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THE WRATH OF THE LAMB Revelation 6:1-17 Series: The Revelation of Jesus Christ - Part Six Pastor Stephen Muncherian October 20, 2019 |
you stand with me as we come together before God and His
word - and allow me to read for us our text for this
morning? Revelation 6 - starting at verse 1: Now I watched when the Lamb opened
one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four
living creatures say with a voice like thunder, “Come!” And I looked,
and behold, a white horse!
And its rider had a bow, and a crown was given to
him, and he came out conquering, and to conquer. When He opened the second seal, I
heard the second living creature say, “Come!” And out came
another horse, bright red.
Its rider was permitted to take peace from the
earth, so that people should slay one another, and he
was given a great sword. When he opened the third seal, I
heard the third living creature say, “Come!” And I looked,
and behold, a black horse!
And its rider had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard
what seemed to be a voice in the midst of the four
living creatures, saying, “A quart of wheat for a
denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius, and
do not harm the oil and wine!” When He opened the fourth seal, I
heard the voice of the fourth living creature say,
“Come!” And
I looked, and behold, a pale horse! And its
rider’s name was Death, and Hades followed him. And they were
given authority over a fourth of the earth, to kill with
sword and with famine and with pestilence and by wild
beasts of the earth.
Then they were each given a white
robe and told to rest a little longer, until the number
of their fellow servants and their brothers should be
complete, who were to be killed as they themselves had
been. When He opened the sixth seal, I
looked, and behold, there was a great earthquake, and
the sun became black as sackcloth, the full moon became
like blood, and the stars of the sky fell to the earth
as the fig tree sheds its winter fruit when shaken by a
gale. The
sky vanished like a scroll that is being rolled up, and
every mountain and island was removed from its place. Then the kings of the earth and the
great ones and the generals and the rich and the
powerful, and everyone, slave and free, hid themselves
in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains,
calling to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide
us from the face of Him who is seated on the throne, and
from the wrath of the Lamb, for the great day of their
wrath has come, and who can stand?” In
verse 1 John begins “Now I watched...” Which leads us into what comes next -
chapter 6 - which is a continuation of John’s vision in
chapter 5 which is a continuation of John’s vision in
chapter 4 - all of which goes on through chapter 19 and
finally leads to what is the marriage of heaven and
earth - in chapters 21 and 22 - which is where God has
been going since Genesis. It is important that we understand that. The big
picture flow of how all this fits together. Chapters and
verses are not inspired Scripture. Chapters and
verses were added in stages it the 1500’s and are
helpful. But,
sometimes can be a distraction - dividing Scripture into
sections that keep us from seeing the overall flow of
Scripture. Chapters 4 to about 19 are really one
movement of God’s future that needs to be seen as a
whole if we’re going to understand the why this is here
importance of John’s revelation. Not sliced up
and dissected and each individual part put under a
microscope. There
is a value to all that dissection and study. But not if it
keeps us back from seeing God’s point and purposes. So this morning we’re going to look at 14
plus chapters with a broad brush approach touching on
only some specifics that will help us to grab the big
picture. Which
may make some people very happy and may mean I’ll get
emails from others - especially those who want to know
if the antichrist is President Trump or Congresswoman
Pelosi. In either case - make sure your safety bar
is in its down and locked position until the sermon
comes to a complete stop. Brief backfill. Chapter 4
brought us into the throne room of God. Where the
focus is on God who sits on His throne. God who is
worshiped. God
in His awesomeness.
His majesty.
His power. His
sovereign authority.
Emphasis nothing happens. Nothing exists
- past, present, future - apart from God’s complete
knowledge - God’s sovereign intention. So behind everything is God. God who has
since Genesis been working through real people in real
places in real time and covenants and Law and sacrifices
to restore and redeem us from our brokenness and the
separation from God caused by our sin [thank you Adam]. Hopefully that
sounds familiar. All of that points to Jesus. Jesus - who we
saw in chapter 1 is the focus of this revelation because
Jesus is central to everything God has done - is doing -
and will do in history. Jesus - who at the inauguration of His
incarnate ministry - what we looked at when we looked at
Mark - Jesus begins by declaring that God’s kingdom is
hand - right here being revealed in Jesus - and right
now is the time to repent and believe in the gospel -
the message, ministry, and person of Jesus Christ. Hopefully that
sounds familiar. Jesus - who we saw in Revelation chapters 2
and 3 stands in the midst of His church - the repentant
believers - specifically the 7 churches listed which
were real churches located in what is today western
Turkey. Seven
churches that are also symbolic of the Church -
including Creekside. Jesus who is aware of the spiritual
condition of each church and the obstacles and struggles
they are facing. Jesus
who calls upon each church to choose to trust Him - even
in the midst of the drama and persecution they are
facing. Hopefully
that sounds familiar. Revelation chapter 5 - continues John’s
vision of the sovereign God on His throne - who’s been
working His plan and purposes in history - and chapter 5
then shows us Jesus who is at the right hand of God’s
throne - the position of power and authority - worshiped
because He Jesus - He Himself is God. Jesus who is worthy to open the scroll
because He is the Lamb who was slain and is standing -
crucified and resurrected.
Jesus who is able to open the scroll that
contains God’s complete instructions for how and when
the sovereign God wills history is to reach its end. Jesus who has
the authority to execute the instructions contained in
the scroll. Hopefully
that sounds familiar. Pulling all that together as we head into
chapter 6. God
has a plan to redeem us from our sin and to give us
eternity with Him.
Jesus is central to God’s plan - then - now - and
tomorrow. Jesus
who - incarnate, crucified, resurrected - Jesus has
suffered for us and is with us and calls us - His Church
- to follow Him. Especially
in what is to take place as He unrolls the scroll. Because the
only way forward through all of that to what God has
promised us - because the only way forward is to follow
Jesus. God’s
plan. Jesus
is central. Follow
Jesus. Can we say that together: “God’s plan. Jesus is
central. Follow
Jesus.” If we’ve got that we’ve got the big picture
of what this section of revelation is all about. Okay.
Now we’re ready to unpack chapter 6 and beyond. Look
with me at the screen.
We’re only going to touch the highlights - just
an outline of what’s coming. But it is
important to see the big picture of where God is going
with the end of history.
Starting on the left. Most probably
- meaning when we get to heaven we all can have a
discussion about whether or not this was the right
interpretation or not. Most probably what’s in the scroll comes
after the rapture.
Rapture comes from a Latin word that means to be
“joyfully caught up.”
The rapture is Jesus coming back to call His
church up off the earth.
What most probably takes place between chapters 3
and 4. Then, most probably - combining Old
Testament prophecy - think Daniel - and what Jesus
taught - most probably after the rapture future history
heads into a period of 7 years known as The Great
Tribulation. Why the “great” tribulation? Because
there’s “great” tribulation. Worse
tribulation than ever before in history. Most probably - during The Great
Tribulation each of the seals on the scroll get opened -
the scroll is unrolled - revealing instructions. Instructions
and details that are described in chapters 6 and 7. Seal number one gives instructions for a
time of cold war in which John writes about a rider on a
white horse with a bow and no arrows going out and
conquering. Having
a bow and no arrows may mean that all that conquering is
done through diplomacy not military might. Seal number two gives instructions for open
warfare - a rider on a bright red horse is sent out to
take peace from the earth.
Red meaning a whole lot of bleeding and dying is
going on. Which
is followed by famine and more death. Which -
looking at human history - is not hard to imagine. Only this is
worse - “great.” Summarizing the seals Each
seal is opened and the scroll is unrolled - history -
time - moves forward through The Great Tribulation -
instructions are given in heaven that are carried out on
earth. Instructions
that involve God’s judgment and wrath poured out on the
earth and the people on the earth. Hold onto your safety bar. Moving into chapter 8 - the seventh seal -
when its broken reveals instructions for seven trumpets. Trumpets were
used to announce significant events. Meaning these
are significant judgments - administered by special
angels - coming directly from God. Trumpet number one is a mixture of hail and
fire with blood thrown down on the earth - with the
result that one-third of the earth, trees, and grass are
burned up. Trumpet number two involves something like
a great burning mountain being thrown into the sea -
maybe a meteor - so that one-third of the sea becomes
blood, a third of the sea life dies, and one-third of
the ships are destroyed. Future history - time - moves forward -
seven trumpets each announcing 7 judgments of God. Still
together? Trumpet number seven introduces seven bowls
of judgment which take place - probably - during the
second half of The Great Tribulation. Comparing the
bowls to the seals and trumpets things only get worse -
“greater.” The angels who administer these judgments
appear to be turning the bowls upside down so that every
last drop of God’s wrath gets poured out. These are
intense judgments. By time God is done pouring out His wrath -
the earth is pretty much toast. Billions have
died. The
man centered economic and political and social and
religious systems of mankind that are operating against
God are toast - forever. To say that all this is devastating is
hugely an understatement.
“Great” doesn’t even really cover it. Every thing that mankind - apart from God -
everything that mankind has put their trust in -
everything that mankind has been looking to for security
- is gone in judgment.
At the end of The Great Tribulation there’s
the battle at Armageddon. And then… Jesus comes back. Jesus - the
Lamb returns - victorious - conquering. Jesus leading
the army of heaven - people from every nation, tribe,
and language - who have remained faithful. Jesus - teaching His disciples about The
Great Tribulation - Matthew 24:22 - Jesus said, “If those days had not been cut
short, no human being would be saved.” By God’s grace there’s an end point to
God’s wrath being poured out. Then there’s what is described as the
Millennium - 1,000 years of Christ’s rule on earth. However you
interpret it - symbolic or literal - the point is that
Jesus will return as King to deal with evil and
vindicate His followers. Followed by the Great White Throne of
Judgment and eternity. History will end how and when the sovereign
God says it will end.
Eternity isn’t about man’s philosophical and
religious imaginings.
Eternity is determined according to the will of
the sovereign God who created it. That’s the big picture of what’s in the
scroll. God’s
will for the consummation of all history. How all things
will end. Judgment
for the world and the final reward of God’s people. The victory of the Lamb. Jesus the Lamb
who was slain and is standing. Jesus who is
worthy to open the scroll and Jesus who has authority to
execute the contents of the scroll. God’s plan.
Jesus is central.
Follow Jesus. Not too many years ago I took a class in
college - down at Biola - Church and Last Things. The prof was
known for being really hung up on details and a very
hard grader. Meaning
pretty much everyone got a “C.” Anything
higher was fantasy.
And, he was stickler for details. Anything in
the reading or lecture was fair game for a test no
matter how obscure. One day he started outlining future history
like we just did. And
for the better part of an hour - writing on the chalk
board - which is what we ancients used to use before
smart boards - he started at the left side of the board
and wrote across two 8 foot long chalk boards - wrote
out in great detail and minutia all the seals, trumpets
and bowls and symbols sequences of the tribulation. Completely
filled 16 feet of chalk board. And we all were copying it all down in
great detail because it was all fair game for tests and
we all were clinging to our “C’s”. About 5 minutes before class was over. He stopped. Stepped back. Looked at the
board. And
uttered the immortal words, “That can’t be right.” And erased the whole thing.
equally really good Bible scholars think that these 3
sets of 7 divine judgments are actually 3 different
perspectives of the same period of future history - that
God reveals in light of history’s final end - which is
the marriage of Heaven and earth - chapters 21 and 22 -
where the sovereign God is going with all this. Kind of like those Russian dolls where one
is inside the other and yet they’re all in the same
place. All
of the 7’s are woven together to that the 7 bowls are
contained within the 7th trumpet and the trumpets are
contained within the 7th seal and it all probably
happens in those 7 years. Same period of time - the tribulation. Same content
of judgement. Same
theme: God’s
plan. Jesus
is central. Follow
Jesus. But
the perspective changes. Who’s right?
Ask me when we get to heaven and I’ll give you
the answer. But for now - if we can keep the
information on the chalk board and at same time look at
these 3 sets as 3 perspectives of the same process and
result - it will help us answer one crucial question:
Because that is one of - if not the main
question of revelation - which is: What happens
to God’s people? Will
they survive? Will
they conquer? Will
they inherit the new heaven and new earth that God has
in store for us? Will
they endure and live in that future coming kingdom? What does it
mean to follow Jesus through all that? There are huge life lessons for us to learn
in the answer to those questions. We need to be reminded that the 7 churches
that we were introduced to at the beginning of the
revelation are 7 real churches in real time in real
places. God
giving this revelation directly - initially - to them. John is writing down this revelation in
about 95 AD. The
persecution of Christians under Nero is past history. But the
effects on those who went through that persecution is
still pretty current. And while some in these 7 churches may not
have experienced it yet - many are - the persecution of
Christians under the Emperor Domitian is happening and
it’s getting worse. These 7 churches are in the cross hairs of
current and coming persecution. Horrible
persecution. And
they know it. So it is crucial that they know that Jesus
knows where they’re at and that He’s with them -
chapters 2 and 3. And,
crucial that they know what’s coming and how to follow
Jesus through all that - the big picture of chapter 4
and beyond. Crucial for them to hear what Jesus says to
the churches. Each
congregation regardless of where they are physically and
spiritually and what lies ahead of them - Jesus appeals
to each of them to respond by trusting Him - follow Me -
and repeatedly Jesus promises great reward to those who
will conquer by remaining faithful to Him. In a lot of ways - Revelation 4 to 19 plus
- is the illustration of what it means to follow Jesus
and so conquer - even in the midst of persecution. Notice what is common to all the 3 sets of
divine judgments. Great destruction and death. In the seals,
John uses imagery from
Zechariah - the horses symbolize what is totally
messed up in human history and horrendous realities of
that - war - conquest - famine - death. In the
trumpets and bowls that imagery is more specific -
intentionally bringing to mind the plagues of Egypt. Judgment with purpose. To call the
nations to repentance.
Which - like Pharaoh - they do not. The nations
continue in rebellion against God bringing more judgment
on themselves. Some place in all that God’s people are
persecuted - often martyred - always suffering. Crying out to
God for deliverance - for vengeance - for an end - while
they’re being oppressed by the governments and economics
and cultures of this world. Always with that suffering is the
temptation that Jesus addressed while addressing the 7
churches - the temptation to compromise - to bend - to
adopt - to assent - to comply with the world. And Jesus’
call to trust Him - to conquer by remaining faithful to
Him. It is a symbolic vision of a very real
choice - that is before every generation of the church. Even us today. Man - under
the delusion of Satan - in rebellion against God - what
must be turned from and resisted - verses - God’s
promise given to us in Jesus - who will return and
remove evil from His world as we enter into forever life
with God - God’s promise that we are to cling to as we
are trusting in Jesus as our Savior. Finally the Lamb - Jesus - returns in
judgement at the head of heavens army composed of people
from every nation, tribe, people, and language - those
who have repented - those who have remained faithful. Each cycle
depicts Jesus conquering over His enemies and God’s
kingdom and justice coming here on earth as it is in
heaven. The
future realization of the kingdom - the marriage of
heaven and earth - which is coming. Which each of these 3 cycles of 7 ends
with. The
end point of where God has been going since Genesis. What does it mean for us to follow Jesus
through all that? Jesus
told His disciples:
“I have said these things to you,
that in Me you may have peace. In the world
you will have tribulation.
But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) Let’s be clear: As the Lamb Jesus is meek - the incarnation
of God’s grace - led to the slaughter without opening
His mouth. As
the Lamb Jesus is judged and gives Himself up as our
sacrifice. And
yet - Jesus wins - Jesus overcomes - Jesus conquers
because He is the Lamb who was slain. The basis of Jesus’s worthiness - to take
the scroll - His authority to break the seven seals - to
redeem the world - to execute judgment - even the
victory that we ourselves look forward to - the basis of
all that is not because of military or political might
or any other power or ability found in creation. The basis of Jesus overcoming -
overwhelming - all-encompassing - all-conquering victory
is His perfect submission to the will of God the Father
- following the will of God even in death - even His own
sacrifice of crucifixion in our place. Resurrected - Jesus is the first born from
the dead in whom is the hope of all of God’s people who
will dwell in God’s kingdom forever. Jesus who is
our hope. He
overcomes. We
overcome. The revelation of that truth was given to
John’s readers to give them hope - courage - inspire
faith - to move them deeper in their relationship with
God as Jesus calls His Church to remain faithful and so
Grab that and hang on. For those united with Jesus in death -
death is not the end.
We live in Jesus’ victory over sin and death. The end of
life isn’t a plot in the marble orchard. We live in
this world of sin - of death and destruction and drama -
of pain and persecution - sickness and suffering. But, our home
is not here. When Jesus comes back we’re going home. These bodies
that are falling apart are gonna be transformed into
bodies that never wear out. We’re going to
live with God forever.
In a place more beautiful - more awesome - than
anything we can imagine.
A place of great joy and peace. No tears. No mourning. No death. No decay. No sin pulling
us down each day of our lives - entangling us. We’re going to
life in the dwelling place of God Himself where the
sinful crud of this world no longer matters. Paul
goes on: “Now if we have died with Christ, we
believe that we will also live with Him.” (Romans 6:8) Who’s gonna’ live with Jesus? Us. Those who’ve
died with Him. What does dying to ourselves look like? Following
Jesus? Heart
level faith in real time? Jesus
put it this way: “Whoever does not take up his cross
and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds
his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my
sake will find it.”
(Matthew 10:38,39). And He’s serious. To live by
faith means dying to living by faith in ourselves - or
by faith in what’s in the world - or faith in anything
or anyone but Jesus.
Which is a hard teaching to process. Dying to ourselves means that - coming to
Jesus as our Savior - we’ve allowed God to take
everything that we once were apart from God - to have it
crucified on the cross with Jesus. It is dead to
us. And the
only hope we have in life - that we cling to - is Him. We overcome as Jesus overcame. Following
Jesus by obeying the will of the Father - living and
demonstrating and sharing His love - the gospel of His
kingdom - even when it means death. Processing
all that… one
takeaway of many we could focus on. Chapter 6 ends with a question. In the midst of the devastation and the
poured out wrath of God the nations of the world refuse
to repent. They
cry out for the rocks and mountains to kill them - to
keep them from facing God on the throne and the wrath of
the Lamb because the great day of their wrath has come.
The nations ask: “Who can stand?” When the end arrives and the “great”
tribulation and the wrath of God and the Lamb is
unleashed - who can withstand their wrath? Answer: Those who by
faith stand in Jesus will remain standing. They will not
only endure - but even in death they will conquer. That life lesson is worth living by - in
what will come - and in what is even today. Question: This morning
where do you stand? _______________ Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture
quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard
Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a
publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by
permission. All
rights reserved. |