaster, and
destruction of this life. God
who reveals all of this to us that our confidence and
hope in Him alone. In
verse 8 John concludes His doxology with a declaration
coming from God Himself:
“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” - the first and last
letters of the Greek alphabet - “Who is and Who was and Who is to come,
the Almighty.” God
is the God of the past and of the future - A to Z -
and Who is - meaning the God of everything in between. God is the
Almighty God who is able - Who has creation and
re-creation in His hands. No
thing or no one can ever alter what He has chosen to
do. He
rules over it all.
It all fulfills His purposes. What He has
been doing even since before Genesis. There is no
possibility that history or creation or what must soon
take place - none of that will ever spin out of His
control. The
Lord God - who reveals to us what He is about to do -
who desires to bless us - who is the source of grace
and peace - is the Almighty God who is mighty in every
moment of drama that is faced by those who are
servants of Jesus Christ. In whatever
they face or will face - He is our God who is the
supreme Lord over all.
Processing that… How do we
respond to that?
That’s huge.
And it’s only the first 8 verses. Two takeaways. First - God’s prophetic revelation should
form our response to the drama around us. Should
inform and reform how we respond to what swirls around
us. On the left is who? President
Trump. On
the right is who?
Xi Jinping - President of China. Is
the trade war with China about egos or economics? Or is about
a dictator called President of China trying to
consolidate and hold on to power and a US President
working for his re-election who’s trying to score
points with his electoral base? Or is it
deeper? Maybe
spiritual? Is
the trade war about a Chinese leader who’s cracking
down on Christians and the church in China in order to
consolidate his power and maintain his rule. And just
possibly God might even be using President Trump and a
threatened trade war to loosen the grip of that
dictator in order to create opportunities for the
gospel. How
do we view events in Syria or Iran or Israel. What about
moving our embassy to Jerusalem?
about in Merced?
Or in your family? Are
we looking for the fingerprints of God in that? God
revealing where He’s at work? What
are we fearful of or confident in? What are we
praying for? What
are seeking after?
What are we posting online. Does it
point people to God or away from God? Takeaway number two: God’s
prophetic revelation should form our response to God. Should
inform and reform how we respond to God. Either we’re
going deeper with God or we’re not. Either
God is sovereign over our time and resources and
abilities and wealth and what He blesses us with -
either God is sovereign over all that or He’s not. Either
Jesus is the central focus or our lives or He’s not. Either
were trusting God - living dependent on God for His
blessing of grace and peace in all that or not. Either
we are experiencing God’s blessing and grace and peace
- relying solely on Him in the midst of the drama of
our lives - or we’re not. Either
we’re living as servants of Jesus Christ - or we’re
not. It
is from the fullness of the triune God that grace and
peace are supplied to us. The weight
of that truth - that reality - of what God reveals to
us about Himself and what He has done and is doing for
us and for His glory - the weight of that cannot be
overstated. May
it be so - that God’s revelation is an encouragement
to us individually - and on this renewal Sunday - an
encouragement to us as a congregation - to press into
God as His faithful servants. _______________ Unless
otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from The
Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001
by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News
Publishers. Used
by permission. All
rights reserved. |