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HIS LOVE SONG OF SOLOMON 2:4 Pastor Stephen Muncherian September 15, 2013 |
This morning there is one truth that we
want to hang on to - the bottom line of what we’re
looking at this morning:
God loves you.
Closer to home - say this to yourself: “God loves me.” Let that truth rattle around inside for a
moment. God loving us is sometimes easier to grab
on to intellectually - in our heads - than in our
hearts. One
reason being that for many of us our understanding of
love has been messed up by past experience. Things we’ve
gone through in our childhood - past relationships -
the church. In
reality what love is all about is hard to grab onto. Let’s be honest - the way the world does
love - the vast majority of what we experience around
us in the name of love - all that is pretty selfish. The way we
may have been treated by people who were suppose to
“love” us maybe didn’t go so well. For some -
just saying that our Heavenly Father loves you - is
kind of a scary thing.
Because the idea of a father - think earthly
father - loving us didn’t go so well. It is difficult - at times - to think
that God could actually love us. In part -
because it is even more difficult to think that we
actually are loveable.
And here’s the hardest one. It is really
difficult to even love ourselves. God loving us is pretty easy to say - on
an intellectual - theological - been to church heard
that - been taught that - level. But, deeper
- at the heart level - maybe not so easy. But the bottom line is that - regardless
of the hang ups we have - God really does love us. This morning
what we’d like to do is look at one verse of Scripture
with the goal of having that truth of God’s love
impressed deeper into our hearts. Would you turn with me to Song of Solomon
2:4. The
Song of Solomon is not a book that normally gets
preached from. It
may be even a tad hard to find if you’re turning pages
instead of swiping on a pad. But, it is a
hugely significant book in the Bible. Historically
- one of the most read and most loved books. The Song of Solomon answers the cry from
deep within each of us - our crying out for love. The theme of
the book is love.
1 Kings 4:32 tells us that Solomon composed
1,005 songs. This
is the only one that God has preserved for us. Maybe
because the song of songs is about the theme of themes
- love. On one level - this song is a love poem
that describes pretty graphically the divinely
given function of sex.
This is not G rated material. Tradition
says that the Jews wouldn’t permit their young men to
read it until they were 30 years old. The poem is
honest - up front - describing sex as God intended sex
to be - not just physical but involving the whole
nature of who we are.
But deeper - the Jews understood the Song
of Songs as an allegory - as an illustration of God’s
love for His people.
Historically - Solomon probably wrote this poem
as a description of real time events - his courtship
and marriage with a Shulamite women. But reading through Scripture - over and
over God uses marriage as an illustration of the depth
of relationship between God and His people. So, on a
deeper level what we have here is a description of how
greatly God loves His people and the intimate depth of
loving relationship that God desires for His people to
have with Him. Taking that one step deeper - bringing
all that into the New Testament - the song describes
the love of Christ for His Church - us. How deeply -
intimately - each of us is loved by God. And, how
greatly God desires for us to experience a loving
relationship with Him in Jesus. Which really is the core of what we’re
looking at this morning - what can be helpful to us -
as we’re thinking through what it means that God loves
us. Impressing
that truth on our hearts. What that
can look like for each of us on the heart level. Song
of Solomon 2:4 - would you read this one verses with
me: He brought me to the banqueting
house and his banner over me was love.
Have you ever been somewhere where they
had a place setting like this? Total
confusion. Which
fork do you use first?
Epic failure if we get it wrong.
In a formal place setting - left to right
- just the dinner ware - there’s a separate fork for
the fish course - the meat course - the salad course -
then knives - for the salad course - the meat course -
the fish course - a soup spoon - a seafood fork. Then above
the plates a dessert fork and a coffee/tea spoon. A water
glass - champagne glass - red wine glass - white wine
glass. And
then the plates and napkins and on and on. How many of us eat like this? I had to
look it up. What’s being described here in verse 4 is
a wedding reception on steroids. Think
royalty - wealth - opulence. Multi-course
meals with massively confusing place settings. This is the
wedding feast. Can
you imagine working out who sits where? The first part of the Song of Solomon
focuses on the wedding day. Later on
there are sections of the book that focus on
remembering the courtship and the engagement on what
Solomon and his bride mean to each other. But here in verse 4 this is the after the
wedding ceremony wedding feast of the richest guy who
ever lived. At
the time, probably the most well known. Everybody
who’s anybody is there.
There’s no expense spared. The finest
food. The
best dressed people.
The greatest music. The most
incredible decorations.
Toasts. A
total celebration of royal proportions. There’s also a crucial contrast here. While we may know a lot about Solomon we
don’t know a whole lot about his bride - the Shulamite
girl. We
don’t even know her name. One thing we
do know is that she shouldn’t be here. Reading through the Song of Songs -
Solomon had a vineyard in the hill country of Ephraim
- a ways outside Jerusalem. He’d leased
the vineyard to a mother, her two sons, and her two
daughters. Together
they work this vineyard.
Some of the income being paid to Solomon. The Shulamite woman is the older daughter
who’s kinda like Cinderella - naturally beautiful but
unnoticed - except for what the rest of the family can
get out of her. The
two brothers are probably step-brothers who’s greatest
delight in life is to make this Shulamite woman work
extremely hard - long hours - tending the vineyard. She prunes
the vines. Sets
traps for foxes.
Keeps the flocks. So she has no time to take care of
herself. She
is generally outside - getting torn up and burnt up. Probably
smells a whole lot like sheep. Point being
- she is not a dainty lady of the court - pampered -
polished - and powdered - lily white. One day a handsome stranger comes into
the vineyard - who is King Solomon in disguise. Maybe - as
Solomon writes in Ecclesiastes - maybe Solomon was out
to discover what life is like at various levels. So his
exploration of life brings Solomon to his vineyard -
disguised as a simple country shepherd. He meets this young lady and is attracted
to her. They
fall head over heels in love with each other. Promise
themselves to each other. Then he goes
away. And
she spends a large part of the Song of Solomon
describing her loneliness - longing for this young man
that she thinks is a lowly shepherd. Dreaming
about him at night.
Thinking about him during the day. One day there’s an announcement that King
Solomon is coming to visit in all of his regal glory. An
announcement that the girl doesn’t pay a whole lot of
attention to because she’s longing for her shepherd
boy. Suddenly
she receives a message that the king wants to see her. This is kind of romantic. Isn’t it? She doesn’t know why King Solomon in all
of his royal magnificence would want
to see her the lowly sharecropper until she discovers
that in reality the King is the shepherd who’s deeply
in love with her. The king comes - whisks her off her feet
- takes her back to Jerusalem. They’re
married in the palace.
Then he brings her to the banqueting house -
not as a poor abused sun burnt frump girl who smells
like sheep - but as his queen. Proudly
displayed before all in regal splendor -
breathtakingly beautiful. Verse 4 is the bride’s description of
being there. The
perspective of the Shulamite woman. The Message
paraphrase gives her description this way: “He took me home with him for a
festival meal, but his eyes feasted on me.” Isn’t that great? “He brought me to the banqueting
house.” Were it not for the shepherd who is the
king she would not belong at the banqueting table. But -
because he loves her - he did and she does. She belongs
at the banquet. While we don’t even know this girl’s name
- she is chosen by God to represent His people. Chosen to
powerfully demonstrate to us what the love of God is
all about. There are astounding implications in that
for us. Thinking
about God’s love for us.
Christ’s love for His Church. What does it
mean for us that Jesus has brought us to His
banqueting house? Jesus brought His disciples to the
Passover Feast - breaks bread and tells them: “This is my body which is given
for you.” Takes the cup after supper - in the Seder
it symbolizes salvation - takes the cup and tells His
disciples: “This is my blood of the covenant, which
is poured out for the many for the forgiveness of
sins.” (Matthew 26:26-29; Luke 22:14-20) God’s love is given - not because of the
merit of the recipient - us. God’s love
is given because God - who is love - chooses to do so. God chooses
- knowing us and the ugliness of our sin - God chooses
to place His only Son on the ugliness of the cross -
to die in our place to make real the offer of our
salvation - our forgiveness - our being set free from
bondage to our sins and the ugliness of what we do
with our lives - set free to experience life as it is
created to be lived - the intimate depth of a made
right relationship with God. Verse 4 is in the past tense. He has brought me… What’s here
reveals the depth of personal relationship that’s
possible between Jesus and every individual believer. He’s already
brought us to the table of His salvation. He’s already
brought us to the table of fellowship with Him. He’s already
brought us to the table of relationship together as
His body. What Jesus sets before us - today - is a
table overflowing with good things. He invites
us to eat and be satisfied. Jesus said, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to
me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall
never thirst.” (John 6:35).
Looking forward into future history - the
church - each of us as believers - we can look forward
to the day of the final banquet when God will bring us
to the marriage supper of the Lamb. Revelation 19:9 says, “Blessed are those who are invited to the
marriage supper of the Lamb.” Revelation 19 describes Jesus Christ as
the Bridegroom - the Church is His bride - raptured -
resurrected - purified - made ready by marriage -
brought to the feast.
Until that time we’re separated. Jesus is in
heaven. We’re
on earth. The
marriage supper celebrates our formal union with
Christ in our eternal relationship. From that
moment on we will always be together. (Revelation
19:7-9) By God’s grace - because of God’s love
for us - as believers in Jesus you and I will be
there. What
a gathering! Are
you looking forward to being there? I’m looking forward to seeing people I’ve
missed - family and friends that I know will be there. I’m looking
forward to seeing family I’ve never met. But I’ve
heard about them - their faith. I know
they’ll be there.
And the saints of the Bible - the Church
Fathers - those that have gone on before us in the
faith. They’ll
all be there.
And at the head of the table - Jesus. Imagine sitting around that table - the
stories - the adventures - the testimonies - all to
the glory of God who has brought us there. That goes on forever. A forever
reunion with no tears - no sorrow - no regrets - to
pain - no mourning.
But life - real life - restored life -
unimaginable life. That is future history. History that
will happen. Because
God loves us we know that He will bring us - He has
brought us - into His banqueting house and everything
that He has promised us He will fulfill - now and
forever. The second part of verse 4 goes on: and his banner over me was love. The word for banner is “degel” - which
means… banner. A
piece of cloth fastened to a pole. The same word is used in the book of
Numbers 2:2 where God is giving instructions to Moses
and Aaron about how the people of Israel are to set
out their camp. Looking at the picture. The
Tabernacle is in the middle of the camp. God’s place
of dwelling with His people - where the sacrifices
take place. Then
the 12 tribes are camped out around the Tabernacle. In front of
each tribe is their banner. Are we together? There are a number of ways to understand
what Solomon’s bride means by “his banner over me.” We want to
touch on just four.
A banner is a symbol of presence. Each tribe camps behind their own banner. Each tribe
has its assigned location. Every time
the nation made camp that’s where you camped. Judah with
Judah. Ruben
with Ruben and so on.
Each tribe camps behind their own banner. The banner
is between them and the Tabernacle. It is interesting to think that every
time someone in their camping spot - camping with
their tribe - when they looked at their banner they’d
see the Tabernacle - God’s dwelling place - His
presence in the center of the camp. God is with
us. David wrote in Psalm 23: “You prepare a table before me in
the presence of my enemies.” Imagine a battlefield - bullets flying -
people screaming - dying - smoke - burning -
explosions - cacophonous - carnage - confusion. In the midst
of all that a table - with a fine tablecloth - set
with the finest china - a candelabra - flowers - the
finest food. A
place of peace in the midst of what should cause great
terror. David writes, “I will fear no evil…” even in “the valley of the shadow of death.” Why? “For you are with me.” God’s presence. Joy is the realization of God’s presence
in our lives. A
realization - whatever is going on outside of camp -
the wild and the wilderness - God is with us. “You anoint my head with oil. My cup
overflows. Surely
goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my
life.” This is all about God’s generous
provision for us.
His hospitality.
His favor.
Even in the wilderness. When the bills are due and there’s more
month left than money.
Or we get that life changing phone call from
the doctor. Or
whatever - you can fill in the blank. Whatever is
swirling around us and we’re struggling not to stress
out and totally lose it.
No matter how insane it gets. His banner
over you is love.
Presence. Because God loves us God is with us. God is still
with you. Do
not fear evil. Trust
the presence of the God who loves you. Second:
A banner is a symbol of identity. Each tribe gathers together to camp
behind their banner.
2 million plus Hebrews in the nation and we
know who we are.
Identity. Every time we read a genealogy in the
Bible - so and so begat so and so. Every time
we read a long list of who brought what or who built
what or who came back from wherever. Or we read a
long list of numbers - how many people were in such
and such a tribe.
How many people were in each family. All those
lists that make for such great devotional reading. Every one of those people is someone. And while
those lists may not mean a great deal to us they meant
a whole lot to the people who were listed there. And - here’s
the point - every person listed there individually
means a whole lot to God. So much so
that God choose to love them and to call them to be
His people. So
that they would be forever identified with Him. As believers in Jesus our names are
listed in the Lamb’s Book of Life - the list of who
will spend eternity with God. Aren’t you
glad you’re on that list? Aren’t you
glad that its important to God that your name is on
that list? Identity means knowing where we belong
and it means knowing who we belong to. His banner over me is love. We’re the
church - the Body of Christ. We’re His -
His bride. There’s a shade of meaning of the word
banner that has to do with what we see - what we
identify with our eyes.
In other words God sees us with loving eyes. Meaning that
the banner symbolizes that God - because He loves us -
He sees us as His own - lovingly sees us - lovingly
recognizes us - with love identifies us as His own. That banquet hall was packed. But Solomon
only saw his Shulamite bride. “his eyes feasted on me.” Can you imagine that God looks on each
one of us individually that way. Out of all
of humanity - out of all those who have ever lived -
are living - will live - God chooses to love you. Chooses to
die for you. Chooses
to call you His own.
Chooses to present you as the bride chosen for
His Son. Claim that for yourself. His banner
over me was love. Third:
A banner is a symbol of protection. When Israel broke camp - when they were
picking up and moving out to the next camp ground -
where each tribe had camped - assigned location - also
determined where you marched - your assigned location
in the line of march - who followed who. One of the
ways they got people to line up was that each tribe
followed their banner.
Pretty simple - follow the banner and you’re
going to be where you belong. God established that order. 2 million
plus people breaking camp and moving out across the
wilderness. Without
that order there’s chaos and disaster and death. People get
lost. People
get picked off. Being
with the tribe - there’s safety in numbers. People to
rely on. People
who defend each other - fight for each other. In a sense - follow the banner - trust
God’s ordering of things - and be safe. When Jesus took on human flesh and
entered this world God declared: “This is my beloved Son, with whom
I am well pleased.”
(Matthew 3:17) A series of events - planned in the mind
of God before creation was creation - a series of God
ordered events moves to God’s planned outcome. The enemies
of Jesus couldn’t touch Him until it was time. He was
protected. Paul
writes in Romans 5:6
“At the right time Christ died for the
ungodly” - us. When the right time came - the time
chosen by God - then Jesus’ enemies took Him and
crucified Him. They
thought that God had abandoned Him. They mocked
Jesus - saying “He trusted God, so let God rescue him
now if He wants Him!
For He said, ‘I am the Son of God.’” (Matthew 27:43 TNLT) But God was still pleased with Jesus. God raised
Jesus from the dead.
He delivered Him from death. And God’s
banner of salvation and protection is over all those
who trust Jesus as their Savior. Sometimes we think we know where we’re
going and how we’re going to get there and we think we
have enough control over our lives and what’s going on
around us that we think we can get ourselves there. But the way to move through the
wilderness of life is to follow God. God has all
of history laid out.
Its going where He has willed it to go. Even death
must obey His will.
Salvation and our eternal destiny is all about
God’s timing and what He wills. Point being that when we get outside of
where God has planned for us to follow Him we’re in
serious serious danger.
And God knows that. God chooses
to love us and helps us to understand that He does
love us. In
Jesus He calls us to a relationship with Him. Places His
banner over us and instructs us to follow Him through
life. There’s a question here that each of us
needs to answer every day of our lives: Who’s banner
are we following?
Ours? Or
God’s? Each
of us needs to come to the moment in our lives when we
trust that Jesus really is our Savior and we really do
surrender our lives to God. And then
live surrendered to Him.
Choosing to follow Him through life not our own
whit, wisdom, and working. A
fourth understanding of banner is that A banner is a symbol of victory. For the Roman legions a banner was a
symbol of battle - warfare - conquest - the
overwhelmingly victorious Roman legions. When the
Israelites - obeying God’s marching orders - followed
their tribal banner into battle - they were following
God - trusting God for His victory. Which God
led them to - huge victories over some really powerful
enemies. In
Romans 8 - familiar verses - Paul asks a question: “Who shall
separate us from the love of Christ?” Notice “from
the love of Christ.”
What God has done for us in Christ because God
chooses to love us. Paul goes on with a pretty complete list. “Shall tribulation, or distress,
or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or
sword? As
it is written, ‘For your sake we are being killed all
the day long; we are regarded as sheep to be
slaughtered.’” Paul gives us a pretty complete list of
the physical troubles and dangers of life. The last
part is a quote from Psalm 44 - the part about God’s
people being like sheep getting slaughtered - is a
reminder that the death of God’s people - even
martyrdom - isn’t anything new. (Psalm
44:22) God’s people have always suffered. Been
tortured - suffered all kinds of horrible deaths. Death is a
part of life. Anything
short of that shouldn’t come as a surprise to us.
Paul gives us a list of things unseen. The powers
behind what we see going on in the physical world. The
authorities - godly and evil - the sweep of creation
history present and future - even death itself. In the middle of those lists - Paul
asking and answering his question - is verse 37. Paul writes,
“No, in all these things -
the worst of the worst that life can throw at us - in all these things we are more
than conquerors through him who loved us.” (Romans 8:35-39) Paul’s question: Who will
separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our
Lord? Answer: No One - No
Thing. Simply
cannot be done. Why? Because God
loves us. We don’t just fearfully walk through the
valley of the shadow of death - nervously peering into
the darkness waiting for something to jump out at us -
repeating over and over, “The Lord is my shepherd. The Lord is
my shepherd.” We don’t just put up with suffering -
mumbling under our breath, “This is so unfair. What ever
happened to that Thou art with me part?” Paul writes that in all these things -
how many things?
All these things we are
what? “more than
conquerors” -
we’re “overwhelming conquerors.”
In the worst of life - when we choose to
turn to God - to trust God with our lives - to allow
God to work in us and through us - by the grace and
strength and enduring presence of God within us -
because God chooses to love us - God allows us to
participate in His overwhelming victory won on the
cross through Jesus Christ. Following His banner - Jesus said not
even the gates of Hell itself can stand against the
forward march of the Church. (Matthew
16:18) God takes those things that life throws
at us - actually takes the very things that are
designed to destroy us - and uses them as stepping stones
instead of stumbling blocks. Uses
them - and us - to move His kingdom forward. He brought me to the banqueting
house and his banner over me was love. God loves us. God loves
you. Because
He does - God opens up to us life - life in His Son -
saved - forgiven - righteous - now and forever. God chooses
to be with us and lead us through life. We’re His -
with all that that means. We don’t
need to fear anything in life because not only is God
with us - but we live each day in the victory that
Jesus has won over even the worst of this life - even
death. That’s a lot to take in. Maybe even
difficult to grab on to.
But its true.
a song that goes with verse 4. Its an
oldie… but goodie.
That as we sing a few verses of this together -
songs sometimes being more memorable than sermons -
the idea is that singing this song may help us
remember the song and what we’ve been thinking about
this morning. I am my beloved’s and He is mine His banner over me is love I am my beloved’s and He is mine His banner over me is love I am my beloved’s and He is mine His banner over me is love His banner over me is love He
brought me to His banqueting table His banner over me is love He brought me to His banqueting table His banner over me is love He brought me to His banqueting table His banner over me is love His banner over me is love
His banner over me is love. Jesus is the rock of my salvation, His banner over me is love. Jesus is the rock of my salvation, His banner over me is love. His banner over me is love! He
lifted me up into heavenly places, His banner over me is love. He lifted me up into heavenly places, His banner over me is love. He lifted me up into heavenly places, His banner over me is love. His banner over me is love! The
Lord is mine and I am His His banner over me is love The Lord is mine and I am His His banner over me is love The Lord is mine and I am His His banner over me is love His banner over me is love
_________________________ Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture
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