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WAKE UP! - SARDIS REVELATION 3:1-6 Series: 7 Letters To 7 Churches - Part Five Pastor Stephen Muncherian October 8, 2005 |
Please turn
with me to Revelation 3:1-6. This
morning we’re coming back to our look at the seven
messages given by
Jesus to the seven different churches here in
Revelation chapters 2 and
3. Remember these? As
we’ve been looking at these messages, we’ve been
thinking through how
we can live today trusting God - knowing that God is
in control of
tomorrow. Today we’ve
come to the fifth of
these churches - The First Evangelical Free Church of
years ago I was sharing in another
church - long ago and far away. There
a man sitting in
the exact
center of the congregation -
right on the center aisle.
This man
- during the
sermon - was
talking - very loudly - in his sleep.
“Well, I think we.... and
maybe that... sort of this...” He went on and on like that until his wife gave him a
shot in the ribs. He woke
up with kind of a,
“Well, I think....
HRUMPH... uh oh.”
Have you
ever been there? All the
time. Right? Every Sunday morning. We’re
relaxing in God’s sanctuary - letting go of all the
stuff out there. Comfortable
chairs. The
monotony of the pastor droning on and on. Pretty
easy to doze off. Maybe
we should serve
coffee before the service.
Today we’re
going to look at a church that
was asleep. Sardis wasn’t
just worshipping
at the church of the inner spring - not just
physically sleeping. Spiritually
they we’re comatose - living in
the land of Nod. Our
title this morning -
of the message - is Wake Up! The
of being spiritually awake. Nudge
person sleeping next to you and tell them that, “Wake
3:1: “And to
the angel of the
church in Sardis write: He
has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars - this is Jesus reminding the
church that He
- Jesus - who has authority over these churches - He who
has the seven
Spirits of God and the seven stars - these seven churches - says
this: ‘I know your deeds,
that you have a name that you are
alive, but you are dead.’”
Let’s pause there. Its
for us to understand what Jesus means by this
statement: “you
have a name
that you are alive, but you are dead.”
- as a city had a wonderful reputation - a glorious
past. Sardis was once one
of the oldest and most important cities in the world. Until 549 B.C. it had been
the capital of the Kingdom of
Lydia. It was an
important trade center. Throughout
history the people had been very prosperous and
wealthy. Sardis was a
military power to be reckoned with.
Sardis was
also a very complacent city. The
people were
self-satisfied -
overconfident in themselves because of all their past
glories and
accomplishments and wealth. They
didn’t care about a whole lot
about anything. They weren’t thinking about
what they could accomplish next - new horizons - new
opportunities. They
were in a kind of maintenance mode -
going through the motions of being a city - keeping
things together -
and living off the past. They were asleep - dreaming of past glory.
That slumber - that complacency was a
Say this
with me, “Complacency is a
The city of
Sardis was built on a mountain that was about 1,500 feet high. It
was a great fortress city built above tall
rock cliffs - with 3 separate walls.
had a reputation for being impregnable - no army could
conquer the city. An army
would surround the city and the people would just wait out the
siege - confidently - smugly - complacently behind the
walls. But
twice Sardis had been conquered.
In the 6th
century a
Sardinian soldier accidentally dropped his
helmet over the wall and with smug indifference to the
Persian army
that was laying siege to the city at that time - this
Sardinian soldier
came down a path outside the walls to pick up the
helmet that he’d
dropped. A Persian
soldier watched him
come down this path - followed
the Sardinian back up the path - and discovered an unlocked
gate. So the whole Persian army went back up
that path - through the unlocked gate - and conquered
the city.
200 years later
Anticochus conquered Sardis - using the same unlocked
gate! How does that
go? Fool me once, shame
on? you.
Fool me twice, shame on? me. We’d think the Sardinians would have learned. But,
is a disaster..
The greatest
monument in Sardis was the
cemetery. You
all have seen that grave marker out in Tuttle - right? That spire sticking straight
up - tallest thing around. George
Hicks Fancher - born in New York,
February 9, 1828. Died in
March 30, 1900. Largest
private grave
marker in the United States.
The cemetery
in Sardis was so large that it
formed part of the city’s skyline. It was
visible from over 7 miles away - a great city of the
dead - monuments
to great persons and events of the past - a memorial
to past glory and
opulence. The whole focus was on the
That was Sardis - a great city
living on its past
reputation - their name. There
was no
other city in Asia - at that time - that showed such a
contrast between
past glory and present decay.
What was
true of the City of Sardis was also true of the Church of Sardis. Complacent - they were living off their
name - their
reputation - and they were asleep - spiritually dying
or dead.
The ruins of
the church building - which have
been excavated - are awesome - envious
facilities. What’s
been excavated indicates that Sardis was a large church - well
established - in an important location in the city. At one time the church had
been alive - filled
with people who knew the Lord. They
on fire spiritually. They
were involved in
powerful ministry - a church of prominence - position
- authority. They even
had their own Bishop.
But now,
this church was inwardly dying. It
was so asleep spiritually - that even in
this city where they had the usual assortment of
pagans who
would usually be against the Christians - unlike the
other cities we’ve
looked at - there was no persecution.
Church was so asleep - so ineffective - that the
pagans weren’t even
bothering to persecute it. There’s
reason to. There’s no
real ministry going
on. The lights are on. But spiritually - no one’s
Dr. William
Barclay - a great Bible Scholar - wrote this: “A church
is in danger of
death when it begins to worship its own past; when it
is more concerned
with forms than with life; when it loves systems more
than it loves
Jesus; when it is more concerned with material than it
is with
spiritual things.” (1)
Jesus says
to this church, “I know your deeds,
that you have a name - you
have the
reputation - of being alive - but you’re dead.”
Hear this: Its
possible to have a glowing reputation as a church - or
as a Christian -
and to be dead
as a doorknob spiritually. That’s
a powerful warning to us and we need to listen to it. For
the church
- complacency is death. Say
that with me, “For the church -
complacency is death.”
Verse 2 - Jesus goes on: “Wake up,
and strengthen
the things that remain, which were about to die; for I
have not found
your deeds completed in the sight of My God. So
remember what you have received and heard; and keep
it, and repent.”
Two things
this slumbering church needs to do.
First: WAKE
UP!!!! Go out
and get a doppio expresso macchiato with six extra
shots. I said that a
while back during a sermon and someone told
me later they almost did. Go
later. Not now. Sardis -
wake up and smell the coffee.
The point is
that we need a spiritual alarm
clock to go off in our heads -even
here. Its way too easy to
come to church and do the
religious thing and to never really realize how far
our hearts have
wandered away from God. We
sit in our
comfortable little chairs in the same spot we’ve sat
in Sunday after
Sunday - smile and make small talk with the same
people around us -
sing the songs - listen to the sermon - fill in the
blanks on the
Sermon Notes - even go to Sunday School.
through the motions without ever really allowing God
to get in - to rip
us apart - transform us - to blow our complacent
little worlds to
smithereens - and to move us forward where He wants to
take us.
Jesus says,
“Wake up. Because
you’re not done yet. God
has more for you to do.” Get your head out of the past
- get out of
the complacency of your comfort zone - start moving
forward again.
Way too many
Christians are living
the past. They have great memories of what is it was like - when
they repented and
gave their lives to Jesus - of the
youth groups they were involved with - the ministries they
participated in - the
people they knew - churches long ago and far far away. Now they just want to be remembered - respected - live in the
twilight zone of what was done. There’s an
embarrassing silence when they’re asked, “What has
God been doing
in your life lately?”
How would
you answer that question this
morning? During the
coffee time - ask
somebody that and see what they say.
We need to
respect those who have served here
in the past and to appreciate all of the great
ministries that have
gone on here. God has
blessed this
congregation. Used it
significantly in
people’s lives. That
cannot be discounted.
But, we need
to stop thinking about the way
it was. How there used to
be 300 people
and chairs all the way back to the stage. We
need to stop comparing ourselves to the past - or to
other churches. For 21
years this congregation has been a
church plant. For the
last 10 or so years
this has been a church in maintenance mode - a church
plant with a past. Its
time to move forward as a church into the
future God has for us. God
has more for us
to do.
As a
congregation. As
individual believers - if we
don’t keep moving forward - then what we have will
decay - it will die - and be lost. What
matters most for the Church of Jesus
Christ is what lies
The second
thing Jesus tells
slumbering church to do is to REMEMBER - “remember
what you have
received and heard; and keep it.”
When I was in college - down at BIOLA -
my roommate was
taking a photography class. One week he got the bright
idea of going to
Death Valley to take pictures. He
something about a class project and the natural beauty
of Death Valley. He asked
me if I wanted to go. Never having been to Death
Valley I said sure.
Neither of
us had a whole lot of money for food or a place to stay. Neither of us had a whole of
time. We
had classes and ministry responsibilities. So
we planned
a schedule where we would leave early on Saturday
morning - sleep out
in the open - which ended up being on the ground - in the parking lot of a
restaurant - in
the middle of a sandstorm. Quick
trip up Saturday and back early on Sunday.
Most of you
know that I am
not a morning person. Physically I
may be up early. But, I
don’t wake up
mentally until around 10. And
we left really - really - really - early. The sun wasn’t up for hours. And that desert was really
empty. So
while I was driving I started to doze off a little
Have you
ever fallen asleep while driving?
I remember driving and then bouncing along the
side of the road - jerking the wheel to the left and
bouncing back onto
the pavement. I wasn’t
asleep any more. I was
wide awake. My heart was pounding. And
I knew - right then and there - why I needed to stay
awake - I needed
to drive and not sleep.
- there are times when we need
that kind of jerk back to reality.
To be jerked
to what we’re suppose to be doing.
clarity in what Jesus says. We’ve
received the Gospel. Heard
it. Understood it. Trusted it - even
individually trusting in
Jesus as our Savior. We
need to get back. Back to
the implications of living out life in
Jesus Christ.
forefathers -
the Swedes - the Norwegians - the Danes -
the people that founded the Evangelical Free Church were very clear on their
mission as
evangelicals. They were
focused on a
personal saving relationship with Jesus Christ - on
living in obedience
to Jesus Christ - focused on reaching
others with the Gospel. They were sold out 100% -
giving everything
they had and everything they were to accomplishing
their purpose.
In 1950 when
the Evangelical Free Church was
born there were 275 churches with about 22,000 people
in them. There were 4
mission fields with 82
missionaries. 50 years
later - in 2000 -
there were 1,243 churches with over 260,000 people in
them - 42 mission
fields with 600 plus missionaries.
Looking at
Merced - people are hurting -
wounded - broken. They’re
trying to fill
the emptiness inside with gangs and drugs and sex and
all kinds of
philosophies and teachings. They’re
impoverished spiritually that they’ll try anything
because they don’t
know the difference. They
need to know
Like the
Church of Sardis we’re strategically
located with growing resources. This
our spot - here on G street - in this neighborhood -
in this city. And,
there’s a sense around here that God is
doing something. Do you
sense that? Like
something is going on - stirring.
People are coming to Jesus.
God’s making changes in people’s lives. Like God wants to move us
forward. Great
things are ahead. But,
its going to take
100% of who we are in obedience to Him.
is our time. We cannot be
Jesus says
that we need to remember what
we’ve received and heard - the basics of our faith -
to turn from
anything that distracts us from
living totally sold out to Him.
We need to
remember what it was like when we
first came to Jesus. How
much we needed
Him. To
remember the
joy. The desire to be
with Him - to
read and study and meditate on His word
- to be in prayer. The
excitement of being
with His other children - to share our relationship
with Him. Learning to
worship Him and praise Him. And
we need to remember the passion we felt
for those around us who do not know Him.
need to know Jesus. We
have a unique and
crucial ministry right here - right now.
Jesus says: Wake
up! Remember what it was
like to be alive
in Christ. Live
as God has called you to live. Do
what God
has called you to do.
Then - going
on in verse 3 - Jesus
gives a warning and a promise.
Verse 3 - first The
Warning: “Therefore
- because you’re
asleep - Therefore if you do not
wake up, I will
come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour
I will come to
The return
of Jesus Christ will catch people
sleeping - even Christians. The
tells us that it will happen very quickly - when we
least expect it. To those
who do not know Jesus as their Savior
- His coming will be a time of their judgment and
destruction - a time
of being sent into eternal
punishment - into eternal
separation from God. All that stuff
about hell fire and brimstone that some
avoid talking about - all that horror is really true.
First - the
warning. Then
second - verse 4 - The Promise: “But you
have a few
people in Sardis who have not soiled their garments - There
are a few
believers in the
church who are not sleeping - who are spiritually awake and living for me - and they
will walk with
Me in white, for they are worthy.
He who
overcomes will thus be clothed in white garments…”
The white
garments are symbolic of being
saved by God’s grace of having
our sins
washed away. Then living
in faithful
obedience to God. They’re
a fashion
statement. What God’s
kids wear in heaven.
“...and I
will not erase his
name from the book of life, and I will confess his
name before My
Father and before His angels.” Jesus is going to tell everyone in Heaven that
we belong there.
Its so much
easier to wake up when we’ve got
a reason to get out of bed.
God has
got so much ahead for us - purpose - usefulness - His
presence now -
eternity with Him forever. That’s
Then Jesus
ends as He ends every message -
verse 6: “He who
has an ear, let
him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”
In the
Gospels - Matthew, Mark, and Luke -
Jesus is telling parables - telling these stories that
have meanings
that are really deep and often hard to understand. As Jesus is telling parables
He says over and over, “He who has ears to hear,
let him hear.”
Some people
- with all the crowds that
followed Jesus - some did not have ears to hear. Crowds
followed Jesus for the miracles and they missed His
message. The Pharisees
heard the message and rejected
its implication. What
Jesus said went in
one ear and came out the other.
Jesus said -
Matthew 13:15 - “For the heart of this
people has become dull -
spiritually they’re dozing - For the
heart of this
people has become dull, with their ears they scarcely
hear, and they
have closed their eyes, otherwise they would see with
their eyes, hear
with their ears, and understand with their heart and
return, and I
would heal hem.”
Eyes and
ears are the gateway to the heart -
the deepest part of who we are. How
we cut off - preempt - what Jesus says - without
letting His words sink
into the deepest part of who we are.
put away our Sermon Notes - sing our last song - and
go on complacently
with our lives. But, Jesus
is saying, “Those
who are spiritually alive - let this sink into you -
let my words
change how you live - on the deepest level of your
“He who has ears to hear” is all about the heart of a
disciple - the condition of our heart before God. Our
openness to the work of the Holy Spirit.
willingness to act on what we hear - to repent - to
change - to grow. To
allow God to move us beyond complacency.
To wake us up - to light fire in our hearts so
we will burn for Him.
Are you
awake? Or,
are you asleep?
we sing our last song - there are some here who have
never really
come to life in Jesus. Maybe you’ve been
living by all the outward
stuff of Christianity. Looking
awake. But inwardly
there’s a void - an emptiness
that needs to be filled. - Christian service is important - but
it will
never save you. All these things have their place -
even as a
believer. But they will
never bring us to
the healing and fulfillment and purposes that God has
for us.
saved - we enter
relationship with God - when we turn from trusting in what
we do for
ourselves and the hope that we’ll get by or make it on
the merits of
our own character. God
saves us - when we turn
and give our lives to Jesus -
trusting Him as our Savior and Lord.
Jesus has
settled it all. He paid the penalty for our sins by
the sacrifice of
Himself on the
cross. We could never add
to that. Christianity -
Church - at its core - isn’t about who we
are - or what we hope people may think we are - its
about God - coming
into us - living in us - renewing us spiritually -
rebuilding our lives.
Today, hear
what the Spirit is saying to you.
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