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SOLUS CHRISTUS JOHN 14:6 Series: Reformation - Part Four Pastor Andrew Smith* October 22, 2017 |
The format of the manuscript below is different than other manuscripts as it is the preaching notes Pastor Andrew Smith used while sharing this message. _______________ Explanation of Solas: So for the last 3
weeks Pastor Steve has been walking us through a
series on the Solas… Each week he has
explained what the Solas are, but let's do a little
reminder one more time… On October 31st we will be
celebrating the 500 hundredth year of the
Reformation… Martin Luther in
1517 walked to Castle Church and nailed his 95
thesis to the door, which kicked off the
Reformation… The Reformation was
a call for change within the Roman Church… But the Roman
Church church responded to these 95 questions with
no change… What was essential
to the Reformation and what Luther believed are
expressed in the Solas… Sola means, “Only…” So the first week
of this series we looked at Sola Scriptura which
means… Only by Scripture… Two weeks ago, we
looked at Sola Gratiis, which means… Only by Grace… Last week we looked
at Sola Fide, which means… Only by faith… Now this week, we
are looking at Solus Christus… Which means…
Only through
This “sola” came
out of a time when the Roman Church was suggesting
that humanity could be saved through earthly means
such as: good works, pleasing church leadership,
paying money, and several other ways. The reformers believed
in "Solus Christus” meaning that only through Christ
can we be saved… No amount of works
or pleasing the Church can one be saved…
The world is
constantly trying to destroy who Christ is… And trying to find
ways that people can be “saved” without Christ… It is important for
us this morning to truly understand who Christ is
and how we are saved through him alone… So as to help us
better understand who Christ is, we are going to
look at John 14:6. Turn with me to
John 14:6 Read passage: John 14:6 “Jesus said to him, “I am the way,
the truth, and the life. No one
comes to the Father expect through me.” The Way: The word, “way” in
Greek is “hodos” which has the idea of path,
direction, journey, or road… The word way here
is getting at the idea that Jesus is our way to the
Father… But Jesus isn’t a
guide that stands quietly by like a ride operator
directly us to some hidden trail… Jesus himself is
the way by whom we get to the Father… He is the one by
which we get to the Father, the very gate we go
through… He is the path we
walk on to get to the Father… Then Jesus gives us
the Holy Spirit to guide us through the journey to
the Father… Jesus is the way to
God because He is the truth of God and the life of
the Father… This last year or
so, the young adults have been going through the Old
Testament book by book… Understanding how
the Old and New Testaments fit together…. So as we understand
the importance of Christ alone… Lets quickly tie
the Old Testament into the New Testament… Throughout the
Torah, the first 5 books of Moses which are the Law… We see God’s
instructions to His children on how to offer
sacrifices that temporarily pay for their sins… These sacrifices
were like placing a band aid on cancer and God
created them to not solve the problem of sin… God wanted His
children to be constantly aware of their sins… And to realize
their constant inability to solve their sin on their
own… Hence showing
Israel their need for a Savior…
Jesus steps on the
scene proclaims He is the Messiah and then is
crucified… Thus fulfilling all
the prophecies and becoming the ultimate sacrifice
who completely pays the blood price for sins that no
animal could ever pay… With Jesus’s death,
He became the one and only way by which we gain life
and communion with the Father… Without Jesus there
is no way that we can ever pay for our sins… Jesus is the way,
the way to the Father… This world we live
in so often tries to convince humanity that there
other ways to god but God is the one and only way to
God. The Truth: Jesus is the Truth… In a world where
most people believe that truth is relative, Jesus
says that He is the one and only Truth… He is the Truth of
God, the one that reveals the truth of the Father… You see, God
becomes our mediator and reveals to all of humanity
that the Father is God… Jesus helps
humanity understand the Father and have a
relationship with him…
1 Timothy 2:5 says
that “there is one mediator between God and man, the
man Christ Jesus…”
Jesus becomes the
very one that stands in between God the Father and
humanity… Helping humanity to
bridge the gap that sin caused between us and God… Within youth
ministry, we often use the idea of two cliffs with a
deep valley in between…. When God created
Adam and Eve there was no valley in between but
instead we had a perfect relationship with God… But when humanity
sinned, and turned away from God… A deep valley was
formed in between and created two cliffs… Now there was no
way for humanity to reach God… But the famous
verse, John 3:16 says, “God so loved the world that
He sent His only son, so whoever believes in Him
will not perish but have eternal life…” So God sent Jesus
to die for us and thus bridging the gap of sin…
It is only through
Christ that we are saved… Ephesians 2:4-10
says, “But God, being rich in
mercy, because of the great love with which
he loved us, even when we
were dead in our trespasses, made us alive
together with Christ—by grace you have been saved—and raised us up
with Him and seated us with Him in the
heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the
coming ages He might show the
immeasurable riches of his grace
in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.
For by grace
you have been saved through faith. And
this is not your own doing; it is the
gift of God, not a result of
works, so that no one may boast. For we are
his workmanship, created in Christ
Jesus for good works, which God prepared
beforehand, that we should walk in them.” That is why it is
so vital for Christians to understand that Jesus is
the one and only Truth… The one that
reveals to us the truth of God the Father and helps
us have a relationship with Him… The Life: Jesus is the life… As we have already
mentioned, Jesus is the sacrifice that fulfilled all
other sacrifices and paid the price for our sins… We have also seen
that Jesus is the one that bridges the gap of sin
between man and God… But there is also
more to the fact that He is the life… Not only is Jesus
the final sacrifice and the bridge for the gap… Jesus also took on
our sin and became sin for us…
This is so
important because humanity can not live or endure
under the weight of their own sin… "
They will go to
hell… But, Jesus being
the life isn’t only pertaining to nonbelievers… Jesus being the
life also affects believers… The very fact that
Jesus died on the cross for our sins in place of us… Affects every
believer as well…
He died for every
sin each one of us has, is currently, and will
commit… Romans 6:10 and 1
Peter 3:18 bring evidence to this…
And paid the price
for your sins forever… But Romans 6:1-2
tells us that we should not sin so that we give
grace the ability to reign but instead we must turn
from our sin and repent and live in Christ…
He is the one by
which we can live… Not physical life
but eternal life… Never ending
perfect union and relationship with God the Father… Choosing Jesus at
the core, shouldn’t be about the fact that we want
to be saved from hell… That is a perk… Choosing Jesus
really should be about the desire to have a perfect
relationship with God, bridging that gap that is
there due to sin through Jesus… Except through me: Now the final part
of this verse is when Jesus proclaims that no one
can get to the Father except through Him…
But now that claim
is even bigger… Jesus here is
claiming that He is the Messiah… The Son of God, the
chosen one… The one that has
been promised… The one that will
offer salvation and is the ambassador of the Father… The one and only
way to God… This was life
altering for Pharisees, they claimed this was
complete heresy… They didn’t believe
Him to be the Messiah… Jesus clearly
claims that no one can get to the Father except
through Him… Jesus is vital for
us to have salvation and a relationship with the
Arius believed that
Jesus was not the true son of God but instead He was
the created one of God… Within Arian
Theology he believed that “There was when He was
not” Arius believed that
the Word or Jesus was created by God… Thus there was a
time when the Word (Jesus) was not. Arius claimed that
the word was not God but strictly the first of all
creatures. Before anything
else was made the Word was created by God. The bishop of
Alexanderia claimed that the Word was divine and
could not be created instead was co-eternal with the
Father. Arius tried to
distinguish between God the Father and his son
saying that God’s divinity could not be shared
between the two so the Son must be created.
So as a rejection
of this heresy the bishops of that time meet
together in 325 A.D. and proceeded to write out what
is now know as the Nicene Creed. In this Creed there
is a very key word mentioned. This word is
"homoousios" which means “of the same substance.” You see the bishops
wanted to make sure Christians clearly knew that
Jesus was of the same substance as God the Father. He was one with the
Father not created.
But the distortions
about Jesus continued throughout history and are
found today… Many religions
including Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Jehovah
Witnesses, Mormonism, Atheism, and others claim that
Jesus is just a good man, or just one god among
many, or just one way that we can reach eternal
life… But it is so sad to
see that the distortions of who Jesus haven’t been
isolated to nonbelievers but instead they have
always penetrated the evangelical church…. Think about this,
many believers within Bible believer solid churches
have no idea the importance of what Jesus did on the
Cross… Some believers,
aren’t even sure if they truly believe if He is the
Son of God… Many don’t even
believe that God is three in one… But here is the
thing, Christians should have no excuse for
incorrect theology of who Jesus is… Because God’s word,
which we learned 3 weeks ago is inspired and
breathed out by God, tells us more times then we can
even count exactly who Jesus is, His relationship to
God the Father and the Holy Spirit, what He did on
the cross, and how that does and should change our
life… It doesn’t take
have Pastor in front of your name or Bible school or
seminary education to understand… It is written out
for us… But hold on, please
don’t hear me insulting anyone here… It is totally fine
to admit we don’t understand everything that is
written here in the Bible… No one ever will… Pastor Steve and I
are happy to sit down with anyone and together study
this amazing book and understand… But what I am
getting at is the common trend among Christians to
not even pick this thing up ever… And then claim that
they don’t understand…
The challenge for
believers is to pick this up, read it, study it,
because I promise you it will make more sense to
you… Processing all of that… As we close today,
Jesus is the way and only way to the Father… He is also the
truth and the life for all of humanity… But Jesus is also
our bridge between God and man… He is our salvation
and life-changing God… The question, do
you truly believe all that the Bible says about
Jesus… Do you believe He
is the way, the truth, and the life… As a reminder of
the importance of who Jesus is… We are going to
recite the Nicene Creed… As I mentioned
earlier, this creed was created entirely out of
trying to destroy the heretical beliefs of Jesus… Read the Nicene
Creed…. Lets pray… _______________ * At the time Pastor Andrew Smith shared this message he was serving on the pastoral Staff of Creekside Evangelical Free Church of Merced. His ministry focused on young couples, college students, and middle school and high school students. Andrew is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute (2016) with a degree in Pastoral Studies. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. |