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VISION Revelation 1:9-20 Series: The Revelation of Jesus Christ - Part Two Pastor Stephen Muncherian September 15, 2019 |
We are coming back to Revelation - the
study we began last Sunday. Moving
through the revelation of Jesus Christ. Which is
about… Jesus Christ. Put simply as much as we might be tempted
to think that this revelation is about symbols and
creatures and angels and thrones and cities and
judgements and cataclysmic catastrophes and
devastation and on and on and even someplace in all
that… about us. This
revelation is about… Jesus Christ. Jesus Who is
central to everything God is doing in history. Since Adam and the Fall and the Garden of
Eden - God has known what He would ultimately do to
redeem mankind. What
we looked at when we looked at the Old Testament. God’s plan culminated in the birth of
Jesus - His ministry - His crucifixion for our sins. His
resurrection and return to Heaven. What we
looked at when we looked at Mark. When we looked at Acts we saw the
expansion of the Gospel into the world and even to
Merced. Which
is where we fit into all of what God is doing -
following Jesus into the world. God is sovereign over all of that. There is no
possibility that something or someone can alter what
He’s chosen to do.
Or that history or creation or what must soon
take place - none of that will ever spin out of His
control. God at work in His creation - redeeming
mankind. Central
to all of that is always Jesus. Last Sunday - looking verse 1 to 8 - we were
introduced to the centrality of Jesus Christ - the
sovereignty of God - and the blessings of God’s grace
and peace that He intends for believers - even in the
midst of the drama and devastation that God tells us
is coming. This morning - would you stand with me as
we come again before God’s word together - and read
with me Revelation 1:9-20 - what is the next section
of the revelation that we are looking at this morning. I, John, your brother and partner
in the tribulation and the kingdom and the patient
endurance that are in Jesus, was on the island called
Patmos on account of the word of God and testimony of
Jesus. I
was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and I heard
behind me a loud voice like a trumpet saying, “Write
what you see in a book and send it to the seven
churches, to Ephesus and to Smyrna and to Pergamum and
to Thyatira and to Sardis and to Philadelphia and to
Laodicea.” Then I turned to see the voice that
was speaking to me, and on turning I saw seven golden
lampstands, and in the midst of the lampstands one
like a son of man, clothed with a long robe and with a
golden sash around His chest. The hairs of
His head were white, like white wool, like snow. His eyes
were like a flame of fire, His feet were like
burnished bronze, refined in a furnace, and His voice
was like the roar of many waters. In His right
hand He held seven stars, from His mouth came a sharp
two-edged sword, and His face was like the sun
shinning in full strength.
9 to 11 are The When and Where of John, and [most important] Why. “When”
is the mid-90’s AD.
John was the last living apostle - who had been
with Jesus. When
John dies - perhaps as late as 100 AD - John’s death
is the end of the apostolic age. No more
living on earth apostles. “Where”
is the Geek island of Patmos. Which you
can see from the map is located in the Aegean Sea -
just west of modern Turkey. Which this
is a picture of. Ultimately it’s not a very remarkable
place. Actually
it’s kind of desolate.
It is a rocky, volcanic island, to which the
Roman government banished exiles. Patmos is about two thirds the size of
Merced. Today,
there’s about 3,000 people living there. Fishing is
huge and religious tourism. People
visiting The Cave of the Apocalypse - where John is
suppose to have written this book - and visiting other
religious sites. “Why”
John is on Patmos in the mid-90’s is significant for
us to understand.
Why? Answer: Persecution. For 60 years John has been doing ministry
- evangelizing - discipling - mentoring - planting
churches - writing parts of the New Testament. During those years - in the late 60’s AD
- Nero persecuted Christians - executing Paul and
Peter and others.
30 years later Domitian picks up where Nero
left off - and his primary target is John - the last
surviving apostle. Domitian has John - who was living in
Ephesus at the time - Domitian has John bound and
brought to Rome - where in a public display of hatred
- to cheering crowds - Domitian has John put into a
caldron of oil to be boiled alive. Which doesn’t work. To the glory
of God and the confusion of the John’s executioners -
John won’t boil. So Domitian has John exiled to… Patmos. Where John
is given this revelation of Jesus. While
Domitian goes on persecuting Christians. Let’s explore that. John writes, “I, John, your brother and partner
in the tribulation and the kingdom and the patient
endurance that are in Jesus, “partner” translates the Greek word
“sug-koinonos.” Do
you hear “koinonia” in that? “Fellowship” “Sug-koinonos” literally means “one who
partakes jointly” - a Christian brother who
fellowships together - jointly with others - in
tribulation - affliction - life crushing circumstances
- even persecution. When we think about “fellowship” we tend
to think about what we jointly participated in last
Sunday. Dan
BBQing tri-tip and chicken and the sides, salads, and
desserts - and sitting around tables under canopies
and hanging out together drinking coffee. Not getting hunted down and slaughtered
and boiled in oil.
But that’s what John - exiled on Patmos - is
talking about as he’s writing to the “being hunted
down” jointly persecuted brethren of the Empire. John also writes that he is a brother in
the kingdom. Which
is to remind John’s readers of where the sovereign God
is going in history. What in a spiritual reality we experience
now. In
Christ we are citizens of God’s heavenly kingdom. But John is pointing forward to the
establishing of God’s kingdom on earth at the return
of Jesus. Focusing
his readers on our common hope and destiny that we
participate in together as we’re looking forward to
seeing that kingdom come in its fullness and to live
in the realization of that kingdom with Jesus. Then John writes of “patient endurance” -
perseverance - pressing forward together - by the
power and working of the Holy Spirit - supporting and
encouraging each other - staying focused on what God
has coming for us.
It’s what we do as brothers and sisters in
Christ. Perspective in the midst of persecution. So, John is exiled to “the island called Patmos on
account of the word of God and the testimony of
Jesus.” There
- as he’s worshiping God - moved by the Spirit - on
the Lord’s Day - which would have been Sunday. Shortly after the resurrection the
followers of Jesus began gathering for worship on the
first day of the week - Sunday - to worship our risen
Savior and Lord on the day of His resurrection. Which is why
we gather for worship on Sunday not Shabbat - Friday
to Saturday. As John is worshiping - let by the Holy
Spirit in that worship of Jesus - on Sunday - he’s
told - by this loud as a trumpet voice - to write down
in a book this revelation and to send it to these 7
churches. Last Sunday we saw - in Scripture - the
number 7 is used symbolically to represent... fullness
- perfection - completeness. Meaning that
John is not only writing down and sending off this
revelation to these seven specific churches - but that
these 7 churches are representative of the complete -
full - list of all churches - even Creekside. Which
is an important part of the “why” to hang on to. Hope. Christians
in the Roman Empire are being hunted down and
slaughtered. Tribulation. Persecution. How important is it for them to receive a
revelation of God’s sovereign working in history and
where God is going in history - with the centrality of
Jesus in all that - and where they - as followers of
Jesus - where they fit into what the sovereign God is
doing? Hugely
significant. How important is it for us to grab that
reality even in the minor dramas of our lives? Or in the
times that we’re living in - watching evil spin
seemingly out of control. As we’re
living in post-Christian America? Hugely important. Hang on to
the hope - to all that God offers to us in Jesus. What He’s
revealing to us here. Verses
12 to 16 are The Vision of Jesus that was given to John. When John hears this majestic voice
speaking to him - John turns around to see who’s
speaking to him.
At first he sees 7 golden lampstands. Then in the
midst of the lampstands - then John sees Jesus. Jesus - Who John tells us is “one like the son of man” - which is an Old Testament description
of the Messiah that comes with great depth of meaning. The title “Son of Man” - as its used in
Scripture - that title focuses on Jesus being born in
the flesh and blood of our humanity. Jesus being
fully man. Our celebration of Jesus’ incarnation -
Christmas - which is only 14 Sundays away. Just saying. The title “Son of Man” also means the One
who - in the end times - future history - will bring
God’s kingdom to earth.
It’s a title that covers a lot of territory in
the hopes of God’s people. 60 years earlier John had experienced
Jesus in His incarnate humanity as they’d traveled
together - Jesus’ ministry of healing and exorcising
and miracles and proclaiming the gospel. But here - what John sees is more like
Jesus on Mount Hermon - the transfiguration - what
John witnessed with Peter and James - the brief
glimpse of Christ’s divine glory. Here again -
in even greater revealed glory - John sees
Jesus in His divine splendor. So as John is describing one “like the
Son of man” John tries to put into words what is
indescribable - giving us images as reference points
for what is beyond our imagining - beyond our ability
to currently process. So, briefly - without getting lost in a
bunch of symbolism - but since this description ties
back to a lot of Old Testament imagery - there are a
few observations that we can make with reasonable
certainty - that can help us to get at what John is
getting at. The long robe and sash probably represent
what a priest would wear and probably point to Jesus’
role as our priest.
Jesus who atones for the sins of His people. The white hair - like white wool - like
snow - not just white but stunningly brilliantly
beyond white - probably has to do with Jesus’
divinity. Eyes like a flame of fire may have to do
with Jesus’ penetrating and purifying discernment. His seeing
the hearts of mankind - who’s faithful and who’s not -
even in the church.
Seeing and purifying the hearts of His people. Feet “like burnished bronze” may have to do with His moral perfection
and His just right and power to crush His enemies. His voice is like the roar of many waters
- which is like the voice of God - majestic, powerful
- with authority that commands respect - commands
honoring - obedience. In His right hand - which is a position
of power and protection - in His right hand Jesus
holds seven stars - which will come to in a moment. And from His mouth comes - meaning Jesus
is continually speaking - from His mouth comes a sharp
two-edged sword.
Which represents the word of God. Which Jesus
uses to execute judgment and destroy the work of
Satan. Finally - Jesus’ face is shining like the
sun in full strength.
Meaning it is humanly impossible to look
directly at Jesus’ face. What can we make of all that? As much as we might be tempted to think
that this revelation is about symbols and numbers and
beasts and bowls and catastrophic catastrophes and
destruction and whatever… this vision is about...
Jesus. The
vision - all of those images that John gives us point
to one reality: Jesus
Christ is God. Our Lord and Savior Who stands amidst
these seven golden lampstands holding these seven
stars in His right hand - our Lord and Savior - Jesus
- is God. The
Divine King of kings and Lord of lords - the sovereign
potentate and judge of all of whatever He has chosen
to create. Which
brings us to verse 17 and The Presence of Jesus. John sees Jesus and John drops to Jesus’
feet like a dead man.
Ever watch a dead man fall? Never have. Only in
movies. But,
we can imagine - pure gravity and not a lot of grace. Total face
plant. Which of us wouldn’t. Someday, we
will. Amen?
And in the midst of what had brought John
to fear - Jesus says, “Fear not.” Wow. Take a moment and marinate in that. The
tenderness and love of our Savior… for you. Take a
moment and thank Him for that - His tenderness towards
you - His love. Out of that tenderness and love the
sovereign God says to each of us - to you: “Fear not.” “Fear not” Why? “I Am.” Jesus goes on to describe Himself in
exalted terms - which are reasons that John - and us -
that we should not fear. Jesus says of Himself: “Fear not, I am the first and the
last, and the living one. I died, and
behold I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of
Death and Hades.
. “The first and the last” is a description that refers back to
Isaiah. Isaiah
emphasizing that Yahweh - the God of Israel - is not
like the false gods of the peoples around them. Yahweh is
the everlasting One.
(Isaiah 41:4; 44:6; 48:12) Jesus is the one true God who reigns
sovereign over all of history. He always
has been and always will be. He is the
great “I Am.” Jesus is “the living one.” Genesis to
Revelation God identifies Himself as the living God. Not a god
made from stone or wood or some metal that someone
made to look like something to worship. Jesus is not a god of our creation. A god
limited to the scope of what we can envision that
serves our needs - a god limited to our expectations. Limited to
our human foibles and failures and limitations. Jesus is not a dead god - a crucified god
who remains dead.
Jesus was crucified to death. And yet,
death did not have the final word. Jesus
triumphed over death at His resurrection. He is
deathless and will live forever as the one true ever
living God. Jesus Himself holds the “keys” of Death
and Hades - the realm of death - even Satan and his
minions and his angelic forces of darkness. The realm of
Death and Hades and all demonic powers are under the
authority of Jesus. Jesus binds them. They cannot
defeat Him. Jesus
- the ever living one - has defeated - destroyed -
death. So, those who belong to Jesus - who have
repented of their sin and trust in Him as their Savior
- who follow and serve Him - those who belong to Jesus
- we don’t need to fear any of that. That’s what Jesus is telling John. You don’t
need to fear Me.
I love you.
And you don’t need to fear anything. Not even
death. I’ve
got you. Trust
Me. “Fear not. I Am.” Faith is always the answer to... fear. When we get
caught up in what seizes our hearts and overwhelms our
thoughts and tears us up at the gut level - the answer
is always faith in Jesus. Always. Huge to hear - especially if one is being
hunted down and slaughtered. Or in any
ungodly drama we might be in - even today. Verse 19 - Jesus goes on: Write therefore the things that you
have seen, those that are and those that are to take
place after this.
It’s a command. Same command
given back in verse 11.
“Write” Get
this down - all of it - and pass in on to the
churches. With that command is an outline for the
whole book of revelation. John recording and passing on “what you have seen” - the vision of Jesus here in chapter 1. And those things “that are” - what are the
messages to the churches that we’ll look at in
chapters 2 and 3 - when we get back from Camp
Creekside. And “those that are to take place after
this” - which is what comes in chapter 4 and
beyond - the revelation of the future history. Then Jesus cycles back to the mystery of
the seven stars in His right and the seven golden
lampstands. Thank
you Jesus. The best way to interpret symbols in
Scripture is when Scripture interprets symbols in
Scripture. Which
God does because God wants us to get this. All of it. Verse 20:
As for the mystery of the seven
stars that you saw in My right hand, and the seven
golden lampstands, the seven stars are the angels of
the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the
seven churches. The seven stars in Jesus’ right hand are
the angels of the seven churches. “Angels” - the Greek word is “aggelos” -
literal meaning “messenger” In a special sense the word is translated
“angel” - angelic messengers of God. But specifically - as the word is used
here in reference to the churches - it focuses on the
messenger of God’s word to each church. Meaning the
pastors of those churches. Especially
those who would receive this revelation and share it
with their congregations. Jesus holds the pastors in His hand. His powerful
- no one can take them out of my right hand - hand. The seven golden lampstands represent the
seven churches of Asia themselves. Ephesus,
Smryna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and
Laodicea. And
seven meaning... Fullness - completeness - perfection. Meaning
beyond those seven - make sure this gets written down
and passed on to all of the rest of us. Because God
wants us to get this as well. Hugely and helpfully significant - let’s
not miss this. Where’s
Jesus? Present
in the midst of the churches. Not off
distant somewhere running His universe. Not taking a
nap or on vacation.
Jesus isn’t some distant and distracted God. Bottom line: Jesus is the
ever living - central to all of what God is doing in
His work of redemption - Who is victorious over death
and the worst of
what this life can throw up at us - the Lord
God I Am - Who is ever present with His people in the
midst of whatever.
He is our God who is the supreme Lord over all. Whatever
“all” is. God reveals all of that to us - to you -
not so we can puff up our egos by getting lost in
speculation about symbols and what future history may
look like - God reveals all of that to us so that our
confidence and hope will be in Him alone. The purpose
of prophetic revelation is to draw us closer to God. Processing all that… Question:
What do you fear?
Let that question sit there in your mind for a
moment. We’ll
come back to it. This is Cole Richards - who is the
President of Voice of The Martyrs. I’d like to
read an extended quote from what Cole Richards wrote
in their August newsletter. Because I
think it opens up the practical side of what we’re
looking at here in Revelation that deals with our
fears. Cole
writes: “In both military service and
frontier missions work, I have felt moments of
tremendous fear when I was unexpectedly caught in
life-threatening circumstances.” You need to know that Cole’s military
service was focused on Muslim terrorist groups and
then later he and his wife and family lived in the
least evangelized and most restricted nation in the
Middle East where they reached out to Muslims and
supported persecuted Christians. So, when Cole writes about
life-threatening circumstances and fear, he’s not just
talking theory. He’s
lived it. “This kind of fear is a normal part
of our mental and physiological response to danger
that heightens our awareness and prepares us for quick
reaction. However,
there is another, unhealthy kind of fear — an anxiety
that saps our courage and leaves us unwilling to risk
discomfort, pain or loss. This kind of
fear limits our willingness to follow Christ and is
therefore an enemy of obedience to our Lord that must
be defeated, eliminated, cast out.” “I still remember the fear I felt
when considering the possibility of my wife and
children being harmed while we lived on dangerous
mission frontiers.
Through a process of prayer with my wife, we
consciously put that fear to death before moving to
the Middle East many years ago. Once we had
embraced our identity as living sacrifices and put our
family’s safety, dreams and plans on the altar, we
experienced a freedom from fear that never faltered in
the face of unrest, bombings and other violence. We had been
changed by God from fearful to fearless. All that
remained was the joy of obedience, anchored in our
eternal hope in Christ that is secure no matter what
we risk or lose in this world.” So the question: What do you
fear? For myself - if I let myself go there - I
fear loss. Losing
the comfortable life I’m living. What would
it mean for God to take that away? I fear what it would be like if something
major ever happened to one of our kids. How would I
respond to that?
I fear being totally inadequate to go through
what that might mean. I fear failure. As a
husband. As
a father. As
a pastor. I fear where this country is going -
spinning away from God - evil being more evident. As a
Christian trying to follow Jesus, what will that mean? Prison? Torture? Death? Horribly? If you let yourself go there, what do you
fear? Deep
down what makes you anxious? For most of
us that’s not hard to get to if we let ourselves. I like what Cole writes. The way to
kill that fear - which must be killed if we are to
willingly and courageously follow Jesus - to kill that
fear means turning to God in faith. To pray and
cry out to God. To
be changed by God.
To have our hope refocused by God on what is
anchored by God in Jesus Christ. And you know what happens when we do that
crying out turning to God in faith? God does what God promises to do. He really is
there. And
He really does remind us of His presence and He really
does fill us with His peace. Maybe not
immediately. Sometimes
He does. Sometimes
there’s a longer process and purpose. But, He will
and does remind and refocus us on Him. And He will
be there with us through all of it supplying
everything we need. That’s a huge part of what God is opening
up to us in this revelation of Jesus Christ that we
can hang on to and cry out for. Jesus is in the midst of the midst of
what we are in the midst of. Who is
sovereign over it all - even death and the powers of
darkness and evil.
Jesus who reaches to touch us and is loving and
tender and gracious and merciful towards us. Jesus who
says to us, “Fear not. I Am.”
_______________ Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture
quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard
Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a
publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by
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