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THE ONCE AND FUTURE GARDEN Revelation 22:1-7 Series: The Revelation of Jesus Christ - Part Nine Pastor Stephen Muncherian October 10, 2019 |
If you are able,
would you stand with me as we come together before God
and His word - and would you read with me the text
that we’ll be focusing on this morning: Revelation
22:1-7. Then the angel showed me the river of the
water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the
throne of God and of the Lamb through the middle of
the street of the city; also, on either side of the
river, the tree of life with its twelve kinds of
fruit, yielding its fruit each month. The leaves
of the tree were for the healing of the nations.
And he said to me, “These words are
trustworthy and true.
And the Lord, the God of the spirits of the
prophets, has sent his angel to show His servants what
must soon take place.” “And Behold, I am coming soon. Blessed is
the one who keeps the words of the prophecy of this
book.” Before we come to
Revelation 22 we need to go back to Genesis. To where we
began our study through the Bible - back in
January of 2017.
Genesis and
Revelation are the bookends of a library - the Bible. Yes? Revelation is the end
of the library that also gives us a glimpse into what
comes next. Genesis
is the beginning.
And especially - with the verses we just read -
Genesis is the beginning point - the context we need -
to understand more fully the astounding significance
of what these verses in Revelation open up to us about
God and what God has for us in the future. So before we get to
Revelation we’re going to do some - getting fresh in
our thinking - context building back fill from
Genesis. Genesis begins with
God who exists totally apart from His creation. God calls
into existence out of nothing - everything that exists
in all of it’s complexity - intricacy - its vast
Then the God of creation focuses His attention
on this planet - creating this amazing bio-ecosystem. Everything we are -
the atoms and what holds us together - the thoughts
we’re capable of - the universe we’re beginning to be
aware of - all that seems so enduring for us - what we
so easily take for granted - feel entitled to - get
nutted up over - what seems to us to be so permanent -
the where and when of our lives - all that exists
simply because God wills it to exist. Which - because we’re
born and we live in this time-space universe - the
idea of nothing existing apart from God is a tad hard
to process. But that truth is a
foundational bottom line - context building backfill -
truth that we need to have sink into the very fiber of
how we process life:
Our very existence and relationship with God is
all because of - all about - all for God. It is God
who creates. Genesis records that
God creates this world as an amazing place full of
life and what sustains life. Then God plants a
garden that is astoundingly beautiful and is filled
with all that is needed to abundantly sustain life. Trees that
are both beautiful and that provide life giving fruit. There’s a
river that flows out of the garden bringing life
giving water to what surrounds the garden. And two
specific trees are mentioned - the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life. Those who have
studied the clues given in Genesis suggest that the
Garden was located someplace south of Armenia in
northern Iran. But
given how Noah’s flood messed up the topography -
ultimately we don’t really know the exact location of
the garden. Which
is okay because it isn’t the point. The point is that God
gives us enough information in Genesis to understand
that the Garden was a real historical - on this planet
- location and not some spiritualized religious ideal
or myth. Connecting that
forward to Revelation 22. At the
bookends of history are two gardens - one in Eden and
one being like a park in the midst of city. Not
spiritualized mythology but two very real actual
places. Both
intentionally tied together in content and in purpose. Let’s explore that. Genesis records that
God uniquely creates mankind - male and female - in
His image and likeness - for God’s purposes - to fill
and subdue - to rule over and steward God’s creation. God places
them in the garden that He caused to exist as a place
for them to dwell in relationship with Him. Mankind
experiencing the blessings of God’s presence as we
live out what it means to be uniquely created in the
image of God. Which is also a
foundational - context building back fill - truth we
need to hang on to.
It’s not about the location. It’s about
our being the people God has created us to be living
in relationship with God. Exodus 19:4 - God
speaking to His people.
God says:
“You yourselves have seen what I did to
the Egyptians - the plagues and
Pharaoh’s army getting dead - and how I bore you on eagles wings and
brought you to Myself.” Brought where? “To Myself.” That’s the same
foundational truth.
Truth that God reviews over and over in the
Bible - from Genesis to Revelation - beginning in the
Garden and in the Garden to come. God’s people assumed
that God had rescued them - redeemed them - from
slavery in Egypt to bring them to the Promised Land in
Canaan because God wanted to bless them with that land
to bless them on that land. They got confused and
thought the land was an end in itself and not the
means to their relationship with God. Which really
messed them up because they thought all that was about
them and not God.
“God chose us and wants to bless us with this land.” Which is a
significant part of Hebrew history that we looked at
when we studied through the Old Testament. God’s people
focusing on themselves - and stumbling around in sin -
and God continually trying to get their attention and
draw them back into relationship with Him. What God said - what
they lost sight of - is that with God it’s the
relationship not the region. Jesus doesn’t go to
the cross - God doesn’t redeem us - what we looked at
in Mark - Jesus doesn’t go to the cross so that He can
give us a “Get Out Of Hell Free” card or we get “fire
insurance” and get to live in some amazing recreated
future earth. Which
is about us. Dwelling in the
Garden or the new heaven and new earth or a garden
that’s coming is about dwelling with God. Redemption
is about God rescuing us and restoring our
relationship with Him - our creator. God’s people have
always gotten ourselves messed up when we’ve focused
on location - the garden - the land - the stuff of
where we are and when we are and what’s that like for
us - our perspective and understanding of all that. Which
understandably seems pretty real and important to us
and it is. But we trend to focus
on all that and to let go of God and what He says it
means to dwell with Him.
The foundational truth of what it means to live
in relationship with the transcendent God of creation
who’s called all of that into existence including us -
that we might dwell there with Him living out the
purposes He’s created us in His image for. Which leads into
Genesis chapter 3 and what is one of the most familiar
and painfully close to home accounts in the Bible. Familiar because even
people who may not know very little about the Bible
know about Adam and Eve and the snake and the apple. We’ve heard
this since Sunday School. Painful because this
chapter is arguably the most important chapter in what
God is telling us about ourselves. It is the
ultimate answer to the “Why?” question. Looking around at the
world we live in - every time we experience what
Revelation 21 describes as tears and death and
mourning and crying and pain - when we struggle with
our addictions and failures - looking at the disaster
of human relations between peoples and nations - even
in the natural disasters and resistance of the planet
to our efforts - in our hearts we ask the “Why?”
Satan’s process is
pretty obvious. Get
us focused anywhere else but on God. To get us
looking at the location and what’s there that’s
enticing to our eyes.
Arouse desire for what God has warned us
against - what God has forbidden. Engage our
minds in reasoning this out for ourselves verses
trusting God. “So Eve, tell me about this tree of the
knowledge of good and evil.” Eve gives the fruit
to Adam “and he ate.” Those ominous words
are the beginning of the disaster of human history. Our fall
into sin and death.
The answer to the “Why?” question. Adam trusting in his
understanding of what God has created rather than
trusting God. Adam
setting himself up in the place of God. Trust self
verses trust God.
What always leads to sin. If God says “Don’t eat fruit from that tree” - the garden being
pretty good size - if we’re Adam what is the one place
we don’t go? Anywhere
near that tree. Or
this idea. Get
an ax. God
never said not to chop it down. Whack. Problem
solved. We get this. Because
we’re drawn to the tree.
To giving our time and our efforts to what’s
pulling us away from God. Our
understanding of our location verses trusting the
transcendent God our creator and what He says it means
to dwell in relationship with Him.
God creates. Sin
destroys. When we looked at the
Old Testament - what we saw was the record of what God
is doing and how God is doing all of what God is doing
in history. God
relentlessly - intentionally - purposefully - working
through kings and covenants and shepherds and
sacrifices and prophets and ordinary people like us -
in real time and real situations. God who loves us -
dealing with our brokenness and sin and separation
from Him. God
redeeming and restoring us. Inviting us
back into relationship with Him - that God - by His
grace - makes possible through Jesus’ work on the
cross. Jesus
who is central to all of what God is doing in history. Jesus who - in what
we studied when we studied Mark - Jesus who begins His
ministry with the declaration and the appeal: “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom
of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.” (Mark 1:15) Which is all
about relationship.
The good news that we can have a restored
relationship with God through Jesus Christ. God creates. Sin
destroys. Jesus
redeems. Then we saw - when we
studied Acts and the church - that God calls us into
relationship with Him and then gives to us the
astounding privilege of living out that good news
gospel relationship with Him and sharing the good news
of the gospel with those around us inviting them into
relationship with God through Christ. The great commission
that Jesus lays on His disciples - “Go make disciples.” Jesus’ great
command: “You shall be My witnesses.” Dwelling with God in
the where and when of our lives living out the
purposes He’s created us for. God creates. Sin
destroys. Jesus
redeems. And
Jesus sends us. God
using even us in His Genesis to Revelation plan and
purpose of redemption - which is about...
relationship. Which brings us to
Revelation and the 7 churches. Real
churches in real time that had gone through and were
going through horrendous persecution and in many cases
martyrdom. Jesus
who stands in the midst of those churches. Think
relationship. Jesus
very much aware of their situation both internally and
what they’re facing coming at them. Jesus who appeals to
the churches to remain faithful - to continue to
follow Him - and so to conquer over sin and death and
the whatever this world in rebellion against God is
going to throw up at them. 7 Churches through
which Jesus appeals to His church - even us - to
remain faithful and so to enter into the promise of
eternal relationship with God our creator.
The promise is
fulfilled when Jesus returns and judgment happens and
then John sees this new heaven and new earth and the
new Jerusalem - prepared by God - and coming as a
bride to the groom - the Lamb Jesus - Revelation 21 -
the marriage of heaven and earth - that’s
relationship. Restored
relationship. God fulfills. As much as we might
be tempted to think that what’s here in this garden -
or city park - that what’s here is about rivers and
trees and that revelation is about numbers and thrones
and strange beasts and trumpets and bowls and seals
and on and on and on and maybe even some place in all
of that about us…
those things are just symbols and descriptions
- locations for our minds to latch on to as the means
not the end. God hasn’t given this
revelation to us as a code book to decipher - and by
our own astute whit, wisdom, working, and use of
Wikipedia - to unlock the mysteries of some prophetic
future sequence of events. The purpose of
prophetic revelation is to draw us deeper into
relationship with God.
God reveals Himself in prophecy so that we can
know God. Not
just know about God.
But to know God.
Deeply. Intimately. Which is why this
revelation is about Jesus. Because
Jesus is central to all of what it means to know God
and to go deeper in our relationship with God. To press
into God. To
deepen our trust in God.
To increase our faith in God. To help us
strive towards greater obedience and following after
God. The
One true God to whom we owe our existences today and
forever. Which is the back
fill context of the verses we’re coming to this
morning. God creates. Sin
destroys. Jesus
redeems. Jesus
sends. Jesus
promises. God
fulfils. God’s
re-creation - the new heaven and earth. Jesus will return and
fully restore and make all things new. Which is all
because of God - all about God - and all for God. The God we
are privileged to dwell with forever. Fast forwarding to
forever - we see the Tree of Life again in the book of
Revelation in the description of how all this
transitions into eternity - the complete reversal of
the curse and the consequences of sin. There by the
River of The Water of Life which flows from the throne
of God - planted in rows on either side of the river -
are Trees of Life forever producing fruit - forever
giving life. (Revelation
22:1-5) To get a fuller
understanding of that we need to do some unpacking. John describes a
river that is not ordinary river. That
water of this river is life. And, it is
brighter and cleaner than any river we’ve seen. It has the
clarity of crystal.
It’s a spiritual ecologist dream. Totally
without the pollution of sin.
And John tells us
that the river flows down the middle of the main
street of the city.
What seemingly would be park like - or garden
with trees.
Prominent - central - integral to the life of
the city. Meaning
the people of the city.
God’s people - not the buildings. In the Hebrew mindset
there’s a difference between standing water and living
water which is flowing water. The water
flowing from the throne is living water. Jesus made the
comparison with the women at Sychar - in Samaria. She’d come
to draw water from the well - standing water. Jesus turns
the discussion of water from the well to Himself -
living water. Jesus tells her: “If you knew the gift of God, and who it
is that is saying to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would
have asked Him [Me - Jesus], and He would have given you
living water.” “Ask
Me and I’ll give you living water.” The woman is
mystified by that.
She asks, “Where do you get that living water?” “All we have
here is well water.”
Standing water. Jesus states the
obvious about the well water: “Everyone who drinks of this water will
be thirsty again...” But that’s
not the water Jesus offers.
What Jesus is
offering this women - what she thirsted for and
desperately needed - is true spiritual life with God
that can only come from God. Jesus was
speaking of the Holy Spirit as that living water. The Bible tells us
that God sends the Holy Spirit to dwell within us as
we come to Jesus - the Lamb - as our Savior. The Holy
Spirit who rebirths us spiritually - redeeming us and
empowering us and sustaining us and guiding us and
using us to fulfill God’s purposes in us and through
us in the when and where of our lives. Now and
forever (John
7:37,38; Acts 10:44,45; Ephesians 1:13,14). That’s the image
that’s here in Revelation. The river of
living water flows from God our creator on His throne
and the Lamb our Savior - outward to God’s people. The intimacy
of that relationship is astounding. And in God’s
re-creation - it is eternal. Then John tells us
that - most probably…
Most probably - meaning… when we get there ask
me and I’ll let you know what we didn’t know. Most probably
straddling the banks of that river there is a tree
that has 12 kinds of fruit and leaves that heal. The tree of
life that never grows old or rotten and whose fruit is
always available and whose leaves invigorate and
energize God’s people. In the future garden
there is no tree of the knowledge of good and evil. There’s no
trusting of self verses trusting of God. This is the
dwelling place of the redeemed. God Who - unlike in
Genesis - because of their sin God drives Adam and Eve
out of the Garden and placed and angel there with a
flaming sword to keep us from eating of the Tree of
Life - and living forever bound by sin and separated
from God. What
would be a forever living hell. (Ezekiel
47:12) Unlike Eden - God
plants the tree in the midst of His people - waters it
and sustains it - so we will eat of the fruit and be
healed by the leaves and be able to enjoy relationship
with Him forever. John affirms that
there is nothing in that place that’s cursed. The curses
of Genesis 3 - the effects of the train wreck of sin
are gone. It’s
been done away with by God and replaced with a totally
new sinless - redeemed - restored - relationship with
Him. And in that place we
will be empowered by God to serve God. What is the greatest
privilege we could ask for. No greater
pleasure. No
greater use of our lives. Serving God
with out the sinful encumbrance of seeking to serve
ourselves. Twisting
our location and circumstances to being about us. But it’s all
focused on the God and the Lamb. And we will worship
Him. With
all who have gone before us. Those we’ve
loved and known from our families - our friends. Those that
have gone before us from our families that we’ve only
heard about. We’ll
be there together with Adam and Eve and Moses and
David and Paul and Peter and the martyrs and the
missionaries and the great heroes of our faith and the
millions who’s names are today only known to God. But we will all be
there only His grace and because of His great love for
us. And
we will worship Him.
Perhaps with many languages but with one voice. The great
choir of the redeemed. We will bow before
our Creator - the King of kings and Lord of lords -
sovereign and holy - and we will glorify Him with
gladness and inexpressible joy. We will
worship Him who alone is worthy of all worship - all
glory and honor and praise. And there we will see
God face-to-face. No one is holy enough
or righteous enough to see God. But on that
day - in that place - we will see Jesus face-to-face.
And His name will be
on our foreheads - meaning as residents of the new
Jerusalem we will belong to God. God’s
servants are God’s.
He has claimed us. We are
inseparably His. Then - verse 5 - John
records that in the light of God’s glory we will
worship and reign with God forever and ever. Verse 5 - with its
imagery of light - verse 5 brings us full circle -
back to Genesis.
In the redeemed creation - unlike the sin
broken creation - there is no darkness. And in the
redeemed creation - as we enjoy this astounding
unimaginable - even John who saw could not put it into
words - relationship and dwelling with God - there we
will worship God and reign with Him forever and ever. Meaning that redeemed
by God we will be enabled by God to fulfill the
mandate God originally uniquely created mankind - male
and female - in His image and likeness for - for God’s
purposes - to fill and subdue - to rule over and
steward God’s creation.
Redeemed we are able to dwell with God in the
fullness of what means to be the image of God. Amen? Take a
breath. Verses 6 and 7 are
two affirmations that are like exclamations points at
the end of this section of the revelation. First - verse 6 -
most probably the one speaking is the angel who had
the 7th bowl of judgment - that back in chapter 21 led
John up on to a high mountain to show John the new
Jerusalem. And he - the angel - said to me, “These words are
trustworthy and true.
And the Lord, the God of the spirits of the
prophets, has sent his angel to show His servants what
must soon take place.” What has been
revealed to these 7 churches is the truth. It is
foundational. It
is truth that is worthy basing our lives on. Truth that
must be heard and believed and obeyed.
Reading verse 6 we’re
reminded of how the revelation began. God giving
to Jesus this revelation about Jesus - which Jesus
gave to an angel to give to John to give to the
churches - His servants - about what must soon take
place. “Soon” is a matter of
perspective. “Soon”
to God is way different that “soon” to us. Which isn’t
the point. The point is that all
this “must” soon take place. Because this
is about what God is doing and will do that Jesus is
the central focus of.
And God wants us to know that. Why? To draw us
closer to Him. Relationship. To faithfully follow
Jesus through all the today and tomorrow drama and
disaster with great certain hope of what will soon
take place. Verse 7 shifts to
Jesus who is speaking.
An exclamation point given to us by Jesus
Himself. “And Behold, I am coming soon. Blessed is
the one who keeps the words of the prophecy of this
book.” The words of Jesus
are another reminder of how the Revelation began back
in chapter 1 - what this revelation is about what we
are called to: “Blessed is the one who reads aloud the
words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who
hear, and who keep what is written in it, for the time
is near.” (Revelation
1:3) When Jesus returns -
and He will - those who have heard and believed and
obeyed will be the ones who will be blessed. They will
receive the eternal reward. Not just hear. Not just
believe. But
obey. Faithfully
follow Jesus. And nothing in life. Whatever may
seem so real to us in the place and time where we live
- none of that is more important than receiving that
reward. Being
there with the redeemed in God’s redeemed creation -
dwelling with God - fulfilling what it means to be
created in God’s image - serving Him and worshiping -
ruling and reigning with Him forever and ever. Amen? Take another
breath. Processing all
that... There is a
overwhelming amount of information here. The images
and potentials and contemplating the reality of all
that is just brain popping. Are we together? No one gets
this. Not
really. Which
isn’t the point. There is enough here
in what God reveals to us that we do understand for us
to know with certainty that God desires for us to live
forever with Him. And there is so much
hope in that for us.
God desiring for us to have relationship with
Him and the future that He promises to us. Which we
will have eternity to process. Processing all that
- number one - hang on to the hope. In the day-to-day of
where and when you’re living hang on to the parts of
the revelation that you do understand. And know that that
same God who desires for you to live forever with Him
is with you today.
Hang on to that truth. Marinate in
it. Cling
to it when you’re tempted to see all this as the end
and not the means. Second - hang on to
the importance of being redeemed. Life is hell
without redemption.
Heaven with it. Redemption is more
than just hearing the gospel. Or even
believing the gospel - that its true - its
trustworthy. Redemption comes with
obedience to the gospel. Redemption is what
God by His grace does to us when we come by faith
alone to Christ alone who has accomplished our
salvation by His work on the cross for us. Jesus who
appeals to us to faithfully - obediently - follow Him
and be blessed. Make sure that you
are redeemed by God.
If you have questions about that come talk to
me. If you are redeemed -
rejoice in what’s coming. Let the hope
of what must soon take place be what orders your
perspective and actions of today. _______________ Unless otherwise
indicated, Scripture quotations are from The Holy
Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001
by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News
Publishers. Used
by permission. All
rights reserved. |