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THE VICTORY OF THE LAMB Revelation 20:1-15 Series: The Revelation of Jesus Christ - Part Seven Pastor Stephen Muncherian October 27, 2019 |
morning we are jumping ahead to Revelation 20. But before we
get into chapter 20 we need to make sure we’re all up to
speed together on when chapter 20 fits into the big
picture flow of the revelation given to John. So, a brief
review of how we got here
Hang on to something. God’s plan. Jesus is
central. Follow
Jesus. If
you’ve been with us - hopefully this is kind of
familiar. It
summarizes a significant part of what Revelation is all
about. Tracing
that theme through the first 19 chapters of Revelation -
looking at the chart - left to right - in chapter 1
Jesus is revealed to us as the ever living Lord God
Almighty Who has accomplished our salvation by His own
death and resurrection.
Who - in chapters 2 and 3 - is revealed to be in the
midst of the 7 churches - very much aware of the
spiritual condition of each church and the obstacles and
struggles they’re facing.
That the church has continually faced. Even today. Here at
Creekside. Jesus
appeals to each church to respond to His evaluation of
their spiritual condition and what they’re facing - to
respond by trusting Him - to choose to by faith follow
Jesus. And
repeatedly Jesus promises great reward to those who will
conquer - who will by faith continue to follow Him. Chapter
4 invites us into the Throne Room of God and lays out
the framework for The Great Tribulation. John
is given a vision of God who is in sovereign control
over all of what takes place in history - past - present
- future. And
is at work through all of that history redeeming mankind
from our depravity and sin. God’s plan. Then
chapter 5 focuses on Jesus - who is central to what God
is doing in history.
Jesus who is worthy to open the scroll that God
hands Him - Jesus who has authority to execute the
contents of the scroll.
The scroll which contains God’s will for the
consummation of history.
saw that the basis of Jesus’s worthiness - to take the
scroll - His authority to break the seven seals - to
redeem the world - to execute judgment - even the
victory that we ourselves look forward to - the basis of
all that is not because of Jesus’ military or political
might or any other power or ability found in creation. The
basis of Jesus overcoming - overwhelming -
all-encompassing - all-conquering victory is His perfect
submission to the will of God the Father - following the
will of God even in death - even His own sacrifice of
crucifixion in our place. The
revelation of Jesus’ worthiness and authority is given
to John’s readers to give them hope - courage - to
inspire faith - as Jesus calls His Church to remain
faithful -
to follow Him - and so conquer. Chapters
6 to 19 - as the seals are broken and the scroll is
unrolled - there is unparalleled “great” tribulation. What is the
justified and purposeful wrath of God being let loose on
mankind. Last
Sunday - as we moved through the “great” Tribulation -
our focus was not on the fine details - seeking to
understand all of the symbolism. Because
as much as much as we might be tempted to think that
this revelation is about symbols and creatures and
angels and thrones and on and on and even someplace in
all that… about us. This
revelation is about… Jesus Christ. Jesus Who is
central to everything God is doing in history. And what it
means to follow Him. What
we saw in the midst of all that tribulation - and the
hatred and rebellion of the world against God being
directed by the world against God’s people - that God’s
people are continually pressured and faced with the
choice to compromise and cave in to the world’s
economics and politics - it’s culture. It
is a symbolic vision and a very real choice - that is
before every generation of the church. Even us today. That
choice has always carried with it very harsh and severe
consequences. Following
Jesus too often has meant that those who choose to
remain faithful are persecuted - tortured - often
martyred. Next
Sunday we will be joining with our Christian siblings
around the world to pray for the persecuted church. Finally
- on the right - at the end of chapter 19 - Jesus - the
King of kings and Lord of lords - returns in judgement
at the head of heavens army composed of people from
every nation, tribe, people, and language - those who
have repented - those who have remained faithful - who
have followed. And
Jesus conquers over His enemies simply by His word. He holds
accountable those who have refused to repent. What is a
scene of battle and carnage depicting the destruction of
those who reject Jesus.
Then those who’ve deceived mankind are thrown
alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur -
what is the place of final forever punishment and
torture. And
then what we’ll come to next Sunday - God’s kingdom and
justice coming here on earth as it is in heaven. The future
realization of the kingdom - the marriage of heaven and
earth - which is coming.
holding on to something? If you are able - will
you stand with me as we come together before God’s word
and as I read for us from Revelation 20. Then I saw an angel coming down from
heaven, holding in his hand the key to the bottomless
pit and a great chain.
And he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent,
who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand
years, and threw him into the pit, and shut it and
sealed it over him, so that he might not deceive the
nations any longer, until the thousand years were ended. After that he
must be released for a little while.
The rest of the dead did not come to life
until the thousand years were ended. This is the
first resurrection. Blessed and holy is the one who shares in
the first resurrection!
Over such the second death has no power, but they
will be priests of God and of Christ, and they will
reign with him for a thousand years. And
when the thousand years are ended, Satan will be
released from his prison and will come out to deceive
the nations that are at the four corners of the earth,
Gog and Magog, to gather them for battle; their number
is like the sand of the sea. And they marched up over the broad plain of
the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the
beloved city, but fire came down from heaven and
consumed them, and the devil who had deceived them was
thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur where the beast
and the false prophet were, and they will be tormented
day and night forever and ever. Then
I say a great white throne and Him who was seated on it. From His
presence earth and sky fled away, and no place was found
for them. And
I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the
throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the
book of life. And
the dead were judged by what was written in the books,
according to what they had done. And the sea gave up the dead who were in
it, Death and Hades gave up the dead who were in them,
and they were judged, each one of them, according to
what they had done.
Then Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of
fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. And if
anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life,
he was thrown into the lake of fire. Chapter 20 most
probably focuses on what takes place about here in the
timeline of future history. Most
probably - meaning when we get to heaven we can discuss
how much of this we really didn’t understand. Chapter
20 continues the results of the battle that takes place
at the end of the tribulation at the end of chapter 19. At
the end of that battle - 20:1 - we’re told that Satan is
bound with a chain.
Meaning he’s restrained. His power and
authority are limited. And
he’s not only bound but he’s thrown into the pit -
literally “the abyss” - the place where demons are
imprisoned. Meaning
Satan and his demons are removed from the earth.
being - verse 3 - “so
that he [Satan] might not deceive the nations any
longer, until the thousands years were ended. After that he
must be released for a little while.” Total
removal for 1,000 years.
After which - verse 7 - Satan is released from
his prison and will come out to - once again - deceive
the nations - and to gather the nations again for war. At
which point we’re told that there is huge final battle
and Satan and his minions themselves are thrown into the
lake of fire and sulfur to be tormented day and night
forever and ever. All
of which raises a number of questions. Yes? Most of which
we may never have the answer to even when we get to
heaven and at which point it probably won’t matter
anyway. But three questions
that are helpful for us to deal with today. First: “What’s
up with the thousand years?” Second: “Why?” Why after binding Satan
- and in the midst of a time of peace when Satan and his
minions no longer have influence on the earth - why
would anyone ever let him out again? Just throw him
into the lake of fire to be roasted forever and ever and
be done with him and them
forever and ever.
One: What’s
up with the thousand years? These
1,000 years are one the most controversial and fought
over issues of Scripture.
Probably the most debated passage in John’s
revelation. Even
the church fathers - way back when - and theologians
since then - they’ve all disagreed about what these
1,000 years actually are. Briefly
summarizing all that - in an effort to get to question
three about the practical significance of all this for
us - briefly summarizing - looking at the chart. There
are two basic ways of looking at these 1,000 years and a
number of other interpretations that in some way relate
to these two basic interpretations of what these 1,000
years actually are.
What theologians call “the millennium” which
comes from the Latin “mille annum” meaning “a thousand
years.” One
perspective sees the 1,000 years a being figurative. Meaning the
1,000 years are symbolic.
What is the amillennial perspective - or “a-mil”. “a” meaning
“no” or “none”. Basically
- the amill perspective believes that these 1,000 years
are part of the church age. What we’re in
now and until Jesus returns. Meaning that
between now and when Jesus comes back there will not be
a literal 1,000 year reign of Jesus yet to come. “no mil” They
say that the binding of Satan took place at the cross
when Jesus overcame Satan.
And Satan has been bound throughout the history
of the church since then.
Perhaps with a really really long chain. But bound
none-the-less. His
influence and activity has been restrained. The
other perspective sees the 1,000 years as being a
literal - actual - 1,000 years. What is known
as the premillennial perspective - or “pre-mil”. “pre” meaning
that Jesus comes back before the millennium and then
Jesus establishes his rule on earth for 1,000 years - a
literal kingdom. During
which time Satan will be chained and bound and then
released the end of those 1,000 years. There
are really good - solid - Bible believing theologians
and scholars who hold either of those two perspectives
or some variation of one of these. And there are
really good arguments for and against each of these
positions. And
most probably we’re not going to know which is right -
the definitive answer to question number one - until we
get to heaven. Which brings us to
question number two:
let Satan out?” Which most
probably we do have an answer to. And in fact,
the answer to question two may help us in understanding
what might be the “what’s up?” of question one. Notice
that ultimately both positions arrive at Jesus returning
and leading the army of heaven - people from every
nation, tribe, and language - who have remained
faithful. Jesus
returning as the King of kings and Lord of lords to deal
with evil and vindicate His followers. This final
battle that takes place before the Great White Throne of
Judgment happens. 100 plus years ago, Victor Hugo, who
wrote Les Miserables - Victor Hugo wrote: “In
the twentieth century war will be dead. The scaffold
will be dead. Hatred
will be dead. Frontier
boundaries will be dead.
Dogmas will be dead. But man will
live. He
will possess something higher than all these: a great
country, the whole earth, a great hope, the whole
heaven.” Looking
back on the 20th century - was Victor Hugo right? What
Victor Hugo touches on is a dream that’s echoed in the
hearts of mankind since day 1. That a day
will come - a golden age of human history - when there
will be peace throughout the world and abounding
prosperity. And
mankind keeps working at that and hoping. Governments
and politicians promise it. We’ve learned
from the mistakes of the past. We’ll get it
right this time. Trust
us. And
people do. Because
we all long for something better. But
imagine - Satan - who deceives us with messed up
sexuality and lusting after power and wealth and greed
and the potential of our knowledge and ability. Deceives us
with drugs and food and alcohol and pleasure. Deceives
governments and leaders and nations. Satan
and his minions always working behind the scenes and
sometimes in plain sight.
Quietly speaking lies into the ears and minds and
hearts of mankind. That’s
pretty much human history. But
imagine Satan bound - removed - sealed off - for a
thousand years unable to deceive the nations. Whether that
begins at the cross or at the end of the Great
Tribulation. What
would that be like? And
those who have chosen to follow Jesus - and have been
martyred - will rule and reign with Jesus for a thousand
years. What
will that be like? Most
probably a lot different than today. Yes? And
yet, notice that both perspectives of the millennium end
up with Satan’s release and his again deceiving the
nations. Nations
- seemingly as soon as Satan is released - they respond
by gathering from the 4 corners of the world - in an
army so large it is literally uncountable - numbers like
grains of sand on the beach. Nations
- existing in this millennium of peace under the rule of
Jesus - nations in rebellion against God that God will
defeat and that God will judge at the Great White
Throne. Which
is hard to imagine. If
Satan is bound then why such evil. Even today -
if the amill position is right - almost 2,000 years
after the cross - why are we seemingly moving farther
away from God’s peace and not experiencing even greater
depths of God’s peace. And
if the premil position is right - then why after even
1,000 years of peace - the rule of Christ on earth - how
can there exist such a willing and ready gathering of so
many - perhaps millions - who are ready and willing to
again follow the great deceiver in rebellion and sin
against God? The
answer - which touches the answer to the why question -
the answer is that while Satan is restrained, sin is
not. Meaning
that we alone are responsible for our own sin. Most
probably - the 1,000 years of peace and blessing are
here to demonstrate, beyond any question or doubt, to
demonstrate to those reading this revelation what is
very hard for us to admit to and even to believe about
ourselves. That
you and I belong to a fallen race and the you and I and
everyone else since Adam have been born depraved with a
basically evil nature. That
is so opposite to how mankind - endlessly engaged in a
self-help program - totally opposite of how mankind
thinks of ourselves. The
prophet Jeremiah warns us - Jeremiah 17:9: “The
heart of man is deceitful above all things and
desperately sick; who can understand it?” “Trust
your heart” can be really dangerous advice. Humanity
has been compared to a man who fell down a well and
started crying out for help. A man passing
by heard his cry for help.
Leaned over the well and asked the man down in
the well what he wanted.
The man in the well said he wanted to get out. The
man looking down into the well thought for a moment and
finally took out a piece of paper and wrote something on
it and dropped it down into the well. The man in the
well grabbed the paper and looked at it. It said, “Ten
Rules on How to Keep Out of Wells.” One
of our major problems as humanity is that we by
ourselves we don’t realize we’ve fallen into a well or
maybe we have WDS - well denial syndrome. Somehow we
have this idea that we’re suppose to live in a well. That this is
what being human is all about. We stubbornly
refuse to cry out for help - or to accept the help we
need. With
our clever ideas and efforts we keep on trying to
improve the bottom of the well. And we can’t
understand why we’re so miserable. We
are desperate for God’s salvation. For His
redemption. We
are desperate and hopeless without it. If we do not
have a savior - if Jesus is not crucified - resurrected
- and returning - there is no hope for any of us. I
see that it in my own life. Maybe you see
it in yours? I
see it lived out every day of my life. I don’t need
help to sin. I
am a sinner. I
wish I could tell you that I never have and do not
succumb to my pride - my ego - my selfishness. That my
thoughts always have been and always are pure and holy
and in complete accord with God’s will. That’s
- most probably - why Satan is bound and released - and
why this 1,000 years is here. To declare
before creation - and John’s readers in the 7 churches
and the Church - us - that God is justified in His wrath
- in His judgment - and His condemnation - of sinners
like us - and the magnitude of God’s grace and mercy and
love towards sinners like us - all to His glory. The
millennium - whatever it is - how the millennium ends is
the exclamation point on the appeal that Jesus makes to
the 7 churches - to the Church - to choose to faithfully
follow Him and so conquer.
In a sense - an appeal to choose wisely and the
illustration of why that choice is so crucial. Those
who follow Jesus - the army of heaven who return with
Him at the final battle.
They’re not with Jesus because they’re clever or
powerful or wise or knowledgeable or great theologians
or righteous and holy people of their own merit who have
served God out of their own abilities. They
return with Jesus because they have chosen to remain
faithful to Him - to follow Jesus as He submitted to the
will of God - giving up their lives in total surrender -
even death - as Jesus did on the cross. And
so - in contrast to those who persist in sin and
rebellion against God - who will be judged - those who
follow Jesus - return with Him - in conquest and
victory. Which is extremely
practical for us to think about. Question
three. Because,
given the choice I’d like to be with Jesus returning
from heaven and not on the earth waiting for judgment. Wouldn’t you?
few years back I was driving on I5 out on the westside. It was late a
night - pitch black.
Way off in the distance there were a few lights. Suddenly, in the distance there was
a burst of bright white light - and then blackness. About ten
minutes later traffic slowed to a crawl. From what I
could see, on the side of the road there had been a fire. There were a
lot of emergency vehicles - cars pulled to the side of
the road - the flashing of emergency lights - lots of
people standing around. And
something very different - we were driving over downed power
lines - stretched across the road. Later
I found out what had happened. Maybe some of
you remember this? A pilot and friend were flying north
in their Cessna. Low
on fuel - they were in contact by radio with a trucker
below. The
trucker was helping to guide them to the airport at Harris Ranch. Apparently
they didn’t see the high voltage power lines - and they
flew right into these suspended lines - the plane
exploded and they were killed. None
of us knows when we’ll enter eternity. Maybe
today. The Bible is
not silent about what comes next. Hebrews 9:27: And
just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after
that comes judgment, It is appointed. It’s a fixed
certainty. We all have an
appointment with physical death. Once. After death
comes judgment. Meaning
there’s no cycle of
reincarnation - no purgatory - no spiritual dark
place or prison verses paradise where we get to make up
our minds - no
question mark hanging over someone’s life as to where
they’ll spend eternity. There is a
final - complete - end to life on earth after which each of us will be held accountable to God for how we
lived our lives. Revelation
20 - starting at verse 11 - describes what’s coming. John: Then
I saw a great white throne and Him who was seated on it. Great
meaning there is no greater - no higher - authority. White meaning
pure and holy. Him
- meaning God seated on His throne of judgment. His verdict
alone is holy and righteous. From His - God’s - presence earth and sky fled away, and
no place was found for them. Which is a phrase that
has the idea of everything going away. Whatever was
of this old sinful corrupted earth is removed to make
room for the new. God
in control. History
is over. Verse
12: And
I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the
throne, and books were opened. Then another
book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead
were judged by what was written in the books, according
to what they had done.
And the sea gave up the dead who were in it,
Death and Hades gave up the dead who were in them, and
they were judged, each one of them, according to what
they had done. All of mankind will come before the
Judgment Throne of God - before His sovereign power and
holiness. There’s no
escaping from this. All of us will be there - the rulers and
the peons - the rich and the poor - from
wherever we’ve been buried or from wherever we’ve been living - we’re all going to be there. Books are
opened. Books that are the
record of everything that we’ve done. How we’ve
lived our lives. Not
what we say we believe.
Or what we hope others think we believe. But what we
really believe. What
goes on in us at the core of who we are. What we know. What God knows
about us. Our
actions and our hearts - everything about us is
preserved in God’s great library. The whole
record of every life is made known before all. Judgment will
be based on that. Judgment will
be according to what each one of us has done. The living out
of what actually is true of our hearts. Depraved as
that may be. Verse
14: Then
Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the
second death, the lake of fire. And if
anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life,
he was thrown into the lake of fire. Those whose names are not written in
the Book of Life are thrown into the lake of fire - the
second death. Not physical. But spiritual. Actual. Eternal. The Bible describes this second death as
eternal separation from the holy God - a very real and
nasty - evil - place.
A lake made not of refreshing water but of fire. A place of
eternal burning and choking - sulfuric gas - acrid steam
- foul odor - unending weeping - sorrow - gnashing
[grinding] of teeth.
A bottomless
pit - no physical or solid surroundings - total
isolation - utter darkness - eternal desire eternally
unfulfilled - eternal death. Perhaps the most dreadful torment
will be the realization that it’s too late for repentance. Perhaps the great horror of the second death is not
physical pain. But,
the consciousness that one deserves what he’s getting - forever. We’re
told that there is one other book - the Book of Life. Those whose
names are written into the Book of Life enter into
eternity with God. What we will
look at in more detail next Sunday. But for now we
need to pause and think soberly about the eternal
significance of having our name written in that book of
life. The
seals and the trumpets and the bowls - the Great
Tribulation - the 1,000 years and the battles and God’s
revelation of judgment to come and the horrendousness of
the Lake of Fire - all of that - actual or symbolic - is
revealed to the 7 churches - to the Church - to us -
Jesus appealing to His church to follow Him - to bring
us deeper into the reality of what it means to follow
Jesus… or not. When
we’re tempted to compromise with the world - or to cave
in to it’s pressure and persecution - to see beyond all
that deception and drama - to the end of history - and
to choose to follow Jesus.
Jesus who is central to what God is doing to
redeem us. Jesus
who conquers. Jesus
who will return in victory with those who follow Him. Because
ultimately what’s here - Jesus’ appeal - isn’t about
death and judgment and death but about life and eternity
with God. Our knowing - without a shadow of a
doubt - that our name - my name - your name is written
in the Book of Life. That God has written it
there. John
3:16... God
so loves each of us that He gave His only Son to die for
us. God’s
offer of salvation laid out for us - whoever will
respond to that offer with belief - turning from their
sin and trusting Jesus as their Savior - God promises -
that we will not perish - but we will have eternal life
- now and into eternity with God.
1. Quoted by Ray Stedman: “One Thousand
Years of Peace”, Revelation 20:1-15, April 22, 1990, ©
2010, Ray Stedman Ministries
otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from The
Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by
Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News
Publishers. Used
by permission. All
rights reserved. |